Iquest;quién? 16 page
garganta ,f. , throat.
garra ,f. , claw;fig. for hand,71 , 17.garrote ,m. , short club, staff, cudgel,99 , 2.gasto ,m. , waste; expense, damage,126 , 5.gata ,f. , female cat;
andar a s , 198
71 , 30, to go on all fours, to creep.gato ,m. , cat.
gemir ,v. n. , to groan.general ,m. , general.generalidad ,f. , generality.
sui generis (Latin ),25 , 24, peculiar, individual, of its own kind.género ,m. , gender, sex; genus;
cuadro de ,see cuadro ,23 , 11.
generosamente ,adv. , generously, copiously,111 , 3.generoso, sa ,adj. , generous,12 , 13; high spirited,104 , 1.genio ,m. , disposition, character,29 , 7.
gente ,f. , people; person, individual; people, folk;pl. ,s , people; the world, the public;
don de s ,10 , 19,see don .
gentílico, ca ,adj. , gentile, pagan,101 , 7.gesto ,m. , gesture.
gigantesco, ca ,adj. , gigantic.
gimnasta ,m. , gymnast, athlete,87 , 12.girar ,v. n. , to turn, to whirl,14 , 21.
gloria ,f. , glory, salvation, heaven,6 , 3,81 , 2;see also Sábado .gobernado ,m. , subject.
gobernar ,v. a. , to govern.
Gobierno ,m. , Government, Administration,97 , 7.
golilla ,m. , personage, member of the ruling class,13 , 19;see note .golpe ,m. , blow; stroke; knock;
de ,98 , 16, suddenly, sharply.gordo, da ,adj. , fat;
voz gorda ,55 , 17, oily voice.gota ,f. , drop.
Goya ,npr. , Francisco Goya,Spanish painter ;see note to 16 , 1.gozo ,m. , joy, enjoyment, pleasure.
gracia ,f. , grace, mercy;pl. s , thanks;35 , 29, charms.
graciosamente ,adv. , gracefully,122 , 17.
gracioso, sa ,adj. , gracious; graceful; amusing, diverting; witty.gracioso ,m. , (clown) gracioso;see note to 3 , 15.
gradación ,f. , gradation.grado ,m. , grade, degree.
graduar ,v. a. , to measure; to estimate.grajo ,m. , jackdaw,tit. XIII.
grana ,f. , scarlet, scarlet cloth.grande ,adj. , (gran ), large; great; tall.grandeza ,f. , greatness; size.
grandioso, sa ,adj. , exalted, majestic, grandiose.granero ,m. , corn loft, granary,63 , 23.
grano ,m. , grain.gratitud ,f. , gratitude.
gravedad ,f. , gravity, seriousness,101 , 23.gritar ,v. n. , to cry; to shout; to scream. 199grito ,m. , cry.
grosero, ra ,adj. , coarse, rude, vulgar.grotesco, ca ,adj. , grotesque.
grueso, sa ,adj. , stout, fat, thick.gruñido ,m. , grunt.
gruñir ,v. n. , to growl, to grumble.
grupa ,f. , crupper;
llevar a s ,28 , 12, to take behind one on horseback.guantada ,f. , slap,50 , 5.
guante ,m. , glove.
guapo, pa ,adj. , handsome, good-looking.¡guarda, Pablo! 91 , 28, hold on! look out!
guardar ,v. a. , to keep; to guard; to defend, to preserve;
rencor , to bear malice; to take care of,116 , 22;se ,v. refl. , to take care, to be careful;
se de hacer , to take care not to do.
guardia ,f. , guard, watch;¡en ! tit. XXI, be on your guard! defendyourself!
guarnición ,f. , hilt,26 , 23.guerra ,f. , war.
guerrilla ,f. , band of guerrillas.guerrillero ,m. , guerrilla.guiar ,v. a. , to guide.
guinda ,f. , sweet cherry,10 , 23.
guindo ,m. , mazzard tree, sweet-cherry tree;,10 , 4.guiño ,m. , wink,14 , 28.
guisa ,f. , guise, manner;a de , like, as it were.
guisado ,m. , stew, fricassee,8 , 16;see note .guisar ,v. a. , to cook.
guitarra ,f. , guitar.gusano ,m. , worm;
de seda , silk-worm.
gustar ,v. a. , to taste; to like, to wish; to enjoy;
,v. n. , to please.
gusto ,m. , taste; good taste; pleasure.
H ,f. (hache), the letter H,12 , 2.haba ,f. , bean.
haber ,v. aux. , to have;
de , to be obliged;or as simple future ;or , to have to;or , to be to, to bedestined to; ¿cómo había yo de figurarme... 85 , 6, how was I to imagine, how could I imagine...; ¿Quién había de decirme? who could ever have told me..., who would ever have said..., 112 , 23; as impersonal ,
hay ,había ,hubo ,
habrá ,etc. , there is, there are, there was, there were, there will be,etc. ;no hay más que ,49 , 8, there is nothing to do but;
selas con alguno ,104 , 19, to have to do with, to have it out with.habilidad ,f. , skill, capability,pl. ,
es ,tit. VI, accomplishments, talents. 200habitación ,f. , room.
habitar ,v. a. , to inhabit; to live in, to dwell in.
hábito ,m. , garment; habit, way of life, custom,15 , 24;pl. s , vestments;
ahorcar los s ,15 , 10, to leave Orders, leave the priesthood.habitual ,adj. , usual, customary.
hablar ,v. a. and n. , to speak, to talk.hacendoso, sa ,adj. , industrious, thrifty.
hacer ,v. a. , to make, to do; to commit; to cause; to have done; toaccomplish, to bring about; impersonal , to be;
hace fresco ,59 , 13, it is cool;
hace luna ,57 , 20, it is moonlight,with expressions of time , ago:hace tiempo ,30 , 11, long ago;
hacía rato ,48 , 3, for some little time;
hacía ya algún tiempo , it had been some time;v. refl. ,
se , to be going on, to be happening, to happen;¿qué se ha hecho de? 91 ,20, what has happened to, what has become of?
hacia ,prep. , towards;
arriba , upward;
adelante , forward.
hacienda ,f. , property; duty, business.hallar ,v. a. , to find;
se ,v. refl. , to be, to happen to be.harina ,f. , flour;
meterse en ,4 , 17, to set to work;
de otro costal ,115 , 28, flour from another sack,i. e. , another matter, adifferent question, "a horse of a different color."
harinero, ra ,adj. , having to do with flour;molino ,10 , 2, flour mill, grist mill.hasta ,adv. , even.
hasta ,prep. , until; as far as, up to, to; as many as, no less than,14 , 24;
luego ,
mañana , until presently, until to-morrow (forms of leave-taking ).hasta que ,conj. , until.
hazaña ,f. , deed.hebilla ,f. , buckle.
hechicero, ra ,adj. , enchanting, bewitching.hecho ,m. , fact.
hecho, cha ,adj. , made; become (una fiera ,etc. ).helénico, ca ,adj. , Greek.
hembra ,f. , female.hembra ,adj. , female.
Hércules ,m. , Hercules, Heracles.hermano ,m. , brother.
hermoso, sa ,adj. , beautiful, handsome.hermosura ,f. , beauty.
héroe ,m. , hero.
herrero ,m. , smith, blacksmith.hielo ,m. , ice.
hija ,f. , daughter. 201
hijo ,m. , son, child;¡mira, ! 49 , 19, see here, my boy!pl. s ,14 , 15, children.
hinchado, da ,adj. , swollen,57 , 22.
hipocondríaco, ca ,adj. ,as subs. m. ,37 , 18, hypochondriac.historia ,f. , history, story.
histórico, ca ,adj. , historic, historical.historieta ,f. , little story.
hito ,m. , boundary stone; mark, target;mirar de en ,34 , 22, to look at fixedly.hocico ,m. , snout; nose;
retorcer el ,29 , 10, to turn up the nose.hogar ,m. , hearth; fireside; home.
hoja ,f. , leaf;
una poca ,11 , 28, a few leaves.¡hola! interj. , ho, hallo.
hombre ,m. , man;
de bien , honorable man, honest man;¡hombre! man alive, for heaven'ssake, etc.
hombro ,m. , shoulder.
hondamente ,adv. , deeply.honesto, ta ,adj. , honorable, proper.honor ,m. , honor.
honra ,f. , honor.
honradez ,f. , honor; uprightness, integrity; virtue.honrado, da ,adj. , honored, esteemed; estimable; virtuous.
honrar ,v. a. , to honor, to respect, to do honor to, to be a credit to.hopa ,f. , cassock, gown,see note to 70 , 27.
hora ,f. , hour;
a estas s , at this time of day, at this time of night; at this very minute;a aquellas s , at that time of night, at that time of day.
horca ,f. , gallows.horno ,m. , oven.
horrible ,adj. , horrible, frightful.horror ,m. , horror.
horroroso, sa ,adj. , frightful,72 , 20.hoy ,adv. , to-day.
hoyo ,m. ,35 , 23, dimple.hoyuelo ,m. , dimple.
hueco, ca ,adj. , hollow;of sleeves ,101 , 10, full.
huerta ,f. , garden, kitchen garden; orchard;10 , 5, water-meadow.hueso ,m. , bone.
huevo ,m. , egg.
huir ,v. n. , to flee,115 , 1.
humanizarse ,v. refl. , to become gentle; to unbend,51 , 28.humano, na ,adj. , human.
húmedo, da ,adj. , moist, damp.humor ,m. , humor, temper;
ponerse de mal ,32 , 12, to lose one's temper.hundirse ,v. refl. , to melt.
hurón ,m. , ferret, sleuth,27 , 3. 202hurtar ,v. a. , to steal;
el cuerpo ,115 , 29, to dodge, to slip aside.
ida ,f. , going.idea ,f. , idea.
idéntico, ca ,adj. , identical, the same.
idiosincrasia ,f. , individual disposition; idiosyncrasy.
idiota ,m. , idiot, tom-fool,25 , 15.iglesia ,f. , church;
la Iglesia , the Church.ignominia ,f. , disgrace, ignominy.
ignominioso, sa ,adj. , shameful, ignominious.ignorar ,v. a. , to not know, to be ignorant of.igual ,adj. , equal; like, similar; such.igualdad ,f. , equality.
ijar ,m. , side, flank;
meterse los puños en los es ,75 , 21, to hold one's sides.ilustre ,adj. , illustrious, exalted,13 , 13.
Ilustrísima (Su ),see note to 11 , 23;trans. , his Lordship.ilustrísimo, ma ,adj. , most illustrious,43 , 11.
imparcialidad ,f. , impartiality, judicial tone, indifference,46 , 26.impasibilidad ,f. , impassibility,108 , 7.
impedir ,v. a. , to hinder, to prevent.imperar ,v. n. , to reign, to hold sway,7 , 5.imperial ,adj. , imperial.
ímpetu ,m. , impulse;58 , 24, violence, vehemence.impetuosísimo, ma ,adj. , very swift,77 , 23.imponer ,v. a. , to impose,117 , 10.
importancia ,f. , importance.importante ,adj. , important.
importar ,v. n. , to import, to matter; to count, to be of consequence.imposible ,adj. , impossible.
imposición ,f. , imposition, restraint,75 , 11.impreso, sa ,adj. , printed, in print,3 , 27.impropio, pia ,adj. , unsuitable,24 , 9.
imprudente ,adj. , imprudent; indiscreet, inconsiderate,11 , 10.incapaz ,adj. , incapable.
incertidumbre ,f. , uncertainty.incitante ,adj. ,41 , 12, tempting, exciting.inclinar ,v. a. , to bend,35 , 19.
incomodar ,v. a. , to incommode, to put out,63 , 28.incontinenti ,adv. , immediately, forthwith.incontrastable ,adj. , resistless, irresistible,38 , 17.indecente ,adj. , indecent;81 , 4, filthy. 203indecible ,adj. , indescribable, unspeakable,19 , 5.indefinible ,adj. , indescribable, inexplicable.
independencia ,f. , independence.indescriptible ,adj. , indescribable.Indias ,fpl. , Indies.
indicación ,f. , suggestion, direction,104 , 15.indicar ,v. a. , to indicate, to point out, to mention.indignación ,f. , indignation.
indisculpable ,adj. , inexcusable.indispensable ,adj. , indispensable.indivisible ,adj. , indivisible.índole ,f. , nature, character,73 , 6.
indomable ,adj. , unconquerable, indomitable,80 , 18.inducir ,v. a. , to persuade, to induce,102 , 10.indudablemente ,adv. , doubtless,61 , 4.indulgencia ,f. , forbearance, forgiveness,104 , 23.inexplicable ,adj. , inexplicable.
infame ,adj. , infamous, vile,108 , 1,119 , 23.
infamia ,f. , infamy, shame, dishonor; act of infamy, shameful deed,69 , 18.infantil ,adj. , childish, infantile,25 , 2.
infeliz , adj., unhappy;
la ,82 , 22, the unhappy woman, the poor thing, the poor creature.inferior ,m. , inferior, subordinate,49 , 12.
infierno ,m. , hell.
informe ,m. , investigation, information, "character,"27 , 7.infortunado, da ,adj. , unfortunate, unhappy, ill-fated.infortunio ,m. , calamity, misfortune,100 , 18.infundado, da ,adj. , unfounded, groundless.
infundir ,v. a. , to inspire, to instil.ingeniero ,m. , engineer,20 , 16.
ingenio ,m. , wit, understanding, talent, disposition.ingenuo, ua ,adj. , ingenuous, frank, candid.inherente ,adj. , inherent, necessary,87 , 9.inhumano, na ,adj. , inhuman, cruel.
iniciar ,v. a. , to begin, to initiate,122 , 23,etc. injuriar ,v. a. , to wrong, to injure, to insult.injusticia ,f. , injustice.
inmediatamente ,adv. , immediately.
inmediato, ta ,adj. , immediate; next, nearest, neighboring.inmejorable ,adj. , beyond improvement; unsurpassed,18 , 5. 204inmenso, sa ,adj. , immense,36 , 6.
inmodestia ,f. , forwardness, pertness,125 , 26.inmortal ,adj. , immortal.
inmotivado, da ,adj. , groundless, without motive, incomprehensible,121 ,18.
innoble ,adj. , base, vile, ignoble,48 , 7.inocencia ,f. , innocence.
inocente ,adj. , innocent.inocentemente ,adv. , innocently.
inolvidable ,adj. , never to be forgotten, immortal,3 , 19.Inquisición ,f. , Inquisition.
inseguro, ra ,adj. , uncertain,100 , 14.insensato, ta ,adj. , mad, insensate,73 , 10.insigne ,adj. , distinguished, exalted.insistir ,v. a. , to insist, to persist (en ).insolencia ,f. , insolence.
insolente ,adj. , insolent.
insolente ,m. , insolent fellow,50 , 15.insondable ,adj. , unfathomable,36 , 1.inspiración ,f. , inspiration.
inspirar ,v. a. , to inspire, to cause (dat. of person, acc. of thing ).instante ,m. , instant, moment;
al ,87 , 19, this instant, immediately.instinto ,m. , instinct.
instrucción ,f. , instruction,66 , 10.instrumento ,m. , instrument.insulto ,m. , insult.
intención ,f. , intention.intenso, sa ,adj. , intense,70 , 15.intentar ,v. a. , to try, to attempt.
interiormente ,adv. , inwardly,60 , 24.
interlocutor ,m. ,used as adj. ,67 , 24, interlocutor, speaker, speaking,replying.
intermitente ,adj. , intermittent.
interminable ,adj. , interminable, endless, without end.
interpelar ,v. a. , to speak to, to address;pp. ,60 , 13, person spoken to.interponerse ,v. refl. , to interpose, to interfere.
interrogar ,v. a. and n. , to ask, to inquire; to question, to interrogate.interrumpir ,v. a. , to interrupt.
íntimo, ma ,adj. , intimate.
intransitable ,adj. , impassable, difficult of passage,10 , 12.intrépido, da ,adj. , intrepid,54 , 19.
inundar ,v. a. , to flood, to inundate.inútil ,adj. , useless. 205
invadir ,v. a. , to invade,44 , 9.invencible ,adj. , invincible,112 , 18.inventar ,v. a. , to invent.
invernadero ,m. , winter house, winter dwelling,20 , 29.invierno ,m. , winter.
invocar ,v. a. , to invoke, to call upon.
ir ,v. n. , to go; to be; to become; to go, to lead (of a road ); to be at stake; tobe, to feel (of health ); to concern, to touch;
a , to be about to, to be going to;va de vencida ,5 , 1, is almost over;vamos a ver ,2 , 9, let's see;
vamos a ver ,98 , 22, let's see, we'll see;
¿cómo va de salud? 62 , 12, how's your health, how are you?;en ello me van , I have at stake, there are at stake,58 , 8;
es a lo que iba ,48 , 23, this is what I was getting at;¿qué tal vamos? ,84 , 6,how are you, how are you feeling?
no va con usted ,57 , 2, does not concern you;
fue a hablar ,35 , 27, was going to speak, tried to speak;fue a dar otro paso , he was about to take another step;
iba en ,67 , 23, was riding, was riding on;¡vamos! ¡vamos! 31 , 8, come,come!
vamos ,58 , 10, come on, let's go;
no te vayas a caer ,30 , 13, don't go and fall;¡vaya! come, nonsense, indeed,impossible;
vaya que tú ,113 , 7, can it be that you, how about you;¡vaya si me ahorcarían! 74 , 20, wouldn't they just hang me!
vaya con Dios ,expression of dismissal or leave taking ,122 , 6,etc. , farewell;vaya mucho con Dios ,98 , 12, go your way, go in peace;
se ,v. refl. , to go, to go away.iracundia ,f. , malice, spite,40 , 3.ironía ,f. , irony.
irónicamente ,adv. , ironically.
irremediable ,adj. , irremediable, beyond repair.irresistible ,adj. , irresistible,41 , 15.
irrisorio, ria ,adj. , ludicrous, ridiculous,25 , 14.
isla ,f. , island.Italia ,f. , Italy.
izquierda ,f. , the left, the left hand.izquierdo, da ,adj. , left; (ant. derecho, cha ).
jamás ,adv. , ever; never.jamón ,m. , ham.
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