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Archives management

1) functions and types of archives

2) principles of archival processing

3) organisation of archival work in institutions

4) disposal of archival records

5) guaranteeing of the preservation and protection of archival records

Information technology

1) AO1–AO7 (see Appendix D)

In addition to the skills and knowledge stated in AO, the following is required:

2) installation of applications

3) printers, scanners, back-up equipment and other peripherals

4) software

a) teamwork software

b) records management software

c) image processing software

5) the internet

a) the extended mark-up language XML and its specifications

6) file formats and file systems

a) text files

b) image files

c) print files

d) databases

e) compression

f) change of formats

7) storage media

a) CDs

b) DVDs

c) magnetic tapes

d) floppy disks

8) making and storage of security copies and retrieval from security copies

9) Estonian language in computers

IT security

1) creation of a secure computer system, its key components

2) software used to create a secure computer system

3) security classes

4) computer viruses and their prevention

Risk management of a records management system

1) ensuring of document availability even after potential accidents

Special skills and knowledge

Legislation and standards related to the profession

1) legislation and standards related to information technology

2) legislation related to public procurements

3) legislation related to copyright

Organisation of administration

1) project management in administration

2) in-house information system

3) drawing up of the budget of the administrative service, cost accounting and

organisation of delivery of materials

Documents and documenting

1) international documenting traditions

2) properties and different forms of documents

a) different forms: microforms

3) documentation sub-systems, such as

a) business documentation

b) technical documentation

c) bookkeeping documents

d) educational, social security and other documentation concerning personal rights

e) medical documentation

f) European Union and other international documentation

Records management

1) national data system and databases

2) metadata standards

Archival processing

1) basic principles and methods of archival systematisation

2) drawing up of the finding aid (description) of archive

a) list of archival records

b) multi-level description of archive

c) drawing up of a register

3) establishment of compatibility between present and past archival systems and


4) archival processing and long-term retention of digital documents

5) contingency plan of archive

5.3.6 Information technology, such as

1) knowledge management

2) geoinfosystems (GISs)

3) medical information systems

4) statistics

5) vector and raster files

Additional skills and knowledge

Legislation and standards related to the profession

1) past legislation on archival system and services and administration of a business

2) past standards on archival system and services and administration

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