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Vocabulary 1 GOING OUT

1. Put the sentences of this dialogue in the right order.

A: Why don’t we go to the Goldie Hawn one? I loved her in Private Benjamin.

A: I don’t really know what’s on. Have we got a newspaper?

A: OK. Just let me comb my hair and I’ll be ready to go.

A: Shall we go and see a film tonight?

A: Oh, not too serious – I’ve had a hard day.

B: Yeah, somewhere around here. Let me see. Oh, here we are. Do you feel like something serious or not?

B: Yeah, let’s. What shall we see?

B: Well, what about the new Superman film at the Odeon? Or there’s that new one with Goldie Hawn at the Crystal.

B: That sounds fine to me. It’s not until 8.15. How about a quick Chinese meal beforehand?


2. Try to fill in the blanks with suitable words.

A: Where shall we go ...................?

B: How .................... a concert?

A: OK. .................... see what’s on near here. Here we are. We’ve got quite a choice. Bach, Haydn and Mozart; or Stravinsky; or Ewan MacColl – he’s a folk singer, ....................?

B: Yeah.

A: Or Dolly Parton.

B: Which .................... do you prefer?

A: Don’t mind, really. I’m not mad ................... country and western, ................... otherwise I’m easy.

B: What about Stravinsky, then – I haven’t heard any Stravinsky .................... a long time.

A: OK. It’s .................... eight, so we’ve got plenty of time.

B: Great. Why .................... we have a drink somewhere first?


3. Complete the sentences with the right form of the following words. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.



1. Peter ....................ed himself by throwing chestnuts into the fire.

2. I wondered what could have led me to .................... so ludicrous a thought.

3. We had a beautiful house where we ......................ed many famous people.

4. Dancing is something that I really .................... doing.

5. As he was rather an introvert he found it difficult to .....................

6. During my school years I was happy to .................... with the biology students.

7. We had to keep thinking of things to ................... her.

8. We ......................ed the guests with a detailed description of the trip we had ......................ed so enormously.


Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1537

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