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sentimental,adj., sentimental.

sentimiento,m., sentiment, feeling;pl.feelings,75, 12.


sentir,v. a. and v. n., to feel; to hear,117, 18; to regret, to be sorry.seña,f., sign, signal;


por señas,1, 23, as stronger proof, by way of proof;por más señas,47, 18, by way of closer description.señá,f., Mrs., Mistress;see note to13, 10.


señal,m., mark, sign;seepelo,57, 5.


señalar,v. a., to point out, to indicate.

señor,m., master; owner; lord; gentleman;in direct address, sir;pl.señores,112, 5, ladies and gentlemen.


señora,f., lady; wife; mistress;Nuestra Señora,2, 26, Our Lady.señoría,f., lordship, worship;


su —, his worship, your worship.

señorío,m., high society, upper crust,13, 2.

señorón,m., distinguished gentleman; high-born gentleman.separar,v. a., to separate, to divide; to lift,57, 13.


ser,v. n. aux., to be;

era que,112, 3, it was that, the reason was;


— de,70, 10,103, 9,etc., to become of;

o sea,56, 4,108, 2, or, or rather, or if you please.


ser,m., being, existence;Ser Supremo,13, 8, Supreme Being;see note.serenarse,v. refl., to calm oneself.


sereno, na,adj., serene, peaceful, calm,23, 10;97,tit.XXVIII, all's well!seriedad,f., seriousness.


sermón,m., sermon.servicio,m., service.servidor,m., servant.


servidumbre,f., servants, household.servir,v. a. and v. n., to serve;


— de, to serve as;

— de algo,12, 8, to be of use, to be of account, to be good for something, tobe worth something;


me servirá para encender,80, 30, it will do me to light, I can use it to light.sesión,f., session, sitting;


salón de sesiones,48, 3, assembly-hall, assembly room.setenta y cinco,adj. num., seventy-five;

cumplir los —,46, 20, to reach seventy-five years, be seventy-five yearsold.

seto,m., fence; hedge,82, 7.severamente,adv., severely. 238severidad,f., severity.


severo, ra,adj., severe.

Sevilla,f. npr., Seville.sexo,m., sex.


Shakespeare,m. npr., Shakespeare,23, 1.si,conj., if, even if; whether; in case that;


— bien que, although, if;

— no, except;


por —, on the chance, to see if,64, 21,etc.

si,adv., how, how very, indeed;67, 6, of course.,pron., himself, herself, itself.


,adv., indeed, truly;26, 3, rather.¡sí!, yes.


Siberia,f. npr., Siberia.sibilante,adj., whistling, hissing.


siembra,f., sowed field, planted field,65, 17.siempre,adv., always; ever;


— que,1, 9,etc., whenever.sierpe,f., snake, serpent.siesta,f., siesta, afternoon nap;dormir la —, to take a nap.siete,adj. num., seven.


sifón,m., underground conduit,20, 18.siglo,m., century; age.


significar,v. a., to signify, to mean.siguiente,adj., following.


silbar,v. n., to hiss,106, 20.silencio,m., silence.silencioso, sa,adj., silent.silla,f., seat, chair.


simbolizar,v. a., to symbolize, to typify.simétricamente,adv., symmetrically.simpático, ca,adj., attractive,17, 3.simple,adj., simple, plain, mere,22, 13.


simultáneamente,adv., simultaneously, at once,6, 25.

sin,prep., without, except;


— embargo, notwithstanding, however;

— que,conj., without.sinceridad,f., sincerity.sincero, ra,adj., sincere.

singularidad,f., singularity, peculiarity.singular,adj., singular, strange, unusual,107, 14.sino,conj., but;


— que,42, 8, but.

siquiera,adv., even; at least;ni —, not even.


sirena,f., siren.

sirvienta,f., servant, maidservant.sistema,m., system.


sitio,m., situation, position; place.situación,f., situation, position.situado, da,adj., situated.


sobar,v. a., to knead,44, 16;see note. 239soberanía,f., majesty,110, 4.


soberano,m., sovereign.

soberano, na,adj., exquisite, admirable, splendid,16, 4.sobornar,v. a., to suborn, to bribe,113, 22.


sobra,f., superfluity; remainder;

de —,12, 8, more than enough, not needed; extra.sobre,prep., on, upon, above; about, concerning;


— todo, above all, especially.

sobresaltado, da,adj., amazed, astonished, thunderstruck.sobresaltar,v. a., to startle,105, 11.


sobrina,f., niece.sobrino,m., nephew.


socarronería,f., cunning, craft,59, 2.sociedad,f., society; company; sociability.socorrer,v. a., to help, to succor.socorro,m., help, aid, succor.

sofá,m., sofa, couch.


sofocante,adj., stifling, choking,70, 16.sofocar,v. a., to stifle, to smother.

sol,m., sun.

Solán de Cabras,m. npr., Solán de Cabras,see note to124, 20.

soldado,m., soldier.soledad,f., solitude.


solemne,adj., solemn, formal; enormous, huge,88, 12.solemnemente,adv., solemnly.

solemnidad,f., solemnity.

soler,v. n., to be accustomed, to be used;solía tener celos,22, 4, used to be jealous.solicitud,f., solicitude.


solitario,m., solitaire, game of solitaire, patience,53, 10.solo, la,adj., alone; single, sole; only;


un —, just one;

a solas,32, 27, alone.

sólo,adv., alone, solely, just, but, only;tan —,116, 8, exclusively, solely, only.


soltar,v. a., to set down, to put down,56, 1; to release, to set free, to let goof.


sollozo,m., sob.

sombra,f., shadow, shade.sombrero,m., hat;


— de tres picos, cocked hat, three cornered hat;

— de copa,127, 10, tall hat, top hat, stove pipe hat.sonar,v. n., to sound, to resound.


sondear,v. a., to sound,71, 2.sonreír,v. n., to smile.sonrisa,f., smile.

sopa,f., sop;

hecho una —,83, 14, as wet as sop, sopping wet.sordo, da,adj., deaf;79, 24, dull.


sorprender,v. a., to surprise; to take by surprise.sorpresa,f., surprise.



v. a., to guess at,45, 11. 240


sortija,f., ring, finger-ring.

sosegado, da,adj., quiet, peaceful, calm.sosegar,v. a., to quiet, to calm.sospecha,f., suspicion.

sospechar,v. a., to suspect.

su,adj. poss., his, her, its, their, your.suave,adj., gentle.

subido, da,adj.(of sleeves), short, pulled up,101, 10.


subir,v. a., to carry up, to take up,83, 24;v. n., to go up, to climb up; tocome up;


estoy subido,32, 26, I am up;subido,60, 3, mounted.


subordinado,m., subaltern, subordinate,88, 16.subsidio,m., subsidy.


suceder,v. n., to happen, to take place, to occur.sucesión,f., issue, progeny,19, 7.sucesivamente,adv., successively.

sucesivo, va,adj., succeeding;lo —,125, 22, the future.sudar,v. n., to sweat.sudario,m., winding-sheet.sudor,m., sweat.


suelo,m., ground, floor;cf.arrastrar,79, 16.


sueño,m., sleep; dream.

suerte,f., fate, destiny; luck, fortune.suficiente,adj., sufficient; large enough,39, 16.sufrir,v. a., to suffer, to endure.


sumamente,adj., exceedingly, extremely; very.sumido,adj., drawn, sunken,109, 3;cf.


sumo, ma,adj., most, highest;a lo —, at the most.


superfluo, flua,adj., superfluous.superior,m., superior.superlativo, va,adj., superlative.súplica,f., entreaty.


suplicante,adj., suppliant, beseeching.suponer,v. a. and v. n., to suppose.


suposición,f., supposition; distinction, eminence,8, 3.supremo, ma,adj., highest, supreme.


suprimir,v. a., to suppress, to abolish.supuesto, ta,adj., supposed;


— que, since, inasmuch;

por —, of course,13, 17;52, 9,


por — tu estarás, and you will be of course, you expect to be.

suspender,v. a., to suspend, to cease.suspirar,v. n., to sigh.


susto,m., fright.susurrar,v. a., to whisper.suyo,

suya,adj. poss., his, her, their, your;el suyo,


la suya,etc.,pron., his, hers, its, yours. 241




tabaco,m., tobacco.

taberna,f., tavern; inn; public-house,51, 20.tabla,f., plank,72, 6.


táctica,f., tactics.tacha,f., defect,48, 17.


tal,adj., such, such a; so and so; of such a kind, so constituted;


— cosa,12, 8, such and such a thing;

— otra,12, 9, such another;

el —, the said, the aforesaid;


— o cual,45, 17, this or that, one or another;

con — de,49, 3, provided that, on condition that, so that;¿qué — vamos? 84, 6, how are we getting along?


— y como,93, 1, just exactly;

tratarle como a —,107, 23, to treat him as such.talento,m., talent, capacity.


talión,m., retaliation, reprisal;

pena del —,103,tit.XXXI,lex talionis, law of reprisals.talón,m., heel.


talonazo,m., dig (with heel);cf.puntapié,82, 15.


talla,f., stature; height; figure,14, 14.taller,m., shop, workshop;


— de carpintería,21, 6, carpenter shop.tambalearse,v. refl., to stagger.también,conj., also.

tampoco,adv., just as little, neither, also not.

tan,adv., so; as; so thoroughly, to such an extent,114, 30;

— ... como, as ... as;


que ... —, what a.

tanto, ta,adj., so much, so many; as much, as many.


tanto,adv., as much, as long; so much, so long; to such an extent; so; sowell;


por —,14, 23, by so much, to the same degree, correspondingly;en —, then, at that moment,115, 24.


tapar,v. a., to cover;

— los oídos,4, 1, to stop the ears.tardar,v. n., to delay, to be late,22, 5;


el (tiempo) que tardó,69, 20, the time that he took;

ya no puede — en venir,105, 24, cannot be long in coming.tarde,f., afternoon.


tarea,f., task, care,106, 12.tartamudear,v. n., to stammer.


tasar,v. a.(en), to assess, to tax, to value,21, 8.tataranieta,f., great-great-granddaughter,102, 8.te,pron., you, to you (acc. and dat.).

teatral,adj., formal,102, 2.teatro,m., theatre, scene.techo,m., roof; ceiling. 242tejer,v. a., to weave.telar,m., loom,21, 5.telaraña,f., cobweb.

temblar,v. n., to tremble,38, 1; to shake,126, 4;

— a, to tremble before, to be afraid of,37, 27.


temblor,m., tremor,56, 11.temer,v. a., to fear.


temeroso, sa,adj., fearful, timid; afraid, fearing,107, 23.temporal,adj., temporal, worldly;


lo —,6, 28, things temporal.tempranito,adv., early, bright and early.temprano,adv., early.

tender,v. a., to spread, to set,34, 15.


tener,v. a., to have, to hold, to keep; to possess;cuando te tuvo,50, 6, when he took you;téngalas V. muy buenas,87, 14,

tengan Vds. muy buenas noches,109, 1, a very good evening to you;tenía algo de ingeniero natural,20, 16, he was something of an engineer;tenía cuarenta y ocho años,27, 10, he was forty-eight years old;


no tenemos para qué,87, 8, we have no reason for, there is no reason why

we should;


tienes que ir,124, 6, you must go;

todo lo que la presente historia tiene que ver con,7, 1, all that the presentstory has to do with; see


tentador, dora,adj., tempting.tentar,v. a., to feel,115, 4.tercero, ra,adj.(tercer), third.tercia,f., third;pl.


tercias, king's share of ecclesiastical tithe;see note to6, 29.terciana,f., tertian; tertian ague,81, 9.


terminar,v. a., to end, to complete;v. n., to end, to come to an end.término,m., district, limit.


ternura,f., tenderness.terremoto,m., earthquake.terrible,adj., terrible.terriblemente,adv., terribly.territorio,m., territory.terror,m., terror, fright.


tertulia,f., assembly, coterie, circle, club;see note to8, 12.tertuliano,m., member of a



testamento,m., will, testament.testigo,m., witness.


testimonio,m., testimony,113, 27.

tétrico, ca,adj., gloomy, unfriendly, dreary,14, 9.texto,m., text.


ti,pron., you, to you (acc. and dat.).tía,f., aunt;


— Josefa,29, 10,see note to11, 20. 243Ticiano,m. npr., Titian.


tiempo,m., time; season;

a —,39, 19, opportunely; in time;

en otro —,25, 10, in other times, in another time;hacer —,117, 15, to pass the time, to kill time.tienta,f., sound, probe;

a tientas,45, 11, groping.

tiento,m., caution, circumspection,65, 13.tierno, na,adj., tender.

tierra,f., earth; land, country.tigre,m., tiger.


timbre,m., timbre, quality,100, 2.tímidamente,adv., timidly.tinieblas,fpl., darkness.

tinte,m., tint, tinge,102, 2.

tío,m., uncle;see note to11, 20.tiranía,f., tyranny.


tirar,v. a., to throw; to pull, to pull out; to throw down;tirose la mantilla atrás,110, 3, she threw back her mantilla;


lo tiró de espaldas,38, 18, she overturned him, tipped him over backwards;le tiraba un pellizco,121, 12, gave him a pinch, was giving him a pinch.tiro,m., shot;see


titilar,v. a., to tickle.

titular,adj., titular (holding empty name or title);río —,10, 6, titular river, river by courtesy.


título,m., title, right, claim;8, 13, titulary, titled person.tocar,v. a., to touch; to concern;


— la guitarra,etc.,20, 3, to play;v. n., to fall to, to belong to;tocábale a él,1, 11, it fell to him, it was his business;


me toca a mí,54, 21, is my business, is my concern;121, 3, it is my turn;el esquilón tocaba a vísperas, the bell was ringing for vespers, wassounding vespers, 24, 2;

había tocado de camino en el corregimiento,90, 7, had stopped on his wayat the mayor's residence;

tocaba en la tierra,121, 7, was touching the ground.todavía,adv., still, yet; once again.


todo, da,adj., all, each, every, whole;pl.todos, all, everybody;


fea y —,30, 22, ugly and all;

— un hombre,22, 24, a whole man.


todo,adv., wholly, altogether, all;ante —,66, 17, above all, first of all.

tomar,v. a., to take, to take away; to eat;


— la cara,38, 8,56, 7, to chuck under the chin, to stroke the face;

— la palabra,125, 14, to take the floor;

— por,119, 1, to take for, to mistake for;


tomo por aquí,47, 4, I turn this way, I go this way;

tomaron por la escalera arriba,100, 12, they went on up the stair;¡toma! 30, 20,46, 17,83, 16,etc., why! well! rather! I should think so! so, so! 244tomate,m., tomato.


tonadilla,f., interlude.tono,m., tone.tontería,f., foolishness.


tonto, ta,adj., foolish, stupid.

Toñuelo,m. npr., Tony.

toque,m., ringing, sounding, tolling,8, 15.torcido, da,adj., twisted, crooked,81, 8.tormenta,f., torture.

tornar,v. n., to return, to go back.torno,m., turning;


en — de,71, 9, round about.toro,m., bull.


torpe,adj., base, vile,125, 20.torpeza,f., stupidity, dullness,93, 11.torre,f., tower.

torta,f., cake.tórtola,f., turtle-dove;


color de —,26, 20, dove color.tos,f., cough.


tosco, ca,adj., rough, rude,18, 6.toser,v. n., to cough.


total,adj., total.

trabajar,v. a. and v. n., to work;

— de carpintero,20, 8, to work as a carpenter, to do carpenter's work.trabuco,m., blunderbuss.


tradición,f., tradition.tradicional,adj., traditional.


traer,v. a., to carry, to bring, to take;

trae escandalizado,51, 2, keeps scandalized;


traigo mi capote,63, 29, I have brought my cape; I have my cape, my cloakwith me.


tragedia,f., tragedy.trágico, ca,adj., tragic.

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