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garganta,f., throat.

garra,f., claw;fig.for hand,71, 17.garrote,m., short club, staff, cudgel,99, 2.gasto,m., waste; expense, damage,126, 5.gata,f., female cat;


andar a —s, 198

71, 30, to go on all fours, to creep.gato,m., cat.


gemir,v. n., to groan.general,m., general.generalidad,f., generality.


sui generis(Latin),25, 24, peculiar, individual, of its own kind.género,m., gender, sex; genus;


cuadro de —,seecuadro,23, 11.

generosamente,adv., generously, copiously,111, 3.generoso, sa,adj., generous,12, 13; high spirited,104, 1.genio,m., disposition, character,29, 7.


gente,f., people; person, individual; people, folk;pl.,—s, people; the world, the public;


don de —s,10, 19,seedon.


gentílico, ca,adj., gentile, pagan,101, 7.gesto,m., gesture.


gigantesco, ca,adj., gigantic.

gimnasta,m., gymnast, athlete,87, 12.girar,v. n., to turn, to whirl,14, 21.


gloria,f., glory, salvation, heaven,6, 3,81, 2;see alsoSábado.gobernado,m., subject.

gobernar,v. a., to govern.

Gobierno,m., Government, Administration,97, 7.

golilla,m., personage, member of the ruling class,13, 19;see note.golpe,m., blow; stroke; knock;


de —,98, 16, suddenly, sharply.gordo, da,adj., fat;


voz gorda,55, 17, oily voice.gota,f., drop.


Goya,npr., Francisco Goya,Spanish painter;see note to16, 1.gozo,m., joy, enjoyment, pleasure.


gracia,f., grace, mercy;pl.—s, thanks;35, 29, charms.


graciosamente,adv., gracefully,122, 17.


gracioso, sa,adj., gracious; graceful; amusing, diverting; witty.gracioso,m., (clown) gracioso;see note to3, 15.


gradación,f., gradation.grado,m., grade, degree.


graduar,v. a., to measure; to estimate.grajo,m., jackdaw,tit.XIII.


grana,f., scarlet, scarlet cloth.grande,adj., (gran), large; great; tall.grandeza,f., greatness; size.

grandioso, sa,adj., exalted, majestic, grandiose.granero,m., corn loft, granary,63, 23.


grano,m., grain.gratitud,f., gratitude.


gravedad,f., gravity, seriousness,101, 23.gritar,v. n., to cry; to shout; to scream. 199grito,m., cry.

grosero, ra,adj., coarse, rude, vulgar.grotesco, ca,adj., grotesque.


grueso, sa,adj., stout, fat, thick.gruñido,m., grunt.


gruñir,v. n., to growl, to grumble.

grupa,f., crupper;


llevar a —s,28, 12, to take behind one on horseback.guantada,f., slap,50, 5.


guante,m., glove.

guapo, pa,adj., handsome, good-looking.¡guarda, Pablo! 91, 28, hold on! look out!


guardar,v. a., to keep; to guard; to defend, to preserve;

— rencor, to bear malice; to take care of,116, 22;—se,v. refl., to take care, to be careful;

—se de hacer, to take care not to do.

guardia,f., guard, watch;¡en —!tit.XXI, be on your guard! defendyourself!

guarnición,f., hilt,26, 23.guerra,f., war.


guerrilla,f., band of guerrillas.guerrillero,m., guerrilla.guiar,v. a., to guide.

guinda,f., sweet cherry,10, 23.

guindo,m., mazzard tree, sweet-cherry tree;,10, 4.guiño,m., wink,14, 28.


guisa,f., guise, manner;a — de, like, as it were.


guisado,m., stew, fricassee,8, 16;see note.guisar,v. a., to cook.


guitarra,f., guitar.gusano,m., worm;

— de seda, silk-worm.


gustar,v. a., to taste; to like, to wish; to enjoy;

—,v. n., to please.

gusto,m., taste; good taste; pleasure.




H,f.(hache), the letter H,12, 2.haba,f., bean.

haber,v. aux., to have;

— de, to be obliged;or as simple future;or, to have to;or, to be to, to bedestined to; ¿cómo había yo de figurarme... 85, 6, how was I to imagine, how could I imagine...; ¿Quién había de decirme? who could ever have told me..., who would ever have said..., 112, 23; as impersonal,



habrá,etc., there is, there are, there was, there were, there will be,etc.;no hay más que,49, 8, there is nothing to do but;


—selas con alguno,104, 19, to have to do with, to have it out with.habilidad,f., skill, capability,pl.,


—es,tit.VI, accomplishments, talents. 200habitación,f., room.

habitar,v. a., to inhabit; to live in, to dwell in.

hábito,m., garment; habit, way of life, custom,15, 24;pl.—s, vestments;


ahorcar los —s,15, 10, to leave Orders, leave the priesthood.habitual,adj., usual, customary.


hablar,v. a. and n., to speak, to talk.hacendoso, sa,adj., industrious, thrifty.


hacer,v. a., to make, to do; to commit; to cause; to have done; toaccomplish, to bring about; impersonal, to be;

hace fresco,59, 13, it is cool;


hace luna,57, 20, it is moonlight,with expressions of time, ago:hace tiempo,30, 11, long ago;


hacía rato,48, 3, for some little time;


hacía ya algún tiempo, it had been some time;v. refl.,

—se, to be going on, to be happening, to happen;¿qué se ha hecho de? 91,20, what has happened to, what has become of?


hacia,prep., towards;

— arriba, upward;


— adelante, forward.

hacienda,f., property; duty, business.hallar,v. a., to find;


—se,v. refl., to be, to happen to be.harina,f., flour;


meterse en —,4, 17, to set to work;

— de otro costal,115, 28, flour from another sack,i. e., another matter, adifferent question, "a horse of a different color."


harinero, ra,adj., having to do with flour;molino —,10, 2, flour mill, grist mill.hasta,adv., even.

hasta,prep., until; as far as, up to, to; as many as, no less than,14, 24;


— luego,

— mañana, until presently, until to-morrow (forms of leave-taking).hasta que,conj., until.

hazaña,f., deed.hebilla,f., buckle.


hechicero, ra,adj., enchanting, bewitching.hecho,m., fact.


hecho, cha,adj., made; become (una fiera,etc.).helénico, ca,adj., Greek.


hembra,f., female.hembra,adj., female.

Hércules,m., Hercules, Heracles.hermano,m., brother.


hermoso, sa,adj., beautiful, handsome.hermosura,f., beauty.


héroe,m., hero.

herrero,m., smith, blacksmith.hielo,m., ice.


hija,f., daughter. 201


hijo,m., son, child;¡mira, —! 49, 19, see here, my boy!pl.—s,14, 15, children.


hinchado, da,adj., swollen,57, 22.

hipocondríaco, ca,adj.,as subs. m.,37, 18, hypochondriac.historia,f., history, story.


histórico, ca,adj., historic, historical.historieta,f., little story.


hito,m., boundary stone; mark, target;mirar de — en —,34, 22, to look at fixedly.hocico,m., snout; nose;

retorcer el —,29, 10, to turn up the nose.hogar,m., hearth; fireside; home.


hoja,f., leaf;

una poca —,11, 28, a few leaves.¡hola!interj., ho, hallo.


hombre,m., man;

— de bien, honorable man, honest man;¡hombre!man alive, for heaven'ssake, etc.


hombro,m., shoulder.

hondamente,adv., deeply.honesto, ta,adj., honorable, proper.honor,m., honor.


honra,f., honor.

honradez,f., honor; uprightness, integrity; virtue.honrado, da,adj., honored, esteemed; estimable; virtuous.


honrar,v. a., to honor, to respect, to do honor to, to be a credit to.hopa,f., cassock, gown,see note to70, 27.


hora,f., hour;

a estas —s, at this time of day, at this time of night; at this very minute;a aquellas —s, at that time of night, at that time of day.


horca,f., gallows.horno,m., oven.


horrible,adj., horrible, frightful.horror,m., horror.


horroroso, sa,adj., frightful,72, 20.hoy,adv., to-day.


hoyo,m.,35, 23, dimple.hoyuelo,m., dimple.


hueco, ca,adj., hollow;of sleeves,101, 10, full.

huerta,f., garden, kitchen garden; orchard;10, 5, water-meadow.hueso,m., bone.


huevo,m., egg.

huir,v. n., to flee,115, 1.


humanizarse,v. refl., to become gentle; to unbend,51, 28.humano, na,adj., human.


húmedo, da,adj., moist, damp.humor,m., humor, temper;


ponerse de mal —,32, 12, to lose one's temper.hundirse,v. refl., to melt.


hurón,m., ferret, sleuth,27, 3. 202hurtar,v. a., to steal;


— el cuerpo,115, 29, to dodge, to slip aside.




ida,f., going.idea,f., idea.

idéntico, ca,adj., identical, the same.


idiosincrasia,f., individual disposition; idiosyncrasy.

idiota,m., idiot, tom-fool,25, 15.iglesia,f., church;


la Iglesia, the Church.ignominia,f., disgrace, ignominy.

ignominioso, sa,adj., shameful, ignominious.ignorar,v. a., to not know, to be ignorant of.igual,adj., equal; like, similar; such.igualdad,f., equality.


ijar,m., side, flank;

meterse los puños en los —es,75, 21, to hold one's sides.ilustre,adj., illustrious, exalted,13, 13.


Ilustrísima(Su),see note to11, 23;trans., his Lordship.ilustrísimo, ma,adj., most illustrious,43, 11.


imparcialidad,f., impartiality, judicial tone, indifference,46, 26.impasibilidad,f., impassibility,108, 7.


impedir,v. a., to hinder, to prevent.imperar,v. n., to reign, to hold sway,7, 5.imperial,adj., imperial.

ímpetu,m., impulse;58, 24, violence, vehemence.impetuosísimo, ma,adj., very swift,77, 23.imponer,v. a., to impose,117, 10.


importancia,f., importance.importante,adj., important.


importar,v. n., to import, to matter; to count, to be of consequence.imposible,adj., impossible.


imposición,f., imposition, restraint,75, 11.impreso, sa,adj., printed, in print,3, 27.impropio, pia,adj., unsuitable,24, 9.

imprudente,adj., imprudent; indiscreet, inconsiderate,11, 10.incapaz,adj., incapable.


incertidumbre,f., uncertainty.incitante,adj.,41, 12, tempting, exciting.inclinar,v. a., to bend,35, 19.

incomodar,v. a., to incommode, to put out,63, 28.incontinenti,adv., immediately, forthwith.incontrastable,adj., resistless, irresistible,38, 17.indecente,adj., indecent;81, 4, filthy. 203indecible,adj., indescribable, unspeakable,19, 5.indefinible,adj., indescribable, inexplicable.

independencia,f., independence.indescriptible,adj., indescribable.Indias,fpl., Indies.


indicación,f., suggestion, direction,104, 15.indicar,v. a., to indicate, to point out, to mention.indignación,f., indignation.

indisculpable,adj., inexcusable.indispensable,adj., indispensable.indivisible,adj., indivisible.índole,f., nature, character,73, 6.


indomable,adj., unconquerable, indomitable,80, 18.inducir,v. a., to persuade, to induce,102, 10.indudablemente,adv., doubtless,61, 4.indulgencia,f., forbearance, forgiveness,104, 23.inexplicable,adj., inexplicable.

infame,adj., infamous, vile,108, 1,119, 23.

infamia,f., infamy, shame, dishonor; act of infamy, shameful deed,69, 18.infantil,adj., childish, infantile,25, 2.

infeliz, adj., unhappy;

la —,82, 22, the unhappy woman, the poor thing, the poor creature.inferior,m., inferior, subordinate,49, 12.


infierno,m., hell.

informe,m., investigation, information, "character,"27, 7.infortunado, da,adj., unfortunate, unhappy, ill-fated.infortunio,m., calamity, misfortune,100, 18.infundado, da,adj., unfounded, groundless.


infundir,v. a., to inspire, to instil.ingeniero,m., engineer,20, 16.


ingenio,m., wit, understanding, talent, disposition.ingenuo, ua,adj., ingenuous, frank, candid.inherente,adj., inherent, necessary,87, 9.inhumano, na,adj., inhuman, cruel.


iniciar,v. a., to begin, to initiate,122, 23,etc.injuriar,v. a., to wrong, to injure, to insult.injusticia,f., injustice.

inmediatamente,adv., immediately.

inmediato, ta,adj., immediate; next, nearest, neighboring.inmejorable,adj., beyond improvement; unsurpassed,18, 5. 204inmenso, sa,adj., immense,36, 6.

inmodestia,f., forwardness, pertness,125, 26.inmortal,adj., immortal.


inmotivado, da,adj., groundless, without motive, incomprehensible,121,18.


innoble,adj., base, vile, ignoble,48, 7.inocencia,f., innocence.


inocente,adj., innocent.inocentemente,adv., innocently.


inolvidable,adj., never to be forgotten, immortal,3, 19.Inquisición,f., Inquisition.


inseguro, ra,adj., uncertain,100, 14.insensato, ta,adj., mad, insensate,73, 10.insigne,adj., distinguished, exalted.insistir,v. a., to insist, to persist (en).insolencia,f., insolence.

insolente,adj., insolent.

insolente,m., insolent fellow,50, 15.insondable,adj., unfathomable,36, 1.inspiración,f., inspiration.

inspirar,v. a., to inspire, to cause (dat. of person, acc. of thing).instante,m., instant, moment;


al —,87, 19, this instant, immediately.instinto,m., instinct.


instrucción,f., instruction,66, 10.instrumento,m., instrument.insulto,m., insult.

intención,f., intention.intenso, sa,adj., intense,70, 15.intentar,v. a., to try, to attempt.


interiormente,adv., inwardly,60, 24.

interlocutor,m.,used as adj.,67, 24, interlocutor, speaker, speaking,replying.


intermitente,adj., intermittent.

interminable,adj., interminable, endless, without end.

interpelar,v. a., to speak to, to address;pp.,60, 13, person spoken to.interponerse,v. refl., to interpose, to interfere.


interrogar,v. a. and n., to ask, to inquire; to question, to interrogate.interrumpir,v. a., to interrupt.


íntimo, ma,adj., intimate.

intransitable,adj., impassable, difficult of passage,10, 12.intrépido, da,adj., intrepid,54, 19.


inundar,v. a., to flood, to inundate.inútil,adj., useless. 205


invadir,v. a., to invade,44, 9.invencible,adj., invincible,112, 18.inventar,v. a., to invent.


invernadero,m., winter house, winter dwelling,20, 29.invierno,m., winter.

invocar,v. a., to invoke, to call upon.

ir,v. n., to go; to be; to become; to go, to lead (of a road); to be at stake; tobe, to feel (of health); to concern, to touch;


— a, to be about to, to be going to;va de vencida,5, 1, is almost over;vamos a ver,2, 9, let's see;


vamos a ver,98, 22, let's see, we'll see;

¿cómo va de salud? 62, 12, how's your health, how are you?;en ello me van, I have at stake, there are at stake,58, 8;

es a lo que iba,48, 23, this is what I was getting at;¿qué tal vamos?,84, 6,how are you, how are you feeling?


no va con usted,57, 2, does not concern you;

fue a hablar,35, 27, was going to speak, tried to speak;fue a dar otro paso, he was about to take another step;

iba en,67, 23, was riding, was riding on;¡vamos! ¡vamos! 31, 8, come,come!


vamos,58, 10, come on, let's go;

no te vayas a caer,30, 13, don't go and fall;¡vaya!come, nonsense, indeed,impossible;


vaya que tú,113, 7, can it be that you, how about you;¡vaya si me ahorcarían! 74, 20, wouldn't they just hang me!


vaya con Dios,expression of dismissal or leave taking,122, 6,etc., farewell;vaya mucho con Dios,98, 12, go your way, go in peace;


—se,v. refl., to go, to go away.iracundia,f., malice, spite,40, 3.ironía,f., irony.

irónicamente,adv., ironically.

irremediable,adj., irremediable, beyond repair.irresistible,adj., irresistible,41, 15.


irrisorio, ria,adj., ludicrous, ridiculous,25, 14.

isla,f., island.Italia,f., Italy.


izquierda,f., the left, the left hand.izquierdo, da,adj., left; (ant.derecho, cha).




jamás,adv., ever; never.jamón,m., ham.

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