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—se la partida,60, 19, to see what's up.cómico, ca,adj., comic.

comienzo,m., beginning;

dar—, to make a beginning, to begin. [p. 175]comisura,f., junction, joint, seam;


— de los labios,14, 25, corner of the mouth.comitiva,f., escort.


como,adv., as, so, just as; about; as it were;

— que, since, inasmuch.


como,conj., if; even if; like; as if; since, because; that;

— que, since, although;


— si, as if.

¿cómo?adv. int., how, why, how is it, how does it come?comodidad,f., convenience, comfort.


compadecerse,v. refl., to agree, to be consonant, to be compatible; to takepity on (de), 119, 20.


compaña,f., company, assembly,96, 6.compañero,m., companion, comrade, fellow.compañía,f., company.

comparable,adj., comparable.comparación,f., comparison.comparar,v. a., to compare.


comparecer,v. n., to appear (in court, or before authority).compás,m., compass; enclosure, courtyard.

compasión,f., compassion, pity.


compendiar,v. a., to resume, to epitomize,76, 5.

complacerse,v. refl.(deoren), to take pleasure in, to be pleased with.complacido, da,adj., pleased, contented,115, 22.


completamente,adv., entirely, altogether, completely, quite.

completar,v. a., to complete.complicidad,f., complicity.complot,m., plot, complot,69, 17.


componer,v. a., to mend, to put in order;,37, 20; to arrange, to fix up,49,27.


comprender,v. a., to understand.comprometer,v. a., to compromise.comunicar,v. a., to communicate.


con,prep., with; together with; by; through, by means of; through; from;against;


no va — Usted,57, 2, does not touch you, concern you;see alsotal;

— tal que, on condition that.

con,conj., though, although; provided, provided only.

concebir,v. a., to conceive, to understand, to comprehend; to devise; toimagine; to suspect.


conceder,v. a., to grant.concluir,v. a., to conclude, to end;

todo parecía concluido, all, everything seemed over, at an end.conclusión,f., conclusion. 176


concurrencia,f.,43, 29, the assembly, the bystanders, those present, thepersons present.


concurrir,v. n., to assemble.

concurso,m., concourse, assembly,44, 19.condenación,f., condemnation;¡—!,68, 13, damnation!condición,f., character, disposition,106, 9.

conducir,v. a. and n., to lead, to conduct.conducta,f., conduct.


confesar,v. a., to confess;

ir a —,124, 6, to go to confession.confesor,m., confessor.


confianza,f., confidence, trustfulness,19, 9.confirmar,v. a., to confirm.


confite,m., comfit, sugarplum,80, 23.

conforme,adv., as, in proportion, in agreement,82, 5.confundir,v. a., to confuse, to mistake,24, 13.congraciarse,v. refl., to ingratiate oneself, to win favor.congrua,f., income;see note to15, 8.


conjurar,v. a., to conjure, to entreat,105, 20.

conocer,v. a., to know; to be acquainted with; to become acquainted with; torecognize, to feel; to learn; to recognize, to distinguish.


conocimiento,m., knowledge, acquaintance;cf.causa.


conque,conj., so, wherewith, wherefore, so that.conquistador,m., conqueror.


consabido, da,adj., aforesaid, aforementioned; well-known.consagrarse,v. refl., to devote oneself, consecrate oneself,19, 4.consecuencia,f., result, consequence, sequel.

conseguir,v. a., to succeed in, to accomplish;v. n., to succeed, to attain.consejo,m., counsel, advice.


consentir,v. a., to consent to, to permit, to allow;v. n., to consent, to agree.conservar,v. a., to preserve;


—se,v. refl., to keep, to stay, to continue to be;¿se conserva tan guapa?isshe as pretty as ever? 62, 14.


considerar,v. a., to consider, to weigh, to think over;,13, 15; to look upon,to consider.


consiguiente,adj., consequent, resultant;de —,


por —, accordingly, consequently, so.consistencia,f., consistency; consistence.consistir,v. n., to consist;

— en,22, 24, to arise from, to result from, to have reason in. 177consistorialmente,adv., consistorially (as of a consistory, or ecclesiasticalcourt), 3, 6.

conspirar,v. n., to conspire.

constante,adj., continual, constant, everlasting,17, 18.constar,v. n., to be known, to be certain, to be evident.constitucional,adj., constitutional.

constitucional,m., supporter of the constitution, member of theconstitutional party, 25, 8.


construir,v. a., to construct.consumado, da,adj., consummate.contacto,m., contact.


contagioso, sa,adj., contagious, infectious.

contar,v. a., to count, to tell, to relate;v. n., to count, to keep accounts, toreckon;

— con, to count on.


contemplar,v. a., to look at, to contemplate.

contener,v. a., to contain, to restrain.


contentarse,v. refl., to content oneself, to be content,42, 7,96, 26.contento, ta,adj., content, pleased, satisfied.


contertulio,m., fellow-guest,126, 12.contestación,f., answer.


contestar,v. n., to answer.

contigo,prep. and pron., with you, with thee.


contiguo, gua,adj., contiguous; adjoining; near at hand, near by.continente,m., mien, bearing.


continuar,v. a., to continue, to proceed;v. n., to continue, to keep on.contorno,m., vicinity, surrounding country,10, 13.


contra,prep., against; opposite, by.contradecir,v. a., to contradict.contraer,v. a., to contract.contrario, ria,adj., contrary;


al —,19, 8, on the contrary;

al —,85, 14, no indeed, far from it;

de lo —,36, 22, in the opposite case, otherwise;

—,115, 2, opposite.


contrastar,v. a., to contrast,102, 3.contribución,f., tax.


contribuir,v. a., to contribute.

convenir,v. n., to be fitting, to be proper; to suit; to please; to agree.convento,m., convent; monastery.


conversación,f., conversation, intercourse.convertir,v. a., to convert, change;

—se,v. refl., to change, to be changed; (en) to be turned into, be convertedinto; to be converted. 178


convicto, ta,adj., convicted,34, 23.convocar,v. a., to convoke, to call together.convulsión,f., convulsion.

convulso, sa,adj., convulsed.conyugal,adj., conjugal, domestic.


cónyuges,mpl., married people, man and wife, couple,tit.VI,122, 26.copa,f., glass, goblet, drinking glass, tumbler;


sombrero de —,127, 10, tall hat, top hat.copla,f., verse, couplet,59, 5.coquetería,f., coquetry.

corazón,m., heart.

corbata,f., cravat, neckcloth,26, 19.corcel,m., steed, charger.


cordonazo de San Francisco,m.,44, 6, autumn equinox, autumnequinoctial storm; see note.


coro,m., choir,24, 5.corona,f., crown.coronel,m., colonel.


coronilla,f., crown (of the head),16, 7.corral,m., yard, enclosure.

corralón,m., large yard.

corregidor,m., mayor;see note to6, 26.corregidora,f., mayor's wife, mayoress,37, 16,etc.


corregimiento,m., mayor's house, official residence,115, 18.correo,m., post, post-office.


correr,v. a., to overrun; to drive, to urge; to draw (a bolt);v. n., to run; tohasten; to circulate, to be in circulation.


correspondiente,adj., corresponding; fitting, proper, suitable; appurtenant,proportionate; proper, due, destined, appointed.


corriente,f., current,115, 20.corriente,m.,2, 26,


poner uno al — de una cosa, to inform one of something, acquaint one withsomething.


¡corriente!interj., all right! understood!57, 6.corroboración,f., corroboration,72, 3.corso, sa,adj., Corsican.

cortar,v. a., to cut, to cut off.corte,f., court.


cortesano, na,adj., courteous, polite.cortesía,f., courtesy,122, 22.cortésmente,adv., courteously, politely.corteza,f., rind, bark,18, 5.

cortijada,f., hamlet, grange.


cortijo,m., farmhouse;86, 10, farm. 179cortísimo, ma,adj.,


corto, ta,adj., short.

cosa,f., thing, matter, event.coser,v. a., to sew.

cosquillas,fpl., tickling;hacer —, to tickle.costa,f., coast;cf.


moro; cost, price, expense.costal,m., sack.


costar,v. n., to cost.costumbre,f., custom, habit;de —,32, 2, usual.cotidiano, na,adj., daily.

coyuntura,f., occasion, conjuncture, juncture,118, 28.crear,v. a., to create, to establish.


creces,fpl., growth, increase;see note to50, 30.credencial,m., credential (proof),73, 19.crédito,m., credit.

creencia,f., belief.

creer,v. a., to believe; to think;¡ya lo creo!I should think so, rather, ofcourse;


crea,48, 6, believe, take the word of;pres. part.,creyendo,32, 28, thinking to, planning to.criadero,m., nursery.

criado,m., servant, manservant;


— de campaña,17, 10, attendant in the field.criador,m., creator, maker.

criar,v. a., to create; to nurse, to bring up.criatura,f., creature, being; little child,14, 6.criminal,adj., criminal.

cristiano, na,adj., christian.

Cristo,m., Christ;

por los clavos de —,105, 18, for Christ's sake.crítica,f., criticism.


cruel,adj., cruel.

cruz,f., cross;86, 19, withers;hacerse cruces,4, 20, to cross oneself.cruzar,v. a., to exchange,104, 23;


—se,v. refl., to meet, to meet and pass,114, 14.cuadra,f., stable.


cuadro,m., picture;

— de género,23, 11, genre picture.

cual,adj., which; he who, she who; several;lo —,24, 2, which;


a — más,45, 7, each more than the other.


cualquier,pron. and adj., whoever, whichever, whatever; each, every; someor other;


de — modo, somehow or other.

cualquiera,pron., somebody, anybody; every one.cuando,adv., when; if;


— menos, at least.

¿cuándo?adv. int., when.

cuanto, ta,adj., so many, so much, so great; as many as, all; all that.cuanto,adv., as much as; as long as;

en — a, as to, regarding;

en —, as soon as; as, because. 180¿cuánto?adv. int., how much?cuarenta,adj. num., forty.cuartel,m., barracks;

— general,52, 10, headquarters.

cuartilla,f., sheet (of paper),50, 16.


cuartillo,m., pint,51, 20; quarter (short quarter hour),64, 11.cuarto,m., quarter;


las dos y —,34, 21, quarter past two.cuarto, ta,adj., fourth.

cuatro,adj. num., four;

en —palabras,96, 13, briefly, in a word.cubierto, ta,adj., covered.


cubrir,v. a., to cover.cuchichear,v. n., to whisper.cuello,m., neck.


cuenta,f., count, account, reckoning; affair, business,88, 20,103, 11;de —,91, 7, of account, of importance;


darse —,19, 11, to explain, to give account; to take account; to understand;pedir —s,22, 5, to ask for a reckoning;¡vamos a —s! 112, 5, let us get tobusiness.

cuento,m., story;


venir a —,6, 30, to be in place.cuerda,f., cord.

cuero,m., skin;

en —s, naked, stripped to the skin,84, 1.

cuerpo,m., body.cuervo,m., crow.


cuestión,f., question, dispute.

cuidado,m., care, anxiety,¡—! 30, 12, take care!no hay —,50, 24, no danger.


cuidadosamente,adv., carefully.cuidar,v. a., to care for.culebra,f., snake.

culpa,f., blame, fault, guilt.cultivar,v. a., to cultivate, to till.cumplido, da,adj., complete, perfect.cumplir,v. a., to complete, to fulfill.cúspide,f., peak, summit,125, 2.cuyo, ya,adj., whose.

Czarina,f., Czarina,122, 28.




chabacanería,f., coarseness, rudeness; uncleanness.chanza,f., joke, jest;


no estoy para —s,103, 7, I am in no mood for jesting, in no joking humor.chasco,m., practical joke; fizzle; disappointment;


se han llevado un solemne —,88, 13, you have got jolly well left;1, 12,juegos de —, tricks, farce.

chico, ca,adj., small, little;

chica,78, 25, (in direct address) my child, little one.chillido,m., whistle, screech.


chimenea,f., fireplace.China,f. npr., China.chiquilla,f., little girl;


— de cuatro años, four-year old child,14, 6. 181chispear,v. n., to sparkle.


chistoso, sa,adj., droll, witty.chocolate,m., chocolate.chorrear,v. n., to drip,77, 22.choza,f., hut.


chupa,f., jacket,26, 20;40, 8, (waistcoat with sleeves).chupetín,m., jacket, waistcoat (usually without sleeves).chusco,m., joker, tom-fool,99, 5.



dama,f., lady.

daño,m., damage, harm, injury;hacerse ——,39, 5, to hurt oneself;hacer ——,72, 28, to hurt.

dar,v. a., to give; to provide; to furnish,10, 22; to tell,112, 10;

—— otro paso,71, 13, to take another step;—— paso atrás, to take a step backwards,80, 18;—— con,93, 6, to meet with;

—— con el codo,47, 9, to nudge;—— a,52, 17,52, 21,65, 3;


—— sobre,77, 18, to lead to, to open on, (of a door or window);—— la hora, to call the hour,20, 23;


—— las cinco,44, 13, to strike five;v. refl.,

——se,94, 16, to yield, to surrender;

——se cuenta,19, 11,75, 1, to be conscious, to take account, to appreciate.de,prep., of, for, from, concerning, as, by, in, on, with, as to.


De profundis(Latin), De profundis;see note to64, 25.

Deán,m., dean (ecclesiastical).debajo,adv., below.


debajo de,prep., under, beneath.deber,v. a., to owe;v. n., to be obliged;debe ir,12, 7, he should go, he must go;


debemos advertir,35, 3, we should notice, we must notice;

—— de,expression of probability: must be,64, 9,etc.;debió de asustarse,67, 24, he must have been frightened;no ha debido de,84, 26, cannot have,etc.

debido, da,adj., due, proper,106, 11.débil,adj., weak;

sexo ——,65, 8, weaker sex.

decano,m., dean; oldest member, senior member.decente,adj., decent, proper.


decir,v. a., to say, to tell, to speak; to mention, to describe,26, 14;es ——,122, 15, that is, that is to say;


que digamos,119, 3, so to speak, to speak of, as it were;diz que,43, 13, they say, the story runs;


he dejado dicho,79, 26, I left word;

lo dicho,81, 4, you heard what I said, you hear me;dijérase,18, 5, it might be said.

declaración,f., declaration, explanation,35, 24,61, 1. 182declarar,v. a., to declare;79, 6,79, 7, to admit; to explain;


——se,v. refl.,

——se contigo,32, 27, to open his heart to you.decoro,m., decorum, decency.


decoroso, sa,adj., decorous, decent.decreto,m., decree.


dedo,m., finger.

deducir,v. a., to deduct, to conclude.defender,v. a., to defend.


defensa,f., defence.

dejar,v. a., to allow, to permit; to leave;—— de, to cease, to stop;


déjeme de reyes,87, 23, don't talk to me about kings, let me alone with yourkings;


——,94, 23, to let go of, to release;v. refl.,——se de, to get rid of, to stop, to leave;


déjate de bachillerías,50, 4, stop your chattering, stop your nonsense;dejémonos de latines,43, 16, let us put aside this latin stuff.


del,prep. and art.,see various meanings underde.


delantal,m., apron.

delante,adv., before, in front, first;por ——, ahead.


delante de,prep., before, in front of, opposite, in the presence of.delegado,m., delegate, representative.


deliberadamente,adv., deliberately.delicadeza,f., delicacy.


delicado, da,adj., delicate.demanda,f., claim, question.demás,adj., other, remaining,lo ——, the rest;


los ——, the others, the rest.demás,adv., besides;


por lo ——, besides;—— de, except.


demasiado, da,adj., too great, too much.demasiado,adv., too, too much,30, 17, too well.democrático, ca,adj., democratic.

demonio,m., demon, devil, fiend.demontre,m., devil, deuce.


demostrar,v. a., to prove, to demonstrate, to show.demudar,v. a., to change, to alter,100, 15.denominarse,v. refl., to be called, to be denominated.dentadura,f., teeth, set of teeth,18, 5.


dentro,adv., within;por ——, within.


dentro de,prep., within, inside.denuesto,m., abuse, affront,119, 13.depender,v. n., to depend;

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