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Speak about the Forms and the Function of the Gerund

1. Choose the correct answer.


1) …B... is very relaxing,`

` I don`t agree. I think it`s boring.`

A Fish B Fishing C To fish

2) `I can`t decide what …C… to the party.

` Why don`t you wear your blue dress?`

A wear B wearing C to wear

3)`Did you go to the cinema last night?

`No. My parents made me …C…for the exam instead.`

A to study B studying C study

4) `Did you enjoy your holiday?`

`Yes, but I am glad …B…home again.`

A being B to be C be


2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the – ing form.

1) Jane went t on .. sleeping.. (sleep) for another two hours.

2) He told us his name and went on …to introduce…(introduce) us to his wife .

3) We didn`t mean…to interrupt…(interrupt) you.

4) Being a doctor means…working…(work) long hours.


2.Complete the sentences wish too or enough and the adjective in brackets.

1) A: Did you go to the beach yesterday?

B: No. It wasn`t …warm enough… to go to the beach.


2) A: Do her new shoes fit her?

B: No. They are…too small…(small)

3) A: Have you finished your homework?

B: I can`t. It`s …too difficult…( difficult)

4) A: Did you hear the announcement?

B: No. It wasn`t …loud enough…..(loud)

IV. Topic for discussion.Travelling.

Have you got any travelling experience?

What foreign countries have you visited?

What modes of transport do you prefer for travelling?

What are advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane, by bus, by sea. Why do you line to travel by train? What is the advantage of travelling by train?

Examination card ¹10

I Translate the article in written form (from English into Russian).

II. Translate the article orally.

III. Grammar card.

Speak about the forms and the functions of the Gerund.

1. Choose the correct answer:

1) Shall we go to a restaurant this evening?
I’d rather ...A... at home. I’m exhausted.
a) stay b) staying c) to stay

2) Why did you go to the library?
...C... some books to read.
a) Get b) Getting c) to get

3) Why do you want to buy a car?
Because I hate ...A... for a bus every day.
a) waiting b) wait c) to wait

4) Do you have some plans for the summer?
Well, Danny suggested ...B... to Spain for a week.
A) go b) going c) to go


2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.

1) She tried ...to finish... (finish) her homework, but it was too difficult.

2) You should try ...eating... (eat) more fruit. It’s good for your health.

3) He regrets ...arguing... (argue) with his best friend.

4) We regret ...to inform... (inform) you that tonight’s performance will be cancelled.


3. Complete the sentences with too or enough and the adjective in brackets.

1) Can you open the window, please?
I can’t. I’m not ...tall enough... to reach it (tall)

2) It’s ...too hot... in here (hot)
Why don’t you take your coat off, then?

3) Did you enjoy the party last night?
No. We were ...too tired... to enjoy it (tired)

4) Why don’t you drink your tea?
It’s not ...sweet enough... for me to drink (sweet)

IV. Topic for discussion.


Have you got any travelling experience?

What foreign countries have you visited?

What modes of transport do you prefer for travelling?

What are advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane, by bus, by sea. Why do you line to travel by train? What is the advantage of travelling by train?

Examination card ¹11

I Translate the article in written form (from English into Russian).

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 5524

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Speak about Future Tenses in English. | II. Translate the article orally.
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