Adj. rural adj. urban
Q: Are you from a rural or urban area of your country ?
A: I'm from an urban area of my country.
Q: How did it affect your upbringing ?
A: It meant I had a good upbringing. I was in the countryside and it was very relaxed.
Q: What social problems are common in urban areas ?
A: Drugs and crime are common in urban areas.
Q: Which of these also exist in rural areas ?
A: I think crime exists everywhere.
Q: Is the urban environment here different from your country ?
A: Yes, the urban environment here is very different from my country.
Q: How does it differ from what you are used to ?
A: It's just so busy and hectic here.
Q: Do you think most people prefer an urban lifestyle ?
A: Yes, I think most people prefer an urban lifestyle.
Q: Does rural life hold any attraction for you ?
A: Yes, it does. It's much more relaxing./Yes, rural life holds some attraction for me.
Unit 10
Adj. ideal adj. idealistic adj. idealism
We use ideal to describe something completely perfect that we imagine. eg My ideal job would be testing computer games.
If someone is idealistic they believe that ideal things are really possible, such as a world without poverty, war etc.
Q: Describe the ideal boss/teacher/partner ?
A: My ideal teacher would be happy, friendly but also serious when they had to be.
Q: Do you think such a person really exists ?
A: Yes, you are like that./Yes, I think such a person really exists.
Q: Do you think it’s idealistic to hope for world peace ?
A: Yes, I think it’s idealistic to hope for world peace.
Q: Do you think everyone is more cynical these days ?
A: Yes, I do think everyone is more cynical these days.
Q: Do you think cynical people have an advantage over idealistic people ?
A: No, I don't think they have an advantage over idealistic people.
(Or is it the other way round ?)
No, I don't think it's the other way round.
Q: Why do you think some people pretend to be very cynical all the time ?
A: I think some people pretend to be very cynical all time because they don't trust people and they just don't want to be happy I don't think.
V. to remove
Q: Is it possible to have a tattoo removed ?
A: Yes, it's possible to have a tattoo removed.
Q: Do you think it’s an easy process ?
A: No, I don't./No, I don't think it’s an easy process.
Q: How can you remove a wine stain from a carpet ?
A: You can remove a wine stain from a carpet by putting salt on it.
Q: Why would someone remove a wall in their house ?
A: Someone would remove a wall in their house to make two smaller rooms into one bigger room.
Q: Explain the difference between ‘remove’ and ‘take off’ ?
A: ‘Remove’ is much more formal than ‘take off’. (Also reomove can mean take away, out etc.)
Adj. fit n. fitness
Q: How fit are you ?
A: I think I'm very fit.
Q: Have you ever been to a ‘keep fit’ class ?
A: Yes, I went to a ‘keep fit’ class only yesterday.
Q: Do you think your physical fitness affects your emotions ?
A: Yes, I do think my physical fitness affects my emotions.
Q: Discuss the pros and cons of these ways of keeping fit: a. jogging.
I think jogging is really good for your heart but it can damage your knees.
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 976