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—se,v. refl., to stay, to remain, to stop.quehacer,m., business, duty, chore,20, 9. 229quejarse,v. refl., to complain.

querer,v. a., to like, to love; to be willing, to consent; to wish, to desire; toexpect, 105, 26; to try, 84, 19;


quiero decir,111, 10, I mean;quiera el Cielo,96, 25, Heaven grant.querido, da,adj., dear, beloved.

Quevedo,npr.,see note to18, 20.quien,pron. rel., who.



pron. int., who;98, 3, who's there, who is it?quieto, ta,adj., quiet.


quince,adj. num., fifteen.

quinto, ta,adj., fifth;see note to42, 5.quiroteca,f., glove,see note to26, 25.quitar,v. a., to take away, to remove;


—se,v. refl., to take off, to remove, to remove oneself, to go away, to leave;¡quita!get out, get away, stop;¡quita allá! 82, 13, get away.



quizás,conj., perhaps, perchance.




rabadilla,f., rump,120, 5.rabia,f., rage.


racimo,m., grape, bunch of grapes,30, 6,etc.radiante,adj., radiant.


rama,f., branch, stalk;en —,10, 23, on the stalk.


ramblilla,f., hollow way;see note to33, 5.ramillo,m., little branch, twig.

ramo,m., branch;

—s de lujo,20, 11, extra branches, fancy accomplishments.rancho,m., mess; encampment; camp;68, 9.

rancio, cia,adj., old, antiquated, musty,6, 20.rapé,m., rappee (snuff).

rápidamente,adv., quickly, rapidly.rápido, da,adj., swift, rapid.


raro, ra,adj., rare, unusual, extraordinary, singular, peculiar;cosa más rara,88, 12, most singular thing.

rascar,v. a., to scratch.

ratero, ra,adj., thievish, pocket-picking.ratificar,v. a., to ratify.


rato,m., short time, while;

buen —,1, 24, good time, pleasant time.rayo,m., ray;


— visual,73, 22, field of vision.razón,f., reason;

tener —, to be right;

entender de razones,79, 22, to listen to reason.reacción,f., reaction.

real,adj., royal, real;

— moza,14, 3, stunning girl, handsome woman.real,m., real;see note to21, 8. 230

realce,m., relief embroidery; elegant work;de —,26, 21, elegantly, richly.


realidad,f., reality.realismo,m., realism.reaparecer,v. n., to reappear.

rebajar,v. a., to lower, to reduce.rebelde,adj., rebellious,75, 10.


rebonito, ta,adj., very pretty, exceedingly pretty.rebuznar,v. n., to bray.


rebuzno,m., bray, braying.

recargo,m., increase, extra charge;see note to50, 30.recato,m., honor, modesty.


recaudo,m., security, guaranty;

a buen —,85, 8, under lock and key.recelar,v. n.. to fear.


receloso, sa,adj., suspicious, jealous.recibimiento,m., reception; antechamber, anteroom.recibir,v. a., to receive; to take.

recién,adv., newly, recently;

— llegado,109, 2, newcomer.


recio,m., thick; stout,14, 12.

recitar,v. a., to recite.recobrar,v. a., to recover.


recogerse,v. refl., to withdraw, to retire, to go home.recogido, da,adj., gathered, brought together,16, 7.reconcentrado, da,adj., intense, suppressed,39, 26.reconciliación,f., reconciliation.


reconocer,v. a., to recognize.recordar,v. n., to recall, to remember.recreativo, va,adj., recreative.


red,f., net, snare; network; wicker-work.redondo, da,adj., round.


reducir,v. a., to reduce;

reducido,21, 6, reduced, brought within, compressed.referir,v. a., to recount, to relate, to mention;


—se,v. refl., to refer, to have reference.reflexión,f., reflexion.


reflexionar,v. n., to reflect, to think.refrán,m., saw, refrain, proverb.

refregar,v. a., to rub;38, 15, to display, to hold before.regalado, da,adj., spoiled, pampered.


regalar,v. a., to give, to present.regar,v. a., to sprinkle.régimen,m.,pl.

regímenes, régime.


regidor,m., town -councilor; municipal councilor.región,f., region.


regocijarse,v. refl., to rejoice, to be glad, to be pleased.regocijo,m., mirth, merriment, hilarity.


regresar,v. n., to return, to go back, to come back. 231

regular,adj., regular, ordinary; usual, natural;18, 4, mediocre, not bad;moderate; 123, 3, proper, fitting, decent.


regularidad,f., regularity, evenness.reina,f., queen.


reinado,m., reign.reinar,v. n., to reign.reino,m., kingdom.reír,v. n., to laugh;


—se,v. refl., to laugh, to laugh heartily;—se de, to laugh at.

reja,f., grating; casement.


relación,f., relation; counting up, reckoning; tale, story;con — a,18, 2, in relation to, in comparison with.relampaguear,v. n., to flash, to sparkle,26, 1.relámpago,m., flash, lightning flash.


relativo, va,adj., relative.relato,m., relation, tale, story.religioso, sa,adj., religious.reloj,m., clock, watch;


— de sol,20, 21, sun-dial.remate,m., end, limit,74, 22.


remedar,v. a., to mimic, to copy,109, 23.remedio,m., remedy, cure.


remojón,m., soaking, ducking,99, 12.remoto, ta,adj., remote, distant.rencor,m., rancor, grudge;

guardar —,40, 18, to bear a grudge, to bear malice.rendir,v. a., to overcome, to subdue, to win,17, 12;—se,v. refl., to yield.

renta,f., tax; revenue, income.See note to6, 29.rentilla,f., tax, contribution.


renunciar,v. a., to renounce, to give up.reñir,v. n., to fight,6, 16.

reo,m., criminal,34, 23;

— en capilla,70, 20, criminal under death sentence, condemned criminal.reparar,v. n.(en), to consider, to remember; to notice, to become aware.repartir,v. a., to divide, to distribute.

repecho,m., slope,60, 5.Repela,m. npr., Repela.repente,

de —,adv., suddenly,75, 13.repentinamente,adv., suddenly.repetir,v. a., to repeat.repique,m., chime,16, 14.


replicar,v. a., to reply, to answer; to contradict, to object.

reponer,v. a., to answer, to reply,36,9;39, 13, to rejoin;41, 1, to replace,to put back.

reposado, da,adj., calm, peaceful, untroubled. 232reposo,m., repose.

representante,m., representative.representar,v. a., to play (a part).repugnante,adj., repugnant.


requebrar,v. a., to court, to pay court to,13, 16.reserva,f., reserve, secrecy.


reservado, da,adj., private, secret,56, 20.residir,v. n., to live, to dwell, to reside.resistir,v. a. and n., to resist;

—se,v. refl., to resist, to object, to make objection,44, 21.resolución,f., resolution.


resonar,v. n., to sound, to resound.resorte,m., spring,108, 16.respectivo, va,adj., respective.

respecto de,prep., concerning, about, in respect to, on.respetable,adj., reputable, respectable, considerable, imposing.respetar,v. a., to respect.

respeto,m., respect;seefaltar.


respetuoso, sa,adj., respectful,10, 18.resplandor,m., splendor, brilliancy,44, 24.responder,v. n., to answer; to reply;


— de, to answer for, to guarantee, to warrant, to assure.respuesta,f., reply, answer.


restablecer,v. a., to reëstablish.restante,adj., remaining, other.resto,m., remainder, rest.resueltamente,adv., resolutely.


resulta,f., result, consequence; sum, amount;

por resultas de,41, 4, in consequence of, because of;de resultas de,69,5, by reason of, through.resultado,m., result.

resultar,v. n., to result; to follow, to proceed; to turn out, to come out.retaco,m., fowling-piece,57, 30.


retintín,m., special emphasis, added emphasis,28, 15.retirar,v. a., to draw, to withdraw;


—se,v. refl., to withdraw, to retire.retorcer,v. a., to twist, to wrinkle;seehocico,29, 10.

retratar,v. a., to portray, to paint, to picture, to describe.

retreta,f., tattoo,100, 7.


retroceder,v. n., to draw back, to step back.retrospectivo, va,adj., retrospective,ex post facto,25, 7.


reunión,f., meeting, gathering; assemblage, persons present,116, 21.reunir,v. a., to collect, to get together, to gather together, to assemble;—se,v. refl., to meet, to assemble, to come together. [p. 233]


revelar,v. a., to reveal, to betray.

reventar,v. a., to weary, to wear out,95, 18;v. n., to burst;reventó de feo,48,25, was so ugly he burst.


reverencia,f., reverence; courtesy, bow,34, 5.reverendo, da,adj., reverend;


reverendo Obispo,44, 14, Right Reverend Bishop.revés,m., back-handed blow,95, 8.


revestirse,v. refl., to clothe oneself.revolución,f., revolution;

la Revolución, the French Revolution.

revuelto, ta,adj., unquiet, disordered, stormy,44, 10.rey,m., king.

rezar,v. a. and n., to pray;

rezando sus devociones,45, 5, performing their devotions, saying theirprayers.


rico, ca,adj., rich.

ridiculez,f., ridiculous characteristic, ridiculous quality,100, 19.ridículo, la,adj., ridiculous.


riente,adj., laughing, smiling.rincón,m., corner.

riñón,m., kidney;

riñones,pl.,95, 14, kidneys, small of the back.río,m., river; stream.

risa,f., laughter.

risotada,f., loud laughter, burst of laughter,54, 7.rival,m., rival.


Rívoli,npr., Rivoli;see note to5, 13.

robar,v. a., to rob; to steal; to kidnap, to carry off.rociar,v. a., to moisten, to sprinkle.


rodar,v. n., to roll.

rodear,v. a., to surround, to wrap about.rodilla,f., knee;


ponerse de rodillas, to kneel, to fall on one's knees.

roer,v. a., to chew; to gnaw.rogativa,f., petition, prayer;


rogativas,pl., week of prayer; season of prayer.rojo, ja,adj., red.

romance,m., ballad;see note to3, 18.

romancero,m., collection of ballads;see note to3, 18.romano, na,adj., Roman.


romper,v. a., to break, to burst;v. n., to break out, to burst out;rompió a cantar,33, 9, began singing;


rompió a berrear,111, 13, burst out bellowing. 234ronda,f., round, patrol,51, 11.


ropa,f., garments, clothes, clothing;

— de cama,124, 12, bed clothes, bed linen.Rosa,f. npr., Rose.


rosario,m., rosary;see note to8, 10.rosco,m., doughnut, cruller.



— de maíz, popcorn,11, 3,see note.rostro,m., face.


Rubens,npr., Peter Paul Rubens,see note to36, 2.rúbrica,f., flourish; signature;see note to56, 24.rugido,m., roar, bellow.

rugir,v. n., to roar, to bellow.ruido,m., noise.


ruindad,f., baseness, meanness; malice.ruinoso, sa,adj., ruinous, decaying,24, 24.rumor,m., sound.

Rusia,f. npr., Russia.rústico, ca,adj., rude, rustic.rústico,m., peasant; boor.




S(u) M(ajestad),56, 15, His Majesty.

sábado,m., Saturday;Sábado de Gloria, Holy Saturday,16, 14,see note.saber,v. a., to know, to learn;v. n., to know how, to understand;


—se,v. refl., to know, to understand;as passive, to be known, to be wellknown.

sabio, bia,adj., learned.

saborear,v. a., to relish, to enjoy, to taste.

sabroso, sa,adj., delicious.


sacar,v. a., to take out; to extract, to get out;2, 10;se saca en claro, is brought out clearly, made clear;


— los ojos,4, 2,119, 13, to tear out the eyes, scratch out the eyes;sacaban arrastrando,118, 4, were dragging out;


sacando,80, 3, pulling out, drawing;

sáqueme de dudas,121, 23, relieve me of my doubts, bring me out of doubt,clear up my doubts.


sacerdote,m., priest.

sacramental,adj., sacramental;see note to9, 5.Sacramento,m., Sacrament.


sacrificador,m., immolator,73, 10.sacrificio,m., sacrifice.


sacristán,m., sacristan, sexton.sacudir,v. a., to shake, to shake off;

— una guantada,50, 5, to slap, to give a slap.


sagrado, da,adj., sacred, consecrated.sainete,m., farce;see note to9, 5.sal,f., salt; wit. 235

sala,f., room, drawing-room; hall.salida,f., exit, way out, outlet;seecallejón,50, 23.

salir,v. n., to go out, to come out, to come from, to come forth, to go forth;no había salido la luna,45, 13, the moon had not risen, had not come out;


— a luz,4, 23, to come to light, to become known, to be told;

qué bien sale la molienda,62, 15, how well the grist comes out, turns out;¡ahora salimos con eso! 83, 16, now we're coming out with it!


— para,88, 21, to set out for, to start for;

salió como una flecha,65, 16, he set off like an arrow;salimos huyendo,115, 1, we ran away, we started off;salió a flote,112, 1, came to the surface;

— el sol,125, 2, to rise, to come up.


salón,m., drawing-room, parlor; room, hall.saltar,v. n., to leap, to jump, to hop;


están saltando por justificar,113, 18, are bursting to justify.salto,m., leap, spring.


salud,f., health.

saludable,adj., wholesome.saludar,v. a., to salute, to greet.

salvación,f., salvation, safety,72, 18.salvar,v. a., to save;


todo se ha salvado,93, 13, all is saved, everything is all right;—se,v. refl.,111, 9, to gain safety, save oneself.


San Francisco,m. npr., St. Francis;seecordonazo,44, 6.


San Judas,m. npr., St. Jude.

San Miguel,m. npr., St. Michael;see note to38, 29.San Quintín,m. npr., St. Quentin;see note to49, 28.San Simón,m. npr., St. Simon.

sanctificado, da,adj., sanctified.

sano, na,adj., healthy; wholesome; unerring, fitting,4, 19.santa,f., saint,126, 24,79, 9.


santidad,f., sanctity.santo, ta,adj., sacred, holy.santo,m., saint.

sarcástico, ca,adj., bitter, ironical; sarcastic.sarga,f., serge,26, 20.


sargento,m., sergeant; local governor;see note to48, 25.sarmiento,m., vine-shoot,39, 16.


sátiro,m., satyr.

satisfacción,f., satisfaction;26, 5, self-satisfaction.satisfacer,v. a., to satisfy.

sazón,f., season;

a la —, at the time, at that time.sazonar,v. a., to season. 236


se,pron., it, itself, him, himself, her, herself; one.Sebastián,m. npr., Sebastian.


secamente,adv., dryly.secar,v. a., to dry.


seco, ca,adj., dry; thin, lean,45, 6.secretario,m., secretary.


secreto,m., secret; secrecy,40, 13.secreto, ta,adj., secret;seeronda,51, 11.

seda,f., silk.

seducir,v. a., to seduce, to corrupt.seglar,adj., secular;pl.


seglares,13, 4, the laity.

seglar,m., layman,24, 5.seguida,f., continuation, sequel;en —, thereupon, forthwith.seguimiento,m., pursuit.


seguir,v. a., to follow up, to pursue;v. n., to follow, to proceed, to continue;to be, to continue to be; to keep on;


seguido,24, 11, followed, attended.según,prep., according to, following;


— que,conj., just as, according as, as,19, 3,etc.segundo, da,adj., second.


segundo,m., second.

segurísimo, ma,adj., very sure, very certain, most sure.seguro, ra,adj., certain, sure;


de —,35, 7, of course, surely.seis,adj. num., six.

sellar,v. a., to seal, to stamp.semana,f., week.


semblante,m., aspect, appearance; face.sembrado,m., field; ploughed, cultivated field.semejante,adj., similar, like; such a, such an.seminario,m., seminary,sp.theological seminary.sencillez,f., simplicity.


sencillo, lla,adj., simple.

sendos, das,adj., each one; apiece;

— arracadas en sus orejas,16, 9, an earring in each of her ears;

— garrotes,99, 1, each one with a club, a club apiece;

— miradas,104, 23, sincere, whole-hearted glancesor perhapseach aglance.


sentado, da,adj., seated, sitting,35, 15,etc.sentar,v. a., to set, to set down;


— plaza,15, 11, to enlist;v. n., to agree (of food),47, 13; to fit, to become(of clothes), 105, 6;


— mal,43, 22, to disagree;

—se,v. refl., to sit down, to take a seat, to seat oneself.sentencia,f., sentence.


sentenciar,v. a., to sentence.

sentido, da,adj., sensible, feeling; sensitive. 237sentido,m., direction; sense.

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