Iquest;quién? 19 page — de cabras ,1 , 4, goatherd.
pata ,f. , leg, shank;
—s de alambre ,60 , 12, spindle-shanks.patán ,m. , clown, boor, rustic,4 , 4.paternalmente ,adv. , paternally.patíbulo ,m. , gallows.
patio ,m. , court, courtyard.patria ,f. , country, fatherland.pausa ,f. , pause.
pava ,f. , pea-hen, turkey-hen;see pelar .
payasada ,f. ,1 , 13, buffoonery.paz ,f. , peace.
pecado ,m. , sin.pecaminoso, sa ,adj. , sinful.pecho ,m. , breast.
pedazo ,m. , piece, portion;
hacerse —s ,109 , 23, to break in pieces;see also bárbaro ,32 , 15.
pedernal ,m. , flint,67 , 2.
pedir ,v. a. , to ask; to ask for, to request;
como se pide ,12 , 14, as you will, as you please, as you wish.Pedro el Cruel ,m. npr. , Peter the Cruel,see note to 89 , 24.pegar ,v. a. , to strike, to hit;
— fuego a ,61 , 7, to set fire to;
— la cotidiana paliza ,62 , 5, to give the daily beating;
— los ojos ,64 , 4, to close the eyes;
— un tiro ,79 , 21, to shoot, to fire.peinar ,v. a. , to comb, to groom;mejor peinado ,19 , 14, better groomed.pelar ,v. a. , to strip, to pluck;
— la pava ,45 , 24, to make love, to court through a window;see note to 45 ,24.
pelear ,v. n. , to fight, to struggle.peligro ,m. , danger.
pelo ,m. , hair;
con más —s y señales ,57 , 5, more exactly, in more detail.pelotera ,f. , quarrel, scolding,46 , 10.
pellizco ,m. , pinch.
pena ,f. , penalty, punishment; pain.
penar ,v. n. , to suffer,30 , 12.pender ,v. n. , to hang, to be hanging.
penetración ,f. , penetration, insight. 222
penetrar ,v. n. , to penetrate, to enter,107 , 8;v. a. , to penetrate, to go into,18 , 7,55 , 28,92 , 5.
Península ,f. ,6 , 11, the Iberian Peninsula.penitencia ,f. , penance.
Penitenciario ,m. , Penitentiary;see note to 46 , 12.pensado, da ,adj. , bethought, provided;
mal pensada ,28 , 16, evil thinking.pensamiento ,m. , thought.
pensar ,v. a. , to think, to think out;v. n. , to think; to believe;
— en , to think of;
no está mal pensado ,33 , 1, it is not ill thought of, not a bad idea.peonza ,f. , top, whirligig,14 , 22.
peor ,adj. , worse;
— que — ,114 , 1, worse and worse.pequeño, ña ,adj. , small, little.
percudirse ,v. refl. , to become tarnished,4 , 14.perder ,v. a. , to lose, to ruin, to undo.perdición ,f. , perdition, ruin,85 , 10.perdidamente ,adv. , desperately, violently.perdido, da ,adj. , lost;see
ponerse .perdiguero, ra ,adj. ,
perro — ,48 , 6, hunting dog, bird dog, retriever.perdón ,m. , pardon, forgiveness.
perdonar ,v. a. , to forgive.peregrinación ,f. , pilgrimage.
peregrino, na ,adj. , strange, unusual, rare.perfección ,f. , perfection.perfectamente ,adv. , perfectly.
pérfido, da ,adj. , faithless,106 , 23.pericón ,m. , large fan,101 , 15.periquete ,m. ,
en un — ,83 , 22, in a jiffy.perito ,m. , expert.
perjuicio ,m. , prejudice; harm, damage,79 , 25;
sin — de ,88 , 21, without estoppel, reserving my right, without giving up myright.
permanecer ,v. n. , to remain.
permiso ,m. , permission,113 , 25; permit, written permission,11 , 30;con — ,108 , 15, by your leave, beg pardon.
permitir ,v. a. , to permit, to allow.pero ,conj. , but; however;as subs. m. ,
no había — que poner ,3 , 9, there was no possible objection to be offered;no hay — que valga ,37 , 3;
nada de — ,112 , 9, no but about it.
perpetuo, tua ,adj. , perpetual, permanent;see Regidor .perro ,m. , dog;
— perdiguero ,48 , 6, hunting dog, bird dog. 223persona ,f. , person;
en — ,34 , 10, in person, himself;pl. ,—s ,88 , 5, people.
personaje ,m. , personage, great man,28 , 1.personal ,adj. , personal.
personificado, da ,adj. , personified.persuadir ,v. a. , to persuade, to convince.
pertenecer ,v. n. , to belong, to pertain, to appertain.perturbar ,v. a. , to disturb,122 , 22.
pervertir ,v. a. , to pervert.pesar ,v. a. , to weigh;
a — de , in spite of.pescar ,v. a. , to fish.pescuezo ,m. , neck.
pesebre ,m. , manger, feeding-rack, crib.pesebrera ,f. , row of mangers,65 , 6.peseta ,f. , peseta,see note to 21 , 8.peso ,m. , weight;see
caerse ,85 , 22.
pestañear ,v. n. , to wink; to blink.pestiño ,m. , fritter; pancake; sweetmeat.
petate ,m. , bore; liar;31 , 10, bolster, mattress.pez ,m. , fish.
pezuña ,f. , hoof.piar ,v. n. , to chirp.
picado, da ,adj. , pitted,18 , 4.
picar ,v. a. , to pick; to pick up; to break into bits; to prick.picaresco, ca ,adj. , roguish, willful,14 , 28;see note to 1 , 9.pícaro, ra ,adj. , naughty; rascally; knavish;see note to 1 , 9.pícaro ,m. , scoundrel, rogue.
picatoste ,m. , bread fried in oil or butter, often with ham;8 , 6.
Picio ;
más feo que — ,17 , 1, uglier than mud, ugly as sin.pico ,m. , point, corner;
las siete y — ,46 , 4, seven o'clock and after.pie ,m. , foot;
a — ,24 , 11, on foot;de — ,101 , 3, standing;
ponerse de — ,106 , 5, to rise;
al — de la letra ,50 , 22, literally, exactly, step for step;deme un — para montar ,96 , 22, give me a lift.piedra ,f. , stone;71 , 3, flint.
piel ,f. , skin, hide;
— de toro ,95 , 17, rawhide.pierna ,f. , leg.
pieza ,f. , piece;
hecho una — ,121 , 17, stiff;
buenas —s ,91 , 12, scamps, scallywags.pillar ,v. a. , to rob, to despoil.
pinar ,m. , pine-wood, pine-grove.pincel ,m. , brush,36 , 2,101 , 7.pintar ,v. a. , to paint.
pintoresco, ca ,adj. , picturesque. 224Piñona ,f. npr. , Piñona.
pío, pía ,adj. , pious;see pósito ,50 , 27.
pipa ,f. , pipe.
las Pirámides ,fpl. npr. , the Pyramids.Pirineo ,m. npr. , Pyrenees.
Pirineos Occidentales ,m. pl. n. pr. , Western Pyrenees;see note to 15 , 14.piso ,m. , story, floor,98 , 1,etc.
pisotear ,v. a. , to trample, to tread under foot, to stamp upon.pistola ,f. , pistol.
plácido, da ,adj. , placid, calm.
plan ,m. , plan, project, scheme.planchar ,v. a. , to iron.planeta ,m. , planet.
planta ,f. , plant.
plantar ,v. a. , to set out, to plant;pp. plantada ,41 , 10, standing firm, standing still.plaza ,f. , place, square, market-place;
sentar — ,15 , 11, to enlist.plazoleta ,f. , courtyard; little square.
plazoletilla ,f. , courtyard; little square.plebe ,f. , people, populace.
pleito ,m. , law-suit.
pleno, na ,adj. , full; complete.pliego ,m. , sheet of paper.pluma ,f. , feather; pen.
población ,f. , village, settlement;50 , 9,92 , 5, city.poblar ,v. a. , to people, to occupy.
pobre ,adj. , poor;
— hombre ,93 , 9, poor creature, simple, guileless creature;los —s ,124 , 12, the poor.
poco, ca ,adj. , little, a little; few, a few.poco ,adv. , little;
a — de , soon after.poder ,v. n. , to be able;
puede que , perhaps, maybe;
no habían podido menos de sobresaltarlo ,105 , 11, had not failed to startlehim, could not help startling him;
como pudo , as best he could,39 , 8,etc. poder ,m. , power, might.
poderoso, sa ,adj. , powerful, potent.poeta ,m. , poet.
polaco ,m. , Pole.
polilla ,f. , moth;8 , 22, mustiness, mouldiness.político, ca ,adj. , political.
polvo ,m. , dust;
— de rapé ,49 ., 26, a grain of rappee, a pinch of snuff.
pólvora ,f. , powder, gunpowder.polvorear ,v. a. , to powder, to dust.Pomona ,f. npr. , Pomona.
pompa ,f. ,see note to 122 , 19.
Ponce de León ,see Zúñiga .
ponderar ,v. a. , to extol; to exaggerate. 225
poner ,v. a. , to place, to put, to set; to put on (of clothes ),116 , 17,etc. ;12 , 1,to write, to write down; 2 , 26;
— al corriente , to inform;
— en conocimiento ,56 , 20, to communicate, to bring to the knowledge;51 ,18, to put in;
tener puesto ,
llevar puesto , to be wearing, to have on;
así te hemos puesto ,25 , 16, this is the way we have treated you;
— la toda de nuevo ,124 , 13, to furnish it all anew;
—se ,v. refl. , to become, to turn, to get;
cómo me he puesto ,78 , 8, into what a state I've got;poniéndose colorado ,37 , 29, turning red, blushing;
se ha puesto perdido de polvo ,40 , 5, has got himself all covered with dust;119 , 16, to place oneself, to take one's stand; to set (the sun ).
poniente ,adj. , setting,44 , 24.
por ,prep. , for; by; to; through; as to; on account of, because of; by meansof;
— acá , here, hither, this way;
una vez — semana ,6 , 9, once a week;
— infame que ,119 , 23, however base;
— los suelos ,79 , 16, on the ground, through the mire;
— si ,64 , 21,etc. , on the chance that.
porque ,conj. , because; for; that, in order that.
¿porqué? or ¿por qué? conj. , why?
portal ,m. , house-door, street door;107 , 6, entry.portero ,m. , porter, janitor,119 , 16.
portón ,m. , outer door, principal door.poseer ,v. a. , to possess, to own.
poseído, da ,adj. , possessed, filled,70 , 20.posesión ,f. , possession.
posible ,adj. , possible.Pósito Pío , public storehouse.
Pósito Real , royal storehouse,see note to 50 , ,Lat. prep. , after.
postizo, za ,adj. , false, artificial.postrado, da ,adj. , prostrate.
postrimerías ,fpl. , last years.postura ,f. , posture.
potable ,adj. , drinkable, fit to drink;agua — ,20 , 30, drinking water.potencia ,f. , power, strength;
las Potencias , the Powers.potestad ,f. , power.
precaverse ,v. refl. , to take precaution, to be on one's guard,65 , 18.precedente ,adj. , preceding.
preceder ,v. a. and n. , to precede. 226precepto ,m. , rule, order, commandment;día de — ,8 , 5,see
día .
precio ,m. , price.precipicio ,m. , precipice.
precisamente ,adv. , precisely, exactly, just.precisión ,f. , precision, exactitude.preciso, sa ,adj. , necessary.
predicador ,m. , preacher;see note to 46 , 29.predilecto, ta ,adj. , favorite.
prefacio ,m. , preface.pregunta ,f. , question.
preguntar ,v. a. , to ask, to inquire.prelado ,m. , prelate.
prenda ,f. , garment,25 , 3,75 , 28.prendar ,v. a. , to captivate.prender ,v. a. , to arrest.
preparar ,v. a. , to prepare, to make ready.presa ,f. , booty, prey, spoil.
presa ,f. , weir, mill-dam,20 , 17.
presbiterio ,m. , presbytery; choir of a church,126 , 15.presencia ,f. , presence.
presenciar ,v. a. , to witness.presentar ,v. a. , to present, to proffer;
—se ,v. refl. , to appear, to make one's appearance; to enter, to presentoneself.
presente ,adj. , present;
por la — ,115 , 11, for the present.preso ,m. , captive, prisoner.
prestar ,v. a. , to lend.
pretender ,v. a. , to pretend, to claim,14 , 19.pretexto ,m. , pretext.
prevenir ,v. a. , to inform, to summon,56 , 16.preventivo, va ,adj. , preventive.
prever ,v. a. , to foresee.previo, via ,adj. , previous.
previsión ,f. , expectation,126 , 8.prima ,f. , prime;cf.
misa .
primeramente ,adv. , first, in the first place.primero, ra ,adj. (primer ), first.
primero ,adv. , first, beforehand.primicia ,f. , first-fruit;
—s ,32 , 5,etc. , first-fruits, offering of first-fruits.primitivo, va ,adj. , primitive.
principal ,adj. , principal, chief.
principalísimo, ma ,adj. , very noble, very high-born,26 , 13,101 , 5.principalmente ,adv. , principally, above all.
principiar ,v. n. , to begin, to have beginning,18 , 9.
principio ,m. , principle; beginning, origin, source; entrée, side-dish,8 , 7.prior ,m. , prior.
prisa ,f. , haste, hurry;
tener — , to be in haste, to be in a hurry.privilegio ,m. , privilege. 227
pro ,m. and f. , benefit, advantage, good.probabilidad ,f. , probability.
probar ,v. a. , to try, to taste; to prove.proceder ,m. , action, proceeding, conduct.procedimiento ,m. , proceeding, happening.
procurar ,v. a. , to see to it, to make sure, to take care;v. n. , to try, to seek, tomake an effort.
prodigio ,m. , prodigy, marvel.producir ,v. a. , to produce.profanar ,v. a. , to profane.proferir ,v. a. , to utter, to speak.profundo, da ,adj. , profound.prometer ,v. a. , to promise.
pronto, ta ,adj. , quick, rapid; hasty; ready.
pronto ,adv. , quickly, immediately; right away;de — , suddenly;
tan — como , just as soon as.
pronunciación ,f. , pronunciation, articulation,35 , 5.pronunciar ,v. a. , to pronounce; to utter, to speak.propasarse ,v. refl. , to forget oneself,43 , 27.
propio, pia ,adj. , own; exact, very; peculiar, individual; same; natural;belonging;
al — tiempo , at the same time;del — modo , in the same way;
la propia estampa ,14 , 1,26 , 28, the very image;
el — dormitorio ,96 , 11, the very bedchamber, the bedroom itself;la propia risa ,75 , 25, the very laugh,etc. ;
— de ,42 , 3,73 , 11,116 , 21,etc. , peculiar to, natural to,etc. proponer ,v. a. , to propose;
—se ,v. refl. , to propose, to decide, to intend.proporción ,f. , proportion;
a — ,14 , 12, in proportion.propósito ,m. , intention, design.
prorrumpir ,v. n. , to burst out, to exclaim,14 , 2,81 , 21,106 , 24.prosa ,f. , prose.
prosaico, ca ,adj. , prosaic, humdrum.proseguir ,v. n. , to go on, to continue.protector ,m. , protector, patron.protervo, va ,adj. , insolent,40 , 15.proveer ,v. a. , to provide.
provincia ,f. , province.provocar ,v. a. , to provoke.
provocativo, va ,adj. , irritating, charming, suggestive.próximo, ma ,adj. ,46 , 10, coming, near at hand.prueba ,f. , proof.
público, ca ,adj. , public.público ,m. , public; audience.
puchero ,m. , stew; (usually of beef or mutton, with garbanzos; thetraditional staple dish of Spain ). 228
pudrirse ,v. refl. , to rot,93 , 16.pueblecillo ,m. , hamlet.
pueblo ,m. , people, nation; village.puerta ,f. , door; gate.
puertecilla ,f. , little door.
pues ,adv. , then; so; accordingly; since; well; for; now;
— sí ,30 , 8, yes indeed, I tell you.
pulcro, cra ,adj. , handsome, beautiful, neat, graceful.pulidez ,f. , elegance, smoothness, refinement.pulmonía ,f. , pneumonia.
pulso ,m. , pulse;
vino de — ,11 , 6, home-made wine.¡pum! bang!97 , 16.
punta ,f. , point, tip.puntapié ,m. , kick,82 , 16.puntillas ,fpl. , tip-toes;
andar de — ,34 , 3, to go on tip-toes.punto ,m. , point; spot; moment;
en — , exactly, punctually, sharp,51 , 23;
— y hora , hour and minute;
— de llegada y descanso ,10 , 9, stopping and resting place.puntualmente ,adv. , exactly, punctually, accurately.puñal ,m. , dagger.
puñetazo ,m. , blow (from or with the clenched fist);
andando de —s con sus lágrimas ,111 , 5, fighting his tears with his fists.puño ,m. , fist.
pupila ,f. , pupil (of the eye ),35 , 23.
Purísima ,see María .puro, ra ,adj. , pure; simple.
Q(ue) D(ios) G(uarde) ,56 , 16, whom God preserve.que ,pron. , which, who, that; what; something;
el — ,
la que ,etc. , he who, she who,etc.
que ,conj. , that; so that; as; for; as for; so far as; to.que ,prep. , than, as.
¿qué? adv. , how, why, where, what, what kind;a — , why, wherefore;
— tal , how goes it, how are you?
¿qué? pron. int. , who, what, which, what sort;
a mí, ¿—? 79 , 12, what is that to me, what do I care.¡qué! inter. , what, what a.
queda ,f. , taps; curfew,8 , 15,51 , 11.
quedar ,v. n. , to stay, to remain, to be staying, to be left, to be remaining; toremain, to continue; to be;
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