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adj. extreme adv. extremely


Something that is extreme is much more than necessary or normal.

eg. Deserts and polar regions have extreme temperatures.


Extremely is used in the same way as ‘very’, but it is stronger.

eg. It was extremely cold, and we might have died if we hadn’t found our way home.

Q: What kind of careers are extremely difficult to get into ?

A: It's extremely difficult to become a lawyer.


Q: Do you think people with extreme political views can be a dangerous influence ?

A: Yes, I think people with extreme political views can be a very dangerous influence.


Q: Should they be allowed to have their say ?

A: I think they should be allowed to have their say within reason.


Q: Have you ever been under extreme pressure ?

A: Yes, I was under extreme pressure last week at work.


Q: Do you think you coped with it ?

A: Yes, I think I did./Yes, I think I copied with it.


Q: What points do you consider to be extremely important when:

A. looking for accommodation.

I think when you're looking for accommodation, location and price are extremely important.

B. planning a holiday.

The destination and the weather./I think when you're planning a holiday, the destination and the weather are extremely important.


C. bringing up a child.

Their education and their well-being./I think when you're bringing up a child their education and their well-being are extremely important.


Q: What would be an extreme reaction if someone turned down your offer of a date ?

A: It'd be an extreme reaction if you were really aggressive to them.

Q: Do you think some people go to extremes:
a. to have an attractive body ?

Yes, body builders./Yes, I think some people go to extremes to have an attractive body.

b. to impress their boss ?

Yes, career-minded people./Yes, I think some people go to extremes to impress their boss.

c. for thrills and excitement ?

Yes, people who like extreme sports./Yes, I think some people go to extremes for thrills and excitement.


Q: What kind of things do they do?

A: They do things like bungee-jumping and snow-boarding.







problems at/in the office, – the manager of, - who is in charge of organizing, - an evening out to the cinema, - didn’t put up any signs, - e-mailsto any of us until the day, - only 3 out of12, - ended up going to the pub, forgot to advertise, own up to the fact



Bulk orders, the number of managers, the management staff, spend a lot of time helping, a limited amount of time, end up making mistakes, it doesn’t matter, but in the end, the quality of the product, an exact job description, put a limit on...



Example answers:

I was ... so I decided to stay at home/stay in

Basically ... to go out/to argue with people

I hope ... this cold coffee/the bad service

She ended up ... she’d locked herself out of her flat/she’d lost her front key/she’d missed the last train

By the end ... I’ll have bought a flat/I’ll have graduated from university/we'll have finished Book 4

Their offer .... because it doesn’t mention any discounts/the prices quoted in it are to high/it's not negotiable/ the terms are unfavourable to us



1 A bargain – paying less than you had expected, e.g. PLN 200 for a second hand, but good iPod

2 A rip off – being overcharged – paying too much for sth that is worth less, e.g. 5 zloty for a cup of coffee in a cheap cafe

3 A terrible performance – when the actor forgets his part/…stutters/a singer sings off tune

4 A disappointing rejection – when /being a woman/ you apply for the job for which you have the right qualifications but sb else gets it just b/c they are a man or b/c they are younger and more attractive

5 Speed limit – 60 km per hour

6 Bad management – when staff are incompetent and rude

7 a basic mistake in English that you still make – when you forget adding 's' to a third person singular in the Present Simple




Job application, Unsociable hours, Free of charge, deserve a pay rise, speed limit, quality of life, brand name, special offer, confirm a booking, save money



Quality of the service, in the end, seemed to be expecting, the reception area was in chaos, the staff seemed very confused, we accepted the apologies, by the end of our holiday, basically, we felt we had been ripped off, being charged the full price, I find this totally unacceptable, special offer, the discount we received,



1 responsible

2 there is no such thing

3 charge too much

4 you doubt my

5 a pay rise – this British English – in American English pay raise is correct

6 the exact time

7 you are supposed

8 like a child / as if you were a child

9 sounds very nice

10 they are not real



Pick me up

Ripped off

Brought up

Leave him alone

Looking forward to

I had owned up to

Just make it up

Went off

Led to much better performance

Get used to our computer system

I’ll take over at 4

we can't cope with



Sociable- unsociable, Major-minor, Basic- complicated, Limited – unlimited,

Accept-reject, Exactly-roughly, Bargain- rip-off, Appear- disappear

Artificial- natural, End up – start, begin, depart, leave



1 had been 2 basically 3 sales 4 end 5 to/with 6that 7 there 8 quality 9 from improving/ improving 10 offer 11 dealing 12 appears/seems



1 distilled water, any kind of food that has not been seasoned

2 hairdo, restaurant, performance, person, furniture

3 (1) of many different types, (2) changing / opinions, cultures, menus, diet, selection of cheeses, life

4 light, parts of the body, flowers, teeth

5 scene /in a film/, goals, targets, plans, price, salary, painting /(1) as in real life, (2) possible to achieve, (3) sensible/

6 act, play, a trick, a task, a duty (at work)

7 an offer, a job offer, a candidate

8 money

9 an order, a hotel booking

10 perks (at work), a discount, free gifts/vouchers



1 meant to 2 bother 3 always 4 matter 5 according to 6 consider 7 so that 8 as if 9 relatively 10 capable




1 organising 2 sleeping 3 to go 4 to have 5 to be 6 to blow 7 playing 8 buying 9 doing 10 to own up


1 confused 2 sounds 3 note 4 can vary 5 according to 6 real fruit, with nothing

7 is related 8 achieve 9 takes a lot of pride in her … 10 I haven’t seen



1 savings 2 performance 3 chaotic 4 meant 5 especially 6 vary 7 typical 8 relatively 9 officially 10 shameful



Example answers:

1 …it was going to rain / he was going to faint / he had no money etc

2 … extra-terrestrial life/life on other planets/ an ideal man/woman etc

3 …he borrows my mobile without asking/ people go on talking without a pause etc

4 ... the best way to learn a foreign language / the shortest way to get there etc

5 … passing the driving test / finding a rich husband etc

6 … dog owners have to pay dog tax / we have to pay so much tax in our country etc

7 The students answer the questions …./ We took the oral exam …./ etc

8 … by paying a specialist / by making the kids do some of the chores / etc

9 … the instructions carefully?

10… your company?



1 of 2 in 3 after 4 it in 5 it 6 them off 7 it into 8 in 9 it 10 it up



1 expect 2 who 3 from 4 willing 5 trained 6 demand 7 opportunity 8 required 9 with 10 supply



1 a shame 2 succeed in the exam 3 … matter if you …, … give it a try

4 make conversation 5 I tried on six … 6 The company was a failure/failed

7 …. As soon as he has finished … 8 I covered my eyes 9 The good thing about living here

10 to turn it down



1 jewellery, clothes, glasses, shoes etc(/and of course put on a swim-suit or swimming trunks  )

2 clothes, buildings etc

3 heat

4 animals

5 a puncture / we might run out of petrol /engine failure etc

6 break-dancing /bungee-jumping / all kinds of extreme sports/ teaching nursery children / working in a coal-mine / etc



1 achievement 2 officially 3 surrounded 4 materials 5 expecting 6 expert 7 requirements 8 reluctant 9 should 10 supposed



1 go 2 materials 3 there 4 order 5 supplies 6 otherwise 7 when 8 produces 9 relevant 10 require



Example : wrong word – corrected phrase

1to – follow these

2 on – affects price

3 so – doesn’t mean there

4 correct

5 of – a few appointments

6 this – Otherwise, you …

7 correct

8 you- Before going

9 your- (take into) consideration

10 for – will say anything to persuade you

11 that- Remember your list

12 correct

13 any – If you are in doubt, …

14 the – someone with legal knowledge

15 much- hopes too high

16 that – a big flat surrounded by

17 correct



1 surrounded 2 officially 3 shamefully 4 pride 5 relatively

6 partnerships 7 veriety 8 meant



1 much 2 to 3 is 4 taking 5 to 6 the 7 with 8 for 9 are 10 the



1 expensive clothes/luxury cars/ the latest fashion /state-of-the art technology etc

2 for the sake of one’s career: free time, for the sake of one’s family: some luxuries / etc

3 saving the life of someone we really love/saving our kids’ life

4 judging people by appearance/ ~ by religion /racial/religious/cultural prejudices etc

5 low salary/ unpleasant working environment etc

6 qualification/ a college degree/BA/BSc

7 being a teacher / working for a multinational company etc

8 contracts

9 winning the lottery

10 some new ideas of our country’s politicians



1 - 2 for 3 reluctant 4 In 5 although 6 would 7 to 8 available 9 to 10 drinking 11 socialise 12 necessities 13 broaden 14 about



1 skill 2 requirement 3 genuine 4 ashamed 5 failure 6 random 7 priority 8 irrelevant 9 material 10 demand



1 utter chaos 2 chance meeting 3 golden opportunity 4 disappearing act 5 bulk order

6 heart failure (touch wood!) 7 key factor 8 trick question 9 unconfirmed report 10 style icon



1 He might get upset if you asked him why he failed

2 The office needs tidying

3 It’s typical of him to take crazy risks

4 He got stuck halfway up the ladder

5 No-one can get into the building without keys



1 really 2 let 3 won’t 4harm your … 5 keeping 6breath 7 get involved 8 getting upset 9 in the end 10 used to be



1 a shame 2 a row 3 a go 4 think it 5 in one go 6 in case 7 for its own 8 no such



Example: wrong word – corrected phrase

1 which – research published

2 too – could be harmful

3 correct

4 of – many users

5 been – have shown

6 to – you risk damaging your …

7 correct

8 the- had very high levels

9 to – told the media

10 correct

11 of – any medical treatment

12 correct

13 were – Gov Health Officials advised / has advised

14 their- (to lose) weight



1 recorded 2 unavailable 3 involvement 4 equiped 5 luxurious

6 tricky 7varied 8 stylish 9 incapable 10 doubtful



1 baby/all kinds of special equipment etc

2 expensive jewellery

3 visiting exotic countries

4 lend them some money

5 hacking/dealing in drugs/gambling/borrowing money from mafia etc

6 career /free time /seeing their friends regularly/clubbing /getting luxuries etc

7 electricity /the internet/ an inetrnet connection / a bathroom with running water /state-of-the art technology /mobile phones etc

8 a bat

9 copying a book /someone else’s work, master’s thesis, research etc

10 packet soup (czyli nasze chińskie zupki, porcja warzyw itp)



1 F – cracked means popękany, but it doesn’t mean there’s no glass

2 F – to start on means to start functioning (nie zapala się), but blinking light means it does come on (musi się zapalić żeby mogło mrugać)

3 T (clean the marks)

4 F – it needs to be fixed - the handle, actually

5 F – ‘if’ means he doesn’t know

6 F

7 T



You would see the text in a user's manual.

1 product 2 for 3 engineer 4 purpose 5 are



1 criticise you 2 get over her depression 3 drink to excess 4 calm down 5 be cautious 6 prevent accidents 7 get stuck 8 say goodbye




1. job

3. agency

5. stuck

6. menu

7. lie

8. plan

9. fixes

11. tool

14. trap

16. he

17. no

19. progress



1. justifying

2. blue

3. ankles

4. yours

6. meant

10. error

12. oh

13. less

15. pig

18. we



OF: capable, in charge, in favour, for the sake, typical

TO: react, tend, willing, according, related

FROM: separate, differ, recover


C answers in the book



1. tend to enjoy

2. We are unlikely

3. recovered from his

4. calm down

5. to the center

6. available for interview

7. of the equipment

8. for the sake

9. any chance to sit down/ a chance



1. fix

2. cracked

3. which

4. to heal

5. particularly

6. be

7. recovery

8. likely

9. if

10. use



I've taken up Spanish, you know.

It's going great. I can already have a small talk in Spanish, only after a two-month course. And What have you been up to?

Honestly, you look fantastic!

No, actually, we've broken up recently.

Are you and John still going out together?


Thank you.



1. suspicious

2. separate

3. straight

4. muscle

5. achieve

6. knowledge

7. impression

8. commute

9. exciting

10. research

11. surround

12. colleague



1. resigned straight after

2. sort them out

3. right way round

4. hold the boss responsible

5. find it interesting

6. he is thought

7. insisted in opening

8. go up to

9. tell if he was

10. felt like eating



1. celebrity

2. performances

3. casual

4. defend

5. blame

6. to be

7. reputation

8. denied

9. admits

10. challenge



1. He gets .... his boss criticizes him/he gets drunk

2. Although ... they do their job perfectly/we invited them to the party

3. He ... stealing the money/getting to work late/killing the woman.

4. They ... new chellenges

5. A man ... if I wanted to support disabled children/pay some money for charity/try samples of a new product



line 1: my

line 5: of

line 6: we

line 7: of

line 8: that, it

line 10: about



getting the credit – get the blame

a dream holiday – holiday from hell

reasonable – unreasonable

bright – dim, dark

soften – harden

take something for granted – appreciate

to admit – to deny

impressive – unimpressive

justified – unjustified

tame – wild



1. pleased

2. unappreciated

3. connection

4. creatively

5. relieved

6. advised

7. supervision

8. environmental

9. effective

10. attracted



1. controversy

2. advising

3. have

4. effectively

5. whole

6. with

7. denied

8. as

9. impressed

10. with



1. only on condition that you accept the job

2. a tedious process

3. happy to help

4. at the last minute

5. I'm just putting you through

6. make a big fuss about it

7. house of his dreams

8. see the attraction of it

9. lost touch with each other

10. get rid of all the rubbish




1. has

2. these are

3. official

4. take

5. in

6. exterior

7. sorted

8. contents

9. is located

10. research

11. such

12. taking

13. however

14. genuine



1. He didn't take any notice of our advice.

2. It's because they made so much effort they deserve our praise.

3. They'll give you the books only if you pay.

4. It will be busy whenever you travel.

5. I prefer sleeping in a tent than a dirty hotel.

6. The match should be over by now.



1. extremely

2. chance

3. on

4. much

5. with

6. stuff

7. had

8. by

9. to give

10. as long as



1. A famous unsolved mystery – how Notorious B.I.G died/what really happened in the World Trade Center on 9/11/the Loch Ness monster, the Bermuda Triangle

2. A part of the world with an extreme climate – the Sahara Dessert/Antarctica

3. An idealistic hope – world peace/ no illnesses/that there won't be femine / that politicians in Poland will care about the people

4. A generalization that you don't agree with – that men are more intelligent than women/ Japanese people are more hard-working than Poles

5 A controversial decision – uniforms in Polish schools/privatization of Polish health care system

6. Sth you can't see the attraction of – 'Dance with the stars' programme

7. Some really good advice I've had – that I should take life as it is/ that I should stay away from guys who don't respect me

8. Someone you'd like to get back in touch with – my high school German teacher/my Portuguese pen-friend

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1097

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