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II. Translate the article orally.

III. Grammar card.

Speak about the forms and functions of the Participle.

1. Underline the correct word

1) Did you enjoy the horror film?
No. It was very frightened/frightening

2) Mark is always biting the nails.
I know. It’s an extremely annoyed/annoying habit.

3) Why doesn’t John study French?
He is not interested/interesting in learning a foreign language.

4) What did you think of new restaurant?
It was awful! The food was disgusted/disgusting.


2. Rewrite the sentences using participles.

1) Because she was tired, Kate went to bed.
...Being tired Kate went to bed...

2) He was sitting in the garden and he was drinking his tea.
...He was sitting in the garden drinking his tea...

3) After Janet had made dinner, she called the children.
...Having made dinner Janet called the children...

4) The boy who is standing by the door is my brother.
...The boy standing by the door is my brother...


3. Underline the correct preposition.

1) Adam complained of/about/for having a sore throat.

2) She was concentrating of/on/for writing the report when the phone rang.

3) The two men were charged for/with/of armed robbery.

4) I take care about/for/of my neighbour’s cat when she goes on holiday.


IV. Topic for discussion.

Seasons and Weather.

What is the main topic of conversation among the English people?

How does weather influence the people?

What is your favourite season of the year in the part of our country you live in? And why?


Examination card ¹12

I Translate the article in written form (from English into Russian).

II. Translate the article orally.

III. Grammar card.

Speak about the forms and functions of the Participle.

1. Underline the correct word.

1) Miss Shaw is a wonderful teacher.
Yes. She is always encouraged/encouraging in her attitude towards the students.

2) Do you like windsurfing?
Yes. I find it very excited/exciting

3) Vicky is good at art, isn’t she?
Yes. I was impressed/impressingby her paintings.

4) Did you see the fireworks last night?
Yes. It was an amazed/amazing display.


2. Rewrite the sentences using participles.

1) Simon cut his hand while he has chopping some wood.
...Chopping some wood Simon cut his hand...

2) Donna had a shower before she went to bed
...Having had a shower Danna went to bed...

3) Because we were late, we took a taxi.
...Being late we took a taxi...

4) Gary opened the window and breathed the fresh air.
...Opening the window Gary breathed the fresh air...


3. Underline the correct preposition.

1) The politician refused to comment on/for/about the new law.

2) Sheila’s friends congratulated her on/for/about passing her exams.

3) Contrary with/of/to what had been written in the papers, the three women were proved innocent.

4) The new teacher found it hard to cope about/for/with the naughty children.


IV. Topic for discussion.


Describe to us the personality of one of your friends: his appearance, his character, his altitude to life, work, his hobbies. What is he fond of?

Examination card ¹13

I Translate the article in written form (from English into Russian).

II. Translate the article orally.

III. Grammar card.

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 6390

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