You have a devil within. You are a little too flip.
[ e ]

²Activity 1. Listen and repeat the words paying attention to the sound [e].
· bed-ten-get-men-wet-fret-help-tell-hotel-left-kept-crept-peck-metal-petal-end-egg-echo-edge-effort-entry
· head-dead-bread-deaf-threaten-instead-meadow-health-wealth-leather-death-breath-ready-weather-heather-feather
· heavy-leaven-heaven
· measure-pleasure-leisure-treasure
· pheasant-weapon-meant
· guess-guessed-quest
· said: I said, we said, you said, they said
B. neck necklace feather feathery fence defense
deaf deafness leather leatherette wealth wealthy
ego egoist effort effortless egg egghead
entry entrance threat threaten red reddish
render rendering remiss remission self self-help
C. them bedroom pencil dress peppe r
twelve trend pen-friend rector shelf
fence belt shelter selfish treasury
scent cheque ready sense treadle
pen cherry tress sensible realm
beck dealt reckon sensor beggar
²Activity 2. Contrasting Sound Practice
Listen and repeat the words paying attention to the sounds.
A. [e] - [æ]
beg bag ketch catch then than gem jam
dead dad ember amber kettle cattle tread track
bed bad guess gas met mat velvet valid
send sand set sad men man yellow - yap
· bet bat bit beet beat
· deck dead deaf dad dip deal deep
· pen pan pin peak peek
· fleck feather flat fifth field feat feet
· held hat head hit heat heel
· net natty nick neat need niece
· red rant ready ring ream reel
· ten tan tin teen team
Activity 3. Read the sentences. Mind the reading rules.
When the weather is wet
we must not fret.
I guessed our guest was a Frenchman.
Its a real pleasure to spend leisure
with you.
Well said. Get better.
Mel meant to get ahead.
Ed expects a better weather.
I prefer leather things.
He is an egoist. He never asks about
his friends health.
Where is the entrance to the hotel?
Who is the author of the book
Treasure Island?
What a terrible essay!
Im impressed by such dreadful
My head is full of pleasant information.
Activity 4. Read the proverbs according to the reading rules.
Can you find Russian versions for them?
²Activity 5. Read the poem. Mind the sound [ e ].
Grizzly Bear
If you ever, ever, ever meet a grizzly bear,
You must never, never, never ask him
Where he is going or what he is doing.
For, if you ever, ever dare to stop a grizzly bear,
You will never meet another grizzly bear!
Mary Austin
²Activity 6. Listen to the speaker and imitate the tongue twister.
Learn it by heart.
Date: 2015-12-18; view: 1257