Economy*Agrarian reform
** Industry and trade -Low taxes on imported goods
- the state constructed plants, factories, railroads and then sold them to Japanese capitalists
Consequences of the reforms: by the beginning of the XX century Japan had become great power, its economic development was 10 times faster then in Russia. National income increased 3 %. Japanese capitalism entered the stage of imperialism.
Peculiarities of Japanese imperialism: state supported big monopolies; bourgeoisie used precapitalist forms of exploitation (forced labor, kids' and women's labor) and cheap labor of peasants who left villages- these feudal remnants made imperialism in Japan weak. Living standards of population were low. It was agrarian-industrial country.
3. Foreign policy
The main goal in foreign policy was expansion, first- in Korea. After unfair treaty of 1876 Japan dominated at Korean market. It led to the conflict and then to the war with China (1894-1895). China was defeated and lost some territories (Lyodung peninsula and Taiwan island) and had to pay great contribution. In 1910 Korea was annexed and became colony of Japan.
Russian-Japan war ( 1904-1905). The main reason of the war- domination in the Far East. In February, 1904 Japanese navy unexpectedly attacked Russian navy in Port Arthur. At the same time Russian ships were attacked by Japan in Korean port Chemulpo. Japan was successful and in two days declared war on Russia.
Siege of Port Arthur For some months the Russian military men bravely protected their fortress. Japanese army lost there 110 thousand officers and soldiers. But in sea Japan was more successful. Port Arthur capitulated. After some lost battles Russia was defeated.
2. Questions for test
1. Causes of modernization of Japan during Mutsukhito
2. Reforms in political life
3. Reforms in economy
4. Consequences of reforms
5. Results of the aggressive wars at the beginning of the 20c.
Result of the Russian- Japan war of 1904-1905
A. Russia was defeated
B. Japan was defeated
C. The countries agreed to come to peace
D. Britain stopped the war
Agrarian reforms of Mutsukhito in Japan
A. established private property on land
B. prohibited private property on land
C. made all land the Emperor’s property
D. made all land the colonizators’ property
4.Task for IWS - Japan at Washington conference
5. Task for office hours - USA and Japan at the first half of
Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1009