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Vocabulary 2 Other/Another


1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of other.


1. This pen isn’t working. Please give me ________ . (singular)

2. If you’re still thirsty, I’ll make _________ cup of tee.

3. He does not need those books. He needs _______ . (all the remaining)

4. There are thirty people in the room. Twenty are from Latin America and __________ are from _________ countries.

5. This glass of milk is sour. __________ glass of milk is sour too.

6. There are seven students from Japan. ____________ are from Iran, and _________ are from __________ places.

7. We looked at four cars today. The first two were far too expensive, but ____________ ones were reasonably priced.


2. Fill in the gaps using another, (the) other, (the) others.


1. On Sunday the whole of the Smallwood family usually sleep late in the morning. Before breakfast their dog Fub always fetches the newspapers from the doormat. On Sundays there are two newspapers: the Observer and the Sunday Express. First he picks up one paper, then he picks up __________ . Then he takes them into the dining-room where they all have breakfast.

2. John had an accident. An ambulance came and took him straight away to hospital. The following evening his friends came to the hospital. They were very worried: it is one thing to read about accidents in newspapers and it’s quite _________ thing when someone you know ends up in hospital.

- “Here”, said David. “We’ve brought you some chocolates – but we are hungry too.” John opened the box and gave them one chocolate each. They all shouted and each tried to take.

- “Please, stop making such a noise”! said the nurse. “Think about ____________ patients.” The nurse smiled at John and looked crossly at ____________ . “What about my bike?” asked John. – “It’s mess” smashed up. You’d better begin saving up for __________ one, when get out of here.”

3. David decided to buy a second-hand car. His friend Chris who worked in a garage tried to help him. “David, I’ve got a couple of second-hand cars round here. A friend of Mr. Hunt’s brought one in this morning and __________ belongs to a friend of mine. The green one looks better, but the old black thing has a better engine. So it would be a much better buy than ________ one.”


Vocabulary 3 Likes and Dislikes

1. Complete the sentences with likes ... or doesn’t like ... + one of the following in the correct form:


be kept waiting

take photographs

do nothing

take risks


work in the open air


solve mysteries


1. George is a detective. He enjoys his work. He likes solving mysteries.

2. Ann very rarely travels by plane. She __________________________________.

3. Rose always carries her camera with her. She _________________________________.

4. Christine doesn’t use her car very often. She __________________________________.

5. Dave is a gardener. He likes his job. He _____________________________________.

6. Jennifer is a very cautious person. She _______________________________________.

7. Ted is extremely lazy. He _______________________________.

8. Helen is very impatient. She ____________________________.


2. Write sentences about yourself. Say whether you like or don’t like these activities. Choose one of these verbs for each sentence:

(don’t) like love hate enjoy don’t mind

1) flying _______________________________________________

2) playing cards _________________________________________

3) doing the ironing ______________________________________

4) going to museums _____________________________________

5) lying on the beach all day _______________________________

6) reading books ________________________________________

7) playing sports ________________________________________


3. Put in a suitable verb in the correct form, - ing or to ... Sometimes either form is possible.

1. It’s nice to be with other people but sometimes I enjoy being alone.

2. I’m not quite ready yet. Do you mind ___________________ a little longer?

3. When I was a child, I hated ___________________ to bed early.

4. I don’t enjoy _____________________ letters. I can never think what to write.

5. I need a new job. I can’t stand ____________________ any more.

6. Caroline never wears a hat. She doesn’t like ________________ hats.

7. When I have to catch a train, I’m always worried that I’ll miss it. So I like ________________ to the station in plenty of time.

4. Adverb and adjective collocations.

Put a suitable intensifying adverb into each gap. Sometimes there will be several possibilities.

A Hello! I’m (a) ____________________ sorry I’m late. The traffic was (b) ____________________ awful.

B That’s alright. How are you?

A (c) ___________________ exhausted! How about you?

B Yes, I feel (d) ____________________ tired myself. How did you find the exam? I thought it was (e) ___________________ difficult.

A Did you? I thought it was (f) ____________________ easy. The last question was (g) obvious.

B I thought that was (h) ____________________ impossible! How did Alice find it?

A Well, she came out looking (i) ____________________ pleased with herself. She was (j) ____________________ convinced before the exam that she was going to fail it, but she worked (k) ___________________ hard in the last few weeks.

B I was (l) _____________________ surprised by the first question. it took me a long time to understand it.

A Never mind. We get the results (n) ___________________ soon, so you’ll find out then. What shall we do tonight? There’s a film on that’s supposed to be (o) ____________________ hilarious. Would you like to see it?

B That’s a(n) (p) ____________________ great idea! I’m also (q) _____________________ hungry. What about you?

A I’m (r) _____________________ famished! Let’s go!


Unit 3

Vocabulary Writing a review


1. Complete the sentences with a preposition.

1. Tom Hanks is perfect in the role ________ the professor.

2. Audrey Tautou is extremely convincing ________ a code-breaker.

3. She gives a performance that is worthy ________ an Oscar.

4. The film is set ________ Paris.

5. The film tells the story ________ an attempt to solve a mysterious murder.

6. It's an adaptation ________ a book by Dan Brown.


2. Think of a film or TV programme that you liked. Replace the words in italics with information about that film or programme.

1. Lost in Translation was directed by Sofia Coppola. It was made in 2003.

2. The film stars Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray.

3. It is set in Tokyo and tells the story of an aging film star and a young woman who find themselves together.

4. Scarlett Johansson is excellent in the role of the young wife who is looking for her role in life.

5. Most of the action takes place in the hotel bar.

6. What is most memorable about Lost in Translation is the performance of Bill Murray.

7. The film appeals to people who want more than Hollywood entertainment.


3. Which tense is used in reviews to give details of the plot?

Griet gets to know the artist while sitting for the picture.

Vermeer's patron, Van Ruijven wants to buy Griet.


4. Expand the notes. Use present simple and any other words that you need.

Lost in Translation: plot summary

Charlotte / meet / Bob / Tokyo hotel. They / both bored. They / spend / few days together / he / talk / about / his wife / children. She / talk / her husband / photographer. They / become / good friends / important experience / their lives.

/From Straightforward, Upper-Intermediate, Student’s Book, Jim Scrivener, Celia Bingham/


Grammar Language of politeness

Can and Could – permission and requests

1. Study these examples – they are all polite and tentative.

Could I possibly interrupt you?

Do you think I could speak to you for a few minutes?

I was wondering if I could ask you for a favour.

I couldn’t possibly have another day to finish that work, couldn’t I?

Could you possibly do me a favour?

Do you think you could help me with a problem I’ve got?

I was wondering if you could lend me some money for a few days.

You couldn’t possibly lend me $20, could you?


2. Use each form once in the following situations. Use a more direct form in two of them.


1. Mr Wilson asks his boss if he can leave the office an hour earlier than usual.

Could I possibly leave the office an hour earlier than usual?

2. Stephen asks his guitar teacher to lend him his guitar for the evening.


3. Mr Wilson wants his neighbour to help him carry a cupboard upstairs.


4. You ask someone to move his car, as it’s blocking the entrance to your garage.


5. Julie and two of her friends ask their typing teacher for permission to leave early.


6. Mrs Wilson would like Julie to do some shopping for her, if she has time.


7. You ask a stranger next to you in a train if you can look at his newspaper.


8. You ask your host for permission to use his phone.


9. You ask someone you hardly know for a lift into town.


10. You are checking out of a hotel, and want to pay your bill.



Modals of social interaction
Uses Explanations Examples Meaning
Making Requests   Would is a softer request than will, and could is softer than can. In general, formality is shown by using would and could rather than can and will. Would you mind helping me? Would you help me? Could you help me? Can you help me? Will you help me?   more formal     less formal
Asking for Permission   May and might are more formal than can and could. Might I speak with Bruce? May I speak with Bruce? Could I speak with Bruce? Can I speak with Bruce? more formal   less formal
Giving Advice and Making Suggestions   While must has the feeling of a requirement or very strong advice, might and could make the advice seem more like a suggestion than a required action. You must arrive on time. You should arrive on time. You ought to arrive on time. You might arrive on time. You could arrive on time. stronger     weaker

/From Mosaic 2 Grammar, Patricia K. Werner, John P. Nelson/


3. Change the sentences into polite requests using the words in parentheses.

1. I want you to hand me that book. (would)
Would you (please) hand me that book?

2. I want you to give me some advice about buying a computer. (could)

3. I want to borrow your wheelbarrow. (could)

4. I want to have a cup of coffee. (may)

5. I want to use your bicycle tomorrow. (can)

6. I want you to read over my composition for spelling errors. (would)

7. I want you to open the door for me. (would you mind)

8. I want to leave early. (would you mind)

/Understanding and Using English Grammar, Workbook, Betty Schrampfer Azar/


4. First, complete the items in this activity with appropriate modal auxiliaries. After each, indicate whether your sentence is formal or informal.

Example Will you pass the mashed potatoes, please?

Informal (for example, as a request to a family member at the dinner table).


1. You _________ see a doctor. That lump looks suspicious.


2. _________ I shut the window? It's really cold in here.


3. _________ Billy come with us to the movie this afternoon?


4. Every citizen _________ vote in a presidential election.


5. You _________ try meditating to lower your blood pressure.


6. I just loved San Francisco. You really _________ go there if you have the chance.


7. _________ I have this dance?


8. Mr. President, _________ I be permitted to say a few words?


9. If you don't like the color, you _________ always bring it back for another.


10. Reverend Weir, _________ you give me permission to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage?


/From Mosaic 2 Grammar, Patricia K. Werner, John P. Nelson/


5. Read the situation and write questions beginning Do you think…

1. You want to borrow your friend’s camera. What do you say to him?

Do you think I could borrow your camera?

2. You’re at a friend’s house and you want to use her phone. What do you say?


3. You’ve written a letter in English. Before you send it, you want an English friend to check it. What do you ask him?


4. You want to leave work early because you have some things to do. What do you ask your boss?


5. The woman in the next room is playing music. It’s very loud. You want her to turn it down. What do you say to her?


6. You are phoning the owner of a flat which was advertised in a newspaper. You are interested in the flat and you want to come and see it today. What do you say to the owner?



6. What would you say in these situations?


1. John has come to see you in your flat. You offer him something to eat.

YOU: ________________________________________________

JOHN: No, thank you. I’m not hungry.

2. You need help to change the film in your camera. You ask Ann.

YOU: ________________________________________________

ANN: Sure. It’s easy. All you have to do is this.

3. You’re on train. The woman next to you has finished reading her newspaper. Now you want to have a look at it. You ask her.

YOU: Excuse me, _______________________________________

WOMAN: Yes, of course. I’ve finished with it.

4. You’re on a bus. You have a seat but an elderly man is standing. You offer him your seat.


MAN: Oh, that’s very kind of you. Thank you very much.

5. You’re the passenger in a car. Your friend is driving very fast.

You ask her to slow down.

YOU: You’ re making me very nervous. _____________________

DRIVER: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was going so fast.

6. You’ve finished your meal in a restaurant and now you want the bill. You ask the waiter:

YOU: _________________________________________________

WAITER: Right. I’ll get it for you now.

7. A friend of yours is interested in one of your books. You invite him to borrow it.

FRIEND: This book looks very interesting.

YOU: Yes, it’s very good. _________________________________


7. Write what you would say in the following situations.


1. You are in a crowded restaurant. You see a table with one chair free. What do you ask the other people at the table before you sit down?


2. You are at a friend’s house. You have to make a short, but very urgent phone call. What do you say?


3. Your landlord has come to collect the rent, but you have no money. Apologize, and offer to pay tomorrow.


4. You have to fill in a form, but haven’t got a pen. Ask to borrow one.



8. Responses

Think of a suitable negative response to the requests and requests for permission (1-8).

Example: I'd like to borrow your mini-disc player if it's not too much trouble.

Oh, I’m sorry. I'll be using it this weekend.

1. I need some fresh air. Is it OK if I open the window?


2. Oh, I've just remembered. I need to call Jan. I don't suppose it would be possible to use your mobile for a few minutes?


3. You're going out, are you? Do you think you could post these letters for me?


4. Will you take these chairs and move them into the other room?


5. Can you give me a hand getting the food ready tomorrow night? I've got a lot of people coming for dinner.


6. Do you mind if we eat out tonight? I don't feel like cooking.


7. You couldn't help me with this DVD player, could you? I don't understand the instructions.


8. Can I have some more apple juice? I'm still thirsty.


Vocabulary Cinema and theatre


A Theatre At the theatre you can see plays, e.g. Hamlet by Shakespeare, or musicals, e.g. Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber. In a play the cast (= the total number of actors) is usually quite small, but musicals often have a very large cast. One difference between the theatre and cinema is that you usually book (= reserve) tickets in advance (= some time before the actual performance) if you are going to the theatre. Another difference is that the audience (= the people watching the play/musical) clap at the end of the performance. This does not usually happen (in Britain) at the end of a film.   B Cinema Plays are performed on stage, films are shown on screen. In your country, films in English are either shown with subtitles (= there is a translation across the bottom of the screen), or they are dubbed (= the English is removed and replaced by actors speaking in your own language). Films are set (= take place) in many different periods and places, e.g. Room with a View is set in the early part of the 20th century; Blade Runner is set in the future. And when people talk about films, they often talk about the director, e.g. Spielberg, Bertolucci; and the stars, the most important actors and actresses, e.g. Tom Hanks and Jodie Foster.   C Types of film western: a film about America in the 19th century; often with cowboys and Indians war film, e.g. Born on the 4th of July action film, e.g. Indiana Jones horror film, e.g. Dracula; Frankenstein comedy: a funny film that makes you laugh science fiction film: about the future romantic comedy: love story and funny romance: a love story/about a relationship disaster movie: e.g. Titanic thriller: an exciting story often about a crime   D Describing plays and films Journalists write articles in which they give their opinion of new films and plays. They are called critics, and their articles are called reviews. These are some words they may use:   moving: producing strong emotions, often of sadness; a positive word violent: includes lots of scenes with fighting and death powerful: has a big effect on our emotions gripping: exciting and very interesting good fun: used to describe a film that may not be very serious or important but is enjoyable slow: boring brilliant/superb acting (= fantastic acting) an awful/dreadful film (= terrible) a complex plot (= story with many ideas)

Date: 2015-01-02; view: 2649

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Vocabulary 1 GOING OUT | Look at the picture of your visit to the theatre and answer these questions.
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