Iquest;quién? 11 page aguantarse ,v. refl. , to be patient, to keep oneself in hand,32 , 26.aguardar ,v. a. , to await, to wait for. 160
agüero ,m. , omen, augury (tit. XVI).águila ,f. , eagle.
¡ah! interj. , ah!32 , 19.ahí ,adv. , here;
hasta , thus far,49 , 5;
de , from here,63 , 14; there,80 , 29.ahogar ,v. a. , to stifle, to smother,116 , 14;
se ,v. refl. , to drown, to be drowning,115 , 9; to smother, to be smothering,70 , 17.
ahora ,adv. , now, at present;
mismo , in this very minute.123 , 7;
por , for the present, for the time being,77 , 1.ahorcar ,v. a. , to hang; to hang up,15 , 10.ahorrar ,v. a. ,
ahorrarse ,v. refl. , to save, to save up, to hoard,11 , 21.aire ,m. , air;
los aires , air, upper air,38 , 27.
ajeno, na ,adj. , another's; of, belonging to another.ajustar ,v. a. , to adjust, to settle.
al ,prep. and art. ,a el .
ala ,f. , wing;
tener alas , to have freedom, license, assurance, standing,117 , 10.alabastrino, na ,adj. , alabaster, alabastrine.
alambre ,m. , wire;
patas de , spindle-shanks,60 , 12.
alargar ,v. a. , to pass, to hand; to bring; to hold out, to extend.alba ,f. , dawn,124 , 1.
albañil ,m. , mason,20 , 9.
albarca ,f. , (more usual form abarca ),a rough sort of shoeor sandal;seenote to 95 , 17.
alcabala ,f. , excise,see note to 6 , 28.alcahuete ,m. , pander, procurer,68 , 2.alcalde ,m. , mayor;
de monterilla ,see monterilla ,and note to tit. XVII.
alcaldesa ,f. , mayoress, mayor's wife, wife of alcalde,89 , 26.alcance ,m. , reach,43 , 4.
alcanzar ,v. a. , to reach, to attain; to extend, to succeed, to reach,73 , 22; toovertake.
alcoba ,f. , bedroom, bedchamber.alcurnia ,f. , race, lineage, family.aldaba ,f. , handle; knocker,47 , 20;
tener buenas aldabas ,36 , 20, to have a good "pull."aldabón ,m. , knocker (large ),97 , 10.
aldea ,f. , hamlet (small village ,large farm ),3 , 16.aleccionar ,v. a. , to instruct,120 , 2.
alegrar ,v. a. , to rejoice, to make glad, to give pleasure to,13 , 21;
se ,v. refl. , to be glad, to be pleased,31 , 11; to rejoice, to be glad,116 , 11.161
alegre ,adj. , joyous, cheerful, merry, happy.alegremente ,adv. , joyously,64 , 24.
alegría ,f. , joy, joyousness, cheerfulness; informality, openness, gayness,19 ,8.
Alemania ,f. n. pr. , Germany.alepín ,m. , bombazine,101 , 10.alfiler ,m. , pin.
algo ,neuter , something, somewhat, a little;para ,85 , 19, not for nothing.
alguacil ,m. , bailiff, constable.alguien ,pron. , anybody, somebody.
alguno, na ,pron. adj. , (algún ), some, some or other;
que otro , one or another, occasionally one,40 , 9;
algunas veces , sometimes,10 , 6;
... , any whatever,56 , 19.alimaña ,f. , scum, rabble,126 , 14.alimento ,m. , food,71 , 23.
alma ,f. , soul;
de mi ,32 , 17, beloved.almagre ,m. , ochre,25 , 8.
almendra ,f. , almond.almohada ,f. , pillow, cushion.
almohadón ,m. , pillow, large cushion,2 , 22.
almorzar ,v. a. ,8 , 5, to breakfast on, to eat for breakfast.almuerzo ,m. , breakfast, luncheon,81 , 1;see note to 8 , 5.alpargata ,f. ,see note to 23 , 6.
alpujarreño, ña ,adj. , of or from Alpujarras.alrededor de ,prep. , around,70 , 13.alternado, da ,adj. , alternate.
alto, ta , adj., high, tall;77 , 19, deep;125 , 5, high, exalted;en alta voz ,58 , 21, aloud;
en ,84 , 7, aloft;
lo ,neuter , the top,16 , 7,25 , 13.altura ,f. , height.
aludir ,v. n. , to allude.alumbrado ,m. , lighting,45 , 13.
alumbrar ,v. a. , to light, to illuminate, to show a light,45 , 18,55 , 30,64 , 18.alzarse ,v. refl. , to rise.
allá ,adv. , there, thither, yonder;¡ ellos! 29 , 5, that's their business.allende ,prep. , beyond,6 , 15.
allí ,adv. , there, yonder;por , yonder,32 , 23.ama ,f. , mistress;
de leche ,98 , 4, wet nurse.amable ,adj. , kind, good,59 , 4.amanecer ,v. n. , to dawn.
amanecer ,m. , daybreak, dawn,52 , 28.
amansarse ,v. refl. , to become mild, to grow mild, to grow gentle; to bepacified, 49 , 18. 162
amante ,m. , lover,93 , 19.amar ,v. a. , to love.amargura ,f. , bitterness.
amarillento, ta ,adj. , yellowish, growing yellow,101 , 11.amarillo, lla ,adj. , yellow.
amasar ,v. a. , to knead, to bake,20 , 3.ambos, bas ,adj. , both.
amenaza ,f. , threat.
amenizar ,v. a. , to adorn, to make charming,14 , 29.
amiga ,f. , friend,114 , 27.
amigo, ga ,adj. , fond (of),51 , 1, friendly.amigo ,m. , friend.
amistoso, sa ,adj. , friendly,62 , 22.amo ,m. , master;pl. ,
s ,45 , 18, master and mistress.amor ,m. , love;
al de la lumbre ,11 , 7, in the glow of the fire.amoroso, sa ,adj. , amorous, loving;estratagema amorosa ,61 , 1, love-stratagem.amparar ,v. a. , to protect.
amparo ,m. , protection; defence, refuge,110 , 30.
Ana, Santa ,f. npr. , St. Anne.anciano ,m. , old man,81 , 15.ancho, cha , adj., wide, broad;
a sus anchas ,13 , 5, at their ease, at their leisure.andadas ,f. pl. , traces, tracks of game;see note to 9 , 10.Andalucía ,f. npr. , Andalusia.
andaluz ,adj. , Andalusian.
andar ,v. n. , to go to walk; to be;part. ,andando ,97 , 4, on foot;
vamos andando ,89 , 18, let's be getting along, let's be making haste.andarín ,m. , fast walker, nimble fellow,85 , 10,85 , 29.
anfitrión ,m. , host.
ángel ,m. , angel.
angosto, ta ,adj. , narrow; tight, close-fitting, scant,41 , 12.angustia ,f. , anguish.
angustiado, da ,adj. , heart-broken,93 , 8.anillo ,m. , ring.
animación ,f. , animation, liveliness.animado, da ,adj. , living, animated.animal ,m. , animal,13 , 22.
Ánimas ,fpl. , the tolling of a bell, to announce prayers for souls in purgatory;usually shortly after sunset. See note to 8 , 14.
anoche ,adv. , last night.
ansiar ,v. a. , to long for, to desire,34 , 13.ante ,prep. , before, in the presence of.antecesor ,m. , predecessor.
Antecristo ,m. , Antichrist.
Anteo ,m. npr. , Antaeus.anterior ,adj. , preceding,15 , 5.
antes ,adv. , before, beforehand; sooner, the sooner,47 , 5; rather. 163antes de ,prep. , before.
antes de que ,conj. , before,60 , 13,93 , 14.antes que ,conj. , before; rather than,69 , 16.anticipación ,f. , anticipation;
habían llegado con bastante ,45 , 4, had arrived considerably ahead,before.
anticiparse ,v. refl. , to forestall,108 , 21.
anticuado, da ,adj. , antiquated, grown old;25 , 3, discarded;91 , 24, former,old-time.
antigüedad ,f. , antiquity,13 , 23.
antiguo, gua ,adj. , old,58 , 25; old-time, former,91 , 24.
antojarse ,v. refl. ,used only in the third person , to wish, to be pleasing;como se te antoje ,36 , 30, as you will, any way you please.antonomasia ,f. , antonomasia.
anunciar ,v. a. , to inform, to declare,72 , 29.añadir ,v. a. , to add.
año ,m. , year;
al ,11 , 21, by the year, in the course of the year;tener cuarenta s , to be forty years old.apagar ,v. a. , to extinguish, to put out.
aparato ,m. , preparation,70 , 8.apareado, da ,adj. , paired,124 , 5.aparecer ,v. n. , to appear, to show oneself.
aparejar ,v. a. , to prepare, to get ready; to saddle,57 , 17,65 , 11.aparición ,f. , appearance,105 , 10.
apartar ,v. a. , to put aside, to push aside, push away,109 , 14;pp. apartada ,99 , 14, standing aside, apart;
se ,v. refl. , to go aside, turn aside, turn from,67 , 26.aparte ,adv. , apart, aside,96 , 5.
apearse ,v. refl. , to dismount, to get down,67 , 9.apegado, da ,adj. , attached, clinging, devoted,6 , 20.apenas ,adv. , scarcely.
apéndice ,m. , appendix,28 , 2.
aplacerse ,v. refl. , to take pleasure,104 , 26.aplicar ,v. a. , to apply,97 , 17.
apoderado ,m. , plenipotentiary,106 , 9.
apoderarse ,v. refl. , to gain possession, to get into one's power (de ).aposento ,m. , room,69 , 23.
apoyar ,v. a. , to lean, to rest,35. , 19.apreciar ,v. a. , to reckon.
aprecio ,m. , esteem,17 , 13.apremiante ,adj. , urgent,62 , 23.
apresurarse ,v. refl. , to hasten, to make haste,39 , 1.
aprovechar ,v. a. , to take advantage of, to make use of, to turn to account, toprofit by, 41 , 5, etc. 164
apuntar ,v. a. , to aim at, to cover.apurar ,v. a. , to drain,63 , 20.
apuro ,m. , trouble, trial, difficulty, need,36 , 16.aquel, lla ,adj. dem. , that.
aquél, lla ,pron. , that, the former.aquello ,neuter , that.
aquí ,adv. , here;
por ,34 , 6, here, hereabouts;
por ,47 , 4,64 , 20, this way, in this direction;cf. tomar .
Archena ,f. , Archena (town of Spain, on the Segura, 16 miles N. W. ofMurcia ).
arder ,v. n. , to burn, to glow,70 , 2.ardid ,m. , deceit, deception,61 , 9.argentino, na ,adj. , silvery.aristocrático, ca ,adj. , aristocratic,26 , 5.arma ,f. , weapon;pl.
s , arms;cf. descansar .
armarse ,v. refl. , to break out, to begin,99 , 7,126 , 9.arqueado, da ,adj. , bent, bowed;
piernas arqueadas ,25 , 23, bow-legs, bandy-legs.arracada ,f. , pendant, earring,16 , 9.
arranque ,m. , arch, curve,16 , 4.arrastrar ,v. a. , to drag,118 , 4,79 , 16;cf. sacar .
¡arre! interj. , get up! (call used to draught animals )tit. IX.arrear ,v. a. , (cf.
arre ) to drive, to urge (horses, etc. ),60 , 4,82 , 15.arrebatar ,v. a. , to snatch,50 , 1.
arreglar ,v. a. , to arrange,30 , 7,96 , 6,105 , 4.arremangar ,v. a. , to pull up the sleeves;pp.
arremangado ,with brazo ,15 , 28, uncovered, bare, short-sleeved.arrestado, da ,adj. , confined, in custody,122 , 9.
arrestar ,v. a. , to arrest,79 , 7.arriba ,adv. , above, upward;piso de ,77 , 9, upper story;de abajo ,80 , 7, up and down.arriesgar ,v. a. , to risk.arrimar ,v. a. , to lean;
le arrimó una bofetada ,119 , 10, dealt him a blow;pp. arrimado,118 , 11,leaning;
se ,v. refl. , to lean,96 , 21.
arriscado, da ,adj. , bold, dashing,102 , 15.arroba ,f. ,see note to 126 , 5.
arrogante ,adj. , arrogant, proud,applied to stature ,14 , 13.arrogantemente ,adv. , boldly, impertinently,108 , 17.arrojar ,v. a. , to throw, to throw down.
arrollar ,v. a. , to roll up,37 , 9.arrugado, da ,adj. , wrinkled,25 , 28. 165
arruinarse ,v. refl. , to become bankrupt, to be ruined,12 , 16.artero, ra ,adj ., sly, crafty,26 , 4.
artísticamente ,adv. , artistically.asado, da ,adj. , roasted, roast.asador ,m. , spit.
asalto ,m. , assault, storm, storming,15 , 15.
asegurar ,v. a. , to secure, to make fast, to fasten,65 , 13.asesinar ,v. a. , to assassinate, to murder, to kill.asesino ,m. , assassin, murderer.
así ,adv. , thus, so;
... como , as well... as, both... and;
que , when.
asiento ,m. , seat, place,34 , 9.asistir ,v. n. , to be present, to attend.asmático, ca ,adj. , asthmatic.
asomar ,v. a. , to show, to thrust out, to project,38 , 24;pp. asomada ,100 , 5, leaning from, appearing at;v. refl. ,asomarse a ,64 , 8, to lean over.
asombrarse ,v. refl. , to be astonished.
asombro ,m. , astonishment,95 , 20.asomo ,m. , suspicion, conjecture;
ni por ,6 , 7, not in their wildest dreams;90 , 17, don't dream of it.astuto, ta ,adj. , astute,90 , 7.
asuntillo ,m. , little matter, little affair,63 , 2.asunto ,m. , matter, business;
reservado , private matter, secret matter,56 , 20;
vamos al ,51 , 6, we'll come to the point, let's get to business.asustarse ,v. refl. , to be frightened, to be afraid, to take fright.atar ,v. a. , to bind,27 , 4; to tie,65 , 6.
atención ,f. , attention.aterrado, da ,adj. (pp. of
aterrar ), thunderstruck, dumbfounded.atiborrado, da ,adj. (pp. of
atiborrar , to stuff with wool), stuffed,14 , 8.atildamiento ,m. , neatness, carefulness, elegance,101 , 22.atmósfera ,f. , atmosphere.
atrapar ,v. a. , to catch,51 , 12.atrás ,adv. , back, backwards, behind;
de hacia adelante , backwards and forwards,25 , 25.
atravesar ,v. a. , to break off, to interrupt, to shut off,70 , 15; to cut across,65 , 17; to cross,69 , 20;
se ,v. refl. , to interpose, to come between,108 , 17.atreverse ,v. refl. , to dare, to venture, to be impertinent;
no se atrevía con su mujer , he dared not face his wife, dared not stand up tohis wife, 123 , 11. 166
atrevido, da ,adj. , bold, daring,17 , 20.atrio ,m. , outer courtyard,30 , 4.atrocidad ,f. , atrocity.
atropellar ,v. a. , to override, to thrust aside, to force,109 , 17.atroz ,adj. , atrocious, frightful, horrible,64 , 2.
aturdir ,v. a. , to deafen,52 , 25.aun ,
aún ,adv. , even, still, yet, also.aunque ,conj. , although, though.ausencia ,f. , absence.
austero, ra ,adj. , stern, rigid,73 , 9.Austria ,f. ,npr. , Austria.austriaco, ca ,adj. , Austrian.
auto sacramental ,m. ,see note to 9 , 5.autor ,m. , author.
autoridad ,f. , authority;cf.
principio ,and note to 25 , 16;56 , 18,pl. autoridades ,24 , 7,etc. , authorities, officials.auxiliar ,v. a. , to help, to assist,119 , 27.auxilio ,m. , help.
avanzado, da ,adj. , advanced.
avanzar ,v. n. , to advance, to proceed, to go forward, to come forward.ave ,f. , bird (tit. XVII).
Ave María Purísima ,see note to 38 , 20.aventajar ,v. a. , to surpass,22 , 22.aventura ,f. , adventure.
avergonzado, da ,adj. , ashamed.
averiguar ,v. a. , to inquire into, to investigate,57 , 1.aviado, da ,adj. ,
estar ,67 , 17, to be in a hole, to be in a pretty pickle (the first meaning ofthe word is ill-situated).
avieso, sa ,adj. , irregular, crooked; evil, malicious.avío ,m. , preparation, equipment,
avíos de fumar ,66 , 24, smoking materials.avisado, da ,adj. , clever, wide-awake,17 , 20.avisar ,v. a. , to inform,87 , 5.
aviso ,m. , information,58 , 19.
avivar ,v. a. , to enliven, to animate, to make piquant,14 , 23.
¡ay! interj. , alas, oh, alack,etc. ;¡ay de...! 100 , 23, alas for, woe to.ayer ,adv. , yesterday.
ayudar ,v. a. , to help, to assist.ayunar ,v. n. , to fast,43 , 30.
ayuntamiento ,m. , municipal council,36 , 13.Ayuntamiento ,m. , town hall,45 , 8.azucena ,f. , lily, white lily,37 , 12.
azul ,adj. , blue;see also oro .
baboso, sa ,adj. , slobbering, drooling, driveling,40 , 25. 167bachillera ,f. , chatterbox,119 , 16.
bachillería ,f. , chatter, chattering;
déjate de bachillerías ,50 , 4, stop your nonsense.bachillero ,m. , talker, chatterer,53 , 7.
badulaque ,m. , jackanapes, idiot, blockhead,82 , 13.bailar ,v. n. , to dance.
baile ,m. , dance.
bajar ,v. a. , to take down, bring down, carry down,83 , 4;v. n. , to go down,to get down, to descend;
se ,v. refl. , to come down, to descend.bajo, ja ,adj. , low; small (of stature );por lo ,39 , 9, in a low tone,
cabeza ,75 , 4, head bowed, head bent.bajo ,prep. , beneath, under.
bala ,f. , bullet, ball.
balancearse ,v. refl. , to sway,25 , 24.balbucear ,v. n. , to stammer, to stutter.balcón ,m. , casement;see note to 100 , 5.
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