Rare denotes things very uncommon or few in total number (rare old coin). Scanty implies bare sufficiency or an inadequate quantity (scanty rainfall). Scarce applies to ordinary things locally not abundant (scarce sand beds, scarce vugs). Sparce means spread thinly (sparce bushes, sparce dots).
significantDoes not mean much. It means important, heaving a meaning. Do not write significant amount of oil, write much oil.
since Implies passage of time; use becausewhen meaning the reason for.
So as toUse thereby.
takes into accountUse accounts for.
terrain, terrane Terrain refers to a topographic landscape cofiguration (a hilly terrain). Terrane refers to a geological or lithological areal expanse (a metamorphic terrane, a heavily tectonized terrane).
that, which Thatis the defining or restrictive pronoun; whichis the nondefining or nonrestrictive pronoun.
The products that were produced at high temperatures were unstable. [This implies that other products were not produced at high temperatures.]
The products, which were produced at high temperatures, were unstable. [This implies that all the products were produced at high temperatures and were unstable.]
typical Typical should mean just what it says: that, which typifies. Do not say a typical peak of the log curve if the curve is typically flat and has just few peaks.
under way Two words.
unique Means without equal. There can be no degrees of uniqueness. Thus, almost unique, totally unique, partially unique, etc., are incorrect.
upscaleUse scale upas the verb form.
Using, by usingGenerally substitute by use of(for using) or with(for by using).
utilize Useis preferable.
via Means by way ofin a geographical sense, not by means of.
where, which Whererefers to physical location; which(generally preceded by a preposition)refers to other circumstances, such as condition. Depending on the sentence, the preposition may be different: at which, by which, in which, with which, etc. Always separate a “which” phrase with a comma.
Incorrect: There have been four studies where the results contradict these findings.
Correct: There have been four studies, in whichthe results contradict these findings.
whose, of which Whoserefers to something owned or possessed by a person or a country; of whichrefers to something owned by or pertaining to a thing, such as a physical property of it.
Incorrect: The experiment, whose results are widely accepted, has not been duplicated.
Correct: The experiment, the results of whichare widely accepted, has not been duplicated.