MechanismsAmong the main organizers was and is a good friend Slava, who always loves make by hands different interesting things. Having enough space for self-realization, he volunteered to make a couple of mechanisms from wood for Beaver Fest. They were raft and trebuchet. We made the trebuchet twice - the first time it beated thirty meters, the second - at forty meters. But because of calculation error, we laid too many rocks and a lever cracked after three starts.

There is a video of night launch from 2011
Raft - well, about the raft is nothing superfluous. The raft was built of pallets found in the garbage. The last year we were very lucky - a local college was finishing repairs to one of the buildings - has utilized pallets and boards that we have taken. Words cannot convey how much fun we had with these rafts: the fight in the style of "King of the Hill" (the water temperature in the summer does not rise above the eleven degrees), heats at speed, shooting from the trebuchet and conflicts with local GIMS - it was really very cool.

Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1074