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II 4.Give some advice on what I need to think about when choosing a job.

Variant I

Choosing a career is probably one of the most difficult things in the world. You want to be doing something that you love for the rest of your life. If you choose the wrong career, you might probably end up in a dead end job which you hate and which results in a miserable life.

The first step would be to create a list of things that you like to do. For example, you can list down your hobbies or interests that you have been doing or would like to know about doing. You might also think back to your childhood. Your early years might be the best place to start. Assess your abilities. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What kind of skills do you have? You can try to come up with something that you are good at doing such as cooking or public speaking. If you have trouble coming up with ideas, take some time to rest or walk in the park. While relaxing yourself, you may think of something like, ‘I’m good at pet sitting’ or ‘I make delicious cookies’. Write down these ideas onto a piece of paper.

When you have the list of ideas that you like to be doing, try to brainstorm several jobs that might be related toyour preferences. For instance, if you ever dreamed of becoming a movie star and walking down the red carpet, check out a career in media, the entertainment industry or public relations.

You can begin by looking at the courses you are taking in high school. What are your best subjects? What kinds of extracurricular activities do you participate in? What kinds of things did you learn from part-time or summer jobs? There must be at least one class that stands out above the rest.

When you’ve got the list of jobs, assess these professions.You can gather information such as job descriptions, salary, education requirements, necessary experience, work related hazards, etc. Moreover, you can interview others who are already in the professions and visit the library for additional resources as well as searching the internet for relevant information. Think what is important for you in a job: helping society, working under pressure, group affiliation, stability, security, status, working alone or with groups, having a positive impact on others, and many others. Doing all these will put you in a much better position for choosing your future careers.

You can try some of the free career assessment tests. Career assessment test is one of the popular methods of giving you an idea of what you are good at and what you like to do when it comes to choosing a career. If you have the money, seek a careers coach or guide for ideas. These professionals are experts in career assessment. They are able to point you in the right careers direction after assessing key areas which you are good at. You can also get free advice from parents, teachers, friends or relatives. But remember that parents’ opinions are sometimes biased. Most of the time, parents would say the financial aspect is very important when it comes to choosing a career. As a result, the careers that they prefer might not be the one that fit you the best. Keep in mind that simply choosing a career because it pays well will not make you happy.

See also p.119 in your student’s book (11 form, 2015)


II 5.Some people think that it is necessary to have good communication skills in order to get a good job. Do you agree with this?

If you are either applying for a job or looking for a promotion with your current employer, you will need to demonstrate good communication skills. The ability to communicate both verbally and in writing with a wide variety of people, maintain good eye contact, write clearly and succinctly, demonstrate a varied vocabulary and tailor your language to your audience are all essential skills that employers seek out. Good verbal and written communication means you can get your messages across with less chance of misunderstanding.

Similarly, active listening skills involve not only hearing but gaining and understanding information. Listening is a basic requirement leading to fewer mistakes and a greater understanding of the needs of employer and client. As your career progresses, the importance of communication skills increases since as well as creativity, people skills, and an aptitude for teamwork, the ability to speak and write with clarity and conciseness is essential for managers.


1.Let’s talk about your future career. What is your idea of an ideal job?

2. Is there any profession you wouldn’t like to go into? Why (not)?

3. What questions will you ask your future employer at a job interview?

4.Give me some advice on how to create a positive impression on the employer at a job interview.
5.Some people think that it is necessary to have computer skills to get a good job. Do you agree with this?

III 1.Let’s talk about your future career. What is your idea of an ideal job?

I would describe the ideal job as a job that makes the most of my qualifications and abilities, and gives me a chance to constantly challenge myself. I look for a stable job with quality supervision, a positive work culture at a successful company that will encourage me to work at my best.

I would like to mention some points my “dream job” should correspond to:

· My ideal job would be – Open, supportive, entrepreneurial, stimulating, collaborative, inspiring, focused on fostering strengths.

· A job that provides opportunity to learn, progress and contribute to the organization.

· The workplace that gives enough space and helps employees to grow. There should be healthy team work, good communication, mutual understanding between each team member. A workplace where there is respect for individual’s ideas and always appreciate good work as well as knowledge.

· A teamwork-oriented environment in a company that empowers employees to create and take initiatives.

· I would love to work in a job in which I can work both by myself and with others to achieve the end result. I am very self-motivated so I am interested in working in an atmosphere where I can continuously learn new things and improve my skills.

· A workplace that is open to communication, staff that are approachable and willing to listen as well as give feedback.

· I would prefer working in an interesting and professional job where everybody works hard and helps each other to succeed as a team.

· A job where I can use my creative abilities to support, aid and mentor other professionals.


See I 1

III 2. Is there any profession you wouldn’t like to go into? Why (not)?

Worst jobs

#1 Newspaper Reporter

Once a respected and desirable profession the job of Newspaper Reporter or ‘Hack’ is high-stress and low-paid. What’s more, the print media industry is in crisis with many experts predicting its collapse in the next 10 years.

# 2 Lumberjack

Backbreaking labour, exposure to dangerous machinery, low wages, and remote locations conspire to make lumberjacking the second worst job in the world. It doesn’t matter how much you love trees or love cutting them down.

# 3 Enlisted Military personnel

If you live in a neutral country, a job in the army is a ticket to a life on the pig’s back, if not though you face the prospect of going to war where you’ll be routinely put into the most stressful conditions possible, for relatively little pay, in the crappiest environments. You’ll then have to suffer the after effects of your experiences with very little support and not much public sympathy.

# 4 Actor

The lack of work makes the drama sector extremely competitive and while you may be classically trained, your dreams of Hollywood stardom or playing Hamlet at the Old Vic might have to take a backseat as you are forced to dress up as a banana for promotional work. Very few make the big-time, while most end up double or triple jobbing to make ends meet. As you get older your employment prospects dwindle even further, especially if you’re a woman the likelihood of pension or retirement fund a very slim one.
Use the examples of jobs from your student’s book: an entrepreneur, a nurse (tapescripts Unit 5 Lesson 1 ex. 4 b, 4 c), a barista (pp. 116-117 in your student’s book), a flight attendant (tapescripts Unit 5 Lesson2 ex.4 a)


III 3. What questions will you ask your future employer at a job interview?

See I 3

Date: 2015-12-18; view: 3707

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