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aguantarse,v. refl., to be patient, to keep oneself in hand,32, 26.aguardar,v. a., to await, to wait for. 160


agüero,m., omen, augury (tit.XVI).águila,f., eagle.


¡ah!interj., ah!32, 19.ahí,adv., here;

hasta —, thus far,49, 5;

de —, from here,63, 14; there,80, 29.ahogar,v. a., to stifle, to smother,116, 14;

—se,v. refl., to drown, to be drowning,115, 9; to smother, to be smothering,70, 17.


ahora,adv., now, at present;

— mismo, in this very minute.123, 7;


por —, for the present, for the time being,77, 1.ahorcar,v. a., to hang; to hang up,15, 10.ahorrar,v. a.,

ahorrarse,v. refl., to save, to save up, to hoard,11, 21.aire,m., air;


los aires, air, upper air,38, 27.

ajeno, na,adj., another's; of, belonging to another.ajustar,v. a., to adjust, to settle.


al,prep. and art.,a el.

ala,f., wing;


tener alas, to have freedom, license, assurance, standing,117, 10.alabastrino, na,adj., alabaster, alabastrine.


alambre,m., wire;

patas de —, spindle-shanks,60, 12.

alargar,v. a., to pass, to hand; to bring; to hold out, to extend.alba,f., dawn,124, 1.


albañil,m., mason,20, 9.

albarca,f., (more usual formabarca),a rough sort ofshoeorsandal;seenote to 95, 17.

alcabala,f., excise,see note to6, 28.alcahuete,m., pander, procurer,68, 2.alcalde,m., mayor;


— de monterilla,seemonterilla,and note to tit.XVII.


alcaldesa,f., mayoress, mayor's wife, wife of alcalde,89, 26.alcance,m., reach,43, 4.


alcanzar,v. a., to reach, to attain; to extend, to succeed, to reach,73, 22; toovertake.


alcoba,f., bedroom, bedchamber.alcurnia,f., race, lineage, family.aldaba,f., handle; knocker,47, 20;


tener buenas aldabas,36, 20, to have a good "pull."aldabón,m., knocker (large),97, 10.


aldea,f., hamlet (small village,large farm),3, 16.aleccionar,v. a., to instruct,120, 2.


alegrar,v. a., to rejoice, to make glad, to give pleasure to,13, 21;

—se,v. refl., to be glad, to be pleased,31, 11; to rejoice, to be glad,116, 11.161


alegre,adj., joyous, cheerful, merry, happy.alegremente,adv., joyously,64, 24.


alegría,f., joy, joyousness, cheerfulness; informality, openness, gayness,19,8.


Alemania,f. n. pr., Germany.alepín,m., bombazine,101, 10.alfiler,m., pin.

algo,neuter, something, somewhat, a little;para —,85, 19, not for nothing.


alguacil,m., bailiff, constable.alguien,pron., anybody, somebody.


alguno, na,pron. adj., (algún), some, some or other;

— que otro, one or another, occasionally one,40, 9;


algunas veces, sometimes,10, 6;

... —, any whatever,56, 19.alimaña,f., scum, rabble,126, 14.alimento,m., food,71, 23.

alma,f., soul;

de mi —,32, 17, beloved.almagre,m., ochre,25, 8.

almendra,f., almond.almohada,f., pillow, cushion.


almohadón,m., pillow, large cushion,2, 22.

almorzar,v. a.,8, 5, to breakfast on, to eat for breakfast.almuerzo,m., breakfast, luncheon,81, 1;see note to8, 5.alpargata,f.,see note to23, 6.

alpujarreño, ña,adj., of or from Alpujarras.alrededor de,prep., around,70, 13.alternado, da,adj., alternate.

alto, ta, adj., high, tall;77, 19, deep;125, 5, high, exalted;en alta voz,58, 21, aloud;


en —,84, 7, aloft;

lo —,neuter, the top,16, 7,25, 13.altura,f., height.


aludir,v. n., to allude.alumbrado,m., lighting,45, 13.


alumbrar,v. a., to light, to illuminate, to show a light,45, 18,55, 30,64, 18.alzarse,v. refl., to rise.


allá,adv., there, thither, yonder;¡— ellos! 29, 5, that's their business.allende,prep., beyond,6, 15.


allí,adv., there, yonder;por —, yonder,32, 23.ama,f., mistress;


— de leche,98, 4, wet nurse.amable,adj., kind, good,59, 4.amanecer,v. n., to dawn.

amanecer,m., daybreak, dawn,52, 28.

amansarse,v. refl., to become mild, to grow mild, to grow gentle; to bepacified, 49, 18. 162


amante,m., lover,93, 19.amar,v. a., to love.amargura,f., bitterness.

amarillento, ta,adj., yellowish, growing yellow,101, 11.amarillo, lla,adj., yellow.


amasar,v. a., to knead, to bake,20, 3.ambos, bas,adj., both.

amenaza,f., threat.

amenizar,v. a., to adorn, to make charming,14, 29.

amiga,f., friend,114, 27.


amigo, ga,adj., fond (of),51, 1, friendly.amigo,m., friend.


amistoso, sa,adj., friendly,62, 22.amo,m., master;pl.,


—s,45, 18, master and mistress.amor,m., love;


al — de la lumbre,11, 7, in the glow of the fire.amoroso, sa,adj., amorous, loving;estratagema amorosa,61, 1, love-stratagem.amparar,v. a., to protect.


amparo,m., protection; defence, refuge,110, 30.

Ana, Santa —,f. npr., St. Anne.anciano,m., old man,81, 15.ancho, cha, adj., wide, broad;


a sus anchas,13, 5, at their ease, at their leisure.andadas,f. pl., traces, tracks of game;see note to9, 10.Andalucía,f. npr., Andalusia.

andaluz,adj., Andalusian.


andar,v. n., to go to walk; to be;part.,andando,97, 4, on foot;


vamos andando,89, 18, let's be getting along, let's be making haste.andarín,m., fast walker, nimble fellow,85, 10,85, 29.

anfitrión,m., host.

ángel,m., angel.

angosto, ta,adj., narrow; tight, close-fitting, scant,41, 12.angustia,f., anguish.


angustiado, da,adj., heart-broken,93, 8.anillo,m., ring.


animación,f., animation, liveliness.animado, da,adj., living, animated.animal,m., animal,13, 22.


Ánimas,fpl., the tolling of a bell, to announce prayers for souls in purgatory;usually shortly after sunset. See note to 8, 14.

anoche,adv., last night.

ansiar,v. a., to long for, to desire,34, 13.ante,prep., before, in the presence of.antecesor,m., predecessor.

Antecristo,m., Antichrist.

Anteo,m. npr., Antaeus.anterior,adj., preceding,15, 5.


antes,adv., before, beforehand; sooner, the sooner,47, 5; rather. 163antes de,prep., before.


antes de que,conj., before,60, 13,93, 14.antes que,conj., before; rather than,69, 16.anticipación,f., anticipation;


habían llegado con bastante —,45, 4, had arrived considerably ahead,before.

anticiparse,v. refl., to forestall,108, 21.

anticuado, da,adj., antiquated, grown old;25, 3, discarded;91, 24, former,old-time.

antigüedad,f., antiquity,13, 23.

antiguo, gua,adj., old,58, 25; old-time, former,91, 24.


antojarse,v. refl.,used only in the third person, to wish, to be pleasing;como se te antoje,36, 30, as you will, any way you please.antonomasia,f., antonomasia.

anunciar,v. a., to inform, to declare,72, 29.añadir,v. a., to add.


año,m., year;

al —,11, 21, by the year, in the course of the year;tener cuarenta —s, to be forty years old.apagar,v. a., to extinguish, to put out.

aparato,m., preparation,70, 8.apareado, da,adj., paired,124, 5.aparecer,v. n., to appear, to show oneself.

aparejar,v. a., to prepare, to get ready; to saddle,57, 17,65, 11.aparición,f., appearance,105, 10.


apartar,v. a., to put aside, to push aside, push away,109, 14;pp.apartada,99, 14, standing aside, apart;


—se,v. refl., to go aside, turn aside, turn from,67, 26.aparte,adv., apart, aside,96, 5.


apearse,v. refl., to dismount, to get down,67, 9.apegado, da,adj., attached, clinging, devoted,6, 20.apenas,adv., scarcely.

apéndice,m., appendix,28, 2.

aplacerse,v. refl., to take pleasure,104, 26.aplicar,v. a., to apply,97, 17.


apoderado,m., plenipotentiary,106, 9.

apoderarse,v. refl., to gain possession, to get into one's power (de).aposento,m., room,69, 23.


apoyar,v. a., to lean, to rest,35., 19.apreciar,v. a., to reckon.


aprecio,m., esteem,17, 13.apremiante,adj., urgent,62, 23.


apresurarse,v. refl., to hasten, to make haste,39, 1.

aprovechar,v. a., to take advantage of, to make use of, to turn to account, toprofit by, 41, 5, etc. 164


apuntar,v. a., to aim at, to cover.apurar,v. a., to drain,63, 20.


apuro,m., trouble, trial, difficulty, need,36, 16.aquel, —lla,adj. dem., that.


aquél, —lla,pron., that, the former.aquello,neuter, that.

aquí,adv., here;

por —,34, 6, here, hereabouts;

por —,47, 4,64, 20, this way, in this direction;cf.tomar.


Archena,f., Archena (town of Spain, on the Segura, 16 miles N. W. ofMurcia).


arder,v. n., to burn, to glow,70, 2.ardid,m., deceit, deception,61, 9.argentino, na,adj., silvery.aristocrático, ca,adj., aristocratic,26, 5.arma,f., weapon;pl.


—s, arms;cf.descansar.


armarse,v. refl., to break out, to begin,99, 7,126, 9.arqueado, da,adj., bent, bowed;


piernas arqueadas,25, 23, bow-legs, bandy-legs.arracada,f., pendant, earring,16, 9.


arranque,m., arch, curve,16, 4.arrastrar,v. a., to drag,118, 4,79, 16;cf.sacar.

¡arre!interj., get up! (call used to draught animals)tit.IX.arrear,v. a., (cf.


arre) to drive, to urge (horses, etc.),60, 4,82, 15.arrebatar,v. a., to snatch,50, 1.

arreglar,v. a., to arrange,30, 7,96, 6,105, 4.arremangar,v. a., to pull up the sleeves;pp.


arremangado,withbrazo,15, 28, uncovered, bare, short-sleeved.arrestado, da,adj., confined, in custody,122, 9.


arrestar,v. a., to arrest,79, 7.arriba,adv., above, upward;piso de —,77, 9, upper story;de — abajo,80, 7, up and down.arriesgar,v. a., to risk.arrimar,v. a., to lean;


le arrimó una bofetada,119, 10, dealt him a blow;pp.arrimado,118, 11,leaning;

—se,v. refl., to lean,96, 21.

arriscado, da,adj., bold, dashing,102, 15.arroba,f.,see note to126, 5.


arrogante,adj., arrogant, proud,applied to stature,14, 13.arrogantemente,adv., boldly, impertinently,108, 17.arrojar,v. a., to throw, to throw down.

arrollar,v. a., to roll up,37, 9.arrugado, da,adj., wrinkled,25, 28. 165


arruinarse,v. refl., to become bankrupt, to be ruined,12, 16.artero, ra,adj., sly, crafty,26, 4.


artísticamente,adv., artistically.asado, da,adj., roasted, roast.asador,m., spit.

asalto,m., assault, storm, storming,15, 15.

asegurar,v. a., to secure, to make fast, to fasten,65, 13.asesinar,v. a., to assassinate, to murder, to kill.asesino,m., assassin, murderer.

así,adv., thus, so;


—... como, as well... as, both... and;

— que, when.


asiento,m., seat, place,34, 9.asistir,v. n., to be present, to attend.asmático, ca,adj., asthmatic.


asomar,v. a., to show, to thrust out, to project,38, 24;pp.asomada,100, 5, leaning from, appearing at;v. refl.,asomarse a,64, 8, to lean over.

asombrarse,v. refl., to be astonished.

asombro,m., astonishment,95, 20.asomo,m., suspicion, conjecture;


ni por —,6, 7, not in their wildest dreams;90, 17, don't dream of it.astuto, ta,adj., astute,90, 7.


asuntillo,m., little matter, little affair,63, 2.asunto,m., matter, business;


— reservado, private matter, secret matter,56, 20;

vamos al —,51, 6, we'll come to the point, let's get to business.asustarse,v. refl., to be frightened, to be afraid, to take fright.atar,v. a., to bind,27, 4; to tie,65, 6.

atención,f., attention.aterrado, da,adj.(pp.of

aterrar), thunderstruck, dumbfounded.atiborrado, da,adj.(pp.of


atiborrar, to stuff with wool), stuffed,14, 8.atildamiento,m., neatness, carefulness, elegance,101, 22.atmósfera,f., atmosphere.

atrapar,v. a., to catch,51, 12.atrás,adv., back, backwards, behind;


de — hacia adelante, backwards and forwards,25, 25.

atravesar,v. a., to break off, to interrupt, to shut off,70, 15; to cut across,65, 17; to cross,69, 20;


—se,v. refl., to interpose, to come between,108, 17.atreverse,v. refl., to dare, to venture, to be impertinent;


no se atrevía con su mujer, he dared not face his wife, dared not stand up tohis wife, 123, 11. 166


atrevido, da,adj., bold, daring,17, 20.atrio,m., outer courtyard,30, 4.atrocidad,f., atrocity.

atropellar,v. a., to override, to thrust aside, to force,109, 17.atroz,adj., atrocious, frightful, horrible,64, 2.


aturdir,v. a., to deafen,52, 25.aun,


aún,adv., even, still, yet, also.aunque,conj., although, though.ausencia,f., absence.

austero, ra,adj., stern, rigid,73, 9.Austria,f.,npr., Austria.austriaco, ca,adj., Austrian.

auto sacramental,m.,see note to9, 5.autor,m., author.


autoridad,f., authority;cf.

principio,and note to25, 16;56, 18,pl.autoridades,24, 7,etc., authorities, officials.auxiliar,v. a., to help, to assist,119, 27.auxilio,m., help.


avanzado, da,adj., advanced.

avanzar,v. n., to advance, to proceed, to go forward, to come forward.ave,f., bird (tit.XVII).


Ave María Purísima,see note to38, 20.aventajar,v. a., to surpass,22, 22.aventura,f., adventure.

avergonzado, da,adj., ashamed.

averiguar,v. a., to inquire into, to investigate,57, 1.aviado, da,adj.,


estar —,67, 17, to be in a hole, to be in a pretty pickle (the first meaning ofthe word is ill-situated).


avieso, sa,adj., irregular, crooked; evil, malicious.avío,m., preparation, equipment,


avíos de fumar,66, 24, smoking materials.avisado, da,adj., clever, wide-awake,17, 20.avisar,v. a., to inform,87, 5.

aviso,m., information,58, 19.


avivar,v. a., to enliven, to animate, to make piquant,14, 23.

¡ay!interj., alas, oh, alack,etc.;¡ay de...! 100, 23, alas for, woe to.ayer,adv., yesterday.


ayudar,v. a., to help, to assist.ayunar,v. n., to fast,43, 30.

ayuntamiento,m., municipal council,36, 13.Ayuntamiento,m., town hall,45, 8.azucena,f., lily, white lily,37, 12.


azul,adj., blue;see alsooro.




baboso, sa,adj., slobbering, drooling, driveling,40, 25. 167bachillera,f., chatterbox,119, 16.

bachillería,f., chatter, chattering;


déjate de bachillerías,50, 4, stop your nonsense.bachillero,m., talker, chatterer,53, 7.


badulaque,m., jackanapes, idiot, blockhead,82, 13.bailar,v. n., to dance.


baile,m., dance.

bajar,v. a., to take down, bring down, carry down,83, 4;v. n., to go down,to get down, to descend;


—se,v. refl., to come down, to descend.bajo, ja,adj., low; small (of stature);por lo —,39, 9, in a low tone,

cabeza —,75, 4, head bowed, head bent.bajo,prep., beneath, under.


bala,f., bullet, ball.

balancearse,v. refl., to sway,25, 24.balbucear,v. n., to stammer, to stutter.balcón,m., casement;see note to100, 5.

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