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—— de, to depend upon.

depositaria,f., depository, guardian, keeper,103, 14.depósito,m., deposit.


derecha,f., right, the right side, the right hand. 183derecho,m., right.


derecho, cha,adj., straight; right,ant.,izquierdo, left.


derretirse,v. refl., to melt, to become fluid,110, 25;for40, 24,seegacha.


derribar,v. a., to tear down;95, 6, to throw down, to overturn;los derribados,95, 22, the overthrown.


desabrido, da,adj., tasteless, in bad taste,9, 7.desafío,m., challenge,sp., challenge to a duel; duel.desaforadamente,adv., wildly, violently,118, 2.desalmado,m., dead man,57, 27, (pp. ofdesalmar, to kill).


desaparecer,v. n., to disappear.desatar,v. a., to untie,65, 10.

desavenido, da,adj., disagreeing, discordant,122, 26.descambiar,v. a., to exchange.


descansadamente,adv., in peace, at one's ease,64, 28,90, 12.descansar,v. a., to rest;


— armas,57, 29, to ground arms;

—,v. n., to rest, to rest one's self.descanso,m., rest, repose;punto de —,10, 10,see



descargado, da,adj., not loaded,80, 24.

descargar,v. a., to discharge, to unload.descendiente,m., descendant,5, 8;see note.descolgar,v. a., to take down;


—se,v. refl., to swing down, to slide down.descollar,v. n., to rise above, to predominate,100, 17.descomponerse,v. refl., to lose composure,38, 16.

descomunal,adj., extraordinary,6, 4; of unusual size, huge,27, 12.desconocer,v. a., to not know, to fail to know,1, 2.


describir,v. a., to describe.

descuartizar,v. a., to cut in quarters;44, 19, to cut up.descubierto, ta,adj., uncovered.


descubrir,v. a., to discover, to disclose, to reveal; to uncover; to find;—se,v. refl., to be disclosed, to come into sight; to uncover (the head),remove hat, see note to 28, 2.

descuidado, da,adj., free of care, tranquil,122, 3.descuidar,v. n., to be easy, to be without fear;descuida,30, 14, don't be afraid.

descuido,m., carelessness, inattention, negligence; moment ofinattentiveness, 41, 6.


desde,prep., from, since;

— que, as soon as;


— luego,104, 1, immediately, from that moment;

— arriba,75, 20, from above;

— en medio,55, 2, from the middle. 184Desdémona,f. npr., Desdemona.desdeñosamente,adv., scornfully, disdainfully.desear,v. a., to wish, to desire.


desechar,v. a., to throw back,65, 12.

desembozar,v. a., to unwrap, to unveil;see note to26, 19.desencajado, da,adj.,70, 19, (of the eyes) staring, starting.desenfado,m., unconstraint,15, 27.

desengaño,m., undeceiving, disappointment,34, 16,73, 4.desenojar,v. a., to appease.


deseoso, sa,adj., desirous, anxious.desesperación,f., despair.desfallecido, da,adj., weak, feeble.desgracia,f., accident, misfortune.


desgraciado, da,adj., unhappy, wretched, ill starred.

deshecho, cha,adj.(deshacer), violent, uncontrolled,5, 9;calavera —,111, 11, utter rake, out and out rake.deshollinador,m.,25, 14, chimney scraper.


deshonra,f., dishonor.

deshonrado, da,adj., dishonored,96, 16,perhaps better taken as pp. ofdeshonrar,v. a., to dishonor.


desierto,m., desert, wilderness.desigualdad,f., inequality.


disinterés,m., disinterestedness,125, 26.desinteresado, da,adj., disinterested, unselfish.


deslindar,v. a., to clear up, to disentangle, to mark the bounds of, to delimit,6, 27.


deslizarse,v. refl., to slip, to slip down,74, 10.deslumbrar,v. a., to dazzle.


desmantelado, da,adj., dismantled,24, 24.

desnaturalizarse,v. refl., to change nature, to change character,4, 13.desnudar,v. a., to undress.


desnudo, da,adj., naked, bare.desobedecer,v. n., to disobey.desobediencia,f., disobedience.despacio,adv., slowly.


despachar,v. a., to dispatch, to attend to,62, 4,63, 1;—se,v. refl., to hasten, to make haste, to hurry;


se están despachando,86, 11, are flying about, are hurrying about.despedida,f., leave-taking, farewell.


despedir,v. a., to dismiss,122, 14.

despegar,v. a., to part, to open, (of the lips),62, 20.desperezarse,v. refl., to stretch,87, 11,90, 13. 185despertar,v. a., to awaken;

—se,v. refl., to awake, to wake up, to wake,87, 9.despotismo,m., despotism, despotic character,26, 1.despreciable,adj., contemptible, despicable,104, 20.despreciar,v. a., to despise.


después,adv., after, afterwards, thereafter, later.después de,prep., after.


después que,conj., after.

destacarse,v. refl., to stand out, to detach itself,36, 5,60, 8.destierro,m., exile, banishment,122, 29.


destinar,v. a., to destine, to devote;pp. as adj.,27, 4, destined, appointed.

destino,m., fate; destination;58, 9, office, position.destituir,v. a., to remove from office.


desusado, da,adj., unaccustomed, unusual,66, 5.desvanecer,v. a., to dispel, to dissolve,119, 30.desventura,f., misfortune,99, 18.

desvergonzado, da,adj., shameless, impudent, indecent,88, 9.detener,v. a., to detain, to stop, to hold back;


—se,v. refl., to stop, to stay, to stand still.detrás de,prep., behind; after.


devoción,f., devotion;pl.,—es,45, 5, devotions, prayers.


devolver,v. a., to return, to repay, to give back.día,m., day;


— de precepto,8, 5, holy day of obligation;de —,24, 14, by day.

diablesa,f., she-devil,13, 20.

diablo,m., devil;¡qué —s! 49, 20, deuce take, what the devil.diabólico, ca,adj., diabolic, devilish.


diálogo,m., dialogue.Diana,f. npr., Diana.diario, ria,adj., daily.


dibujar,v. a., to sketch, to outline,60, 9.Diciembre,m., December.


dictado,m., title, appellation,1, 9.dicha,f., happiness, good fortune.dicho,m., speech, saying.

dicho, cha,adj., said, aforesaid.dichosísimo, ma,adj., most happy.dichoso, sa,adj., happy; blessed.diente,m., tooth; (sp.front tooth;cf.muelas,25, 29);


entre —s,59, 6, between his teeth.diestro,m., halter,95, 1.


diez,adj.,num., ten.diezmo,m., tithe.diferencia,f., difference.


diferenciarse,v. refl., to be different,15, 25.diferente,adj., different. 186


diferir,v. n., to differ.

difunto,m., dead man.difunto, ta,adj., dead, defunct;


el — Obispo,17, 5, the late bishop.dignarse,v. refl., to deign,122, 26.dignidad,f., dignity,113, 12.digno, na,adj., worthy.


diminuto, ta,adj., tiny,16, 9; defective, imperfect, degenerate,27, 1.dinastía,f., dynasty.


dineral,m., large sum of money.diócesis,f., diocese.



—es, God.

diplomacia,f., diplomacy,63, 5.dirección,f., direction; destination; address;


con — a,65, 16,85, 29,124, 2,etc., towards, in the direction of.dirigir,v. a., to direct, to supervise; to direct, to address, to send; to aim;dirigió una mirada,41, 1,56, 6, shot a glance;

—se,v. refl., to take one's way, to go;,24, 5,etc.; to address, to turn to, tospeak to, 39, 24, 103, 22, 117, 3, etc.


disciplina,f., scourge,27, 2.

discreto, ta,adj., discreet, wise; witty, bright,10, 19,4, 5.


discurrir,v. n., to talk together, to speak together,30, 1; to discourse, tohold forth; to move about, to move to and fro, 45, 16.


discurso,m., discourse;81, 7, speech;75, 2, idea, thought.disfraz,m., disguise.


disfrazar,v. a., to disguise, to mask.disimuladamente,adv., slyly,44, 2.disimulado, da,adj., disguised, concealed;


muy disimulada,55, 9, well concealed, very well concealed.disimular,v. a., to conceal, to hide; to dissemble.


disimulo,m., dissimulation, feigned innocence,40, 1,63, 4.disparar,v. a., to fire, to shoot;pp.


disparado,67, 21, like a shot.

dispuesto, ta,adj., ready; determined, capable.distancia,f., distance.


distar,v. n., to be distant.

distinguir,v. a., to distinguish; to select; to recognize, make out, todistinguish, 71, 14, 113, 17, etc.


distraer,v. a., to distract.

diversión,f., diversion, play,19, 10.diverso, sa,adj., divers, diverse,10, 8.divertido, da,adj., diverting, amusing,3, 2.


divertirse,v. refl., to enjoy oneself, to amuse oneself, to have a good time;

— conmigo,98, 28, to trifle with me, to have fun with me, at my expense, tomake sport of me. 187


divinamente,adv., divinely.divino, na,adj., divine.


divisar,v. a., to descry, to perceive; to recognize;,60, 4,104, 28.do ut des,latin, tit.III, I give, that thou give; give and take.doblar,v. a., to fold.

doblemente,adv., doubly.doce,adj. num., twelve;las —, twelve o'clock;


las — y media, half past twelve.docena,f., dozen.


doctrina,f., doctrine;libro de la —,2, 24.doloroso, sa,adj., painful.domadora,f., tamer.domesticar,v. a., to tame.


doméstico,m., domestic, servant.dominación,f., domination, rule.

dominar,v. a., to rule, to control, to restrain, to dominate;—se,v. refl.,109, 21,etc., to control oneself, keep one's temper.domingo,m., Sunday.

don,m., gift;

— de gentes,10, 19, gift of making friends, of making oneself liked, gift ofgetting on with people.

Don,m., Mr., Don, Sir;used only with the given name.donaire,m., grace; elegance; joke, witticism,17, 17.Don Carlos IV,npr. m., Charles the Fourth.


donde,adv., where;por —, through which.

¿dónde?adv. int., where.dondequiera,adv., wherever;por —,28, 1, wherever.


donosamente,adv., agreeably, prettily,14, 24.

Doña,f., Doña; Miss, Madam;used only with the given name.

dorar,v. a., to gild.dormido, da,adj., asleep.


dormir,v. n., to sleep; to sleep off,cf.mona;


—se,v. refl., to go to sleep.dormitar,v. n., to doze,90, 11.


dormitorio,m., sleeping room, bedchamber, bedroom.dos,adj. num., two;


los —,

las —, both;


las —, two o'clock,8, 7,24, 1.dosel,m., canopy.


drama,m., drama,9, 5.dramático, ca,adj., dramatic.duda,f., doubt.

dudar,v. n., to doubt.dudoso, sa,adj., doubtful.


duende,m., goblin, hobgoblin, sprite.dueño,m., master; possessor.


dulce,m., sweetmeat, sweet dish.dulce,adj., sweet, agreeable.dulzura,f., sweetness.


D. Agustín Durán,see note to3, 19. 188durante,prep., during, throughout.dureza,f., harshness;

con —,54, 24, harshly.duro, ra,adj., hard; harsh.




e,conj., and.

¡ea!int., come!81, 4.

ebrio,m., drunken fellow,106, 27.eclipsar,v. a., to eclipse.


echar,v. a., to throw, to cast; to drive out, to throw out; to throw away; tooffer; to pour; to bestow;


— espumarajos,107, 16, to foam (with rage);

— llamas,57, 12, to flash fire;

— yescas,114, 16, to light tinder;

— mano,91, 3, to seize;

—se a,60, 15,110, 24, to begin, to set oneself at;—se a reír,32, 9, to burst out laughing;


—se a la cara,80, 20, (of a gun) to bring to the cheek, take aim;

— de menos,91, 23, to miss; "el verbo echar es la mayor parte de las vecesuna especie de comodín que hace a todo," "the verb echar is for the most part a sort of trump that does for everything.Spanish saying, quoted by Tolhausen.


edad,f., age.

edificio,m., edifice, building.

educar,v. a., to educate, to bring up, to train.efectivamente,adv., in fact,77, 18.


efecto,m., effect, result;

en —,43, 13,etc., in effect, in fact.egoísmo,m., egoism, selfishness,100, 18.egoísta,adj., selfish,73, 9.

¿eh?interj. interrog., eh, what?ejecución,f., execution.


ejecutivo, va,adj., executive;54, 14, summary, authoritative.ejemplar,m., example, specimen,14, 16; type,20, 15.ejemplo,m., example;

por —, for instance, for example.ejercer,v. a., to exercise, to perform.


ejercitar,v. a., to exercise, to practice, to try,87, 12.ejército,m., army.


el, la, lo,art., the.

él, ella, ello,pr. pers., he, she, it.el cual, la —, lo —,pr., which.elección,f., choice.

elefante,m., elephant.elegancia,f., elegance.elevado, da,adj., lofty,41, 13.eludir,v. a., to elude, to avoid.ello,neuter,seeél.


embargo,m., (embargo);

sin —, notwithstanding, in spite of.embelesado, da,adj., spell-bound,35, 28.


embelesar,v. a., to astonish, to amaze,1, 16. 189emborracharse,v. refl., to get drunk.

embozar,v. a., to wrap up; (used specially of the throat and face);cf. note to


26, 19.

embozo,m., muffler;see note to46, 28.embuste,m., lie, fib,62, 11.


emoción,f., emotion.empalagoso, sa,adj., disgusting.


emparrado,m., arbor, grape -arbor,30, 5,etc.empedrado, da,adj., paved.


empedrado,m., pavement.empeñarse,v. refl., to persist,80, 1.


empeño,m., pledge, engagement; duty, business;17, 11.emperador,m., emperor.

empezar,v. a. and v. n., to begin.

emplear,v. a., to employ, to use, to make use of.empujar,v. a., to push,108, 16.

empuñar,v. a., to grasp; to clasp.

en,prep., in; at; on; with; to; by; against; among; about;with part. pres.,when, on.

enamorado, da,adj., enamored, in love.

enamorar,v. a., to win love, to win affection; to charm, to please, tocaptivate, sp. 15, 19;


—se,v. refl., to fall in love; to be charmed.encadenar,v. a., to chain up, to put in chains,69, 15.encaje,m., lace.

encaminarse,v. refl., to take one's way, to start, to go.encararse,v. refl., (con), to face,106, 30.


encargar,v. a., to charge, to instruct,51, 17;—se,v. refl., to agree, to undertake,11, 1,etc.encender,v. a., to light, to set fire to;pp.encendido, lighted, burning.


encerrar,v. a., to contain, to enclose;

—se,v. refl.,98, 27, to shut oneself in, to lock oneself in.encía,f., gum,123, 15.


encima,adv., above; upon.

encima de, por — de,prep., above; upon; over.encogerse,v. refl., shrug;


de hombros, 58, 29.

encontrar,v. a., to meet, to meet with, to find;—se,v. refl., to be, to happen to be, to find oneself;—se con, to meet with, to find,40, 22,108, 2,etc.


encopetado, da,adj., presumptuous, boastful, stuck-up,8, 12.encuentro,m., encounter, meeting.


encumbrado, da,adj., lofty, stately,104, 29.ende,adv., thence;


por —,101, 21, thence, therefore.

endeblillo, lla,adj., weakly,25, 22 (endeble). 190enemigo, ga,adj., hostile, cruel, unfriendly,34, 15; unkind.enemigo,m., enemy.

energía,f., energy.

enérgicamente,adv., vigorously, sharply,60, 8.enfadarse,v. refl., to become angry, to lose one's temper.énfasis,m., emphasis;see note to121, 8.

enfermedad,f., illness.enfermizo, za,adj., infirm, sickly.enfrente,adv., opposite, before;


enfrente de,prep., before, in front of,41, 11.enfurecerse,v. refl., to grow furious, to burst out.engañar,v. a., to deceive.


engaño,m., deceit, deception.enjugar,v. a., to dry, to wipe.

enojo,m., anger, indignation,119, 20.enorme,adj., enormous, very large.enormidad,f., immensity, huge size.ensalada,f., salad.


ensalmo,m., spell, charm, enchantment;por —, by magic,53, 5.


enseñar,v. a., to teach, to show.entender,v. a., to understand;


— de razones,79, 22, to listen to reason;

—se,v. refl., to come to an understanding; to agree; to be agreed, to have anunderstanding; to understand each other, one another; to know what one is about.

entendimiento,m., understanding, intelligence.enteramente,adv., entirely, quite.

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