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— de cabras,1, 4, goatherd.

pata,f., leg, shank;


—s de alambre,60, 12, spindle-shanks.patán,m., clown, boor, rustic,4, 4.paternalmente,adv., paternally.patíbulo,m., gallows.


patio,m., court, courtyard.patria,f., country, fatherland.pausa,f., pause.

pava,f., pea-hen, turkey-hen;seepelar.


payasada,f.,1, 13, buffoonery.paz,f., peace.


pecado,m., sin.pecaminoso, sa,adj., sinful.pecho,m., breast.

pedazo,m., piece, portion;


hacerse —s,109, 23, to break in pieces;see alsobárbaro,32, 15.

pedernal,m., flint,67, 2.

pedir,v. a., to ask; to ask for, to request;

como se pide,12, 14, as you will, as you please, as you wish.Pedro el Cruel,m. npr., Peter the Cruel,see note to89, 24.pegar,v. a., to strike, to hit;

— fuego a,61, 7, to set fire to;

— la cotidiana paliza,62, 5, to give the daily beating;

— los ojos,64, 4, to close the eyes;

— un tiro,79, 21, to shoot, to fire.peinar,v. a., to comb, to groom;mejor peinado,19, 14, better groomed.pelar,v. a., to strip, to pluck;


— la pava,45, 24, to make love, to court through a window;see note to45,24.


pelear,v. n., to fight, to struggle.peligro,m., danger.

pelo,m., hair;

con más —s y señales,57, 5, more exactly, in more detail.pelotera,f., quarrel, scolding,46, 10.

pellizco,m., pinch.

pena,f., penalty, punishment; pain.

penar,v. n., to suffer,30, 12.pender,v. n., to hang, to be hanging.


penetración,f., penetration, insight. 222

penetrar,v. n., to penetrate, to enter,107, 8;v. a., to penetrate, to go into,18, 7,55, 28,92, 5.


Península,f.,6, 11, the Iberian Peninsula.penitencia,f., penance.


Penitenciario,m., Penitentiary;see note to46, 12.pensado, da,adj., bethought, provided;


mal pensada,28, 16, evil thinking.pensamiento,m., thought.


pensar,v. a., to think, to think out;v. n., to think; to believe;

— en, to think of;


no está mal pensado,33, 1, it is not ill thought of, not a bad idea.peonza,f., top, whirligig,14, 22.

peor,adj., worse;

— que —,114, 1, worse and worse.pequeño, ña,adj., small, little.

percudirse,v. refl., to become tarnished,4, 14.perder,v. a., to lose, to ruin, to undo.perdición,f., perdition, ruin,85, 10.perdidamente,adv., desperately, violently.perdido, da,adj., lost;see


ponerse.perdiguero, ra,adj.,


perro —,48, 6, hunting dog, bird dog, retriever.perdón,m., pardon, forgiveness.


perdonar,v. a., to forgive.peregrinación,f., pilgrimage.


peregrino, na,adj., strange, unusual, rare.perfección,f., perfection.perfectamente,adv., perfectly.


pérfido, da,adj., faithless,106, 23.pericón,m., large fan,101, 15.periquete,m.,

en un —,83, 22, in a jiffy.perito,m., expert.

perjuicio,m., prejudice; harm, damage,79, 25;


sin — de,88, 21, without estoppel, reserving my right, without giving up myright.


permanecer,v. n., to remain.

permiso,m., permission,113, 25; permit, written permission,11, 30;con —,108, 15, by your leave, beg pardon.


permitir,v. a., to permit, to allow.pero,conj., but; however;as subs. m.,


no había — que poner,3, 9, there was no possible objection to be offered;no hay — que valga,37, 3;


nada de —,112, 9, no but about it.


perpetuo, tua,adj., perpetual, permanent;seeRegidor.perro,m., dog;


— perdiguero,48, 6, hunting dog, bird dog. 223persona,f., person;


en —,34, 10, in person, himself;pl.,—s,88, 5, people.


personaje,m., personage, great man,28, 1.personal,adj., personal.


personificado, da,adj., personified.persuadir,v. a., to persuade, to convince.


pertenecer,v. n., to belong, to pertain, to appertain.perturbar,v. a., to disturb,122, 22.


pervertir,v. a., to pervert.pesar,v. a., to weigh;


a — de, in spite of.pescar,v. a., to fish.pescuezo,m., neck.


pesebre,m., manger, feeding-rack, crib.pesebrera,f., row of mangers,65, 6.peseta,f., peseta,see note to21, 8.peso,m., weight;see


caerse,85, 22.

pestañear,v. n., to wink; to blink.pestiño,m., fritter; pancake; sweetmeat.


petate,m., bore; liar;31, 10, bolster, mattress.pez,m., fish.


pezuña,f., hoof.piar,v. n., to chirp.

picado, da,adj., pitted,18, 4.


picar,v. a., to pick; to pick up; to break into bits; to prick.picaresco, ca,adj., roguish, willful,14, 28;see note to1, 9.pícaro, ra,adj., naughty; rascally; knavish;see note to1, 9.pícaro,m., scoundrel, rogue.


picatoste,m., bread fried in oil or butter, often with ham;8, 6.



más feo que —,17, 1, uglier than mud, ugly as sin.pico,m., point, corner;


las siete y —,46, 4, seven o'clock and after.pie,m., foot;


a —,24, 11, on foot;de —,101, 3, standing;


ponerse de —,106, 5, to rise;

al — de la letra,50, 22, literally, exactly, step for step;deme un — para montar,96, 22, give me a lift.piedra,f., stone;71, 3, flint.

piel,f., skin, hide;

— de toro,95, 17, rawhide.pierna,f., leg.


pieza,f., piece;

hecho una —,121, 17, stiff;

buenas —s,91, 12, scamps, scallywags.pillar,v. a., to rob, to despoil.


pinar,m., pine-wood, pine-grove.pincel,m., brush,36, 2,101, 7.pintar,v. a., to paint.

pintoresco, ca,adj., picturesque. 224Piñona,f. npr., Piñona.


pío, pía,adj., pious;seepósito,50, 27.


pipa,f., pipe.

las Pirámides,fpl. npr., the Pyramids.Pirineo,m. npr., Pyrenees.


Pirineos Occidentales,m. pl. n. pr., Western Pyrenees;see note to15, 14.piso,m., story, floor,98, 1,etc.


pisotear,v. a., to trample, to tread under foot, to stamp upon.pistola,f., pistol.


plácido, da,adj., placid, calm.

plan,m., plan, project, scheme.planchar,v. a., to iron.planeta,m., planet.


planta,f., plant.

plantar,v. a., to set out, to plant;pp.plantada,41, 10, standing firm, standing still.plaza,f., place, square, market-place;


sentar —,15, 11, to enlist.plazoleta,f., courtyard; little square.

plazoletilla,f., courtyard; little square.plebe,f., people, populace.


pleito,m., law-suit.

pleno, na,adj., full; complete.pliego,m., sheet of paper.pluma,f., feather; pen.


población,f., village, settlement;50, 9,92, 5, city.poblar,v. a., to people, to occupy.


pobre,adj., poor;

— hombre,93, 9, poor creature, simple, guileless creature;los —s,124, 12, the poor.


poco, ca,adj., little, a little; few, a few.poco,adv., little;


a — de, soon after.poder,v. n., to be able;


puede que, perhaps, maybe;

no habían podido menos de sobresaltarlo,105, 11, had not failed to startlehim, could not help startling him;


como pudo, as best he could,39, 8,etc.poder,m., power, might.

poderoso, sa,adj., powerful, potent.poeta,m., poet.


polaco,m., Pole.

polilla,f., moth;8, 22, mustiness, mouldiness.político, ca,adj., political.

polvo,m., dust;

— de rapé,49., 26, a grain of rappee, a pinch of snuff.

pólvora,f., powder, gunpowder.polvorear,v. a., to powder, to dust.Pomona,f. npr., Pomona.

pompa,f.,see note to122, 19.


Ponce de León,seeZúñiga.

ponderar,v. a., to extol; to exaggerate. 225

poner,v. a., to place, to put, to set; to put on (of clothes),116, 17,etc.;12, 1,to write, to write down; 2, 26;


— al corriente, to inform;

— en conocimiento,56, 20, to communicate, to bring to the knowledge;51,18, to put in;


tener puesto,

llevar puesto, to be wearing, to have on;

así te hemos puesto,25, 16, this is the way we have treated you;

— la toda de nuevo,124, 13, to furnish it all anew;

—se,v. refl., to become, to turn, to get;


cómo me he puesto,78, 8, into what a state I've got;poniéndose colorado,37, 29, turning red, blushing;


se ha puesto perdido de polvo,40, 5, has got himself all covered with dust;119, 16, to place oneself, to take one's stand; to set (the sun).


poniente,adj., setting,44, 24.

por,prep., for; by; to; through; as to; on account of, because of; by meansof;


— acá, here, hither, this way;

una vez — semana,6, 9, once a week;

— infame que,119, 23, however base;

— los suelos,79, 16, on the ground, through the mire;

— si,64, 21,etc., on the chance that.

porque,conj., because; for; that, in order that.

¿porqué?or¿por qué?conj., why?


portal,m., house-door, street door;107, 6, entry.portero,m., porter, janitor,119, 16.


portón,m., outer door, principal door.poseer,v. a., to possess, to own.


poseído, da,adj., possessed, filled,70, 20.posesión,f., possession.


posible,adj., possible.Pósito Pío, public storehouse.


Pósito Real, royal storehouse,see note to50, 27.post,Lat. prep., after.


postizo, za,adj., false, artificial.postrado, da,adj., prostrate.

postrimerías,fpl., last years.postura,f., posture.


potable,adj., drinkable, fit to drink;agua —,20, 30, drinking water.potencia,f., power, strength;

las Potencias, the Powers.potestad,f., power.


precaverse,v. refl., to take precaution, to be on one's guard,65, 18.precedente,adj., preceding.


preceder,v. a. and n., to precede. 226precepto,m., rule, order, commandment;día de —,8, 5,see



precio,m., price.precipicio,m., precipice.

precisamente,adv., precisely, exactly, just.precisión,f., precision, exactitude.preciso, sa,adj., necessary.


predicador,m., preacher;see note to46, 29.predilecto, ta,adj., favorite.


prefacio,m., preface.pregunta,f., question.


preguntar,v. a., to ask, to inquire.prelado,m., prelate.


prenda,f., garment,25, 3,75, 28.prendar,v. a., to captivate.prender,v. a., to arrest.

preparar,v. a., to prepare, to make ready.presa,f., booty, prey, spoil.

presa,f., weir, mill-dam,20, 17.


presbiterio,m., presbytery; choir of a church,126, 15.presencia,f., presence.


presenciar,v. a., to witness.presentar,v. a., to present, to proffer;


—se,v. refl., to appear, to make one's appearance; to enter, to presentoneself.


presente,adj., present;

por la —,115, 11, for the present.preso,m., captive, prisoner.

prestar,v. a., to lend.


pretender,v. a., to pretend, to claim,14, 19.pretexto,m., pretext.


prevenir,v. a., to inform, to summon,56, 16.preventivo, va,adj., preventive.


prever,v. a., to foresee.previo, via,adj., previous.


previsión,f., expectation,126, 8.prima,f., prime;cf.


primeramente,adv., first, in the first place.primero, ra,adj.(primer), first.


primero,adv., first, beforehand.primicia,f., first-fruit;


—s,32, 5,etc., first-fruits, offering of first-fruits.primitivo, va,adj., primitive.


principal,adj., principal, chief.

principalísimo, ma,adj., very noble, very high-born,26, 13,101, 5.principalmente,adv., principally, above all.


principiar,v. n., to begin, to have beginning,18, 9.

principio,m., principle; beginning, origin, source; entrée, side-dish,8, 7.prior,m., prior.


prisa,f., haste, hurry;

tener —, to be in haste, to be in a hurry.privilegio,m., privilege. 227


pro,m. and f., benefit, advantage, good.probabilidad,f., probability.


probar,v. a., to try, to taste; to prove.proceder,m., action, proceeding, conduct.procedimiento,m., proceeding, happening.

procurar,v. a., to see to it, to make sure, to take care;v. n., to try, to seek, tomake an effort.


prodigio,m., prodigy, marvel.producir,v. a., to produce.profanar,v. a., to profane.proferir,v. a., to utter, to speak.profundo, da,adj., profound.prometer,v. a., to promise.

pronto, ta,adj., quick, rapid; hasty; ready.

pronto,adv., quickly, immediately; right away;de —, suddenly;


tan — como, just as soon as.

pronunciación,f., pronunciation, articulation,35, 5.pronunciar,v. a., to pronounce; to utter, to speak.propasarse,v. refl., to forget oneself,43, 27.

propio, pia,adj., own; exact, very; peculiar, individual; same; natural;belonging;


al — tiempo, at the same time;del — modo, in the same way;


la propia estampa,14, 1,26, 28, the very image;

el — dormitorio,96, 11, the very bedchamber, the bedroom itself;la propia risa,75, 25, the very laugh,etc.;


— de,42, 3,73, 11,116, 21,etc., peculiar to, natural to,etc.proponer,v. a., to propose;


—se,v. refl., to propose, to decide, to intend.proporción,f., proportion;


a —,14, 12, in proportion.propósito,m., intention, design.


prorrumpir,v. n., to burst out, to exclaim,14, 2,81, 21,106, 24.prosa,f., prose.


prosaico, ca,adj., prosaic, humdrum.proseguir,v. n., to go on, to continue.protector,m., protector, patron.protervo, va,adj., insolent,40, 15.proveer,v. a., to provide.


provincia,f., province.provocar,v. a., to provoke.


provocativo, va,adj., irritating, charming, suggestive.próximo, ma,adj.,46, 10, coming, near at hand.prueba,f., proof.


público, ca,adj., public.público,m., public; audience.


puchero,m., stew; (usually of beef or mutton, with garbanzos; thetraditional staple dish of Spain). 228


pudrirse,v. refl., to rot,93, 16.pueblecillo,m., hamlet.


pueblo,m., people, nation; village.puerta,f., door; gate.

puertecilla,f., little door.


pues,adv., then; so; accordingly; since; well; for; now;

— sí,30, 8, yes indeed, I tell you.

pulcro, cra,adj., handsome, beautiful, neat, graceful.pulidez,f., elegance, smoothness, refinement.pulmonía,f., pneumonia.

pulso,m., pulse;


vino de —,11, 6, home-made wine.¡pum!bang!97, 16.


punta,f., point, tip.puntapié,m., kick,82, 16.puntillas,fpl., tip-toes;


andar de —,34, 3, to go on tip-toes.punto,m., point; spot; moment;


en —, exactly, punctually, sharp,51, 23;

— y hora, hour and minute;


— de llegada y descanso,10, 9, stopping and resting place.puntualmente,adv., exactly, punctually, accurately.puñal,m., dagger.

puñetazo,m., blow (from or with the clenched fist);

andando de —s con sus lágrimas,111, 5, fighting his tears with his fists.puño,m., fist.


pupila,f., pupil (of the eye),35, 23.

Purísima,seeMaría.puro, ra,adj., pure; simple.




Q(ue) D(ios) G(uarde),56, 16, whom God preserve.que,pron., which, who, that; what; something;

el —,

la que,etc., he who, she who,etc.

que,conj., that; so that; as; for; as for; so far as; to.que,prep., than, as.


¿qué?adv., how, why, where, what, what kind;a —, why, wherefore;


— tal, how goes it, how are you?

¿qué?pron. int., who, what, which, what sort;

a mí, ¿—? 79, 12, what is that to me, what do I care.¡qué!inter., what, what a.

queda,f., taps; curfew,8, 15,51, 11.


quedar,v. n., to stay, to remain, to be staying, to be left, to be remaining; toremain, to continue; to be;

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