Listen and repeat the words paying attention to the sounds.A.
[ æ ] [ e ]badge bedding balance belly laugh batch bench
captious kept cattle kettle cat debt
clamp cleft daffy deaf hat head
fashion fester happy helper lamp lemon
B. [ æ ] [ e ] [ i ] [ i: ]
bad bed bid bead man men mink mean
batter better bitter beaten mass mess mist meter
latter letter litter lease bland blend blink bleed
pack peck pick peak pan pen pin peel
sad said sit seed than then this these
sand send sin scene tack tech tick teak
Activity 3. Read the sentences. Mind the reading rules.
Pack the bags.
Have a snack, Jack.
Fancy that!
Thats absolutely fantastic!
The lad cannot be that bad.
Ann chatters like a magpie.
Pat cannot catch that.
Just imagine!
Sam wrote a bad exam.
It wasnt as bad as that.
Jack isnt a bad chap.
The man managed to land safely.
Alice was so happy about her cat.
He let the cat out of the bag.
Activity 4. Read the proverbs according to the reading rules.
Activity 5. Read the rhymes. Mind the sound [æ].
Pussy cat, Pussy cat, Pussy cat, Pussy cat,
Will you catch that big fat rat? That fat rat is very bad.
It is sitting by the ham If you catch it, Ill be glad.
Just behind the apple jam. Ill give you some milk for that.

[ a: ]

²Activity 1. Listen and repeat the words paying attention to the sound [a:].
· art-artist-artistry-article-arm-bar-scar-star-start-bart-part-dark-park
· glass-grass-pass-class
· fast-master-last-vast-plaster
· ask-flask-mask-task
· grasp-hasp-rasp-raspberry
· half-calf-calm-palm-psalm
· ant-grant-plant-cant
· father-rather-bath-bathroom-path
· after-raft-craft
· dance-glance-France-chance
· heart-hearth
B. part partial hearth hearthrug mast master
large largish pass password garb garbage
art artist bath bathroom vast vastness
grass grassy hard hardworking part partner
fast fastness park parking half halfway
harm harmless mark market harvest harvester
heart heart attack heart break heartland heartfelt kindhearted heartless heartsick hearty
| | BUT!
· hard hardly harden hardboard hard line hardworking
· mark market marketing marketplace
· parliament parliamentary parliamentarian
· participant participate participation
· part partner partnership
· pass passing passport passbook
· mast master masterpiece
· half halfway half-and-half
· palm palmist palmtop palm tree
· nasty nastily nastiness
· lance lancing lancet
²Activity 2. Contrasting Sound Practice
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1109