Appendix 3. Acronyms(Also visit
1D, 2D, 3Done-, two-, three-dimensional
2ICsecond in command
4D Four-dimensional or Time Lapse Seismic Surveys
A/Danalog to digital
AAPGAmerican Association of Petroleum Geologists
ACalternating current
ACSAmerican Chemical Society
AFC Approved for Construction
AGAAmerican Gas Association
AGC automatic gain control
AGUAmerican Geophysical Union
AHRafter hot rolling
AI acoustic impedance
AIChEAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineers
AIMEAmerican Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers
ANDAzimuthal Density Neutron
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
APIAmerican Petroleum Institute
APWDannular pressure while drilling
ASAPas soon as possible
ASCEAmerican Society of Civil Engineers
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASMEAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTMAmerican Society of Testing and Materials
ATDactual time of departure
AVOamplitude variation with offset, amplitude vs. offset
BBSbulletin board system
BFVbound fluid volume
BHAbottomhole assembly
BHCborehole compensated
BHCTbottomhole circulating temperature
BHFPbottomhole flowing pressure
BHFTbottomhole flowing temperature
BHPbottomhole pressure
BHPbottomhole pump
BHRbefore hot rolling
BHSPbottomhole static pressure
BHSTbottomhole static temperature
BHTbottomhole temperature
BHTVborehole televiewer
BOEblowout equipment
BOPblowout preventer
BPbull plug
BS British Standards
BS&W, BSWbasic sediment and water (bottom sediment and water)
C.U.capture unit
C/Wcompleted with
CADcomputer-aided design
CAOFcalculated absolute open flow
capexcapital expenditure
CATcomputerized axial tomography
CBL cement bond logging
CBMcoalbed methane
CBTcement bond tool
CCLcasing collar locator
CD ROMcompact disk read-only memory
CDPcommon depth point
CECcation exchange capacity
CHPcasinghead pressure
CMPcommon midpoint
CMR combinable magnetic resonance
CNLcompensated neutron log
COLcarbon oxygen log
Comp. Specscompany specification
CPI (TPI) corrugated plate interceptor
CPIcomputer processed interpretation
CPUcentral processing unit
CRTcathode ray tube
CTcoiled tubing
CTcomputerized tomography
CTDcoiled tubing drilling
CTR cost, time and resources
CTUcoiled tubing unit
CUGcomputer user group
CWEcold water equivalent
D&Adry and abandoned
D&Idirection and inclination
DCdirect current
DCdrill collar
DDdirectional drilling
DD pressure drawdown test
DEG di-ethylene glycol
DHI direct hydrocarbon indicator
DLISdigital log information standard
DLSdogleg severity
DMO dip moveout correction, or partial prestack migration
DOEUS Deptartment of Energy
DSI dipole shear sonic imager
DSTdrillstem test
E&Pexploration and production
ECDequivalent circulating density
EI elastic impedance
emfelectromotive force
EOBextreme overbalance
EOPextreme overbalanced perforating
EORenhanced oil recovery
EOSequation of state
EPC engineering procurement and construction
EPIC engineering procurement installation and construction
ESelectrical stability
ESD emergency shut down
ESPelectrical submersible pump
ETAestimated time of arrival
ETDestimated time of departure
EUEexternal upset end
FBHPflowing bottomhole pressure
FCA failure characteristic analysis
FDfrequency domain
FDPfield development plan
FFVfree-fluid volume
FIflow indicator
FIDflame ionization detector
F-K frequency–wave number transform
FMEA failure modes and effect analysis
FMIFormation Micro-Imager
FMI fullbore formation microimager
FMSFormation Micro-Scanner
FRflow rate
FSfeasibility study
FSIPfinal shut-in pressure
FTPfile transfer protocol
FVFformation volumetric factor
FWLflowing water level
G&Ggeology and geophysics
GCgas chromatography
GC/MS gas chromotograph/mass spectometer
GCMSgas chromatography–mass spectrometry
GHMTGeological High-sensitivity Magnetometer Tool
GISgeographic information system
GOCgas/oil contact
GORgas-oil ratio
GPCgel permeation chromatography
GPSglobal positioning system
GRgamma ray (log)
GRIGas Research Institute
GTIGas Technology Institute
GUIgraphical user interface
GVRGeoVision Resistivity
HAZID hazardous identification
HAZOP hazardous operations
HC hydrocarbon
HCPVhydrocarbon pore volume
HEChydroxyethyl cellulose
HFhydrofluoric acid
HIhydrogen index
HPAMhydrolyzed polyacrylamide
HPGhydroxypropyl guar
HPHThigh pressure, high temperature
HSE health, safety, and environment
HTMLhypertext markup language
HV & LV high voltage / low voltage
Hysis (Pro-II) name(s) of flow sheet computer programs
IADCInternational Association of Drilling Contractors
I-Csgintermediate casing
IDinside diameter
IFinternal flush
IFLinitial fluid level
IFTinterfacial tension
IOR improved oil recovery
IPRinflow performance relationship
IPS integrated production system
ISIPinitial shut-in pressure
ISPintermediate-strength proppant
ISSIron and Steel Society
ITinformation technology
J-Function Leverett capillary pressure function
JT Joule-Thomson
KBkelly bushing
Kh flow capacity
KOkicked off
kPaakilopascal absolute
kPagkilopascal gauge
KPI key performance indicator
kV Akilovolt ampere
kw, KWkilled well
LACTlease automatic custody transfer
LAN local area network
LCDliquid-crystal display
LCMlost circulation material
LEDlight-emitting diode
LISlog information standard
LLDlaterolog deep
LLSlaterolog shallow
LNGliquefied natural gas
LPGliquefied petroleum gas
LWDlogging while drilling
LWD logging while drilling
MAASP maximum allowable annulus surface pressure
MACmaximum acceptable concentration
MBE material balance equation
mCFmeters from casing flange
MDmeasured depth
MDHMiller, Dyes, and Hutchinson
MDRTmeasured depth from rotary table
MDT modular formation dynamics tester
MGSmud-gas separator
MHFmassive hydraulic fracturing
mKBmeters from kelly bushing
MOPmaximum operating pressure
MOPO Manual Of Permitted Operations
MRmaterial requisition
MSDSmaterials safety data sheet
MSLmean sea level
MTmaterial transfer
MWDmeasurement(s) while drilling
NACENational Association of Corrosion Engineers
NDI non-destructive inspection
NDT non-destructive testing
NGL natural gas liquids
NMOnormal moveout
NMRnuclear magnetic resonance
NORMnaturally occurring radioactive material
NPVnet present value
NUnipple up
NUEnon-upset end
OBDTOil Base Mud Dipmeter Tool
OBMoil-base mud
OBMIOil Base Mud Imager
ODoutside diameter
OFPopen-flow potential
OIPoil in place
OOIPoriginal oil in place = OIIP, Oil Initially In Place
OPEX operating expenditure
OSoperating system
OSFOpen Software Foundation
OWCoil-water contact
P&A plug and abandon
P&Aplug and abandon (plugged and abandoned)
P.U.porosity units
PBTDplugged back total depth
PBU pressure buidup test
PCproduction casing
PCPprogressing cavity pump
PDpositive displacement
PDCpolycrystalline diamond compact
PDMpositive displacement motor
PFpower factor
PFD process flow diagram
PFPpreferred hydraulic fracture plane
PFTpumping for test
PHDpressure head device
PIproductivity index
PIDDPetroleum Industry Data Dictionary
PJpump jack
PLT Production Log Tool
PM preventive maintenance
POpurchase order
POHpull out of hole
POOHpull out of hole
POSCPetrotechnical Open Software Corporation
PPDMpublic petroleum data model
PPMparts per million
PSIpressure sensing instrument
PSI, psipounds per square inch
PSNpump-seating nipple
PSPproduction services platform
PTA pressure transient analysis
PTW permit to work
PVplastic viscosity
PVpore volume
PVCpolyvinyl chloride
PVTpressure, volume, temperature
P-wavecompressional wave
Q attenuation factor
QAquality assurance
QA/QCquality assurance and quality control
QCquality control
R&Dresearch and development
RABResistivity At the Bit
Radon radon transform
RAMrandom-access memory
RBI risk-based inspection
RCreverse circulation
RCM reliability-centered maintenance
RCPresin-coated proppant
REMroentgen equivalent man
RFradio frequency
RFT repeat formation tester
RIHrun in hole
RISCreduced instruction set computer
RKBrotary kelly bushing
RMSroot mean square
RNPrate-normalized pressure
ROHrig on hole
ROIreturn on investment
ROMread-only memory
ROPrate of penetration
ROSresidual oil saturation
ROW right of way
RPAPI recommended practice
RPMrevolutions per minute
RRrig released
RTrotary table
RUrig up
Rw water resistivity
RWTPreturn well to production
S/Nsignal-to-noise ratio
S/N, s/nserial number
SBMsynthetic-base mud
SBTsegmented bond tool
SCsurface casing
SCADAsupervisory control and data acquisition
SCC sulphur cracking corrosion
SDshut down
SDstandard deviation
SEGSociety of Exploration Geophysicists
SEMscanning electron microscope
SFEstaged field experiment
SGspecific gravity
SGMLStandard Generalized Markup Language
SGSsequential Gaussian simulation
SHDT Stratigraphic High-Resolution Dipmeter Tool
SIBHPshut-in bottomhole pressure
SICHPshut-in casinghead pressure
SICPshut-in casing pressure
SIHstrap in hole
SIPselective inflow performance
SIPshut-in pressure
SITHPshut-in tubinghead pressure
SITPshut-in tubing pressure
SMESociety for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration
SPsource point
SPspontaneous potential
SPESociety of Petroleum Engineers
SpecAPI Specification
spfshots per foot
SPIspecific productivity index
SPMshots per meter
SPMside pocket mandrel
spmstrokes per minute
SPSsubmersible pumping system
SPWLASociety of Professional Well Log Analysts
SQLstructured query language
SRPsucker rod pump
SSPstatic self-potential
STCslowness-time coherence
STTselective treatment tool
Sw water saturation
S-waveshear wave
SWCsidewall core
Tau-P time and ray parameter transform
TCtubing choke
TCPtubing-conveyed perforating
TDtotal depth
TDGtransportation of dangerous goods
TDHtotal dynamic head
TDStotal dissolved solids
TEG tri-ethylene glycol
TGStight gas sands
THPtubinghead pressure
THTtubinghead temperature
TIHtrip in hole
TMDtrue measured depth
TMSThe Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society
TOCtotal organic carbon
TOR terms of reference
TPI (CPI) tilted plate interceptor
TSTMtoo small to measure
TVDtrue vertical depth
TVDsstrue vertical depth subsea
UBDunderbalanced drilling
UBI ultrasonic borehole imager
UBIUltra-sonic Borehole Imager
un. fr.unity fraction
URLuniform resource locator
USGSUS Geological Survey
VDLvariable density log
VEvertical exaggeration
VESviscoelastic surfactant
VOWD value of work done
Vp/Vs P and S velocity ratio
VSDvariable speed drive
VSDS variable speed drive system
VSPvertical seismic profile
W/, w/with
W/O, w/owithout
WAGwater alternating gas
WANwide area network
WBMwater-based mud
WBS work break down structure
WHMISworksite hazardous materials information sheet
WHPwellhead pressure
WITSwellsite information transfer specifications
WOBweight on bit
WOCwaiting on cement
WOCwater-oil contact
WORwater-oil ratio
WPworking pressure
WWWworld-wide web
XMLextensible markup language
XO, X-overcrossover
XRDx-ray diffraction
XRFx-ray fluorescence
YPyield point
Appendix 4. Units of Measure
acre spell out
acre-foot acre-ft
ampere A
ampere-hour A-hr
angstrom unit (10-8 cm) A
atmosphere atm
atomic mass unit amu
barrel bbl
barrels of fluid per day BFPD
barrels of liquid per day BLPD
barrels of oil per day BOPD
barrels of water per day BWPD
barrels per day B/D
barrels per minute bbl/min
billion cubic feet (billion = 109) Bcf
billion cubic feet per day Bcf/D
billion standard
cubic feet per day Bscf/D
bits per inch bpi
bits per second bps
British thermal unit Btu
capture unit c.u.
centimeter cm
centipoise cp
centistoke cSt
coulomb C
counts per second cps
cubic centimeter cm³
cubic foot ft³
cubic feet per barrel ft³/bbl
cubic feet per day ft³/D
cubic feet per minute ft³/min
cubic feet per pound ft³/lbm
cubic feet per second ft³/sec
cubic inch in. ³
cubic meter m³
cubic millimeter mm³
cubic yard yd³
curie Ci
darcy, darcies D
day (customary) D
day (metric) d
dead-weight ton DWT
decibel dB
degree (American Petroleum Institute) °API
degree Celsius °C
degree Fahrenheit °F
degree Kelvin (see "kelvin")
degree Rankine °R
dots per inch dpi
electromotive force emf
electron volt eV
farad F
feet per minute ft/min
feet per second ft/sec
foot ft
foot-pound ft-lbf
gallon gal
gallons per day gal/D
gallons per minute gal/min
gigabyte Gbyte
gigahertz GHz
gigapascal GPa
gigawatt GW
gram g
hertz Hz
horsepower hp
horsepower-hour hp-hr
hour (customary) hr
hour (metric) h
inch in.
inches per second in./sec
joule j
kelvin K
kilobyte kB
kilogram kg
kilogram-meter kg-m
kilohertz kHz
kilojoule kJ
kilometer km
kilopascal kPa
kilopound (1000 lbf) lbf
kilovolt kV
kilowatt kW
kilowatt-hour kW-hr
kips per square inch ksi
lines per inch lpi
lines per minute lpm
lines per second lps
liter L
megabyte MB
megagram (metric ton) Mg
megahertz MHz
megajoule MJ
meter m
metric ton (tonne) t or Mg
mho per meter /m
microsecond (customary) µsec
microsecond (metric) µs
mile spell out
miles per hour mph
milliamperes mA
millicurie mCi
millidarcy, millidarcies mD
milliequivalent meq
milligram mg
milliliter mL
millimeter mm
millimho mmho
million cubic feet (million = 106) MMcf
million cubic feet per day MMcf/D
million electron volts MeV
million standard cubic feet per day MMscf/D
millipascal mPa
millisecond (customary) msec
millisecond (metric) ms
millisiemens mS
millivolt mV
mils per year mil/yr
minute min
mole mol
nanosecond ns
newton N
ohm ohm
ohm-centimeter ohm-cm
ohm-meter ohm-m
ounce oz
parts per million ppm
pascal Pa
picofarad pF
pint pt
porosity unit p.u.
pound (force) lbf
pound (mass) lbm
pound per cubic foot lbm/ft³
pound per gallon lbm/gal
pounds of proppant added ppa
pounds per square inch psi
pounds per square inch absolute psia
pounds per square inch gauge psig
pounds per thousand barrels (salt content) ptb
quart qt
reservoir barrel res bbl
reservoir barrel per day RB/D
revolutions per minute rpm
saturation unit s.u.
second sec
shots per foot spf
specific gravity sg
square sq
square centimeter cm²
square foot ft²
square inch in.²
square meter m²
square millimeter mm²
standard std
standard cubic feet per day scf/D
standard cubic foot scf
stock-tank barrel STB
stock-tank barrels per day STB/D
stoke St
teragram Tg
thousand cubic feet Mcf
thousand cubic feet per day Mcf/D
thousand pounds per square inch kpsi
thousand standard cubic feet per day Mscf/D
tonne (metric ton) t
trillion cubic feet (trillion = 101²) Tcf
trillion cubic feet per day Tcf/D
volt V
volume percent vol%
volume per volume vol/vol
watt W
weight percent wt%
yard yd
year (customary) yr
year (metric) a
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1052