Iquest;quién? 13 page
se la partida ,60 , 19, to see what's up.cómico, ca ,adj. , comic.
comienzo ,m. , beginning;
dar , to make a beginning, to begin. [p. 175]comisura ,f. , junction, joint, seam;
de los labios ,14 , 25, corner of the mouth.comitiva ,f. , escort.
como ,adv. , as, so, just as; about; as it were;
que , since, inasmuch.
como ,conj. , if; even if; like; as if; since, because; that;
que , since, although;
si , as if.
¿cómo? adv. int. , how, why, how is it, how does it come?comodidad ,f. , convenience, comfort.
compadecerse ,v. refl. , to agree, to be consonant, to be compatible; to takepity on (de ), 119 , 20.
compaña ,f. , company, assembly,96 , 6.compañero ,m. , companion, comrade, fellow.compañía ,f. , company.
comparable ,adj. , comparable.comparación ,f. , comparison.comparar ,v. a. , to compare.
comparecer ,v. n. , to appear (in court, or before authority).compás ,m. , compass; enclosure, courtyard.
compasión ,f. , compassion, pity.
compendiar ,v. a. , to resume, to epitomize,76 , 5.
complacerse ,v. refl. (de or en ), to take pleasure in, to be pleased with.complacido, da ,adj. , pleased, contented,115 , 22.
completamente ,adv. , entirely, altogether, completely, quite.
completar ,v. a. , to complete.complicidad ,f. , complicity.complot ,m. , plot, complot,69 , 17.
componer ,v. a. , to mend, to put in order;,37 , 20; to arrange, to fix up,49 ,27.
comprender ,v. a. , to understand.comprometer ,v. a. , to compromise.comunicar ,v. a. , to communicate.
con ,prep. , with; together with; by; through, by means of; through; from;against;
no va Usted ,57 , 2, does not touch you, concern you;see also tal ;
tal que , on condition that.
con ,conj. , though, although; provided, provided only.
concebir ,v. a. , to conceive, to understand, to comprehend; to devise; toimagine; to suspect.
conceder ,v. a. , to grant.concluir ,v. a. , to conclude, to end;
todo parecía concluido , all, everything seemed over, at an end.conclusión ,f. , conclusion. 176
concurrencia ,f. ,43 , 29, the assembly, the bystanders, those present, thepersons present.
concurrir ,v. n. , to assemble.
concurso ,m. , concourse, assembly,44 , 19.condenación ,f. , condemnation;¡! ,68 , 13, damnation!condición ,f. , character, disposition,106 , 9.
conducir ,v. a. and n. , to lead, to conduct.conducta ,f. , conduct.
confesar ,v. a. , to confess;
ir a ,124 , 6, to go to confession.confesor ,m. , confessor.
confianza ,f. , confidence, trustfulness,19 , 9.confirmar ,v. a. , to confirm.
confite ,m. , comfit, sugarplum,80 , 23.
conforme ,adv. , as, in proportion, in agreement,82 , 5.confundir ,v. a. , to confuse, to mistake,24 , 13.congraciarse ,v. refl. , to ingratiate oneself, to win favor.congrua ,f. , income;see note to 15 , 8.
conjurar ,v. a. , to conjure, to entreat,105 , 20.
conocer ,v. a. , to know; to be acquainted with; to become acquainted with; torecognize, to feel; to learn; to recognize, to distinguish.
conocimiento ,m. , knowledge, acquaintance;cf. causa .
conque ,conj. , so, wherewith, wherefore, so that.conquistador ,m. , conqueror.
consabido, da ,adj. , aforesaid, aforementioned; well-known.consagrarse ,v. refl. , to devote oneself, consecrate oneself,19 , 4.consecuencia ,f. , result, consequence, sequel.
conseguir ,v. a. , to succeed in, to accomplish;v. n. , to succeed, to attain.consejo ,m. , counsel, advice.
consentir ,v. a. , to consent to, to permit, to allow;v. n. , to consent, to agree.conservar ,v. a. , to preserve;
se ,v. refl. , to keep, to stay, to continue to be;¿se conserva tan guapa? isshe as pretty as ever? 62 , 14.
considerar ,v. a. , to consider, to weigh, to think over;,13 , 15; to look upon,to consider.
consiguiente ,adj. , consequent, resultant;de ,
por , accordingly, consequently, so.consistencia ,f. , consistency; consistence.consistir ,v. n. , to consist;
en ,22 , 24, to arise from, to result from, to have reason in. 177consistorialmente ,adv. , consistorially (as of a consistory, or ecclesiasticalcourt ), 3 , 6.
conspirar ,v. n. , to conspire.
constante ,adj. , continual, constant, everlasting,17 , 18.constar ,v. n. , to be known, to be certain, to be evident.constitucional ,adj. , constitutional.
constitucional ,m. , supporter of the constitution, member of theconstitutional party, 25 , 8.
construir ,v. a. , to construct.consumado, da ,adj. , consummate.contacto ,m. , contact.
contagioso, sa ,adj. , contagious, infectious.
contar ,v. a. , to count, to tell, to relate;v. n. , to count, to keep accounts, toreckon;
con , to count on.
contemplar ,v. a. , to look at, to contemplate.
contener ,v. a. , to contain, to restrain.
contentarse ,v. refl. , to content oneself, to be content,42 , 7,96 , 26.contento, ta ,adj. , content, pleased, satisfied.
contertulio ,m. , fellow-guest,126 , 12.contestación ,f. , answer.
contestar ,v. n. , to answer.
contigo ,prep. and pron. , with you, with thee.
contiguo, gua ,adj. , contiguous; adjoining; near at hand, near by.continente ,m. , mien, bearing.
continuar ,v. a. , to continue, to proceed;v. n. , to continue, to keep on.contorno ,m. , vicinity, surrounding country,10 , 13.
contra ,prep. , against; opposite, by.contradecir ,v. a. , to contradict.contraer ,v. a. , to contract.contrario, ria ,adj. , contrary;
al ,19 , 8, on the contrary;
al ,85 , 14, no indeed, far from it;
de lo ,36 , 22, in the opposite case, otherwise;
,115 , 2, opposite.
contrastar ,v. a. , to contrast,102 , 3.contribución ,f. , tax.
contribuir ,v. a. , to contribute.
convenir ,v. n. , to be fitting, to be proper; to suit; to please; to agree.convento ,m. , convent; monastery.
conversación ,f. , conversation, intercourse.convertir ,v. a. , to convert, change;
se ,v. refl. , to change, to be changed; (en ) to be turned into, be convertedinto; to be converted. 178
convicto, ta ,adj. , convicted,34 , 23.convocar ,v. a. , to convoke, to call together.convulsión ,f. , convulsion.
convulso, sa ,adj. , convulsed.conyugal ,adj. , conjugal, domestic.
cónyuges ,mpl. , married people, man and wife, couple,tit. VI,122 , 26.copa ,f. , glass, goblet, drinking glass, tumbler;
sombrero de ,127 , 10, tall hat, top hat.copla ,f. , verse, couplet,59 , 5.coquetería ,f. , coquetry.
corazón ,m. , heart.
corbata ,f. , cravat, neckcloth,26 , 19.corcel ,m. , steed, charger.
cordonazo de San Francisco ,m. ,44 , 6, autumn equinox, autumnequinoctial storm; see note .
coro ,m. , choir,24 , 5.corona ,f. , crown.coronel ,m. , colonel.
coronilla ,f. , crown (of the head ),16 , 7.corral ,m. , yard, enclosure.
corralón ,m. , large yard.
corregidor ,m. , mayor;see note to 6 , 26.corregidora ,f. , mayor's wife, mayoress,37 , 16,etc.
corregimiento ,m. , mayor's house, official residence,115 , 18.correo ,m. , post, post-office.
correr ,v. a. , to overrun; to drive, to urge; to draw (a bolt );v. n. , to run; tohasten; to circulate, to be in circulation.
correspondiente ,adj. , corresponding; fitting, proper, suitable; appurtenant,proportionate; proper, due, destined, appointed.
corriente ,f. , current,115 , 20.corriente ,m. ,2 , 26,
poner uno al de una cosa , to inform one of something, acquaint one withsomething.
¡corriente! interj. , all right! understood!57 , 6.corroboración ,f. , corroboration,72 , 3.corso, sa ,adj. , Corsican.
cortar ,v. a. , to cut, to cut off.corte ,f. , court.
cortesano, na ,adj. , courteous, polite.cortesía ,f. , courtesy,122 , 22.cortésmente ,adv. , courteously, politely.corteza ,f. , rind, bark,18 , 5.
cortijada ,f. , hamlet, grange.
cortijo ,m. , farmhouse;86 , 10, farm. 179cortísimo, ma ,adj. ,
very short.
corto, ta ,adj. , short.
cosa ,f. , thing, matter, event.coser ,v. a. , to sew.
cosquillas ,fpl. , tickling;hacer , to tickle.costa ,f. , coast;cf.
moro ; cost, price, expense.costal ,m. , sack.
costar ,v. n. , to cost.costumbre ,f. , custom, habit;de ,32 , 2, usual.cotidiano, na ,adj. , daily.
coyuntura ,f. , occasion, conjuncture, juncture,118 , 28.crear ,v. a. , to create, to establish.
creces ,fpl. , growth, increase;see note to 50 , 30.credencial ,m. , credential (proof),73 , 19.crédito ,m. , credit.
creencia ,f. , belief.
creer ,v. a. , to believe; to think;¡ya lo creo! I should think so, rather, ofcourse;
crea ,48 , 6, believe, take the word of;pres. part. ,creyendo ,32 , 28, thinking to, planning to.criadero ,m. , nursery.
criado ,m. , servant, manservant;
de campaña ,17 , 10, attendant in the field.criador ,m. , creator, maker.
criar ,v. a. , to create; to nurse, to bring up.criatura ,f. , creature, being; little child,14 , 6.criminal ,adj. , criminal.
cristiano, na ,adj. , christian.
Cristo ,m. , Christ;
por los clavos de ,105 , 18, for Christ's sake.crítica ,f. , criticism.
cruel ,adj. , cruel.
cruz ,f. , cross;86 , 19, withers;hacerse cruces ,4 , 20, to cross oneself.cruzar ,v. a. , to exchange,104 , 23;
se ,v. refl. , to meet, to meet and pass,114 , 14.cuadra ,f. , stable.
cuadro ,m. , picture;
de género ,23 , 11, genre picture.
cual ,adj. , which; he who, she who; several;lo ,24 , 2, which;
a más ,45 , 7, each more than the other.
cualquier ,pron. and adj. , whoever, whichever, whatever; each, every; someor other;
de modo , somehow or other.
cualquiera ,pron. , somebody, anybody; every one.cuando ,adv. , when; if;
menos , at least.
¿cuándo? adv. int. , when.
cuanto, ta ,adj. , so many, so much, so great; as many as, all; all that.cuanto ,adv. , as much as; as long as;
en a , as to, regarding;
en , as soon as; as, because. 180¿cuánto? adv. int. , how much?cuarenta ,adj. num. , forty.cuartel ,m. , barracks;
general ,52 , 10, headquarters.
cuartilla ,f. , sheet (of paper ),50 , 16.
cuartillo ,m. , pint,51 , 20; quarter (short quarter hour),64 , 11.cuarto ,m. , quarter;
las dos y ,34 , 21, quarter past two.cuarto, ta ,adj. , fourth.
cuatro ,adj. num. , four;
en palabras ,96 , 13, briefly, in a word.cubierto, ta ,adj. , covered.
cubrir ,v. a. , to cover.cuchichear ,v. n. , to whisper.cuello ,m. , neck.
cuenta ,f. , count, account, reckoning; affair, business,88 , 20,103 , 11;de ,91 , 7, of account, of importance;
darse ,19 , 11, to explain, to give account; to take account; to understand;pedir s ,22 , 5, to ask for a reckoning;¡vamos a s! 112 , 5, let us get tobusiness.
cuento ,m. , story;
venir a ,6 , 30, to be in place.cuerda ,f. , cord.
cuero ,m. , skin;
en s , naked, stripped to the skin,84 , 1.
cuerpo ,m. , body.cuervo ,m. , crow.
cuestión ,f. , question, dispute.
cuidado ,m. , care, anxiety,¡! 30 , 12, take care!no hay ,50 , 24, no danger.
cuidadosamente ,adv. , carefully.cuidar ,v. a. , to care for.culebra ,f. , snake.
culpa ,f. , blame, fault, guilt.cultivar ,v. a. , to cultivate, to till.cumplido, da ,adj. , complete, perfect.cumplir ,v. a. , to complete, to fulfill.cúspide ,f. , peak, summit,125 , 2.cuyo, ya ,adj. , whose.
Czarina ,f. , Czarina,122 , 28.
chabacanería ,f. , coarseness, rudeness; uncleanness.chanza ,f. , joke, jest;
no estoy para s ,103 , 7, I am in no mood for jesting, in no joking humor.chasco ,m. , practical joke; fizzle; disappointment;
se han llevado un solemne ,88 , 13, you have got jolly well left;1 , 12,juegos de , tricks, farce.
chico, ca ,adj. , small, little;
chica ,78 , 25, (in direct address ) my child, little one.chillido ,m. , whistle, screech.
chimenea ,f. , fireplace.China ,f. npr. , China.chiquilla ,f. , little girl;
de cuatro años , four-year old child,14 , 6. 181chispear ,v. n. , to sparkle.
chistoso, sa ,adj. , droll, witty.chocolate ,m. , chocolate.chorrear ,v. n. , to drip,77 , 22.choza ,f. , hut.
chupa ,f. , jacket,26 , 20;40 , 8, (waistcoat with sleeves ).chupetín ,m. , jacket, waistcoat (usually without sleeves ).chusco ,m. , joker, tom-fool,99 , 5.
dama ,f. , lady.
daño ,m. , damage, harm, injury;hacerse ,39 , 5, to hurt oneself;hacer ,72 , 28, to hurt.
dar ,v. a. , to give; to provide; to furnish,10 , 22; to tell,112 , 10;
otro paso ,71 , 13, to take another step; paso atrás , to take a step backwards,80 , 18; con ,93 , 6, to meet with;
con el codo ,47 , 9, to nudge; a ,52 , 17,52 , 21,65 , 3;
sobre ,77 , 18, to lead to, to open on, (of a door or window ); la hora , to call the hour,20 , 23;
las cinco ,44 , 13, to strike five;v. refl. ,
se ,94 , 16, to yield, to surrender;
se cuenta ,19 , 11,75 , 1, to be conscious, to take account, to ,prep. , of, for, from, concerning, as, by, in, on, with, as to.
De profundis (Latin ), De profundis;see note to 64 , 25.
Deán ,m. , dean (ecclesiastical ).debajo ,adv. , below.
debajo de ,prep. , under, beneath.deber ,v. a. , to owe;v. n. , to be obliged;debe ir ,12 , 7, he should go, he must go;
debemos advertir ,35 , 3, we should notice, we must notice;
de ,expression of probability : must be,64 , 9,etc. ;debió de asustarse ,67 , 24, he must have been frightened;no ha debido de ,84 , 26, cannot have,etc.
debido, da ,adj. , due, proper,106 , 11.débil ,adj. , weak;
sexo ,65 , 8, weaker sex.
decano ,m. , dean; oldest member, senior member.decente ,adj. , decent, proper.
decir ,v. a. , to say, to tell, to speak; to mention, to describe,26 , 14;es ,122 , 15, that is, that is to say;
que digamos ,119 , 3, so to speak, to speak of, as it were;diz que ,43 , 13, they say, the story runs;
he dejado dicho ,79 , 26, I left word;
lo dicho ,81 , 4, you heard what I said, you hear me;dijérase ,18 , 5, it might be said.
declaración ,f. , declaration, explanation,35 , 24,61 , 1. 182declarar ,v. a. , to declare;79 , 6,79 , 7, to admit; to explain;
se ,v. refl. ,
se contigo ,32 , 27, to open his heart to you.decoro ,m. , decorum, decency.
decoroso, sa ,adj. , decorous, decent.decreto ,m. , decree.
dedo ,m. , finger.
deducir ,v. a. , to deduct, to conclude.defender ,v. a. , to defend.
defensa ,f. , defence.
dejar ,v. a. , to allow, to permit; to leave; de , to cease, to stop;
déjeme de reyes ,87 , 23, don't talk to me about kings, let me alone with yourkings;
,94 , 23, to let go of, to release;v. refl. ,se de , to get rid of, to stop, to leave;
déjate de bachillerías ,50 , 4, stop your chattering, stop your nonsense;dejémonos de latines ,43 , 16, let us put aside this latin stuff.
del ,prep. and art. ,see various meanings under de .
delantal ,m. , apron.
delante ,adv. , before, in front, first;por , ahead.
delante de ,prep. , before, in front of, opposite, in the presence of.delegado ,m. , delegate, representative.
deliberadamente ,adv. , deliberately.delicadeza ,f. , delicacy.
delicado, da ,adj. , delicate.demanda ,f. , claim, question.demás ,adj. , other, remaining,lo , the rest;
los , the others, the rest.demás ,adv. , besides;
por lo , besides; de , except.
demasiado, da ,adj. , too great, too much.demasiado ,adv. , too, too much,30 , 17, too well.democrático, ca ,adj. , democratic.
demonio ,m. , demon, devil, fiend.demontre ,m. , devil, deuce.
demostrar ,v. a. , to prove, to demonstrate, to show.demudar ,v. a. , to change, to alter,100 , 15.denominarse ,v. refl. , to be called, to be denominated.dentadura ,f. , teeth, set of teeth,18 , 5.
dentro ,adv. , within;por , within.
dentro de ,prep. , within, inside.denuesto ,m. , abuse, affront,119 , 13.depender ,v. n. , to depend;
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