Iquest;quién? 12 page
de balde ,adv. , free, gratis, without price,36 , 28,80 , 27.banda ,f. , side, edge (of road ),67 , 29.
bandolero ,m. , highwayman, robber, brigand,46 , 5.bañarse ,v. refl. , to bathe, to take a bath,20 , 27.baño ,m. , bath.
baqueta ,f. , ramrod,71 , 2.baraja ,f. , pack of cards,53 , 8.
baraúnda ,f. , tumult, confusion, hubbub,100 , 3.barba ,f. , chin.
bárbaro ,m. , barbarian, savage, monster,32 , 15,cf. pedazo .
barbilampiño, ña ,adj. , thin-bearded, sparse of beard,18 , 3.barra ,f. , bar,50 , 3.
barrer ,v. a. , to sweep.barriga ,f. , belly.
basilisco ,m. , basilisk,109 , 13.¡basta! interj. , enough! that will do!
bastante ,adj. , sufficient, considerable,45 , 4.bastante ,adv. , enough, quite, rather.bastar ,v. n. , to be enough, to be sufficient.Bastián ,m. , Bastían, Sebastian.
bastón ,m. , stick, staff;
de autoridad ,107 , 4, staff of office.bastonazo ,m. , blow withor from a stick.batalla ,f. , battle.
batida ,f. , hunt, chase.
batista ,f. , batiste, muslin,26 , 20.bautismo ,m. , baptism.
bautizo ,m. , baptism.
Baza ,f. npr. , Baza, town about 65 miles north-east of Granada on the road toMurcia. 168
beber ,v. a. , to drink.beldad ,f. , beauty.belleza ,f. , beauty.bello, lla ,adj. , beautiful.bendecir ,v. a. , to bless.
bendición ,f. , benediction, blessing.bendito, ta ,adj. , blessed, holy;una bendita ,112 , 7, a saint.
berrear ,v. n. , to bellow (like a calf ).besar ,v. a. , to kiss.
beso ,m. , kiss.
bestia ,f. , beast; animal; beast of burden.bicho ,m. , beast, vermin,124 , 14.
bien ,adv. , well; very; about;
hombre de , honest man, man of honor;
mujer de ,13 ., 12,22 , 14, honest woman, virtuous woman;no , scarcely, as soon as;
o , or else.
bien que ,conj. , although, though.bizcocho ,m. , biscuit, cracker, zwieback.biznieta ,f. , great-granddaughter,102 ,, ca ,adj. , white;cf.
carta .
blanquear ,v. a. , to whitewash.blonda ,f. , lace.
boca ,f. , mouth;
del estómago ,46 , 8, pit of the stomach;
de manos a ,77 , 21, suddenly, unexpectedly;
sin decir esta es mía ,118 , 12, without speaking a word;
sumida ,109 , 3, drawn lips;
hecha un agua ,40 , 16, mouth all watering;
arriba ,38 , 25,
abajo ,38 , 26, face up, face down;
caer de ,95 , 9, to fall on the face, to fall flat.bocacha ,f. , blunderbuss,56 , 4.
boda ,f. , wedding.
bodega ,f. , wine-cellar,21 , 4.
bofetada ,f. , blow, buffet,12 , 6; slap, slapping,32 , 21.bofetón ,m. , blow, cuff.
bola ,f. , ball;¡dale, ! 98 , 25, the same old story! there he goes again!boletín ,m. , bulletin.
bombardeo ,m. , bombardment.Bonaparte ,npr. , Bonaparte.
bondadoso, sa ,adj. , kindly, kind-hearted.bonito, ta ,adj. , pretty.
boquerón ,m. , anchovy.Borbón ,npr. , Bourbon.bordado ,m. , embroidery.bordar ,v. a. , to embroider.borde ,m. , edge, brink,35 , 9.borla ,f. , tassel,26 , 24.borracho ,m. , drunkard.borrachón ,m. , drunkard.borrar ,v. a. , to erase.
borrasca ,f. , squall, storm, tempest.borrica ,f. , she-ass, jenny,95 , 1.bostezar ,v. n. , to yawn.
bostezo ,m. , yawn. 169
bramar ,v. n. , to roar, to bellow,105 , 25.brazado ,m. , armful.
brazo ,m. , arm.
brillar ,v. n. , to shine,72 , 21.brinco ,m. , leap, bound, spring.brindar ,v. a. , to offer,41 , 19.
brisca ,f. , brisca, a game of cards;see note to 20 , 4.broma ,f. , joke, jest;see note to 19 , 9;
dejar la , to put jesting aside,105 , 20;
no estoy para s ,87 , 23, I'm in no mood for joking.
bruja ,f. , witch.brujería ,f. , witchcraft.
Bruselas ,fpl. npr. , Brussels.bruto, ta ,adj. , coarse, ugly,47 , 12;en ,18 , 21, in the rough.
bú ,m. , bogey, bugbear,32 , 17.bueno, na ,adj. , good; kind;
tanto ,34 , 4, so much kindness, so great an honor,see note ;buenas noches , good evening, good night,cf.
tener ,87 , 14;buena moza ,cf. moza ;
, a good one, a fine one,89 , 19;cf. note .bufete ,m. , desk, writing-table,49 , 22.
bufón, na ,adj. , merry; ludicrous, comical, funny.bufonada ,f. , buffoonery; scurrility; practical joke,75 , 6.bulto ,m. , form, mass,45 , 22;
escurrir el ,52 , 27, to slip away.
burlarse (de) ,v. refl. , to mock, to make fun of,74 , 28.burra ,f. , she-ass, donkey.
burro ,m. , ass, donkey.busca ,f. , search.
buscar ,v. a. , to seek, to look for;123 , 19, to look up, to find.
¡ca! interj. ,57 , 8,63 , 25, humph, not by a good deal, not any.cabalgador, dora ,adj. , riding,35 , 20.
caballería ,f. , chivalry; riding horse, mount;any animal commonly used forriding .
caballero ,m. , gentleman;in direct address ,123 , 9, Sir.caballero, ra ,adj. , mounted, riding,59 , 8.
caballo ,m. , horse.cabecera ,f. , bolster,63 , 23.
cabecero ,m. ,73 , 23, lintel, head-piece (of a door ), head (of a bed ) .caber ,v. n. , to fall to one's share, to fall to,107 , 28; to have room, to havespace;
no cabe duda ,72 , 18, there is no room for doubt, there can be no doubt.cabeza ,f. , head;
de ,30 , 23, headlong, headfirst. 170
cabildo ,m. , town council, council,36 , 22. For108 , 29,see under sala .cabo ,m. , end, extreme;
al , at last;
al de ,47 , 27, at the end of, after.cabra ,f. , goat.
cabrero ,m. , goatherd.
cachorrillo ,m. , small pistol, bulldog,80 , 3.cada ,adj. , each;
cual , each one;
uno ,
una , each one, every one.caer ,v. n. , to fall;
se ,v. refl. , to fall, to fall down, to fall over;
se cae de su peso ,85 , 22, it is self-evident, it goes without saying.caída ,f. , fall.
caja ,f. , box;50 , 1, snuff-box.
calado, da ,adj. , soaked, drenched,78 , 30.calamitoso, sa ,adj. , unhappy, miserable, ill-fated.calavera ,m. , rake, debauchee,45 , 25,111 , 11.
calceta ,f. , understocking (a sort of legging, worn next the skin, and reachingto the knee );
hacer ,77 , 8, to knit.calentar ,v. a. , to warm.calidad ,f. , quality,48 , 5.calma ,f. , calm, calmness.
calmar ,v. a. , to calm, to allay,119 , 20.calor ,m. , heat, warmth;
hacer , to be hot (of the weather ).calzado, da ,adj. , shod.
calzar ,v. a. , to carry (said of the calibre of a gun ),56 , 5.calzón ,m. , breeches, trousers,26 , 21.
¡calla! interj. , hark! look! hush!32 , 22.
callado, da ,adj. , silent, still, kept silent, suppressed.
callar ,v. a. , to suppress, to pass over in silence,118 , 14;v. n. , to be silent, toremain silent, to cease speaking.
calle ,f. , street.callejón ,m. , alley, lane;
sin salida ,50 , 23, blind alley, cul de sac.
cama ,f. , bed.
cámara ,f. , bedroom, bedchamber.camarada ,m. , comrade, companion.
cambiar ,v. a. , to exchange, to change;v. n. , to change.cambio ,m. , change, exchange;
en ,18 , 4, in exchange, on the other hand.caminar ,v. n. , to go, to travel; to walk.camino ,m. , way, road;
carretero ,10 , 12, cart road, wagon road;de ,51 , 14,90 , 6, on the way;
en de ,12 , 15, on the way to, in the way of.campanilla ,f. , little bell;
persona de campanillas ,11 , 19, important person, personage. 171campaña ,f. , campaign;
salir a ,52 , 15, to take the field.
campear ,v. n. , to hold the field, to shine forth, to be prominent, to be inevidence, 16 , 8.
campesino, na ,adj. , rustic, country, peasant,15 , 26.campestre ,adj. , rustic, rural,41 , 20.
campo ,m. , field, open field, country, countryside;a travieso ,60 , 15, across country.
canción ,f. , song;12 , 12, refrain.candeal ,adj. , white (wheat or bread );trigo ,62 , 16, winter wheat.candela ,f. , candle, light, fire,67 , 3.candil ,m. , lamp.
canónigo ,m. , canon.cantar ,v. a. and n. , to sing.
cántaro ,m. , pitcher, wine measure,62 , 6.cantidad ,f. , quantity;21 , 8, sum.canturriar ,v. a. , to hum (a tune ),59 , 5.caña ,f. , cane, reed;
de Indias ,121 , 7, bamboo cane.
cañada ,f. , hollow way, narrow pass,65 , 18.caño ,m. , pipe,97 , 21.
cañón ,m. , barrel, gun-barrel,71 , 2.capa ,f. , cape, cloak;
de grana , scarlet cloak.capaz ,adj. , capable.
capilla ,f. , chapel;see note to reo ,70 , 20.
capitación ,f. , poll-tax;see note to 6 , 29.
capitular ,m. , capitular, member of ecclesiastical chapter,47 , 6.capote ,m. , waterproof, cloak;
de monte ,94 , 12, short buttoned overcoat.captar ,v. a. , to gain, to capture.
cara ,f. , face, countenance;
tomar la ,38 , 8, to chuck under the chin.carácter ,m. ,pl.
caracteres , character.
caracterizado, da ,adj. , distinguished, esteemed,10 , 10.carbón ,m. , coal, charcoal; bone black,25 , 7.
carcajada ,f. , laughter, violent laughter, burst of laughter.cárcel ,f. , prison.
carecer (de) ,v. n. , to be without, to lack; to be in need of,15 , 7.carencia ,f. , lack, absence,6 , 24.
cargado, da ,adj. , full; loaded, overloaded; charged;
de espaldas , stoop-shouldered, slightly hunchbacked.cariátide ,f. , caryatid.
caricatura ,f. , caricature.caricia ,f. , caress. 172cariño ,m. , affection.
cariñoso, sa ,adj. , friendly, amiable; affectionate.Carlo Magno ,m. , Charlemagne.
Carmen/Cármen ,m. , Carmel.carne ,f. , meat, flesh;pl.
s , flesh, body, weight, embonpoint,15 , 27,35 , 30,82 , 2,etc. Carnestolendas ,fpl. , carnival time,25 , 13.
General Caro ,npr. m. ,see note to 15 , 15.carpintería ,f. , carpentry, carpenter's trade,21 , 6.carpintero ,m. , carpenter,20 , 8.
carretero, ra ,adj. , passable, practicable (for wheeled vehicles ),cf. camino ,10 , 12.
carril ,m. , track, cart-track,65 , 17.carro ,m. , cart, wagon.
carta ,f. , letter;
blanca ,90 , 1, carte blanche, unlimited authority, ,f. , house;
a , at home;
a ,8 , 14, home, to their homes.
casaca ,f. , coat, tunic, dress coat,26 , 22.casadero, ra ,adj. , unmarried., marriageable,1 , 24.casados ,mpl. , married people,2 , 11.
casado, da ,adj. , married.casarse ,v. refl. , to marry.casi ,adv. , almost, nearly.
caso ,m. , case, event, contingency;
hacer de ,122 , 24, to pay attention to, to consider, to regard;en su ,50 , 14, in your case, in your place, in your shoes;
de ,56 , 21, in case of.castaña ,f. , chestnut.
castañetear ,v. a. , to chatter (the teeth ),81 , 10.castigo ,m. , punishment,27 , 5.
Castilla ,f. npr. , Castile;pl.
s ,25 , 30, the Castiles, Old and New Castile.
Castillo Piñón ,m., npr., Castillo Piñón, Château Pignon;see note to 15 , 15.casto, ta ,adj. , chaste.
casual ,adj. , casual, chance,3 , 24.casualmente ,adv. , casually, by chance,43 , 7.catedral ,f. , cathedral.
categoría ,f. , category, class.catorce ,adj. num. , fourteen.causa ,f. , cause; cause, case,24 , 20;
conocimiento de , acquaintance with, familiarity with the case, thecircumstances.
causar ,v. a. , to cause, to occasion.
cavilar ,v. n. , to cavil;67 , 30, to ruminate, to meditate.caz ,m. , mill-race.
caza ,f. , hunt, chase; game, quarry. 173cazar ,v. a. , to hunt, to pursue;v. n. , to hunt.ceder ,v. a. , to cede, to yield;
el paso ,54 , 22,100 , 11, to make way, to give way.celeridad ,f. , speed, celerity, rapidity, quickness.celos ,mpl. , jealousy;
tener , to be jealous.celoso, sa ,adj. , jealous.cena ,f. , supper.
cenar ,v. a. , to eat for supper, to sup on,8 , 15,54 , 3;v. n. , to sup.censo ,m. , poll-tax, assessment,12 , 5.
censura ,f. , censure,125 , 19.centeno ,m. , rye,62 , 16.
ceñirse ,v. refl. , to gird on, to put on, to assume.cera ,f. , wax.
cerca ,f. , enclosure,82 , 1.cerca ,adv. , near.
cerca de ,prep. , near.cercanía ,f. , neighborhood;
las s ,21 , 1, the surrounding country, "round about."ceremonioso, sa ,adj. , ceremonious, formal,102 , 3.cereza ,f. , cherry.
cerezo ,m. , cherry-tree,10 , 5.
cerrar ,v. a. , to shut, to close; to lock, to lock up;v. n. (of night ),45 , 12,etc. ,to close in, to fall.
cerrojo ,m. , bolt,59 , 14.cesta ,f. , basket.
cetro ,m. , sceptre.ciego ,m. , blind man.cielo ,m. , sky, heaven.
cien, ciento ,adj., num. , hundred, one hundred, an hundred.ciertamente ,adv. , certainly, surely.
cierto, ta ,adj. , certain, sure, trustworthy;por ,46 , 12,65 , 10,etc. , certainly, surely;por que ,33 , 4, surely;
hasta punto , to a certain extent, in a measure,15 , 29;es ,38 , 1,107 , 9, it is true, it is so.
cigarro ,m. , cigarette.
cimbrarse ,v. refl. , to bend,14 , 21.cincel ,m. , chisel.
cinco ,adj. num. , five;
las ,44 , 13, five o'clock.cincuenta ,adj. num. , fifty.
cínico, ca ,adj. , cynical; shameless.cinismo ,m. , cynicism,123 , 16.cintura ,f. , waist; girdle, belt; waistband.
circunloquio ,m. , circumlocution, periphrasis.circunspección ,f. , circumspection,125 , 26.circunstancia ,f. , circumstance, fact.circunstante ,m. , bystander.
ciudad ,f. , city. 174ciudadano ,m. , citizen.
civil ,adj. , civil;cf. fruto ,and note to 6 , 29.clamante ,adj. , crying;tit. XIX,cf.
voces .
claramente ,adv. , clearly,39 , 28.
claro ,m. , hole, aperture, opening, open space,39 , 16.claro, ra ,adj. , clear, bright; clear, evident;
es ,46 , 22, of course;
sacar en ,2 , 10, to bring out clearly, to reveal, to disclose.clase ,f. , class;tit. XXX, high-class, distinction.
clásico, ca ,adj. , classic.claustro ,m. , cloister,102 , 13.clavado, da ,adj. , fixed, staring.
clavar ,v. a. , to nail, to fix; to fasten; to drive in, to stick in, to thrust in,86 ,18.
clavo ,m. , nail.
Cleopatra ,f. npr. , Cleopatra.clérigo ,m. , priest,pl.
s , clergy.
cobertizo ,m. , shed; shed roof, shelter,65 , 5.cobre ,m. , copper, brass,20 , 2.
cocina ,f. , kitchen.cocinera ,f. , cook.
coche ,m. , carriage, coach.
codiciar ,v. a. , to long for, to covet, to desire exceedingly.codo ,m. , elbow.
cofrade ,m. , fellow-member, colleague,47 , 25.
coger ,v. a. , to gather; to seize, to overtake, to catch,35 , 9, to pick up, to takehold of, 122 , 16; to hold, 56 , 10; to catch, pick up (of a disease ), 88 , 18. cojo, ja ,adj. , lame, limping;
parecía de los dos pies ,25 , 26, seemed to limp with both feet.colarse ,v. refl. , to slip in, to glide in,78 , 6.
colchón ,m. , mattress,124 , 12.
cólera ,f. , anger; gall; choler, choleric disposition.colgar ,v. a. , to hang;pp.
colgado, da , hanging;v. n. , to hang.colina ,f. , hill.
colmena ,f. , hive, bee-hive.
colocar ,v. a. , to place, to arrange.color ,m. , color, complexion.colorado, da ,adj. , red, deep red.colosal ,adj. , colossal.
comadre ,f. , gossip, tattling old woman,46 , 13.
combinación ,f. , combination; contrivance; scheme;20 , 16, crossing.comedia ,f. , comedy.
comenzar ,v. a. and n. , to begin.
comer ,v. a. , to eat;sp. , to eat for dinner,8 , 7;v. n. , to dine; to eat;se ,v. refl. , to eat up, to consume;
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