1. Your personal details
Full name
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Date of birth
Please attach a recent full colour photograph here
Please confirm that we can use this photograph on the promotion needs
2. Your contact details
Home town
Telephone number
Live Journal
Other social media
3. Your education
How do you rate your English language skills?
4. Your business (organisation) details
How long have you been working in cultural management sector?
Name of the organisation which you represent
Address of organisation
Telephone number
Your position
Please describe your working experience in cultural management sector (300 words maximum)
Do you think you are a beginner or an advanced use of social media and other digital tools?
Could you, please, describe your experience in digital briefly?
Why would you like to participate in Cultural Management Workshop?
How you are going to use the skills received at the Cultural management workshop? How it will benefit you personally and your organisation?
Could you, please, describe the project that you would like to develop a digital campaign around during the workshop?
* This will be an obligatory part of the workshop on Day 2.
How did you hear about this Workshop?
Media news article
British Council website
British Council bulletin/mailing list
Trade association bulletin/mailing list, in which case please specify:
Other organisation bulletin/mailing list, in which case please specify:
E-flyer/email from British Council
E-flyer/email from trade association/organisation, in which case please specify
Word of mouth
Search engine
Other, in which case please specify:
10. Declaration
I confirm that the information given on this application form is true and accurate
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