Iquest;quién? 17 page
jaraiz ,m. , wine-press; pit for pressing grapes;see note to 21 , 4. 206jardín ,m. , garden, flower-garden.
jarra ,f. , two-handled jar or jug;
ponerse en s ,31 , 29, to put one's hands on one's hips, to put the armsakimbo.
jazmín ,m. , jasmine, jessamine,20 , 27,21 , 4.jefe ,m. , chief.
Jesús ,m. npr. , Jesus;see note to 39 , 4.jiba ,f. , hump,74 , 29.
jícara ,f. , cup,sp. a chocolate cup,8 , 6.joroba ,f. , hump,26 , 8.
jorobado, da ,adj. , hunchbacked,25 , 21,etc. jorobado ,m. , hunchback.
José ,npr. m. , Joseph;see note to 39 , 4.
Josefa ,npr. f. , Josepha,28 , 16.
Jovellanos ,npr. ,see note to 13 , 8.joven ,adj. , young.
Juan López ,npr. m. , John Lopez.
Juanete ,m. ,51 , 19,dim. of Juan , John, Jack.jubón ,m. , waist, shirtwaist,37 , 10,125 , 25.San Judas ,npr. m. , Saint Jude.
Judit ,npr. f. , Judith,2 , 28.juego ,m. , game, play;cf. also chasco .
juez ,m. , judge.
jugador ,m. , gambler,51 , 1.
jugar ,v. n. , to play (games, etc. ),20 , 4;¡no se juega conmigo! you can'tplay with me, trifle with me, 89 , 21.
juicio ,m. , judgment, common-sense, "senses,"17 , 22,etc. ;a mi , to my way of thinking,113 , 17;
malos s ,124 , 8, evil judgments.jumenta ,f. , she-ass,59 , 8.jumento ,m. , ass; beast of burden.junco ,m. , rush,14 , 21.
juntamente ,adv. , together; at once, at the same time,27 , 3.junto, ta ,adj. , together.
juntura ,f. , joint,72 , 5.juramento ,m. , oath.
jurisconsulto ,m. , jurisconsult; man learned in the law; lawyer,125 , 8.jurisdicción ,f. , jurisdiction.
justamente ,adv. , exactly, just so,114 , 20.Justicia ,f. , Justice; the Law,55 , 4,etc. ,106 , 9.
justificar ,v. a. , to justify, to clear, to exculpate,81 , 25,113 , 19, 20,etc. justo, ta ,adj. , just.
juventud ,f. , youth.
kiosko ,m. , kiosque, summer house,20 , 27.
la ,art. ,pron. ,see el ,él . 207
laberinto ,m. , labyrinth, maze; confusion,99 , 14.labio ,m. , lip.
laborioso, sa ,adj. , laborious, difficult;20 , 16, painstaking, careful, patient.labrador ,m. , field worker, farmer,28 , 2,50 , 29; peasant.
labranza ,f. , farm; farming.labriego ,m. , farmer, peasant.
ladeado, da ,adj. , crooked; bent to one side, on one side,35 , 22.ladino, na ,adj. , cunning, crafty, sly,1 , 8, luent.
lado ,m. , side, direction.ladrón ,m. , thief.
lagar ,m. , wine press, press-house,21 , 4;cf. jaraiz .
lágrima ,f. , tear.
lamento ,m. , wailing, lamentation.lánguidamente ,adv. , languidly.
lanzar ,v. a. , to throw, to cast;103 , 20, to give vent to, to utter; to give, to letgo, 67 , 12;
carcajadas ,33 , 1, to burst into laughter;se ,v. refl. ,79 , 31,109 , 12, to rush, to spring.largo, ga ,adj. , long;
tan como era ,95 , 9, at full length.larguísimo, ma ,adj. , very long.lástima ,f. , pity.
lastimero, ra ,adj. , doleful, pitiful.lateralmente ,adv. , sidelong, sideways,53 , 2.latín ,m. , Latin,43 , 16;cf.
dejar .
lavar ,v. a. , to wash.lazo ,m. , snare.
le ,dat. ,see el .
lección ,f. , lesson.
lector ,m. , reader, he who reads,120 , 12.lectora ,f. , reader, she who reads,120 , 13.leche ,f. , milk.
lecho ,m. , bed.lechuga ,f. , lettuce.leer ,v. a. , to read.legar ,v. a. , to bequeath.
legítimo, ma ,adj. , lawful, legitimate; justified, grounded, well-founded;genuine.
legua ,f. , league.legumbre ,f. , vegetable.
leído, da ,adj. , lettered, well-read.lejos ,adv. , far, afar;
a lo ,104 , 28, in the distance.lejos de ,prep. , far from.lengua ,f. , tongue;cf.
morder .
lentamente ,adv. , slowly.leña ,f. , wood, firewood.leona ,f. , lioness.
letra ,f. , letter; writing, hand-writing;pl. ,s ,1 , 7, culture, letters, education;
al pie de la ,50 , 22, exactly, literally.levantar ,v. a. , to raise, to lift;v. refl. ,se , to rise, to get up;
estar levantada ,119 , 3, to be up, to be dressed. 208leve ,adj. , light, slight.
ley ,f. , law.
liar ,v. a. , to bind;67 , 1, to roll (a cigarette .)libar ,v. a. , to suck,21 , 3.
libertad ,f. , liberty.libertar ,v. a. , to free.
libertino, na ,adj. , libertine,26 , 5.libertino ,m. , libertine,78 , 26.libra ,f. , pound,56 , 5.
librar ,v. a. , to preserve, to safeguard,4 , 11.libre ,adj. , free.
libreja ,f. (dim. of
libra ), little pound, pound or so,54 , 4.libro ,m. , book;
de Caballerías ,6 , 5, Romance of Chivalry.licencia ,f. , license, permission;
las s necesarias ,see note to 3 , 12;
tomarse absoluta ,15 , 17, to obtain one's discharge (of a soldier ).licenciado ,m. ,43 , 4, licentiate;see note .
licencioso, sa ,adj. , licentious,106 , 23.ligereza ,f. , lightness; nimbleness.ligero, ra ,adj. , light; light-footed.
limitarse ,v. refl. , to content oneself with, to stop with,34 , 17.límite ,m. , limit, bound.
limosna ,f. , alms.limpiar ,v. a. , to clean.limpio, pia ,adj. , clean.
lince ,adj. , sharp-eyed; acute, penetrating,40 , 2.lindo, da ,adj. , pretty;
de lo ,118 , 29, prettily.línea ,f. , line.
linterna ,f. , lantern.
lío ,m. , (pack, bundle);99 , 7, row.
literatura ,f. , literature.Liviana ,npr. f. , Liviana.lívido, da ,adj. , livid.lo ,pron. neut. , it, that;
del nombramiento ,115 , 10, about the nomination, the matter of thenomination; 80 , 23,
de mi tiro , all that about my shooting;
que , which, what;
con que ,29 , 18, wherewith, so that;
que es ,32 , 19,46 , 25,122 , 8,123 , 11, as to, as for, when it comes to.local ,m. , place, enclosure, room.
locamente ,adv. , madly.loco ,m. , madman.locuaz ,adj. , loquacious.lógico, ca ,adj. , logical.
lograr ,v. a. , to gain, to accomplish, to succeed in.lonja ,f. , slice,11 , 9.
López ,npr. , Lopez.loro ,m. , parrot.
Lucas ,
npr. m. , Luke, Lucas.
lucero ,m. , morning star, bright star,91 , 4. 209
Lucena ,npr. f. , Lucena,town about 35 miles south-east of Córdoba .
Lucifer ,npr. m. , Lucifer.ludibrio ,m. , mocking, derision.
luego ,adv. , then, thereupon, presently; afterwards; thereafter; soon;desde , immediately;
tan como ,56 , 17,93 , 4, just as soon as;hasta ,see
hasta .
luego que ,conj. , when; as soon as.
lugar ,m. , place, stead; place, village, hamlet;el Lugar , the Village.
lugarcillo ,m. , little village.lugareña ,f. , village woman,28 , 12.lugareño ,m. , villager,29 , 12.lúgubre ,adj. , lugubrious, doleful.lúgubremente ,adj. , dolefully.
Luis ,npr. m. , Louis.
lujo ,m. , luxury;
de ,20 , 11, "de luxe," extra, special.
lujoso, sa ,adj. , rich, luxuriant,35 , 30; exuberant; luxurious.lujuria ,f. , sensuality,26 , 2.
lumbre ,f. , fire;cf. amor .
luna ,f. , moon.luz ,f. , light;
a la de ,3 , 9, in the light of;entre dos luces ,8 , 10, at twilight;
de tan claras luces ,11 , 17, of such clear vision, of such keen perception,understanding;
las demás luces ,45 , 14, the other lights,fig.
llama ,f. , small flame.llamar ,v. a. , to call; to name;
a la puerta ,52 , 7,52 , 16,54 , 17,97 , 10, to knock at the door;
el llamado ,29 , 5, the aforesaid;¡me llamo! 36 , 7, that's my name, here I am.llamarada ,f. , flash, flame; burst of flame.
llaneza ,f. , simplicity,19 , 8.llanto ,m. , weeping, tears.llave ,f. , key.
llegada ,f. , arrival;cf. punto .
llegar ,v. n. , to arrive; to come; to succeed; to reach;33 , 4,;aquí llega , here he comes;
llegase a quererlo ,31 , 16, should come to love him.llenar ,v. a. , to fill;119 , 12, to heap, to cover.
lleno, na ,adj. , full.
llevar ,v. a. , to carry; to bring; to carry away; to wear; to carry off, to obtain,to get, 109 , 22, 111 , 12;
puesto , to be wearing, to have on,115 , 5;
llevaba cuatro (años) de Corregidor ,26 , 12, had been for four yearsCorregidor; to take, to lead, to show, to conduct, 64 , 19, 94 , 24, etc. ; to receive, to endorse, 32 , 20; to raise, to lift, 70 , 17. 210
llorar ,v. n. , to weep.lloro ,m. , weeping.
macarro ,m. ,10 , 24, macaroon;see note .madera ,f. , wood;
una poca , a little wood;see note to 11 , 28.madre ,f. , mother.
Madrid ,m. , Madrid.
madrileño ,m. , Madrilene, native of Madrid, inhabitant of Madrid.magistral ,m. , magistral,see note to 46 , 22.
magnífico, ca ,adj. , magnificent.maíz ,m. , maize, corn.
majadería ,f. , nonsense, foolishness,33 , 6.majestuosamente ,adj. , majestically.majestuoso, sa ,adj. , majestic, imposing,100 , 2.mal ,m. , evil,67 , 18.
mal ,adv. , evil, ill,28 , 16.maldad ,f. , malice,93 , 13.maldito, ta ,adj. , cursed, damned;
maldita la falta que me hacían ,52 , 13, damned little need I had;maldita aquella ,68 , 19, devil a bit;
maldita seas ,67 , 13, damn you, be damned to you;etc. malhechor ,m. , evil-doer, criminal,51 , 12.
malicia ,f. , malice;17 , 19, slyness, cunning.malo, la ,adj. (mal ), bad, poor, ill; wicked, evil;ponerse ,82 , 24, to fall ill;
lo ,117 , 7, the evil, the ill.maltratar ,v. a. , to maltreat, to assault.mamarracho ,m. , booby, clown,79 , 10.mancillar ,v. a. , to stain.
manda ,f. , donation, bequest;see note to 6 , 29.mandar ,v. a. , to send; to order; to command.manera ,f. , way, manner.
manga ,f. , sleeve.
manía ,f. , whim, caprice, peculiarity,37 , 30.maniquete ,m. , mitt,101 , 12.
mano ,f. , hand;
s a la obra , to work!;
de s a boca ,49 , 7,77 , 21, suddenly, unawares;
venir con sus s lavadas , to come with improper proposals or intentions,119 , 15;
echar a ,91 , 3, to seize;
de s de ,42 , 25, from the hands of.manojo ,m. , bundle, bunch,27 , 2.Manolilla ,f. npr. , Manolilla.
mantecado ,m. , butter cake, cream-cake,11 , 8. 211mantener ,v. a. , to maintain, to keep up.
mantilla ,f. , mantilla,105 , 5,see note ,110 , 4.Manuel ,m. npr. , Emanuel.
Manuela ,f. npr. , Manuela.mañana ,f. , morning.mañana ,adv. , to-morrow;
por la ,66 , 2,84 , 21, early to-morrow morning.maquinalmente ,adv. , mechanically.
mar ,m. , sea,112 , 2.maravilloso, sa ,adj. , marvellous.
marcar ,v. a. , to mark, to indicate,20 , 21.marchar ,v. a. , to go; to go along;v. refl. ,se , to leave, to go away.
marchito, ta ,adj. , withered, pale,36 , 4.
Marengo ,m. npr. , Marengo;see note to 5 , 14.margen ,f. , margin, border,10 , 5.
María ,f. npr. , Mary.
María Luisa ,f. npr. , Maria Louisa,see note to 16 , 1.marido ,m. , husband.
mariscal ,m. , marshal,126 , 18.mármol ,m. , marble.
marras ,adv. , formerly, recently;
de ,109 , 15, well known, hereinbefore described.mas ,conj. , but.
más ,adv. , more;
el, la , the most;83 , 12, except, but;32 , 4, other, more than;
que , except;
por que , however much, although;
bien ,104 , 20, rather;27 , 7, more, further.más ,adj. , more, most.
mascujar ,v. n. , to mumble,122 , 21.matar ,v. a. , to kill.
materialmente ,adv. , materially; in the flesh;38 , 15,95 , 18.matorral ,m. , stubble-field,68 , 10.
matrimonio ,m. , marriage; married couple, couple,19 , 7,113 , 3.matrona ,f. , matron.
maula ,f. , trick, dodge, fake,82 , 10.mayor ,adj. , greater, larger; older;caza ,91 , 8, big game;
el, la , the greatest, largest.
mayores ,mpl. , elders, ancestors, forefathers,6 , 19.mayúsculo, la ,adj. , capital, large (of letters );see note to 91 , 9.mecanismo ,m. , mechanism.
mecer ,v. a. , to rock, to swing;v. refl. ,se ,39 , 3, to rock.
media ,f. , stocking;hacer ,20 , 3, to knit.
media-fanega ,f. , half-fanega;see fanega .
mediano, na ,adj. , medium, middle, average. 212mediar ,v. a. , to halve, to take half,63 , 16;pp. ,mediado, da ,62 , 8, half done, half over.médico ,m. , physician.
medida ,f. , measure,66 , 3.medio, día ,adj. , half;
a media voz ,34 , 2, in a low voice.medio ,adv. , half.
medio ,m. , midst, middle; means;de en ,61 , 5, out of the way;por de , by means of.
medir ,v. a. , to measure,113 , 1.meditación ,f. , meditation, reverie,74 , 9.meditar ,v. n. , to meditate, to reflect,73 , 29.Mefistófeles ,m. npr. , Mephistopheles.mejilla ,f. , cheek.
mejor ,adj. , better.mejor ,adv. , better, best;
por decir ,45 , 22, to speak more accurately.mejorar ,v. n. , to improve.
melancólico, ca ,adj. , melancholy.melodioso, sa ,adj. , melodious.melodramático, ca ,adj. , melodramatic.melón ,m. , melon.
mención ,f. , mention,20 , 11.mencionar ,v. a. , to mention,pp. ,
mencionado, da , said, mentioned, aforesaid.menester ,adj. , necessary.
menor ,adj. , less; younger; smaller;el, la , the least, youngest,etc. ;es ,15 , 10, minor orders,see note .menos ,adv. , less;
echar de ,91 , 23,see echar ;
lo ,50 , 27, at the least;a lo ,
cuando , at least;
ni mucho ,108 , 23, nor much less, not by any means, far from it;
nosotros ,121 , 21, except ourselves.mentalmente ,adv. , mentally,71 , 11.mente ,f. , mind;
estar allí en la divina ,45 , 15, to be in the bosom of the gods, on theknees of the gods.
mentir ,v. n. , to lie.
menudo, da ,adj. , small, little.merced ,f. , grace, mercy;
a ,10 , 16, thanks to;
su ,55 , 15, his worship.Mercedes ,f. npr. , Mercedes.
Merceditas ,f. npr. ,dim. of Mercedes.merecedor, dora ,adj. , deserving,4 , 23.
merecer ,v. a. , to deserve, to merit; to earn, to gain.merecido ,m. , desert, deserts.
merienda ,f. , luncheon, collation.mes ,m. , month.
mesa ,f. , table;
en la ,19 , 14, at the table.
meseta ,f. , landing (of a staircase ). 213mesilla ,f. , little table.
meter ,v. a. , to place, to put;
metió los talones ,65 , 15, kicked, spurred;
alguaciles metidos a alcahuetes ,68 , 2, constables turned procurers;
el montante ,cf.
montante ;
se ,v. refl. , to interfere; to meddle; to mingle with; to thrust oneself in;meterse en harina ,4 , 17, to set to work, to get to work.
metódico, ca ,adj. , methodical, commonplace, humdrum,14 , 9.mi ,adj. poss. , my.
miedo ,m. , fear;
dar ,25 , 11, to frighten;tener ,88 , 8, to be afraid.
mientes ,fpl. , thought; reflection;see parar .
mientras ,conj. , while, whereas.mientras que ,conj. , while.
mil ,adj. num. , thousand; a thousand, one thousand.milagro ,m. , miracle, marvel.
Milán ,m. npr. , Milan.milicias ,fpl. , militia.militar ,adj. , military.
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