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Let's consider the plan of the political report of an embassy made in a little bit simplified variant.

1. Introduction;

2. Internal policy;

3. External policy;

4. Bilateral relations;

5. Information-propaganda work;

6. Consular work;

7. Organisation-personnel issues;

8. Proposals.

In an introduction the brief characteristic of the political and socio-economic situation of a host country and the condition of bilateral relations are given.

In the section of internal policy the changes of political forces arrangement in a host country, as we assume, the result of parliamentary elections first of all are marked. It is necessary to give the characteristics of reasons, which have brought opposition parties in the victory of parliamentary elections and also appearance of a new political situation in the country. The new political situation promotes appearance of new political groupings, it is necessary to give the characteristics to them.

Past parliamentary elections (as we have assumed) have resulted in arrival of a new Government. In the report there should be analyzed the reasons of the former Government resignation. It can be an adverse of economic situation of the country, political miscalculations of the Government, decrease of a vital level of the population, fn the report the estimation of the activity of the Government for the accounting period, its positive and negative results should be given. It is necessary to consider whether there is a crisis phenomenon in an economy and how to overcome the deficiency of the state budget and payment balance of the country. It is desirable in the report to result the brief characteristics of a management of a host country.

The characteristics on the political and public figures, diplomats, businessmen, figures of culture are made so that somebody in MFA should know about their political sights, public activity, and political role of the country. His relations to the accredited country and his authority in home country are underlined by all means. If there are his

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printed works, it is necessary to specify them. The characteristic should contain both positive and negative sides of the person. The marital status, the structure of his family and whenever possible characteristic on the spouse are necessary to inform.

The characteristic should contain only checked up facts and items of information and also proved estimation of his activity. Mistakes or omissions in the characteristic are inadmissible. Absence of a mention that the visitor is the vegetarian can result in failure of a dinner. It is necessary to note religious sights. The characteristic of the economic program, developed by the Government (for example, the program of overcoming of state budget deficiency, new law on a taxation, new strategy of a privatization etc.) is usually given in the section of internal policy. Analysing the Government activity for past year, it is necessary to result the data on level of industrial and agricultural manufactures, foreign trade revolution, external debts of the country, size of currency stocks, volume of the invested capital, condition of its population, presence of unemployment, if those are available. If at the program of the Government there are elements of an exit from crisis, it is necessary to stop on them (for example, restriction of excessive charges state apparatus, abolition of some official bodies, reduction of privileges etc.). To show, what items of the economic program are performed and what is not present. Whether the activity of a new Government in the crisis phenomena in the country, decrease of a vital level, rise in prices on foodstuffs and essential commodities, aggravation of social intensity in the society have resulted. The theme of interaction of three branches of authority (legislative, executive and judicial) also should be reflected in the annual report.

At the end of the first unit it is necessary to give the brief characteristic of a socio-economic situation in the given country for accounting year, a condition of payment balance, external debt, rates of a privatization.

At the writing of the unit of external policy of a host country it is necessary first of all to reflect a place of the country in global policy. For example it is in such plan. The external policy of a host country is directed on maintenance of the diplomatic relations with various countries (it is possible to demonstrate figures), participation

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in the international organisations, development of co-operation in military-political area, participation in various regional organisations. The directions are priority in the field of bilateral co-operation with the countries of EU (Germany, Austria, France). The co-operation with the USA and Japan became active. The relation with the neighbouring countries remains friendly.

Host country (name) aspires to integrate in West-European and Euro Atlantic structures, making active communications and contacts with EU and NATO at all levels and in all directions.

The Government of the country, as well as the former Government, most priority directions of external policy considers the reception of the status of the full member of the European Union and integration in military structures of NATO.

Simultaneously the management of the country aspires to restore the broken off communications with the countries of CIS (Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan etc.). The diplomatic relations with many countries of the former USSR are established.

The management of the country actively uses international conferences, which are taking place in the capital for the achievement of a progress in integration in EU and NATO, in negotiations with delegations of various countries.

In problems of the settlement of international conflicts it acts for the peace political decision, giving the special meaning to the UN peacekeeping operations.

The basic principles of external policy of a host country are pragmatic, steadiness, forecasting.

The bilateral relations develop on the basis of signed earlier documents during visits of the heads of states and Governments (it is necessary to specify documents).

The prior directions of the foreign policy interaction are problems of the international and European security, integration processes between the Eurasian states. In the report it is necessary to concentrate positions of a host country in problems of the creation of the global system of a security, the settlement of conflicts and connection it with the position of the country.

In the report the major factors in the development of trade-economic

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co-operation (.signing of the conventions, agreements, documents etc.) should be displayed. Priority directions of bilateral co-operation in various areas (agriculture, industry, military area, culture, education, sports etc.) further are displayed.

The section of information-propaganda work covers the activity of operative - diplomatic structure on distribution of the information about own country among the officials of a host country, representatives of business and financial circles, journalists, members of local diplomatic corps. In the report it is necessary to specify in what mass media there were materials and to what questions they were devoted.

The information-propaganda work depends on the status of the country and from here directions of the embassy activity are defined.

What steps are undertaken by the Ambassador for the distribution of information about his country, about foreign policy initiatives of the management of the country (statements at the TV program, round tables, interviews, press - conferences).

The tribunes of international organisations are used by diplomats for information-propaganda work too.

Consular work has special section. The RK Embassy activity with the Kazakhstan citizens on consular issues (rendering assistance at the registration of documents, settling of problems with officials of a host country etc.) and with the Kazakhstan citizens constantly living in a host country (maintenance of constant contacts, invitation to various meetings), registration of the visas for the citizens of a host country etc are submitted.

If Consular convention and Agreement on the order of entrance and departure of the citizens of two countries are signed, it is necessary to present results of these agreements action.

The organisational-personnel issues reflect work with the staff. In the report improvement of professional skill of the staff should be reflected, the estimation of a moral climate in an embassy and the occupation of all list of staff are given, the offer on the raise of diplomatic workers in their posts and ranks are made.

If the business trip of diplomats or other employees is finished, the characteristics and recommendations about their further use in MFA are directed to the Staff department. In case of non-scheduled sending

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back somebody from the employees the certain information is directed to the Center. Work among the family members of the workers of foreign policy representations is also stated in this section.

In the conclusion of each report the proposals of basic character, offer on development of relations with a host country or appropriate international organisation in the next calendar year are given. To such proposals may concern: the offer on the organisation of a state visit, the necessity of signing of appropriate documents, the realisation of an exchange of parliamentary delegations of two countries, the realisation of sessions of bilateral intergovernmental commissions etc.

The report other materials (structure of a government, list of parliamentary parties, calendar of national day and celebrations of a host country, various statistical materials about the budget of a host country, conditions of bilateral trade, the armed forces of a host country and also the list of information-help materials of an embassy etc.) are applied in addition. Provisional volume of the reports changes from 20 up to 40 pages of the typewritten text. The term of the representation of reports is not later than February 15 of the current year.

The annual reports of embassies and representations at the international organisations are directed to appropriate departments, supervising them in MFA.

The most important estimations, conclusions and offers contained in the annual reports, supervising divisions report the appropriate Deputy-Ministers.

The territorial departments prepare the conclusions on the report and direct them to an embassy within one month. The conclusions of the Center on the reports contain an assessment of works of embassies and representations at the international organisations, the analysis of conclusions and offers and what measures are undertaken by MFA for their realisation.

The political letters are directed to the Center when there is a necessity to inform MFA, management of a state on the important events inside a host country, about the bilateral relations, when it is necessary to undertake additional measures, to carry out any initiatives. Usually Ambassadors direct the political letters between the annual reports, that the information is collected altogether. The analysis and

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generalisation of the saved materials requires the certain reaction from the part of MFA.

The difference of the political letters from other documents is that politletters are devoted to the important themes (estimation of the government policy in a host country) and require the duly information. On the other hand, politletters contain all-round analysis and recommendations of an embassy in protection of interests of the country. Sometimes foreign policy representations direct to the Center politletters on the certain items according to the Plan of information-help works. Usually in the Plan for the second quarter the writing of the politletter on a theme - About the position of a host country on foreign policy problems is provided.

Politletters are directed to the Center, when in the life of a host country become ripe serious changes in internal and external policies, opportunity of change of authority, management of that country. For drawing up of the political letters there are no certain rules. The last copy of politletter is prepared by a narrow circle of persons (envoy, councilor) and signed by the Ambassador. The discussion of the political letters, if it is discussed, also passes in a narrow circle. Now the political letters is established no more than 8-10 pages.

The conclusion on the political letters is made by territorial or functional departments of the ministry and is directed by the signature of the head of a department (director of a department) within two weeks after their arrival in the Center.

The senior diplomats (envoys, councilors, sometimes from the sanction of the Center other senior diplomats) carry out the preparation of operative - diplomatic telegrams. Usually telegrams are devoted to the important and urgent matters. Sometimes the most essential and urgent part of political letters transfer by the code on telegraph (secret cable), if the information is required to be sent to the Center urgently.

Cable information should be based on serious sources, not repeat materials of mass media. The telegram should contain the exact and important information, to be compressed without superfluous words, to contain the analysis of the stated information and offer. The size of the usual telegram is 1-2 pages of the typewritten text. Style of the telegram is simple, laconic, convincing without superfluous details.

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The telegram should reflect the point of view of an Embassy on this or that problem, instead of being arranged under the opinion of a Government, Minister. At drawing up the telegram it is necessary to be guided by an objective estimation of events, absolutely exact statement of the facts and offers directed on the protection of interests of the country and its citizens.

The example of the operative - diplomatic telegram I would like to bring from my practice. In 1974 in the Turkish Republic parliamentary elections should pass. Before the diplomats of the USSR Consulate -General in Istanbul and the USSR Embassy in Ankara there was a task to guess results of forthcoming elections. Six big parties participated in the elections, behind which there were various political forces. Having studied allpossible variants from various sources, I decided to meet one of the influential and rich businessmen, with whom I was well acquainted. After our conversation concerning the bilateral relations, I casually had taken an interest, which from parties can reach authority. Without any fluctuations my interlocutor told that as the People-Republican party (PRP) within the framework of an existing regime is going to carry out democratic reforms and it will win. From other sources I managed to learn that my interlocutor financed PRP. Having compared all received items of information from various sources I urgently transferred the operative - diplomatic telegram to Moscow that the People-Republican party will come to authority as a result of elections. My forecasts had come true, but the forecasts of the USSR Embassy in Ankara were in other way and it had caused some unpleasant moments personally for me.

In conclusion it is necessary to stop on the style of telegrams. The form of the telegrams should be simple. It begins with the title, which reflects the contents of the telegram. The telegram issigned by the Ambassador or in his absence by the Temporary Charge de affairs of an Embassy or the Consul - General during his absence by the Consul-manager of a Consulate - General. The very interesting example is demonstrated by the Soviet diplomat Popov V.I. One Ambassador sent a telegram to Moscow about the budget of a host country in 10 pages. He received from Moscow the remark that a theme and size of the telegram have not justified the charges on it, the data on the budget

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could be sent with diplomatic mail. "Henceforth charges on such telegrams will be paid in currency from your wages".

The text of the telegrams should be clear, the characteristics should be bright, not causing any doubts.

Small quantity of the persons could be acquainted with the text of such cable.


The information-analytical work is the basic activity of an embassy. The information-analytical documents are made on the diversified subjects representing interest for MFA of the accredited country. Here firmly certain rules do not exist. In each concrete case the most urgent theme is defined. At a spelling the main role is played by presence of sources and not only materials of mass media, but also received during meetings and conversations with the representatives of various circles of the country.

The reviews should be based on exact, checked up facts, at quotation of the political figures of a host country, at given figures the sources should be specified. The basic requirements to information materials -they should carry analytical character, on the basis of which the conclusions, and whenever possible offers on the MFA activity and an embassy are made.

The information-analytical documents make the basic written production of an embassy (not considering telegrams). The subjects of information are made for one quarter or half-year and in process of development of events are supplemented. All structure of an embassy, except for an Ambassador and envoy take part in drawing up of these documents.

The information should be written, like other diplomatic documents of internal correspondence, in simple and clear language. There should be nothing superfluous in them. Volume of documents does not exceed 10-12 pages of typewritten text. The information should have the exact address, come to an end by the signature of the executor, indication of his post.


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In some embassies there are practice of the discussion of prepared information -analytical materials at the meeting of diplomats before their final registration. It promotes both improvement of the information and increase of professionalism of diplomats.

For an example, let's consider how the information -analytical document on the theme - Economic development of the countries of Central and East Europe is made. This theme is interesting for the Republic of Kazakhstan while the countries of Central and East Europe have entered in the way of transformations considerably before Kazakhstan. The starting conditions of the transitive period were difficult for all equally. These countries have saved useful experiences in overcoming of crisis situations and creation of democratic institutes. The sources for writing of this information were served by annual statistical materials issued in these countries, governmental bulletins, statement of the heads of the countries of Central and East Europe, meeting with the conducting economists, diplomats, materials of mass media etc.

At the beginning of the information the brief characteristic of the crisis period of the end of 80-ties and the beginning of 90-ties is given, when the countries of Central and East Europe overcame from one political and economic formation to another. There is information of the results of the realisation of monetary economic policy (strengthening of social intensity, unemployment, fall of a vital level). As the agreements made with IMF and the World Bank, sucli as observance of state budget deficiency at a level of 4-5 % of gross output are carried out. It is recommended to demonstrate the volumes of credits represented by IMF depending on performance of conditions of the international financial organisations to the countries of East and Central Europe in 1990-1995.

It is possible to note that the attributes of stabilization in delay of rates of recession of manufacture and maintenance of an acceptable rate of inflation, change of structure of employment, reform of the budget, reform of system of state financing, expansion of process of a privatization analysing the processes of economic development of the countries of the named region and creation of competitive industrial base are observed. For the membership in the European Union it is

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necessary to lift an economic level of the states of region with attraction of western capital for the support of carried out reforms. The resolute and rigid measures on improvement of national economy, undertaken by the Governments of these countries, due results do not yet bring. The available certain successes do not yet allow seriously reflect on speed acceptance of these states in the European Union.

The states of the region reconsider the economic interests in the part of fastest restoration of the lost connections in frameworks CEMA (Council of Economic Mutual aid existing up to the USSR disintegration), and also activation of the relations with the countries of CIS (Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan) leaving a priority direction of integration in the West-European economic structures. Number of priority directions of bilateral co-operation with the countries of CIS includes the economic, trade, cultural relations.

The information on the results of the carried out economic transformations in the countries of the region, inflow of the investments in various branches of economy (energy and gas supply, communication, bank and insurance business etc.), increase of a share of private sector and the possible variants of development of a situation in these states is analyzed in the conclusion.

In brief we'll consider a course of writing "The Information on internal problems". On the basis of the information assembled by the workers of an Embassy from open and closed sources the above named document is made. From the information it should be clear, as far as political conditions in the country is stable, which parties both the circles supervise a situation and what factors render no destabilized influence on conditions; what influence on a situation can render the forthcoming important events (elections of a president, in a parliament, top-level visits) in what direction the development of internal policy events will influence an external policy of the given country.

Another interbody document, which writing is planned beforehand, is "The information on the basic political parties of a host count r". This information informs the Center on the basic political parties, organisations and public movements of a host country and helps more deeply to understand the programs, strategy both tactics of political parties and movements. Whenever possible in the information it is

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necessary objectively to estimate the role and place of each of these mentioned parties and organisations in political life of the country, to show the tendencies and prospects of their mutual relation. It is very much welcomed by the Center, if in the information at the characteristic of parties and movements their positions in the attitude with the accredited state, presence and expediency of maintenance of contacts with them are underlined.

By other important information document, which an embassy prepares is the information on the position of a host country in the basic international issues. This document is also planned beforehand. It can be updated for the next session of the UN General Assembly, visit on the highest level.

The reviews of a press belong to information -analytical materials. In my activity the review of a press by diplomats was very much distributed. Now situation has changed a little. In the English speaking countries, where all diplomats know the English language, there is no need to make the reviews of a press. This work is regularly carried in other countries, when only two - three diplomats can speak in the language of a host country. When the Ambassador does not know the language of a host country and when the members of delegations do not know the language of the country and also officials under the separate assignments of MFA period come there for the certain the review of a press could be carried out.

For example, the reviews are made under the responses of mass media to the reaction in a host country on the visit of a governmental delegation, on change of a Government in the accredited country. The review of a press is necessary in embassies in combination that the Ambassador in combination and MFA knew about the basic events appearing in the country, where there is no full staff of an embassy.

The reviews can be made for the short period or on the certain subjects.

The reviews are made on various issues: the position of a host country during the Yugoslavian crisis, the problem of introduction in NATO, elections in a host country etc. Subject of the review usually are most leading, solid newspapers and magazines of the country. At the review the political orientation of the newspapers, journalists and their

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objectivity or on the contrary, their engagement is underlined. At drawing up of the review 4-5 basic newspapers are undertaken. The review should be made every day operatively not later than 10-11 o'clock, it is usual the beginning diplomats make it.

Radio - and telecast, where the important political figures and known commentators act, have the large meaning for the reviews. Usually they are made in parallel with the review of a press. These materials are valuable by that it is newest rich information, which is not requiring additional efforts. The statement of the political figures usually is taped for listening to, if necessary once again.

The review of a press by the Consulate - general or Consulate can give necessary materials about a situation and moods in the area of a consular district.

In case of visiting a host country by the state (governmental) delegation, an Embassy prepares appropriate information materials beforehand and sends to the Center for one month - 1,5 before arrival of the delegation.

The information on the schema is an interbody document, which is present both in an embassy and at the Center. It represents the complete collection containing the major data on a host country. The information on the schema reminds the issued directories on the country, but with that difference, that in the Information on the schema are indicated not only statistical data of the country, but also the developed materials on separate issues are given in which an embassy should be engaged to.

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 685

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