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Speak about Adjectives, Adverbs and Comparisons.

1. Underline the correct item.

1) This is a pretty/prettily complicated situation.

2) They had hard/hardly been home for a minute when the phone rang.

3) My friends are most/mostly vegetarians.

4) Her loose outfit allowed her to move free/freely.


2. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the adjective/adverb in brackets.

1) I like living in the country. It’s a lot ...more peaceful... (peaceful) than the city.

2) I felt very ill last week, but I’m slightly ...better... (good) now.

3) I can’t hear you. Could you speak a little loudly... (loud) please?

4) Steven is ...the tallest... (tall) in the basketball team.


3. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of adjectives.

1) The noise got ...louder and louder... (loud) until I couldn’t bear it any longer.

2) ...The harder... (hard) he works, ...the more successful... (successful) he becomes.

3) It rained ...harder and harder... (hard) until the river burst its banks.

...The colder... (cold) it got, ...the more... (many) clothes they had to put on to keep warm.

IV. Topic for discussion.

The area you live in.

Speak on your residential area. Is the place you live in a comfortable for living?

What about air pollution in your residential area?

Does noise disturb your living?

Is traffic heavy in your street?

What are advantages and disadvantages of living in the country and in the city?

Examination card ¹14

I Translate the article in written form (from English into Russian).

II. Translate the article orally.

III. Grammar card.

Speak about Adjectives, Adverbs and Comparisons.

1. Underline the correct item

1) The shelf was so high/highly that he couldn’t reach it.

2) John may be late/lately home tonight, as he has a lot of work to do.

3) The room was pretty/prettily decorated.

4) Children under five years old travel free/freely.


2. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the adjective/adverb in brackets.

1) This computer is very old. I need something ...more modern... (modern)

2) The new library is far ...closer... (close) to my house than the old one.

3) Jane’s new haircut makes her look much ...more attractive... (attractive)

4) This jacket was by far ...the most expensive... (expensive) in the shop.


3. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of adjectives.

1) Jake ran ...faster and faster... (fast) and won the race.

2) ...The higher... (high) he jumped, ...the louder... (loud) the crowd cheered.

3) Cars are getting ...cheaper and cheaper... (cheap) as the years go by.

4) ...The younger... (young) you are, ...the easily... (easy) you find it to learn things.

IV. Topic for discussion.


Speak on public traffic in Moscow and in London (trains, the underground, buses, cars, trolley-buses). Speak on advantages and disadvantages of each kind of transport.

Do you agree with saying that buying a car is the happiest day for a person and selling a car is also the happiest day?



Examination card ¹15

I Translate the article in written form (from English into Russian).

II. Translate the article orally.

III. Grammar card.

Speak about Countable and Uncountable nouns, Compound nouns and the Singular/Plural verb forms.

1. Fill the gaps with a, an, or some where necessary.

1) We had ...some... delicious food last night.
We had ...a... delicious meal last night

2) There is ...some... beautiful furniture in that shop.
There is ...a... beautiful table in that shop.

3) I’m thirsty. I need ...a... drink.
I’m thirsty. I need ...some... water.

4) She’s just bought ...some... expensive clothes.
She’s just bought ...an... expensive dress.


2. Underline the correct word.

1) I have a Physics exam tomorrow
Oh dear. Physics is/are a very difficult subject.

2) My office is three miles from my house.
Three miles is/are a long way to walk to work.

3) My little brother has got measles.
Oh dear. Measles is/are quite a serious illness.

4) Jane looked nice today, didn’t she?
Yes. Her clothes were/was very smart.

3. Finish the sentences.

1) You need a lot of experience to do this job.
A lot of experience ...is needed to do this job...

2) They gave us some interesting information.
The information ...they gave us was interesting...

3) She likes Maths more than any other subjects.
Maths...is her favorite subject...

4) We had mild weather this winter.
The weather ...we had this winter was mild...

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 6141

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II. Translate the article orally. | IV. Topic for discussion.
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