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de balde,adv., free, gratis, without price,36, 28,80, 27.banda,f., side, edge (of road),67, 29.


bandolero,m., highwayman, robber, brigand,46, 5.bañarse,v. refl., to bathe, to take a bath,20, 27.baño,m., bath.

baqueta,f., ramrod,71, 2.baraja,f., pack of cards,53, 8.


baraúnda,f., tumult, confusion, hubbub,100, 3.barba,f., chin.


bárbaro,m., barbarian, savage, monster,32, 15,cf.pedazo.


barbilampiño, ña,adj., thin-bearded, sparse of beard,18, 3.barra,f., bar,50, 3.


barrer,v. a., to sweep.barriga,f., belly.


basilisco,m., basilisk,109, 13.¡basta!interj., enough! that will do!

bastante,adj., sufficient, considerable,45, 4.bastante,adv., enough, quite, rather.bastar,v. n., to be enough, to be sufficient.Bastián,m., Bastían, Sebastian.

bastón,m., stick, staff;


— de autoridad,107, 4, staff of office.bastonazo,m., blow withorfrom a stick.batalla,f., battle.

batida,f., hunt, chase.

batista,f., batiste, muslin,26, 20.bautismo,m., baptism.


bautizo,m., baptism.

Baza,f. npr., Baza, town about 65 miles north-east of Granada on the road toMurcia. 168


beber,v. a., to drink.beldad,f., beauty.belleza,f., beauty.bello, lla,adj., beautiful.bendecir,v. a., to bless.


bendición,f., benediction, blessing.bendito, ta,adj., blessed, holy;una bendita,112, 7, a saint.


berrear,v. n., to bellow (like a calf).besar,v. a., to kiss.


beso,m., kiss.

bestia,f., beast; animal; beast of burden.bicho,m., beast, vermin,124, 14.

bien,adv., well; very; about;

hombre de —, honest man, man of honor;

mujer de —,13., 12,22, 14, honest woman, virtuous woman;no —, scarcely, as soon as;


o —, or else.

bien que,conj., although, though.bizcocho,m., biscuit, cracker, zwieback.biznieta,f., great-granddaughter,102, 7.blanco, ca,adj., white;cf.



blanquear,v. a., to whitewash.blonda,f., lace.


boca,f., mouth;

— del estómago,46, 8, pit of the stomach;

de manos a —,77, 21, suddenly, unexpectedly;


sin decir esta — es mía,118, 12, without speaking a word;

— sumida,109, 3, drawn lips;


— hecha un agua,40, 16, mouth all watering;

— arriba,38, 25,

— abajo,38, 26, face up, face down;

caer de —,95, 9, to fall on the face, to fall flat.bocacha,f., blunderbuss,56, 4.


boda,f., wedding.

bodega,f., wine-cellar,21, 4.

bofetada,f., blow, buffet,12, 6; slap, slapping,32, 21.bofetón,m., blow, cuff.


bola,f., ball;¡dale, —! 98, 25, the same old story! there he goes again!boletín,m., bulletin.


bombardeo,m., bombardment.Bonaparte,npr., Bonaparte.


bondadoso, sa,adj., kindly, kind-hearted.bonito, ta,adj., pretty.


boquerón,m., anchovy.Borbón,npr., Bourbon.bordado,m., embroidery.bordar,v. a., to embroider.borde,m., edge, brink,35, 9.borla,f., tassel,26, 24.borracho,m., drunkard.borrachón,m., drunkard.borrar,v. a., to erase.

borrasca,f., squall, storm, tempest.borrica,f., she-ass, jenny,95, 1.bostezar,v. n., to yawn.


bostezo,m., yawn. 169

bramar,v. n., to roar, to bellow,105, 25.brazado,m., armful.


brazo,m., arm.

brillar,v. n., to shine,72, 21.brinco,m., leap, bound, spring.brindar,v. a., to offer,41, 19.

brisca,f., brisca, a game of cards;see note to20, 4.broma,f., joke, jest;see note to19, 9;

dejar la —, to put jesting aside,105, 20;

no estoy para —s,87, 23, I'm in no mood for joking.

bruja,f., witch.brujería,f., witchcraft.


Bruselas,fpl. npr., Brussels.bruto, ta,adj., coarse, ugly,47, 12;en —,18, 21, in the rough.

,m., bogey, bugbear,32, 17.bueno, na,adj., good; kind;


tanto —,34, 4, so much kindness, so great an honor,see note;buenas noches, good evening, good night,cf.


tener,87, 14;buena moza,cf.moza;

—, a good one, a fine one,89, 19;cf. note.bufete,m., desk, writing-table,49, 22.


bufón, —na,adj., merry; ludicrous, comical, funny.bufonada,f., buffoonery; scurrility; practical joke,75, 6.bulto,m., form, mass,45, 22;

escurrir el —,52, 27, to slip away.

burlarse (de),v. refl., to mock, to make fun of,74, 28.burra,f., she-ass, donkey.


burro,m., ass, donkey.busca,f., search.


buscar,v. a., to seek, to look for;123, 19, to look up, to find.




¡ca!interj.,57, 8,63, 25, humph, not by a good deal, not any.cabalgador, dora,adj., riding,35, 20.


caballería,f., chivalry; riding horse, mount;any animal commonly used forriding.


caballero,m., gentleman;in direct address,123, 9, Sir.caballero, ra,adj., mounted, riding,59, 8.


caballo,m., horse.cabecera,f., bolster,63, 23.


cabecero,m.,73, 23, lintel, head-piece (of a door), head (of a bed) .caber,v. n., to fall to one's share, to fall to,107, 28; to have room, to havespace;

no cabe duda,72, 18, there is no room for doubt, there can be no doubt.cabeza,f., head;


de —,30, 23, headlong, headfirst. 170

cabildo,m., town council, council,36, 22. For108, 29,see undersala.cabo,m., end, extreme;


al —, at last;

al — de,47, 27, at the end of, after.cabra,f., goat.


cabrero,m., goatherd.

cachorrillo,m., small pistol, bulldog,80, 3.cada,adj., each;


— cual, each one;

— uno,

— una, each one, every one.caer,v. n., to fall;

—se,v. refl., to fall, to fall down, to fall over;

se cae de su peso,85, 22, it is self-evident, it goes without saying.caída,f., fall.

caja,f., box;50, 1, snuff-box.

calado, da,adj., soaked, drenched,78, 30.calamitoso, sa,adj., unhappy, miserable, ill-fated.calavera,m., rake, debauchee,45, 25,111, 11.


calceta,f., understocking (a sort of legging, worn next the skin, and reachingto the knee);


hacer —,77, 8, to knit.calentar,v. a., to warm.calidad,f., quality,48, 5.calma,f., calm, calmness.


calmar,v. a., to calm, to allay,119, 20.calor,m., heat, warmth;


hacer —, to be hot (of the weather).calzado, da,adj., shod.

calzar,v. a., to carry (said of the calibre of a gun),56, 5.calzón,m., breeches, trousers,26, 21.


¡calla!interj., hark! look! hush!32, 22.

callado, da,adj., silent, still, kept silent, suppressed.

callar,v. a., to suppress, to pass over in silence,118, 14;v. n., to be silent, toremain silent, to cease speaking.


calle,f., street.callejón,m., alley, lane;

— sin salida,50, 23, blind alley, cul de sac.


cama,f., bed.

cámara,f., bedroom, bedchamber.camarada,m., comrade, companion.


cambiar,v. a., to exchange, to change;v. n., to change.cambio,m., change, exchange;


en —,18, 4, in exchange, on the other hand.caminar,v. n., to go, to travel; to walk.camino,m., way, road;


— carretero,10, 12, cart road, wagon road;de —,51, 14,90, 6, on the way;

en — de,12, 15, on the way to, in the way of.campanilla,f., little bell;


persona de campanillas,11, 19, important person, personage. 171campaña,f., campaign;


salir a —,52, 15, to take the field.

campear,v. n., to hold the field, to shine forth, to be prominent, to be inevidence, 16, 8.


campesino, na,adj., rustic, country, peasant,15, 26.campestre,adj., rustic, rural,41, 20.

campo,m., field, open field, country, countryside;a — travieso,60, 15, across country.


canción,f., song;12, 12, refrain.candeal,adj., white (wheat or bread);trigo —,62, 16, winter wheat.candela,f., candle, light, fire,67, 3.candil,m., lamp.


canónigo,m., canon.cantar,v. a. and n., to sing.


cántaro,m., pitcher, wine measure,62, 6.cantidad,f., quantity;21, 8, sum.canturriar,v. a., to hum (a tune),59, 5.caña,f., cane, reed;

— de Indias,121, 7, bamboo cane.


cañada,f., hollow way, narrow pass,65, 18.caño,m., pipe,97, 21.


cañón,m., barrel, gun-barrel,71, 2.capa,f., cape, cloak;


— de grana, scarlet cloak.capaz,adj., capable.


capilla,f., chapel;see note toreo,70, 20.

capitación,f., poll-tax;see note to6, 29.


capitular,m., capitular, member of ecclesiastical chapter,47, 6.capote,m., waterproof, cloak;


— de monte,94, 12, short buttoned overcoat.captar,v. a., to gain, to capture.


cara,f., face, countenance;

tomar la —,38, 8, to chuck under the chin.carácter,m.,pl.


caracteres, character.

caracterizado, da,adj., distinguished, esteemed,10, 10.carbón,m., coal, charcoal; bone black,25, 7.


carcajada,f., laughter, violent laughter, burst of laughter.cárcel,f., prison.


carecer (de),v. n., to be without, to lack; to be in need of,15, 7.carencia,f., lack, absence,6, 24.

cargado, da,adj., full; loaded, overloaded; charged;

— de espaldas, stoop-shouldered, slightly hunchbacked.cariátide,f., caryatid.

caricatura,f., caricature.caricia,f., caress. 172cariño,m., affection.


cariñoso, sa,adj., friendly, amiable; affectionate.Carlo Magno,m., Charlemagne.

Carmen/Cármen,m., Carmel.carne,f., meat, flesh;pl.


—s, flesh, body, weight, embonpoint,15, 27,35, 30,82, 2,etc.Carnestolendas,fpl., carnival time,25, 13.


General Caro,npr. m.,see note to15, 15.carpintería,f., carpentry, carpenter's trade,21, 6.carpintero,m., carpenter,20, 8.

carretero, ra,adj., passable, practicable (for wheeled vehicles),cf.camino,10, 12.


carril,m., track, cart-track,65, 17.carro,m., cart, wagon.


carta,f., letter;

— blanca,90, 1, carte blanche, unlimited authority, permission.casa,f., house;

a —, at home;

a —,8, 14, home, to their homes.

casaca,f., coat, tunic, dress coat,26, 22.casadero, ra,adj., unmarried., marriageable,1, 24.casados,mpl., married people,2, 11.


casado, da,adj., married.casarse,v. refl., to marry.casi,adv., almost, nearly.


caso,m., case, event, contingency;

hacer — de,122, 24, to pay attention to, to consider, to regard;en su —,50, 14, in your case, in your place, in your shoes;

— de,56, 21, in case of.castaña,f., chestnut.


castañetear,v. a., to chatter (the teeth),81, 10.castigo,m., punishment,27, 5.


Castilla,f. npr., Castile;pl.

—s,25, 30, the Castiles, Old and New Castile.

Castillo Piñón,m., npr.,Castillo Piñón, Château Pignon;see note to15, 15.casto, ta,adj., chaste.


casual,adj., casual, chance,3, 24.casualmente,adv., casually, by chance,43, 7.catedral,f., cathedral.

categoría,f., category, class.catorce,adj. num., fourteen.causa,f., cause; cause, case,24, 20;

conocimiento de —, acquaintance with, familiarity with the case, thecircumstances.


causar,v. a., to cause, to occasion.

cavilar,v. n., to cavil;67, 30, to ruminate, to meditate.caz,m., mill-race.


caza,f., hunt, chase; game, quarry. 173cazar,v. a., to hunt, to pursue;v. n., to hunt.ceder,v. a., to cede, to yield; —

el paso,54, 22,100, 11, to make way, to give way.celeridad,f., speed, celerity, rapidity, quickness.celos,mpl., jealousy;

tener—, to be jealous.celoso, sa,adj., jealous.cena,f., supper.


cenar,v. a., to eat for supper, to sup on,8, 15,54, 3;v. n., to sup.censo,m., poll-tax, assessment,12, 5.

censura,f., censure,125, 19.centeno,m., rye,62, 16.


ceñirse,v. refl., to gird on, to put on, to assume.cera,f., wax.


cerca,f., enclosure,82, 1.cerca,adv., near.


cerca de,prep., near.cercanía,f., neighborhood;


las —s,21, 1, the surrounding country, "round about."ceremonioso, sa,adj., ceremonious, formal,102, 3.cereza,f., cherry.

cerezo,m., cherry-tree,10, 5.

cerrar,v. a., to shut, to close; to lock, to lock up;v. n.(of night),45, 12,etc.,to close in, to fall.


cerrojo,m., bolt,59, 14.cesta,f., basket.


cetro,m., sceptre.ciego,m., blind man.cielo,m., sky, heaven.


cien, ciento,adj., num., hundred, one hundred, an hundred.ciertamente,adv., certainly, surely.


cierto, ta,adj., certain, sure, trustworthy;por —,46, 12,65, 10,etc., certainly, surely;por — que,33, 4, surely;


hasta — punto, to a certain extent, in a measure,15, 29;es —,38, 1,107, 9, it is true, it is so.

cigarro,m., cigarette.

cimbrarse,v. refl., to bend,14, 21.cincel,m., chisel.

cinco,adj. num., five;

las —,44, 13, five o'clock.cincuenta,adj. num., fifty.


cínico, ca,adj., cynical; shameless.cinismo,m., cynicism,123, 16.cintura,f., waist; girdle, belt; waistband.

circunloquio,m., circumlocution, periphrasis.circunspección,f., circumspection,125, 26.circunstancia,f., circumstance, fact.circunstante,m., bystander.

ciudad,f., city. 174ciudadano,m., citizen.


civil,adj., civil;cf.fruto,and note to6, 29.clamante,adj., crying;tit.XIX,cf.


claramente,adv., clearly,39, 28.

claro,m., hole, aperture, opening, open space,39, 16.claro, ra,adj., clear, bright; clear, evident;


es —,46, 22, of course;

sacar en —,2, 10, to bring out clearly, to reveal, to disclose.clase,f., class;tit.XXX, high-class, distinction.


clásico, ca,adj., classic.claustro,m., cloister,102, 13.clavado, da,adj., fixed, staring.


clavar,v. a., to nail, to fix; to fasten; to drive in, to stick in, to thrust in,86,18.


clavo,m., nail.

Cleopatra,f. npr., Cleopatra.clérigo,m., priest,pl.


—s, clergy.

cobertizo,m., shed; shed roof, shelter,65, 5.cobre,m., copper, brass,20, 2.


cocina,f., kitchen.cocinera,f., cook.


coche,m., carriage, coach.

codiciar,v. a., to long for, to covet, to desire exceedingly.codo,m., elbow.


cofrade,m., fellow-member, colleague,47, 25.

coger,v. a., to gather; to seize, to overtake, to catch,35, 9, to pick up, to takehold of, 122, 16; to hold, 56, 10; to catch, pick up (of a disease), 88, 18. cojo, ja,adj., lame, limping;

parecía — de los dos pies,25, 26, seemed to limp with both feet.colarse,v. refl., to slip in, to glide in,78, 6.


colchón,m., mattress,124, 12.

cólera,f., anger; gall; choler, choleric disposition.colgar,v. a., to hang;pp.


colgado, da, hanging;v. n., to hang.colina,f., hill.


colmena,f., hive, bee-hive.

colocar,v. a., to place, to arrange.color,m., color, complexion.colorado, da,adj., red, deep red.colosal,adj., colossal.


comadre,f., gossip, tattling old woman,46, 13.

combinación,f., combination; contrivance; scheme;20, 16, crossing.comedia,f., comedy.


comenzar,v. a. and n., to begin.

comer,v. a., to eat;sp., to eat for dinner,8, 7;v. n., to dine; to eat;—se,v. refl., to eat up, to consume;

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