Phr. vb. to get by (on) phr. vb. to make do with
Both of these phrasal verbs mean cope or survive with the minimum possible.
eg If you are unemployed you have to get by on very little money.
Q: Are you rich ?
A: No, I'm not rich.
Q: Do you have enough money to get by ?
A: Yes, have enough money to get by.
Q: Is living in this city cheap ?
A: No, definitely not./No, living in this city isn't cheap.
Q: How much can you get by on ?
A: I can get by on maybe £200 a week.
Q: Can you usually make do with a sandwich for lunch ?
A: Yes, I can usually make do with a sandwich for lunch.
Q: What do you prefer if you have time ?
A: If I have time, I prefer bigger lunch, for example a lasagne.
Q: What typical words and expressions do you need to get by in a foreign country ?
A: You need very basic words for example 'Hello', 'Goodbye', 'How are you?', 'Could I have...?', 'Where is...?'
Q: Does everyone have the opportunity to play sports with the proper equipment ?
A: No, not everyone has the opportunity to play sports with the proper equipment.
Q: What do they make do with instead ?
A: They make do with for example jumpers for goal posts.
Adj. climate adj. harsh adj. mild
Q: How would you describe your country’s climate ?
A: I would describe my country’s climate as hot and wet.
Which animals/plants have adapted to living in: a. a hot, dry climate ?
Camels have adapted to living in a hot, dry climate.
b. a cold climate ?
Polar bears./ Polar bears have adapted to living in a cold climate.
Q: Have winters been getting milder in your country ?
A: Yes, winters have been getting milder in my country.
Q: Do you think it has got anything to do with global warming ?
A: Yes, I think it has./Yes, I think it has got something to do with global warming.
Q: Do you like mild cheese or do you prefer something with a stronger flavour ?
A: I prefer mature cheese. It has a stronger flavour.
Q: Why might someone speak harshly to a child ?
A: Someone might speak harshly to a child if the child had done something wrong.
Q: Did your parents ever smack you when you were young ?
A: Yes, they always smacked me when I was young.
Q: Looking back on it now, do you think that was harsh ?
A: Yes, I think so./Yes, looking back on it now, I think that was harsh.
V. to blow v. to suck v. to chew v. to swallow
Q: Which musical instruments do you blow into ?
A: You blow into a trumpet.
Q: Have you ever had a go at playing one ?
A: No, I've never had a go at playing one but I'd like to.
Q: Why would someone blow: a. on a flame ?
Someone would blow on a flame to blow it out.
b. on soup ?
To cool it down./Someone would blow on soup to cool it down.
c. on their hands ?
To warm them up./Someone would blow on their hands to warm them up.
d. into a plastic bag ?
Because maybe they were hyperventilating.
Q: Did you suck your thumb when you were a child ?
A: Yes, I did suck my thumb when I was a child.
Q: How old were you when you grew out of it ?
A: I think I was around 10 when I grew out of it.
Unit 10
Q: When is it painful to swallow ?
A: It's painful to swallow when you have a sore throat.
Q: Does chewing gum help you (to) concentrate ?
A: It does help me concentrate./Yes, chewing gum helps me to concentrate.
Q: Have you ever swallowed chewing gum ?
A: Yes, I have./Yes, I've swallowed chewing gum.
Q: Did it do you any harm ?
A: No, I don't think it did./No, it didn't do me any harm.
Q: Why is it dangerous to let children play with small objects ?
A: It's dangerous to let children play with small objects because they might swallow them and choke.
Q: Do you suck chocolate or chew it ?
A: You chew chocolate.
v. to heat (up) n. heat v. to cool (down)
Q: What kind of things must be kept away from heat ?
A: Chocolate and vinyl records must be kept away from heat.
Q: What is a good way to escape the heat in summer ?
A: A good way to escape the heat in summer is to jump into a swimming pool.
Q: How does the human body cool itself down ?
A: The human body cools itself down by sweating.
Q: How is your house heated ?
A: My house is heated by central heating.
Q: How effective is it ?
It's very effective.
Q: What does a radiator do: a. in a car ?
A radiator cools the engine in a car.
b. in a building ?
In a building a radiator heats the building up.
rather than = instead ofwould rather ... than = would prefer
eg My new car uses diesel rather than petrol. I would rather be poor and happy than rich and lonely.
Q: Can you think of any sports where you win with a low score rather than a high score ?
A: Yes, you win with a low score in golf.
Q: What kind of food do you heat rather than cook ?
A: We heat soup rather than cook it.
Q: On a date, do you think it is better to be yourself rather than try to impress ?
A: I think it's better to be yourself on a date.
Q: Would you rather be poor with lots of friends than be rich and lonely ?
A: Yes, I think I'd rather be poor but have lots of friends.
Q: Do you think some people would rather have an easy life than work hard for success ?
A: Yes, I think some people would rather have an easy life.
Q: Are you one of them ?
A: No, I'm not.
Q: Which would you rather happened to you:
a. win the lottery ? b. win a major sporting event for your country ?
c. marry the man/woman of your dreams ?
A: I think I would rather marry the woman of my dreams.
Q: Why do you think some people would rather borrow money than save up ?
A: I think some people would rather borrow money than save up because they want something now.
Unit 10
Q: Do you think some buildings should be saved rather than demolished ?
A: Yes, I do think some buildings should be saved rather than demolished.
Q: Which ones ?
A: Old churches.
N. shade n. shadow
Q: What’s the difference between the shade and the shadow ?
A: I think there are two main differences between the shade and the shadow. The shade is uncountable whereas a shadow is countable and also the shade is somewhere we go to escape from the sun but a shadow is something that we see.
Q: Is it hotter in the sun or in the shade ?
A: It's hotter in the sun.
Q: Where would you rather be on a very hot day ?
A: I'd rather be in the shade./ I'd rather be in the shade on a very hot day.
Q: At what time of day to shadows lengthen ?
A: Shadows lengthen in the evening.
V. to fix
Q: Does anything in your house need fixing ?
A: Yes, my phone needs fixing.
Q: Will you do it yourself or will your landlord get it fixed ?
A: I will probably do it myself.
Q: Who would you get to fix: a. a burst pipe ?
A plumber./I would get a plumber to fix a burst pipe.
b. a broken fridge ?
An electrician./I would get an electrician to fix a broken fridge .
c. a car that wouldn’t start ?
A mechanic./I would get a mechanic to fix a car that wouldn’t start.
Date: 2015-12-24 ; view: 922