Like any normal fest Beaverfest began with the opening. Nothing special happened - I was reading the rules of conduct in the forest and at the festival for new recruits to avoid persecution from the Forest Service Oversight.
Then all the newcomers had to utter an oath in front of the Grand Central Beaver Totem, and then each drank from the cup of the world total, and kissed totem.

There was a self-made home-brewed beer in the cup in 2012, which we made in the kitchen of one of the organizers of a couple of weeks.
Grand Tournament
The Second, the main point of activity was all-around, the idea of it- "To drink and fight."
It consisted from 7 steps about sports (swimming, wrestling) and drinking (beer-pong, edward bottles-hands etc). All players shared by 2 teams – newbies vs. local guys.
Worms race
The idea is very simple - all participants wear sleeping bags over their heads, and then a person with musical instrument leads them along the track. In 2010 was the saxophone, in 2011 - a guitar, and in 2012 - a violin. Participants ram each other and run entirely on sound – you can’t see anything inside a sleeping bag. Strike the trees and to fall down is not so painful, as a thick sleeping bag completely extinguishes the strike. How it looks from the outside, I do not know, because all three times I was among the participants but people say it looks fantastic. Especially when the lead person changes the track and go through the puddles or windbreak.
The last and the final event is closing - the winners will be awarded various diplomas and titles like "The Hangover of the week", "The failure of the week" and so on.
Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1101