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Speak about Future Tenses in English.


1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense.

1. A: Your house is very small.

B: I know. I ...am going to move... (move) to a bigger house next year.

2. A: I have got a new job!

B: Wonderful! I ...will call... (call) Mum and tell her the good news.

3. A: How old is your daughter?

B: She ...will be... (be) fourteen next week.

4. A: I must phone Julia.

B: Well, don’t phone her now. She ...will be sleeping... (sleep).


2. Underline the correct tense.

Next Saturday, Daisy 1) is flying/flies to Paris for a business meeting. Her secretary has already booked the flight. The plane 2) will leave/leavesat nine o’clock in the morning and one of her business clients 3) will have met/will be meeting her at the airport when the plane lands. She doesn’t know how long the meeting will last, but she 4) will have returned/will have been returning home by Thursday evening.


3. Choose the correct answer.

1. ‘I ...A... about buying a new car recently.’

‘Really? What sort of car?’

A have been thinking B have thought C thought

2. ‘I haven’t seen Mark for weeks.’

‘Well, I ...B... him this afternoon. Why don’t you come along?’

A have met B am meeting C meet

3. ‘We’d better take a taxi to the station.’

‘Yes. The train ...C... in fifteen minutes.’

A has left B will have left C leaves

4. ‘Where is the newspaper?’

‘I threw it away. I thought you ...C... reading it.’

A have finished B finished C had finished

IV. The topic for discussion is

A Time-bomb in the Earth’s Atmosphere.

1. What is considered to be the most urgent enviromental problem today?

2. Where are the chemicals that destroy the ozone layer used?

Examination card ¹6

I Translate the article in written form (from English into Russian).

II. Translate the article orally.

III. Grammar card

Speak about Future Tenses in English.


1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense.

1. A: Have you been living here long?

B: Yes. By next month, I ...will have been leaving... (live) here for ten years.

2. A: Are you having a party next weekend?

B: Yes. I hope I ...will have finished... (finish) decorating the house by then.

3. A: What are your plans for tonight?

B: Well, I ...am meeting... (meet) Steve at eight o’clock.

4. A: I must buy some bread.

B: You’d better hurry. The shops ...close... (close) in half an hour.


2. Underline the correct tense.

Florence 1) is going to become/will be becoming a doctor when she finishes medical school. She thinks she 2) will probably work/will have probably worked in a hospital for most of her career. This time next month, she 3) will have revised/will be revising hard for her exams. By the time she gets her degree she 4) will have been studying/will have studied medicine for five years. Florence hopes she 5) will have passed/will pass all the exams with excellent grades.


3. Choose the correct answer.

1. ‘I feel very tired.’

‘How can you be tired? You ...C... a thing all day.’

A haven’t been doing B aren’t doing C haven’t done

2. ‘Cathy doesn’t study enough.’

‘I know. I’m afraid she ...A... her exam.’

A won’t pass B won’t be passing

C won’t have passed

3. ‘It’s bad news about Janet crashing her new car, isn’t it?’

‘Yes. She ...C... for month to buy it.’

A saved B is saving C had been saving

4. ‘There’s someone here to see you.’

‘Oh, that ...C... my sister. Send her in.’

A will have been B was C will be

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 7699

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