Listen and repeat the words paying attention to the sounds.A. [a:] [Λ]bargain bugger barge bulge calm culture
card cut carpet cupboard daft duff
dark duster fast fuss gasp gust
harbour hubbub lark luck mark muck
B. [a:] [æ] [e] [Λ]
bath bat bet but lark lank leg luck
pass passion pest puzzle dark dagger desk duck
mark mag member muck calm camp scent come
chart chat chest chunk half hack help huff
March match metric much barn band bend bun
²Activity 3. Listen to the speaker and imitate the tongue twister.
Learn it by heart.
A large dark car is parked in our bar.
Activity 4. Read the sentences. Mind the reading rules.
Who likes tarts?
Are these pass marks?
Arthur is rather marvelous.
I asked him to start the car.
Cars cant be parked here after dark.
Id like to dance after classes.
Take the last bus at half past six.
I asked him to come to our party.
She was rather pretty but her face
was like a glass mask.
Half of the farms are on the
northern part.
He enlarged his knowledge in France.
I cant answer it so far.
I cant say it is a hardship.
The grass seemed to be varnished
with ice.
Arnold laughed at the artist.
I am the king of the castle.
The harbours are hardly visible.
Activity 5. Read the proverbs according to the reading rules.
Can you find Russian versions for them?
Activity 6. Read the poem. Mind the sound [a:].
The Telephone
Friends a hundred miles apart
Sit and chatter heart to heart,
Boys and girls from school afar
Speak to mother, ask papa.
Alfred H. Miles
[ כ ]

²Activity 1. Listen and repeat the words paying attention to the sound [כ].
· oh-ox-box-cod-cot-god-goth-hob-hop-log-lock-nod-knot-mock-sock-chock-long-gong-prong-strong-wrong
· quad-qualify-quality-quandary-quarrel-quarry-quarter-quash-squad-squat
· was-want-watch-wash-wander-what
B. cot apricot pond fishpond block blockbuster
log catalogue box boxing chock chock-a-block
what somewhat gob goblin doss doss house
frog leap-frog ox Oxford fog - foggy
mock mockery cob cobweb gloss glossary
hock hockey lot lottery possible impossible
²Activity 2. Contrasting Sound Practice
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1316