Iquest;quién? 21 page
sentimental ,adj. , sentimental.
sentimiento ,m. , sentiment, feeling;pl. feelings,75 , 12.
sentir ,v. a. and v. n. , to feel; to hear,117 , 18; to regret, to be sorry.seña ,f. , sign, signal;
por señas ,1 , 23, as stronger proof, by way of proof;por más señas ,47 , 18, by way of closer description.señá ,f. , Mrs., Mistress;see note to 13 , 10.
señal ,m. , mark, sign;see pelo ,57 , 5.
señalar ,v. a. , to point out, to indicate.
señor ,m. , master; owner; lord; gentleman;in direct address , sir;pl. señores ,112 , 5, ladies and gentlemen.
señora ,f. , lady; wife; mistress;Nuestra Señora ,2 , 26, Our Lady.señoría ,f. , lordship, worship;
su — , his worship, your worship.
señorío ,m. , high society, upper crust,13 , 2.
señorón ,m. , distinguished gentleman; high-born gentleman.separar ,v. a. , to separate, to divide; to lift,57 , 13.
ser ,v. n. aux. , to be;
era que ,112 , 3, it was that, the reason was;
— de ,70 , 10,103 , 9,etc. , to become of;
o sea ,56 , 4,108 , 2, or, or rather, or if you please.
ser ,m. , being, existence;Ser Supremo ,13 , 8, Supreme Being;see note .serenarse ,v. refl. , to calm oneself.
sereno, na ,adj. , serene, peaceful, calm,23 , 10;97 ,tit. XXVIII, all's well!seriedad ,f. , seriousness.
sermón ,m. , sermon.servicio ,m. , service.servidor ,m. , servant.
servidumbre ,f. , servants, household.servir ,v. a. and v. n. , to serve;
— de , to serve as;
— de algo ,12 , 8, to be of use, to be of account, to be good for something, tobe worth something;
me servirá para encender ,80 , 30, it will do me to light, I can use it to light.sesión ,f. , session, sitting;
salón de sesiones ,48 , 3, assembly-hall, assembly room.setenta y cinco ,adj. num. , seventy-five;
cumplir los — ,46 , 20, to reach seventy-five years, be seventy-five yearsold.
seto ,m. , fence; hedge,82 , 7.severamente ,adv. , severely. 238severidad ,f. , severity.
severo, ra ,adj. , severe.
Sevilla ,f. npr. , Seville.sexo ,m. , sex.
Shakespeare ,m. npr. , Shakespeare,23 , ,conj. , if, even if; whether; in case that;
— bien que , although, if;
— no , except;
por — , on the chance, to see if,64 , 21,etc.
si ,adv. , how, how very, indeed;67 , 6, of course.sí ,pron. , himself, herself, itself.
sí ,adv. , indeed, truly;26 , 3, rather.¡sí! , yes.
Siberia ,f. npr. , Siberia.sibilante ,adj. , whistling, hissing.
siembra ,f. , sowed field, planted field,65 , 17.siempre ,adv. , always; ever;
— que ,1 , 9,etc. , whenever.sierpe ,f. , snake, serpent.siesta ,f. , siesta, afternoon nap;dormir la — , to take a nap.siete ,adj. num. , seven.
sifón ,m. , underground conduit,20 , 18.siglo ,m. , century; age.
significar ,v. a. , to signify, to mean.siguiente ,adj. , following.
silbar ,v. n. , to hiss,106 , 20.silencio ,m. , silence.silencioso, sa ,adj. , silent.silla ,f. , seat, chair.
simbolizar ,v. a. , to symbolize, to typify.simétricamente ,adv. , symmetrically.simpático, ca ,adj. , attractive,17 , 3.simple ,adj. , simple, plain, mere,22 , 13.
simultáneamente ,adv. , simultaneously, at once,6 , 25.
sin ,prep. , without, except;
— embargo , notwithstanding, however;
— que ,conj. , without.sinceridad ,f. , sincerity.sincero, ra ,adj. , sincere.
singularidad ,f. , singularity, peculiarity.singular ,adj. , singular, strange, unusual,107 , 14.sino ,conj. , but;
— que ,42 , 8, but.
siquiera ,adv. , even; at least;ni — , not even.
sirena ,f. , siren.
sirvienta ,f. , servant, maidservant.sistema ,m. , system.
sitio ,m. , situation, position; place.situación ,f. , situation, position.situado, da ,adj. , situated.
sobar ,v. a. , to knead,44 , 16;see note . 239soberanía ,f. , majesty,110 , 4.
soberano ,m. , sovereign.
soberano, na ,adj. , exquisite, admirable, splendid,16 , 4.sobornar ,v. a. , to suborn, to bribe,113 , 22.
sobra ,f. , superfluity; remainder;
de — ,12 , 8, more than enough, not needed; extra.sobre ,prep. , on, upon, above; about, concerning;
— todo , above all, especially.
sobresaltado, da ,adj. , amazed, astonished, thunderstruck.sobresaltar ,v. a. , to startle,105 , 11.
sobrina ,f. , niece.sobrino ,m. , nephew.
socarronería ,f. , cunning, craft,59 , 2.sociedad ,f. , society; company; sociability.socorrer ,v. a. , to help, to succor.socorro ,m. , help, aid, succor.
sofá ,m. , sofa, couch.
sofocante ,adj. , stifling, choking,70 , 16.sofocar ,v. a. , to stifle, to smother.
sol ,m. , sun.
Solán de Cabras ,m. npr. , Solán de Cabras,see note to 124 , 20.
soldado ,m. , soldier.soledad ,f. , solitude.
solemne ,adj. , solemn, formal; enormous, huge,88 , 12.solemnemente ,adv. , solemnly.
solemnidad ,f. , solemnity.
soler ,v. n. , to be accustomed, to be used;solía tener celos ,22 , 4, used to be jealous.solicitud ,f. , solicitude.
solitario ,m. , solitaire, game of solitaire, patience,53 , 10.solo, la ,adj. , alone; single, sole; only;
un — , just one;
a solas ,32 , 27, alone.
sólo ,adv. , alone, solely, just, but, only;tan — ,116 , 8, exclusively, solely, only.
soltar ,v. a. , to set down, to put down,56 , 1; to release, to set free, to let goof.
sollozo ,m. , sob.
sombra ,f. , shadow, shade.sombrero ,m. , hat;
— de tres picos , cocked hat, three cornered hat;
— de copa ,127 , 10, tall hat, top hat, stove pipe hat.sonar ,v. n. , to sound, to resound.
sondear ,v. a. , to sound,71 , 2.sonreír ,v. n. , to smile.sonrisa ,f. , smile.
sopa ,f. , sop;
hecho una — ,83 , 14, as wet as sop, sopping wet.sordo, da ,adj. , deaf;79 , 24, dull.
sorprender ,v. a. , to surprise; to take by surprise.sorpresa ,f. , surprise.
sortear ,
v. a. , to guess at,45 , 11. 240
sortija ,f. , ring, finger-ring.
sosegado, da ,adj. , quiet, peaceful, calm.sosegar ,v. a. , to quiet, to calm.sospecha ,f. , suspicion.
sospechar ,v. a. , to suspect.
su ,adj. poss. , his, her, its, their, your.suave ,adj. , gentle.
subido, da ,adj. (of sleeves ), short, pulled up,101 , 10.
subir ,v. a. , to carry up, to take up,83 , 24;v. n. , to go up, to climb up; tocome up;
estoy subido ,32 , 26, I am up;subido ,60 , 3, mounted.
subordinado ,m. , subaltern, subordinate,88 , 16.subsidio ,m. , subsidy.
suceder ,v. n. , to happen, to take place, to occur.sucesión ,f. , issue, progeny,19 , 7.sucesivamente ,adv. , successively.
sucesivo, va ,adj. , succeeding;lo — ,125 , 22, the future.sudar ,v. n. , to sweat.sudario ,m. , winding-sheet.sudor ,m. , sweat.
suelo ,m. , ground, floor;cf. arrastrar ,79 , 16.
sueño ,m. , sleep; dream.
suerte ,f. , fate, destiny; luck, fortune.suficiente ,adj. , sufficient; large enough,39 , 16.sufrir ,v. a. , to suffer, to endure.
sumamente ,adj. , exceedingly, extremely; very.sumido ,adj. , drawn, sunken,109 , 3;cf.
boca .
sumo, ma ,adj. , most, highest;a lo — , at the most.
superfluo, flua ,adj. , superfluous.superior ,m. , superior.superlativo, va ,adj. , superlative.súplica ,f. , entreaty.
suplicante ,adj. , suppliant, beseeching.suponer ,v. a. and v. n. , to suppose.
suposición ,f. , supposition; distinction, eminence,8 , 3.supremo, ma ,adj. , highest, supreme.
suprimir ,v. a. , to suppress, to abolish.supuesto, ta ,adj. , supposed;
— que , since, inasmuch;
por — , of course,13 , 17;52 , 9,
por — tu estarás , and you will be of course, you expect to be.
suspender ,v. a. , to suspend, to cease.suspirar ,v. n. , to sigh.
susto ,m. , fright.susurrar ,v. a. , to whisper.suyo ,
suya ,adj. poss. , his, her, their, your;el suyo ,
la suya ,etc. ,pron. , his, hers, its, yours. 241
tabaco ,m. , tobacco.
taberna ,f. , tavern; inn; public-house,51 , 20.tabla ,f. , plank,72 , 6.
táctica ,f. , tactics.tacha ,f. , defect,48 , 17.
tal ,adj. , such, such a; so and so; of such a kind, so constituted;
— cosa ,12 , 8, such and such a thing;
— otra ,12 , 9, such another;
el — , the said, the aforesaid;
— o cual ,45 , 17, this or that, one or another;
con — de ,49 , 3, provided that, on condition that, so that;¿qué — vamos? 84 , 6, how are we getting along?
— y como ,93 , 1, just exactly;
tratarle como a — ,107 , 23, to treat him as such.talento ,m. , talent, capacity.
talión ,m. , retaliation, reprisal;
pena del — ,103 ,tit. XXXI,lex talionis , law of reprisals.talón ,m. , heel.
talonazo ,m. , dig (with heel);cf. puntapié ,82 , 15.
talla ,f. , stature; height; figure,14 , 14.taller ,m. , shop, workshop;
— de carpintería ,21 , 6, carpenter shop.tambalearse ,v. refl. , to stagger.también ,conj. , also.
tampoco ,adv. , just as little, neither, also not.
tan ,adv. , so; as; so thoroughly, to such an extent,114 , 30;
— ... como , as ... as;
que ... — , what a.
tanto, ta ,adj. , so much, so many; as much, as many.
tanto ,adv. , as much, as long; so much, so long; to such an extent; so; sowell;
por — ,14 , 23, by so much, to the same degree, correspondingly;en — , then, at that moment,115 , 24.
tapar ,v. a. , to cover;
— los oídos ,4 , 1, to stop the ears.tardar ,v. n. , to delay, to be late,22 , 5;
el (tiempo) que tardó ,69 , 20, the time that he took;
ya no puede — en venir ,105 , 24, cannot be long in coming.tarde ,f. , afternoon.
tarea ,f. , task, care,106 , 12.tartamudear ,v. n. , to stammer.
tasar ,v. a. (en ), to assess, to tax, to value,21 , 8.tataranieta ,f. , great-great-granddaughter,102 , 8.te ,pron. , you, to you (acc. and dat. ).
teatral ,adj. , formal,102 , 2.teatro ,m. , theatre, scene.techo ,m. , roof; ceiling. 242tejer ,v. a. , to weave.telar ,m. , loom,21 , 5.telaraña ,f. , cobweb.
temblar ,v. n. , to tremble,38 , 1; to shake,126 , 4;
— a , to tremble before, to be afraid of,37 , 27.
temblor ,m. , tremor,56 , 11.temer ,v. a. , to fear.
temeroso, sa ,adj. , fearful, timid; afraid, fearing,107 , 23.temporal ,adj. , temporal, worldly;
lo — ,6 , 28, things temporal.tempranito ,adv. , early, bright and early.temprano ,adv. , early.
tender ,v. a. , to spread, to set,34 , 15.
tener ,v. a. , to have, to hold, to keep; to possess;cuando te tuvo ,50 , 6, when he took you;téngalas V. muy buenas ,87 , 14,
tengan Vds. muy buenas noches ,109 , 1, a very good evening to you;tenía algo de ingeniero natural ,20 , 16, he was something of an engineer;tenía cuarenta y ocho años ,27 , 10, he was forty-eight years old;
no tenemos para qué ,87 , 8, we have no reason for, there is no reason why
we should;
tienes que ir ,124 , 6, you must go;
todo lo que la presente historia tiene que ver con ,7 , 1, all that the presentstory has to do with; see
ver .
tentador, dora ,adj. , tempting.tentar ,v. a. , to feel,115 , 4.tercero, ra ,adj. (tercer ), third.tercia ,f. , third;pl.
tercias , king's share of ecclesiastical tithe;see note to 6 , 29.terciana ,f. , tertian; tertian ague,81 , 9.
terminar ,v. a. , to end, to complete;v. n. , to end, to come to an end.término ,m. , district, limit.
ternura ,f. , tenderness.terremoto ,m. , earthquake.terrible ,adj. , terrible.terriblemente ,adv. , terribly.territorio ,m. , territory.terror ,m. , terror, fright.
tertulia ,f. , assembly, coterie, circle, club;see note to 8 , 12.tertuliano ,m. , member of a
tertulia .
testamento ,m. , will, testament.testigo ,m. , witness.
testimonio ,m. , testimony,113 , 27.
tétrico, ca ,adj. , gloomy, unfriendly, dreary,14 , 9.texto ,m. , text.
ti ,pron. , you, to you (acc. and dat. ).tía ,f. , aunt;
— Josefa ,29 , 10,see note to 11 , 20. 243Ticiano ,m. npr. , Titian.
tiempo ,m. , time; season;
a — ,39 , 19, opportunely; in time;
en otro — ,25 , 10, in other times, in another time;hacer — ,117 , 15, to pass the time, to kill time.tienta ,f. , sound, probe;
a tientas ,45 , 11, groping.
tiento ,m. , caution, circumspection,65 , 13.tierno, na ,adj. , tender.
tierra ,f. , earth; land, country.tigre ,m. , tiger.
timbre ,m. , timbre, quality,100 , 2.tímidamente ,adv. , timidly.tinieblas ,fpl. , darkness.
tinte ,m. , tint, tinge,102 , 2.
tío ,m. , uncle;see note to 11 , 20.tiranía ,f. , tyranny.
tirar ,v. a. , to throw; to pull, to pull out; to throw down;tirose la mantilla atrás ,110 , 3, she threw back her mantilla;
lo tiró de espaldas ,38 , 18, she overturned him, tipped him over backwards;le tiraba un pellizco ,121 , 12, gave him a pinch, was giving him a pinch.tiro ,m. , shot;see
pegar .
titilar ,v. a. , to tickle.
titular ,adj. , titular (holding empty name or title );río — ,10 , 6, titular river, river by courtesy.
título ,m. , title, right, claim;8 , 13, titulary, titled person.tocar ,v. a. , to touch; to concern;
— la guitarra ,etc. ,20 , 3, to play;v. n. , to fall to, to belong to;tocábale a él ,1 , 11, it fell to him, it was his business;
me toca a mí ,54 , 21, is my business, is my concern;121 , 3, it is my turn;el esquilón tocaba a vísperas , the bell was ringing for vespers, wassounding vespers, 24 , 2;
había tocado de camino en el corregimiento ,90 , 7, had stopped on his wayat the mayor's residence;
tocaba en la tierra ,121 , 7, was touching the ground.todavía ,adv. , still, yet; once again.
todo, da ,adj. , all, each, every, whole;pl. todos , all, everybody;
fea y — ,30 , 22, ugly and all;
— un hombre ,22 , 24, a whole man.
todo ,adv. , wholly, altogether, all;ante — ,66 , 17, above all, first of all.
tomar ,v. a. , to take, to take away; to eat;
— la cara ,38 , 8,56 , 7, to chuck under the chin, to stroke the face;
— la palabra ,125 , 14, to take the floor;
— por ,119 , 1, to take for, to mistake for;
tomo por aquí ,47 , 4, I turn this way, I go this way;
tomaron por la escalera arriba ,100 , 12, they went on up the stair;¡toma! 30 , 20,46 , 17,83 , 16,etc. , why! well! rather! I should think so! so, so! 244tomate ,m. , tomato.
tonadilla ,f. , interlude.tono ,m. , tone.tontería ,f. , foolishness.
tonto, ta ,adj. , foolish, stupid.
Toñuelo ,m. npr. , Tony.
toque ,m. , ringing, sounding, tolling,8 , 15.torcido, da ,adj. , twisted, crooked,81 , 8.tormenta ,f. , torture.
tornar ,v. n. , to return, to go back.torno ,m. , turning;
en — de ,71 , 9, round about.toro ,m. , bull.
torpe ,adj. , base, vile,125 , 20.torpeza ,f. , stupidity, dullness,93 , 11.torre ,f. , tower.
torta ,f. , cake.tórtola ,f. , turtle-dove;
color de — ,26 , 20, dove color.tos ,f. , cough.
tosco, ca ,adj. , rough, rude,18 , 6.toser ,v. n. , to cough.
total ,adj. , total.
trabajar ,v. a. and v. n. , to work;
— de carpintero ,20 , 8, to work as a carpenter, to do carpenter's work.trabuco ,m. , blunderbuss.
tradición ,f. , tradition.tradicional ,adj. , traditional.
traer ,v. a. , to carry, to bring, to take;
trae escandalizado ,51 , 2, keeps scandalized;
traigo mi capote ,63 , 29, I have brought my cape; I have my cape, my cloakwith me.
tragedia ,f. , tragedy.trágico, ca ,adj. , tragic.
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