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enterar,v. a., to inform,115, 12,etc.;


—se,v. refl., to inform oneself, to inquire into.

entero, ra,adj., whole, entire.entonces,adv., then;


desde —, since then, from that time;

de —, of those times, of those days,42, 4,tit.XXIV;en aquel —,17, 24, at that time, in those days.


entrañas,fpl., (bowels, intestines) heart, character, feelings,32, 8.entrar,v. n., to enter, to come in, to go in; to enter upon, to begin,103, 8,etc.; to come into market, 8, 16;

— en fuego, to open fire,108, 20;

hasta muy entrado el mes de Diciembre,70, 4, until far into the month ofDecember.


entre,prep., between, among; from among.entregar,v. a., to hand over, to pass on;—se,v. refl., to give oneself up, to surrender.

entremés,m., intermezzo, entr'acte; interlude;cf. note to9, 4. 191entretanto,adv., meanwhile, in the meantime.


entretener,v. a., to amuse, to occupy,53, 9.

entusiasmar,v. a., to transport, to enrapture, to fill with enthusiasm.envejecerse,v. refl., to grow old.


envejecido, da,adj., grown old, aged.enviar,v. a., to send.


envidiable,adj., enviable,74, 29.envidiar,v. a., to envy.epigramático, ca,adj., epigrammatic.epiléptico, ca,adj., epileptic.epílogo,m., epilogue.


episcopal,adj., episcopal.episodio,m., episode.época,f., epoch, period, time.

epopeya,f., epic, epopee, epic poem.


equivaler,v. n., to equal; to be the same as, to be as much as,3, 11,24, 3.equivocación,f., mistake.


equivocarse,v. refl., to be mistaken,73, 14.erguirse,v. refl., to draw oneself up,116, 4.errante,adj., wandering.

erudito, ta,adj., erudite, learned.esbirro,m., minion, sbire,86, 5.escalera,f., staircase, stairs;


por la — abajo,85, 21, down the stairs.

escandalizar,v. a., to scandalize; to offend;


—se,v. refl., to be offended, to be scandalized, to take offence;,2, 5,51, 2,81, 28.


escándalo,m., scandal,125, 6.escapar,v. n.,


—se,v. refl., to escape, to get away, to run away.escape,f., flight, hasty flight;


a —,67, 28, at top speed.

escarbar,v. a., to scratch, to dig, to rake.escarola,f., escarole,54, 4.


escena,f., scene.

escarnecer,v. a., to mock, to ridicule, to bring into contempt,25, 12.esclarecer,v. a., to light, to illuminate,48, 12,60, 9.


escoger,v. a., to select, to choose.esconder,v. a., to hide, to conceal.

escondido, da,adj., hidden, obscure, remote,1, 5.escondite,m., hiding place.


escote,m., the neck (of a woman's dress),16, 4,125, 25.escribano,m., town-clerk,11, 18.


escribir,v. a., to write.escriturilla,f., note, line,12, 3.escrupuloso, sa,adj., scrupulous.escuchar,v. a., to listen, to listen to.escuela,f., school. 192


escultural,adj., sculptural.escupir,v. n., to spit,110, 9.escurrir,v. a.,64, 23, to drain;


— el bulto,52, 27, to slip away, to get out of the way;cf.bulto.



esa,adj., dem., that.

ése,ésa,pron., he, she; that; the former.eso,pr. neuter, that;¡— es!that's it! just so!;


por —, for that, therefore, on that account, for that reason;

— de las once, about eleven o'clock;

— que no,14, 14, that, although.

esfera,f., sphere.

esfuerzo,m., effort,120, 12.


eslabón,m., steel (for striking fire),67, 2.

esmerarse,v. refl., to take pains,102, 1 (en).


esmero,m., eagerness, assiduity; care, attention,19, 5,etc.espada,f., sword.


espadín,m., rapier, dress-sword,26, 23.espalda,f., shoulder; back,87, 2,116, 6;pl.—s, back;

cargado de —s, stoop-shouldered, hunchbacked,18, 2,etc.;de —s,38, 18,95, 6, backward, on his, her, back.espaldar,m., back (of a chair or bench, etc.).espanta-hombres,m., man-scarer,25, 11.espantapájaros,m., scarecrow,25, 10.


espantajo,m., scarecrow,27, 15.espanto,m., fright,78, 3,etc.


espantoso, sa,adj., frightful, fearful,81, 11,etc.España,f., Spain.

español, ola,adj., Spanish;

a la antigua —a,6, 19, in the good old Spanish fashion.Español,m., Spaniard.


especial,adj., special, especial.especialmente,adv., especially, specially.especie,f., kind, sort, species.


espectro,m., spectre,25, 5.esperanza,f., hope.


esperar,v. a., to hope; to expect; to await; to wait.espeso, sa,adj., thick;


lo más —,30, 5, the thickest part.espetera,f., shelf, kitchen shelf,70, 5,84, 5.espía,m., spy.

espinazo,m., spine, spinal column.espíritu,m., spirit.


esplendidez,f., splendor, display,35, 29.espléndido, da,adj., splendid.


esposa,f., wife.esposo,m., husband;pl.


—s,54, 9, husband and wife, married pair.espumarajo,m., foam, froth;cf.


echar. 193

esquela,f., note,50, 17.


esquilón,m., bell; (the smaller bell of the church)24, 2.

esquina,f., corner.


esquinado, da,adj., angular,56, 28.

establecer,v. a., to establish;as refl. pass.,127, 7.estado,m., state; nation; condition, estate;

cuarto —,117, 8, fourth estate;

en — honesto,4, 1, of honest, honorable condition, decent, marriageable.estallar,v. n., to burst out, to break out,127, 9.


estampa,f., engraving; type; archetype, ideal,14, 2,26, 29.estancia,f., room,93, 5.

estanque,m., pool, pond,20, 26.

estar,v. n., to be;¿cómo está la señora? 34, 12, how is her ladyship?


— para, to be in the mood for, to be inclined;lo estoy,80, 19, I am;


—se,v. refl., to stay,51, 10,etc.; to remain, to stand still.estatua,f., statue.


estatura,f., stature, height.este,


esta,adj. dem., this.esto,pron. neut., this;


en —,38, 23,86, 7,121, 1,etc., at this moment, at this juncture;con —,61, 15, herewith; hereupon.


éste,ésta,pron. dem., this one; the latter.

Estebanillo González,npr. m.,4, 21;see note.

Estella,f., Estella, town of Spain, province of Navarre, about 25 milessouthwest of Pampeluna.


esterilidad,f., barrenness.estilo,m., style.


estofa,f., stuff, material,26, 23.estómago,m., stomach.estratagema,f., stratagem.estrechar,v. a., to press, to clasp.


estrecho, cha,adj., narrow, scant, tight,101, 9.estrella,f., star.


estremecerse,v. refl., to shake, to shiver.

estrenar,v. a., to use for the first time, to initiate, to handle.estropear,v. a., to disfigure, to cripple,4, 14.


estufa,f., hot-house,20, 29.

estupefacto, ta,adj., stupefied, speechless with astonishment,109, 8.estupendo, da,adj., stupendous,77, 4.

etc.,et cetera,Latin conj. and adj., etc.eternidad,f., eternity.


eterno, na,adj., eternal; spiritual,as opposed to temporal,6, 28.

D. Eugenio de Zúñiga y Ponce de León,npr. m.,26, 9,note.

Europa,f., Europe. 194europeo, pea,adj., European.


Eva,f., Eve.

evidencia,f., evidence;115, 25.evitación,f., avoidance.


evitar,v. a., to avoid, to prevent.exención,f., exemption.


excelente,adj., excellent, estimable.

excitar,v. a., to excite;62, 11, to animate, to stir up.exclamar,v. a., to exclaim.


exculpación,f., exculpation, explanation,116, 19.excusa,f., excuse,56, 18; evasion.


execrable,adj., accused,70, 26.exhortar,v. a., to exhort,125, 21.existir,v. n., to exist.

exótico, ca,adj., exotic.

explicación,f., explanation; declaration,32, 29.explicar,v. a., to explain;


—se,v. refl., to understand, to account for,121, 17; to explain oneself,111,17, 114, 10.


exponer,v. a., to expose; to explain, to expound,43, 3,98, 22;—se,v. refl., to expose, to expose oneself,36, 23,36, 24.expresar,v. a., to express.

expresión,f., expression.extender,v. a., to extend.

extensísimo, ma,adj., very long,26, 16.exterminio,m., annihilation, extinction,23, 5.extranjero, ra,adj., foreign.


extrañar,v. a., to wonder at;

era muy de —,24, 9, it was much to be wondered at.extraño, ña,adj., strange, foreign,73, 7.


extraordinario, ria,adj., extraordinary, unusual; uncommon.extremar,v. a., to overdo,4, 3.


extremo,m., end, extremity,41, 21,73, 25; extreme,107, 24.



fábula,f., fable,43, 3.facciones,fpl., features,26, 2.fácil,adj., easy.

facineroso,m., evil-doer, criminal,117, 17.facultad,f., power, license, right,97, 2.faena,f., labor, task,28, 2.


faja,f., sash, girdle,108, 3.falda,f., skirt, petticoat;

— de un paso,etc.,see note to16, 2;

—s,pl.,51, 2, women;


amigo de —s, fond of women.falso, sa,adj., false, counterfeit.falta,f., lack, absence;


hacer —, (English subject Spanish indirect object), to have need;42, 19,no sé qué — puedo hacerte, I don't see what need you can have of me;also52, 13.

faltar,v. n., to be lacking, to be wanting; to be absent;

me están faltando al respeto,107, 17, who are failing in their respect to me,are being disrespectful to me. 195


faltriquera,f., pocket.

fallarse,v. refl., to be decided (of a law-suit),12, 5.familia,f., family, household.


familiar,m., familiar, servant (of a priest),41, 24.familiar,adj., familiar.


famoso, sa,adj., famous.

fandango,m., fandango, Spanish dance,sp.Andalusian dance;,33, 10.fanega,f., fanega; Spanish land measure, containing about one third of anacre, 21, 7; Spanish dry measure, containing about 56 quarts, 50, 27. farol,m., lantern.


farolillo,m., small lantern.

fatídico, ca,adj., portentous, fatidical,23, 9.fatigar,v. a., to weary, to wear out;


—se,v. refl.108, 22, to give oneself trouble, to take the trouble.favor,m., favor;


a mi —,12, 5, in my favor.

¡favor!int., help!¡— al Rey!In the King's name!94, 13,95, 15,122, 10,tit.XXVII.


fe,f., faith.

febril,adj., feverish.fecha,f., date.


felicidad,f., happiness, felicity.

felicísimo, ma,adj., very happy, most happy.feliz,adj., happy.


felpa,f., plush, chenille,94, 12.felpón,m.,see note to105, 5.feminino, na,adj., feminine.feo,


fea,adj., ugly, ill-favored;fea y todo,30, 22,seetodo;for48, 25,seereventar.


Fernández,npr., Fernandez.

Fernando VII,npr. m., Ferdinand the Seventh.ferocidad,f., ferocity.


fertilísimo, ma,adj., very fertile.festonear,v. a., to festoon,26, 21.


fidedigno, na,adj., worthy of credit,113, 28.fiera,f., wild beast;


hecho una —,103, 8,seehacer,



fiesta,f., feast, festival.figura,f., figure.


figurarse,v. refl., to imagine; to suppose,31, 26.fijamente,adv., definitely, certainly.


fijar,v. a., to fix,70, 14;

—se en,v. refl., to look upon,104, 18.Filipinas,npr. fpl., Philippines.


filo,m., edge.

filosófico, ca,adj., philosophical,1, 20.filtrar,v. a., to filter.


fin,m., end, intention, purpose;

en —, at last, lastly, after all, in short;al —, finally, at last;


a — de,

a — de que, to the end that, so that, in order that. 196finalmente,adv., finally, last of all, in conclusion.

fineza,f., flattery; delicate attention, courtesy.fingido, da,adj., pretended, feigned;


mal fingida,37, 17, ill-assumed.

fino, na,adj., courteous, polite;,10, 19; delicate, fine,26, 2.finura,f., elegance,122, 15.


firma,f., signature.firmar,v. a., to sign.


fiscal,m., public prosecutor, state's attorney,108, 9.flaco, ca,adj., thin,26, 29; weak, unnerved.flecha,f., arrow, dart,65, 16.

flojo, ja,adj., soft, indistinct, lisping,35, 5.flor,f., flower.


floricultor,m., horticulturist,20, 14.flote,m., floating;


salir a —,112, 1, to come to the surface, to get afloat.fogata,f., blaze,70, 2.


fondo,m., depth, bottom; foundation, basis;tit.VII,3, 20.forma,f., form;


de — que,52, 23, so that; form, appearance, outline.formal,adj., serious,114, 6.


formar,v. a., to form.

formidable,adj., formidable, dangerous,35, 29.fórmula,f., formula, statement,25, 26.formular,v. a., to formulate, to state,105, 15.forzoso, sa,adj., forced, obligatory,6, 29.fragua,f., forge.


fraile,m., friar,6, 22,etc.francachela,f., carouse, revel,28, 20.francés, cesa,adj., French.

Francia,f., France.


Franciscano,m., Franciscan (friar),14, 2.franela,f., flannel,105, 5.


franqueza,f., frankness.Frascuela,f., Fanny,37, 5.

frase,f., phrase, remark,40, 12,43, 7,resp.,etc.


Frasquita,f., Fanny.

frecuentar,v. a., to frequent, to visit.fregar,v. a., to rub, to polish.frente,f., forehead.

fresco, ca,adj., fresh, cool;


estamos —s, we're in a pretty fix, we're nicely left.fresco,m., coolness, cool.


frescura,f., coolness.

fresquito, ta,adj., coolish, "nice and cool,"34, 7. 197frialdad,f., coldness, coolness.



fría,adj., cold.frío,m., cold.


frisar,v. n., to draw near to (en) (of age),14, 11,26, 11; to touch, to borderon, to be "going on."


frito, ta,adj., fried.

frontera,adj., frontier, boundary.fruta,f., fruit, garden fruit,20, 26,etc.fruto,m., fruit;


—s civiles,see note to6, 29.fuego,m., fire.


fuente,f., fountain;54, 4, dish, bowl.fuera,adv., outside, without;


por —,tit.IV,etc., from without;

por —, outside!¡fuera!out! get out!78, 10,107, 15.


fuera de,prep., except; beyond; beside;86, 14,63, 6,114, 15, outside of,away from, off of, off from;


— de sí,98, 18, beside himself.fuero,m., right, vested right,6, 23.fuerte,adj., strong;

sexo —,65, 8, stronger sex, sterner sex.fuerza,f., force, strength;


a — de,11, 21, by dint of.

fugarse,v. refl., to make one's escape, to run away,69, 10.fulminar,v. a., to hurl, to fulminate,122, 28.


fumar,v. n., to smoke,126, 15.función,f., function.


fundamento,m., foundation, basis,1, 3.furia,f., fury, rage.




gabela,f., gabelle, gavel-tax,see note to6, 29.gabinete,m., anteroom, boudoir,123, 12.

Gaceta,f., Gazette,see note to6, 12.gacha,f., pap;see note toderretirse,40, 24.


galán,m., gallant, lover.galante,adj., gallant.


gallardía,f., grace, elegance,16, 8.gallinero,m., hen-house,21, 2.


gamuza,f., chamois skin, wash leather,26, 25.ganar,v. a., to gain; to win.


ganas,fpl., (gana), desire, longing,41, 3.gancho,m., hook,70, 5.


ganoso, sa,adj., desirous, eager,15, 12.

garduña,f., stone marten, house marten; weasel;used as npr.,Garduña,"the Weasel."

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