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Iquest;quién? 22 page


tragi-cómico, ca,adj., tragicomic.

trago,m., swallow, mouthful; drop, draught.traicionero, ra,adj., treacherous.

traje,m., costume, clothing.tranca,f., bar, cross-bar.


tranquilamente,adv., calmly, tranquilly, quietly.tranquilidad,f., tranquillity.

tranquilizar,v. a., to quiet, to calm.

tranquilo, la,adj., tranquil, quiet, peaceful; easy (of mind),63, 9.transfigurar,v. a., to transfigure; to change form or appearance;—se,118, 12, to become transfigured.

transigir,v. n., to compromise.tránsito,m., transition.transparente,adj., transparent, clear.


transcurrir,v. n., to pass (of time),97, 23. 245trascendental,adj., transcendental.trasladar,v. a., to remove,15, 23;

—se,v. refl.,16, 6,87, 10, to move.

traslucirse,v. refl., to be revealed, to be disclosed; to suggest itself.trasluz,m., glimmer;


al —,43, 21, against the light.

Trastévere,m. npr., Trastevere; see note to14, 17.trastienda,f., mental reservation, hidden intention.


trastornar,v. a., to turn upside down, to turn topsy-turvy, to unsettle,17, 22.trastorno,m., overthrow, upsetting,7, 8.


tratamiento,m., title,36, 29.

tratar,v. a. and v. n., to treat, deal with; to try, to attempt;


—se,v. refl.(mostly imp.), to be dealt with, to be spoken of, to be concerned;to be a question of, to have to do with, to concern, to be a matter of;

se trata de,57, 1, it is about;


no se trata de,112, 21, never mind about.trato,m., conduct, bearing, intercourse.travesura,f., pertness, roguishness.

travieso, sa,adj., capricious, wayward; bad,26, 2; oblique, cross;a campo —,60, 15, across country.


trazar,v. a., to trace, to mark; to mark out, to lay out.treinta,adj. num., thirty;


los —,14, 11, thirty years (of age).tres,adj. num., three;


las — y media,34, 18, half past three o'clock.trescientos, tas,adj. num., three hundred.triángulo,m., triangle.

tribulación,f., tribulation, affliction.tributo,m., tribute.


trigo,m., wheat; grain.triplicar,v. a., to triple.

triste,adj., sad; mournful; depressed.tristemente,adv., sadly.


triunfar,v. n., to triumph.triunfo,m., triumph.


trompa,f., trunk (of an elephant),38, 18.tronar,v. n., to thunder.


tronco,m., trunk (of a tree);

dormido como un —,40, 11, sleeping like a log.tropa,f., troop,


misa de —,126, 16, regimental mass;pl.tropas, troops.


tropezar,v. n.(con), to meet, to encounter,80, 15,etc.trotar,v. n., to trot. 246


trote,m., trot.

tu,adj. poss., thy, your.tu,pron., thou, you.tul,m., tulle,101, 13.


tunante,m., loafer; vagabond.

turbarse,v. refl., to become embarrassed, to become confused.tute,m., tute, a game of cards.



tuya,adj. poss., thy, your;el —,


la —,pron., thine, yours.




ú,conj., or.

ufanarse,v. refl., to be proud, to be puffed up, to brag.ufanía,f., complacency, self-satisfaction, pride,49, 1.


último, ma,adj., last;

por —, lastly, finally, at last.un,adj., a, an, one.


único, ca,adj., sole, only, single.uniformidad,f., uniformity.



una,adj., one; a, an; somebody, so and so,12, 6;la — ... la otra,114, 3, the one ... the other;


lo —, lo otro, the one ... the other..., the one thing ... the other, on the onehand ... on the other;


la —, one o'clock;pl.unos,


unas, some, a few;67, 5, some, about;unos y otros,6, 27, each, both, all.uña,f., nail, finger-nail,97, 13.urgente,adj., urgent, pressing.


urgir,v. n., to be urgent, to press,113, 15.

usar,v. a., to use, to adopt, to wear,15, 29,127, 11.


Usarcé(corruption of

vuesa merced), you, your worship.

Usía(corruption of


vuesa señoría), your worship, your lord ship.uso,m., use, custom; wear;

en buen —,85, 14, in good condition; not much worn.


Usted(corruption ofvuesa merced), you.


útil,adj., useful.

Utrera,f. npr., Utrera;see note to48, 25.uva,f., grape.




vacilación,f., vacillation, hesitation.vago, ga,adj., vague, uncertain;


en —,39, 3, without support, unsteadily, too near the edge.

valer,v. a., to protect, to help;v. n., to be worth, to be of account, to be ofavail; to count, to avail; to be of use;


cuánto vales,56, 8, what a good one you are. 247valerosamente,adv., bravely, valorously.valeroso, sa,adj., valorous, doughty,85, 30.

valiente,adj., valiant, gallant, brave; strong, capable, excellent.valientemente,adv., valiantly.


valor,m., worth; bravery, valor.valle,m., vale, valley.vanidad,f., vanity.

vanidoso, sa,adj., vain.


vara,f., ell (33.68 inches)14, 11;37, 27, rod; staff, stick.variado, da,adj., varied.


variedad,f., variety.vario, ria,adj., various.varón,m., man, male.


varonil,adj., manly, manlike.Varsovia,f. npr., Warsaw.vaso,m., glass, tumbler, goblet.


vástago,m., bud, shoot; off-shoot, offspring (of children),102, 15.



vecino,m., neighbor; inhabitant, freeman,57, 17.veinte,adj. num., twenty.


vejete,m., old man, ridiculous old man.vejez,f., old age.


velar,v. a., to veil, to conceal.veleta,f., vane, weathercock,14, 21.velocidad,f., speed, rapidity.

velón,m., lamp, oil lamp;see note toLucena,48, 11.vena,f., vein,62, 11.


vencedor,m., conqueror.

vencer,v. a., to conquer, to overcome.vender,v. a., to sell; to betray,67, 7.Venecia,f. npr., Venice.

venenoso, sa,adj., venomous, poisonous.venerable,adj., venerable.


veneración,f., veneration.venganza,f., vengeance.vengar,v. a., to avenge;


—se,v. refl., to take revenge, to be avenged, to avenge oneself; to takevengeance.


venida,f., coming; arrival.venir,v. n., to come;venga,63, 12, let's have;


venga,63, 14, let it be, have it;


—se,v. refl., to come away, to come along.venta,f., sale.


ventana,f., window.

ventanillo,m., small window.


ventear,v. a., to scent, to get wind of,91, 24.

ventilar,v. a., to ventilate; to make clear, to have out,113, 15.ventura,f., fortune; good fortune; happiness;


el, la sin —, the unhappy man, the unhappy woman, the poor fellow, thepoor wretch. [p. 248]


Ventura Caro,npr.,see note to15, 15.ver,v. a., to see;


a —, hello, here, let's see, come;

como si lo viera,47, 11,55, 23, it's as if I had seen it, as plain as if I hadseen it, as it were before my eyes;


visto que,115, 17, since, seeing that;era visto,109, 18, it was plain;


por lo visto,32, 24, as we see.ver,m., aspect, appearance,48, 23.verano,m., summer, summer time.veras,fpl., truth, earnest,88, 11;


de —, really, truly, seriously, in earnest.

v. gr.(verbi graciaorverbigracia), for example.verdad,f., truth;


es —, it is true, it is so.verdaderamente,adv., truly, really.verdadero, ra,adj., real, veritable, true.


verde,adj., green; unripe; strong, (blue, yellow),2, 2.verdoso, sa,adj., greenish.


vergüenza,f., shame;

sin —,51, 1, shameless fellow.versión,f., version.


verso,m., verse.

verter,v. a., to shed (tears),111, 6.


vespertino, na,adj., evening, belonging to the evening.vestido,m., costume; garment, clothes, dress.vestimenta,f., clothing.

vestir,v. a., to dress, to wear, to have on;v. n., to dress;—se,v. refl., to dress, to dress oneself.


vez,f., time, turn; stead;

de — en cuando, from time to time, now and then;en — de, in place of, instead of, by way of;


a su —, in his turn, in her turn;

otra —, once more, again;una —, once;


dos veces, twice, doubly;alguna —,81, 2, ever, sometime;de una —,25, 21, at once;


por segunda —, for the second time;tal —, perhaps, perchance.


vía,f., way;

por — de,28, 15, by way of.viaje,m., journey.


víctima,f., victim.vida,f., life;

por — de ...,53, 6, upon my word, for heaven's sake;

por — de los hombres,83, 12, man alive, for heaven's sake.vídose,26, 19,see note.


viejo, ja,adj., old.viejo,m., old man.


vigésimo, ma,adj., twentieth.

vigilia,f., wakefulness, sitting-up,70, 8. 249


vil,adj., vile, low, base;107, 17, wretch, vile creature.villano, na,adj., low, base,102, 3.


villano,m., villager; low-born fellow.vinagre,m., vinegar;


hecho un —,121, 20, sourly.vino,m., wine;


— de pulso,11, 6, home-made wine.violencia,f., violence; act of violence.violento, ta,adj., violent.

Virgen,f., the Virgin; image of the Virgin;seeCármen.virtud,f., virtue;


en — de, by virtue of, as consequence of.virtuosísimo, ma,adj., most virtuous.viruelas,fpl., small-pox.

visión,f., vision.visita,f., visit;


volver de —,61, 4, to revisit.visitante,m., visitor.


visitar,v. a., to visit; to frequent.vísperas,fpl., vespers.

vista,f., sight;113, 2, glance, eye;


le echó la — encima, cast his eyes upon him;

había seguido con la —,44, 1, had followed with his eye.vistoso, sa,adj., brilliant, gorgeous;


lo —,24, 15, the gorgeousness.visual,adj., visual;see


rayo,73, 22.viuda,f., widow.viveza,f., liveliness.

vivienda,f., dwelling, dwelling-place,69, 23.vivir,v. n., to live;


vive Dios,86, 10, as God lives.vivo, va,adj., alive; intense., lively.vocación,f., vocation.

volar,v. n., to fly.

voltereta,f., tumble, upsetting,109, 16.voluntad,f., will; good-will.voluntariamente,adv., willingly; voluntarily.volver,v. a., to turn;


le volvió la espalda, turned her back on him;v. n., to return, to turn back; togo back;


— a hacer una cosa, to do a thing again, to repeat an action;no se volvió a casar, she did not marry again,126, 22;

— en sí, to come to, to come to oneself, to regain one's senses;—se,v. refl., to return; to turn.



vosotras,pron., you.voto,m., vow, prayer;


— a Lucifer,50, 13, by Lucifer, I swear by Lucifer.

voz,f., voice;


a media —,34, 2, in a low voice, in a low tone;dar voces,106, 3, to scream, to cry. 250vuelta,f., return;

estar de —,

hallarse de —, to have returned, to be back;tomar la —,91, 21, to start back.


vuestro, tra,adj. poss., your;el —,


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