mira,29, 5,30, 16,35, 10,113, 14, see here, look here;52, 19,52, 29,there's; ¡mira lo que no sé! 31, 24, there's something I don't know; ¡miren el vanidoso! 31, 16, just see the vain creature, will you look at the vain thing.mirilla,f., peep-hole,55, 9.
misa,f., mass;
de prima, early mass.miserable,adj., miserable,68, 5.
mismísimo, ma,adj., very, in person,46, 17.
mismo, ma,adj., same, the same; self (used in connection with the personalpronouns);
lo , the same thing,40, 24;
lo que, as well as, the same as, just as, like;
por lo que,125, 15, just because, for the very reason that. 214mismo,adv., even;
ahora , this very instant.mitad,f., half; middle.mitón,m., mitt.
moda,f., fashion;
de ,122, 18, in fashion, fashionable.modo,m., way, manner, mode;
meter el ,109, 14, to interfere, to interpose; (said of one who interposeshis sword between two combatants).
montaña,f., mountain.
montar,v. a., to ride,86, 16;v. n., to mount, to get up,96, 22.monte,m., mountain; wood, forest,11, 30;see also undercapote.
montera,f., peasant's cap,23, 7.monterilla,f., little cap;see note toalcalde de ,tit.XVII.
monumental,adj., monumental, belonging to a monument,14, 20.moral,f., morals, good morals;cf.
lección,3, 22.
moraleja,f., moral (of a story or fable).morder,v. a., to bite;
no se mordió la lengua,2, 4, was not mealy-mouthed, was not abashed.moreno, na,adj., dark (of complexion),18, 3.
moreno,m., dark complexion,25, 29.morigerado, da,adj., careful of behaviour,125, 21.morir,v. n., to die;v. refl.,
se, to die, to be dying.morisco, ca,adj., Moorish.moro,m., Moor;
había moros en la costa,102, 16, there were Moors on the coast, there wereMoors off the coast, i. e. there were signs of an event to come; see note to102, 16. 215
de bien, honest woman, virtuous woman.mula,f., mule.
mulilla,f., little mule.mulo,m., mule.
multiplicarse,v. refl., to multiply.mundano, na,adj., worldly.mundo,m., world;
todo el ,127, 11,etc., everybody;medio ,116, 18, half the world.municipal,adj., municipal.muralla,f., wall;
de la China,7, 9, Great Wall of China.murciano,m., Murcian, native of Murcia.murciano, na,adj., Murcian: of, from Murcia.murmurar,v. n., to murmur; to mutter.musculatura,f., muscles.
tenga V. muy buenas s,55, 16, a very good evening to you;buenas s, good evening, good night;
de , by night.nodriza,f., nurse.
nombramiento,m., appointment, nomination.
nombrar,v. a., to name, to appoint; to mention, to speak of.nombre,m., name.
nomenclatura,f., nomenclature.Norte,m., North.
nos,pron., us, to us.nosotros, tras,pron., we; us.nota,f., note,23, 8.
notable,adj., notable, remarkable.notar,v. a., to note, to observe.noticia,f., information, news. 217noticias,fpl., information, news.notificar,v. a., to announce,64, 11.
novedad,f., novelty, new thing,7, 8,77, 4; new thing, thing of importance,90, 18; accident, harm,117, 18; accident, mishap, adventure, event,68, 11.novia,f., bride.
o ... o, either ... or.obedecer,v. n., to obey.obispo,m., bishop.objetar,v. a., to object.objeto,m., object; purpose.
obligar,v. a., to oblige, to compel.obra,f., work.
obrilla,f., little work, little book.obscuridad,f., darkness.obscuro, ra,adj., obscure; dark.
obsequiar,v. a., to treat with distinction.
observar,v. a., to remark, to observe; to say; to watch.obstante,see
obstinado, da,adj., obstinate, stubborn.obstruir,v. a., to obstruct; to bar, to block,117, 4.ocasión,f., occasion; moment, time; opportunity;en es,13, 16, occasionally, once in a while.occidental,adj., western, occidental.
octavo, va,adj., eighth.octubre,m., October.
ocultar,v. a., to hide, to conceal.ocupado, da,adj., occupied, in use,12, 10.ocupar,v. a., to occupy.
ocurrencia,f., idea,17, 17; incident,41, 4.
ocurrir,v. n., to happen, to occur; to take place, to go on; to occur, tosuggest itself; also v. refl.,
al ,82, 21, meanwhile, at the same time.para,prep., for; to; in order to;see alsoestar.
paraje,m., place,77, 10.parar,v. a., to stop;
mientes,119, 21, to consider;v. n., to stop, to arrive at, to get at,7, 4;se,v. refl., to stop, to halt, to stand still; to stop at, to balk at,50, 3;sus ojos se pararon en,75, 13, his eyes fell upon. 220
pardo, da,adj., gray, dark gray,94, 11.Pardo,m., Pardo,see note to89, 21.
parecer,v. n., to seem; to appear; to seem, to look,105, 7;¿le parece que envíe?,12, 11, shall I send, may I send?
se,v. refl., to resemble.parecido,m., resemblance.parecido, da,adj., similar, like.pared,f., wall.
lo ,24, 16, the very singular character.partida,f., band (of guerillas),126, 26;see alsocomerse.
partir,v. a., to split,118, 8;se,v. refl., to split,83, 15.
párvulos,mpl., children, little ones,25, 8.
pasar,v. a., to pass; to endure, to undergo,36, 15; to pass, to spend,24, 7,63, 6;¿cómo lo pasa su señoría? 34, 12, how is your worship?
pasar aquel trago,72, 8, to swallow that draught;v. n., to pass; to happen,to come to pass, to go on, to occur, to take place, 106, 22, etc. ; to pass, to go; to pass through, 39, 17; to enter, to come in, 100, 10, 103, 21.
pasar,m., living, competence,11, 13.
Pascuas,fpl.,see note to11, 7.
paseante,m., promenader; one who takes a walk for pleasure, idler.pasear,v. a., to carry about, to take, to walk,25, 12; to turn (la vista),106,25; v. n., to walk, to take a walk; v. refl.,
se, to take a walk; to walk around, to walk up and down. 221paseo,m., walk, promenade;