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In the USSR in all Embassies there were cultural attache's or the representatives of SSOD carried out these obligations. They established close contacts with the outstanding figures of culture and art, impresario, concluded agreements on the exchange of delegations of the figures of a culture and an education, about performances of theatrical and musical collectives.

The contacts of the diplomats with the outstanding writers of a country, to whose opinion the mass of a people listen to, have large meaning in information - propaganda work.

The maintenance of such communications requires the special skill to attract an interlocutor, to win his arrangement and goodwill. Sometimes contacts and acquaintances are established not only on a business basis, but also as a result of concurrence of sights, bents, interest in this or that sphere of culture (painting, theatre, music etc.). The

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personal expertise of a diplomat plays big role to hold the attention of an interlocutor.

The practice shows that exactly personal contacts and conversations allow making a correct conclusion about the moods of the people of a host country, separate layers of the population, their attitudes to authorities, to internal and external policies.

Significant propaganda work is necessary for an Embassy among diplomatic corps. Many diplomats of other countries have no sufficient awareness on character of those or other events appearing in countries, deformed representation about their internal life, economy, culture. The Embassy should settle in its daily work all not clear problems.

The diplomatic representations quite often receive specially issued at home of various sorts of magazines, brochures and books with translations of products of the prominent writers, the copies of pictures of well-known artists etc. for distribution abroad. Diplomatic representa­tions quite often issue also newsletters containing important documents and other materials. They are dispatched in MFA of a host country, diplomatic representations of other countries, in editions of mass media and other addresses.

Ambassadors can be addressed with the requests to give this or that interview, to speak about the development of relations of their countries with a host country.

One of means of information - propaganda work is the realisation of press conferences and briefings. Sometimes they will be carried out spontaneously, at once after any important meeting, at arrival or departure of this or that state figure or foreign delegation. At a press conference, answering appropriate questions of correspondents it is possible always to mention the issues of internal, external policies of the state and the problems of bilateral relations. At briefings there is an opportunity to inform shortly on various problems and to answer questions of journalists. Before the beginning of a press conference the texts of documents, printed brochures etc. are usually distributed.

If the organizers of a press conference have sufficient time for a preparation, before the beginning it arranges a small exhibition, illustrating with the messages, making a press conference (book, schema and table etc.)

The briefings are carried out on certain days. At briefings the

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distribution of illustrated materials is provided. From the experience of my work I know that at organisation of press conferences and briefings the large importance has a constancy of an audience, where the habit of behavior of many present is known for the organizers and can be in appropriate way taken into an account. If the measure is carried out unexpectedly, it is necessary to be ready that the audience can appear unprepared.

The task of any foreign policy representation is the rendering assistance to the journalists who have arrived in the country of accreditation for the interpretation, for example, the visit of Prime minister. Knowledge of local conditions, contacts of diplomats, their useful advises, the letters of recommendation to the edition of local newspapers, message to the department of press of MFA of a host country can promote not only successful interpretation of the visit, but also the propagation of the accredited country.

In the Soviet diplomatic practice PhotoShop-windows installed in various places more often near to Embassies were widely used by the sanction of local authorities. The photos display the various part of the life of an accredited country, various international events.

One of methods of information - propaganda work can be the organisation of a various sort of international exhibitions in a host country. The exhibition halls are the center of general attention. Embassy should play a paramount role in the organisation of such exhibitions.

It is said in the rule "About the basic duties and rights of the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan" that alongside with an establishment and fastening of personal contacts with state and political figures, with the representatives of business, public, scientific, cultural, religious and other circles, the Ambassador should constantly and actively explain the policy of the Republic and render an influence on the public opinion and the external policy of a host country.

From the first days of opening of foreign policy representations of the Republic of Kazakhstan before the diplomats there was the task of explanation of external and internal policies of the country. The basic rules of external and internal policies stated by the President N.A. Nazarbaev in his work " Strategy of establishment and development of


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Kazakhstan as of the sovereign state " (1992) were explained to the heads of the states of accredited countries by our first Ambassadors. The idea of formation of the Eurasian Union for the first time submitted by the President of Kazakhstan in 1994 was also explained to politics and diplomats of various countries. Tn information - propaganda activity the attention was always given to the realisation of the initiative of N.A. Nazarbaev about convocation of Meeting on interaction and measures of trust in Asia-Information - propaganda work in foreign policy representations of the Republic of Kazakhstan since the first days of their opening plays very important role. The diplomats of Kazakhstan cany out individual con­versations with an explanation of the Kazakhstan external and internal policies, the peace initiatives of President N.A. Nazarbaev among the political and public figures, the representatives of business and financial circles, public, journalists and the representatives of local diplomatic corps. The materials about Kazakhstan periodically appears on the pages of newspapers and magazines, the ambassadors frequently act over radio and TV programs, give interviews to various newspapers and magazines. The information - propaganda work of foreign policy representations is carried out on the basis of instructions and rules acting from the Center, materials of mass media of Kazakhstan.

At the beginning 1995 in the UNESCO headquarters in Paris the complex of measures on the celebration 150-year anniversary of Abai Kunanbaev was carried out.

The second large measure, which has been carried out under the aegis of UNESCO, was devoted to 100-year anniversary of Auezov M.O.

These measures as in Paris, Budapest and other capitals of foreign countries have allowed familiarizing with the heritage of the great sons of the Kazakh people.

Now work of foreign policy representations should be directed on the distribution of the objective information about the Republic of Kazakhstan abroad. The diplomats should work on the strengthening of international positions of the Republic. The main task consists in necessity of formation of belief that the economy of Kazakhstan develops independently, the financial system is independent, stable and modem.

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The attraction of the foreign investments in the Republic economy is the most important task of foreign policy representations. The important step in this direction is the international conferences on the investments in Kazakhstan. The example can be served by the participation of the Kazakhstan governmental delegation at the international conference in London in 1996 on the investments in Kazakhstan.

The operative information of businessmen and public circles of the foreign states on the valid development of events in Kazaklistan, about problems facing to the Kazakhstan community, condition of the legislation, opportunities both needs of the Kazakhstan enterprises and organisations are the basic task of foreign policy representations in realisation of information - propaganda work. Quite often interested circles cannot receive the authentic information "from the first hands" and use not always objective materials of foreign press. For these purposes in some Embassies the press-bulletins are issued which are directed regularly to the ministries and departments, mass media, scientific, public and cultural centers of a host country.

New in information - propaganda work is the opening of our own "window" (web site) in the global system of electronic communication-Internet by some foreign policy representations of Kazakhstan. Now before foreign policy representations and Central staff there is a task of creation of the own program of the positive image progress of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Information - propaganda work should be under the construction at the given stage so, that to become active conductors of the state policy of the. Republic of Kazakhstan, its tactics and strategy, achievement of the country.



In the previous course about the Diplomatic protocol and diplomatic correspondence it was discussed in detail all kinds of the diplomatic correspondence (personal and verbal notes, memorable noteT

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memorandum) and also the language of diplomatic documents. Now we'll speak about the methodology and the practice of drawing up of diplomatic documents.

The personal and verbal notes are the most widespread documents. They can concern both important basic issues and minor, daily too. The personal and verbal notes are written on a notepaper, which is produced by a typographical way and has watermarks.

The personal noteis written in the first person and by allmeans it is signed. The personal note consists of three parts: a reference, basic part and an end by compliments. As an example we'll consider an exchange of the personal notes on the establishment of diplomatic relations.

The Note of the US President to the USSR National commissioner of foreign affairs Litvinov M.M.-

The White House,


December 16,1933

Dear Mister Litvinov,

I am most happy to notify you that as result of our negotiations the Government of the United States has decided to establish the normal diplomatic relations with the Government of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics and to exchange the Ambassadors.

1 believe that the relations, established nowadays by our peoples, will manage for ever to remain normal and friendly and that our nations henceforth will manage to co-operate for the mutual benefit and for the protection of general peace.

I remain, dear sir Litvinov, rather sincerely yours

Franclin D. Rusvelt It is necessary to attract your attention to the classical form of

simplicity of language of these notes. The skilfully picked up words

answer circumstances of those years. Language of these notes belongs

to the high style of diplomatic documents.

The personal notes are directed on protocol issues. They are

congratulations in a case of a national day, personal events of the head

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of a state or a government. Omitting the reference and final part of the notes we'll stop on the basic contents of some personal notes.

The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbaev directed his congratulation to the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Elizabeth in a case of her birthday in June 18,1997. In the basic part it is underlined that Kazakhstan relates to Great Britain with sympathy. Friendship and co-operation between our states will further develop in the spirit of mutual understanding and stability. The President expressed wishes of peace and prosperity to the people of Great Britain and the Queen of kind health and successes.

The messages between the heads of states on the most important problems of the international policy can be related to personal notes. At drawing up of these messages also adhere to protocol norms (reference, basic part, in conclusion - compliment).

In March 1996 the message of the US President Clinton addressed to the head of the state N.A. Nazarbaev had arrived. In this message the high estimation to the development of bilateral relations is given which are based on the Charter about democratic partnership signed by the Presidents of the two countries in 1994. The presence of significant potential for the further deepening of all-round co-operation in the field of development and transportation of power resources, expansion of trade relations is emphasized. The US President welcomed the consecutive policy of the President N.A,Nazarbaev, directed on a deepening of democratic and market reforms, strengthening of regional co-operation and stability, and confirmed constant support by the United States development of independent, prospering and stable Kazakhstan and its integration in global community. In the message the important issues of bilateral co-operation (development and transportation of power resources), important international problematic (strengthening of regional co-operation and stability) are reflected.

Theverbal note is the widespread diplomatic document. It is necessary to remind that the diplomatic correspondence of embassies with the ministry of foreign affairs is conducted by the direction of verbal notes. The text of the verbal note is written in the third person.



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The expression "verbal" occurs from a Latin word "verbalis", that means "verbal". In the opinion of some authors, it is equated as the oral message. Such treatment approaches to primary meaning of a word. Now verbal note represents the diplomatic document having serial number, the index and it is fastened by the state seal.

The necessity in fixing of an index is caused by the fact that, the answer to the note should arrive to the address of a sender. All notes are directed to the addressee from the name of MFA or an embassy. In the answerback note the reference to an index is given, that allows quickly directing its volume to those, who expects the answer.

The text of the verbal note consists of three parts - introductory compliment, basic contents and final compliment. At the reference the full name of the sender and addressee is given. Further in the text the full name of the sender and addressee is not required.

If some pages of the note are required, only the first page is printed on the note form and others on notepapers.

The verbal note is not signed, but in some countries it is approved by the person, letting it out.

Verbal note also is made at inquiry of an agreme'nt in written form-

Embassy of Lithuania

The embassy of Lithuania testifies the respect to the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and has honor on behalf of the government to ask the agreme'nt of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the assignmentH.E. Mister (name,, surname) Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Lithuania.

The embassy has honor to enclose thus the brief biographic information on Mister (surname), who is now the Head of the Department on cultural relations of Ministry of foreign affairs.

The embassy uses this opportunity to renew assurances of the rather high respect.

To the ministry of Foreign affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (date)

(Almaty) Astana (seal of the Embassy)

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The answer-back note-

The ministry of Foreign affairs of the Republics of Kazakhstan


The Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan testifies the respect to Embassy of Lithuania and has honor to inform, that the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan agrees to an assignment H.A. Mister (name, surname) Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Lithuania to the Republics of Kazakhstan.

The ministry uses a case to renew to Embassy of an assurance in the rather high respect.

To the Embassy of Lithuania (date)

Astana (Almaty) (a seal of the ministry)

The memorandum and memorable noteconcern to the diplomatic documents, which have no neither reference, nor final compliment. Usually in the memorandum the actual or legal part of any large problem is informed.

The example can be served by the memorandum devoted to the problem of CIMTA. That is the memorandum of the participants of CIMTA session at a level of the assistants of ministers of foreign affairs (Almaty, 3,12.1997). The Kazakhstan memorandum contains the offers on the further development of CIMTA process, having huge importance not only for the regional security of the Asian continent, but also for global security.

If the memorandum is entrusted as the independent separate document, it is printed on the note form of a Ministry of foreign affairs or an Embassy. Under the text of the memorandum the place and date of delivery or departure is put down.

The memorable note, as its name describes: a note for a memory. The memorable note on a usual paper in impersonal form, for example is printed:41 expresses the wish ". The usually memorable note is handled at a conversation to pay attention the interlocutor on told, to the importance of mentioned question, to warn an opportunity of wrong

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interpretation or understanding of the conversation. Basically, the memorable note concerns daily matters. The memorable note is not signed.

The individual letter of semy-official characteris sent to the well familiar official persons with the request to assist in the decision of questions being the subject of official negotiation. The individual letters are sent also then, when their departure in the official order is not desirable.

Besides to the individual letters of semy-official character concern: the letters of the invitation, letter with expression of gratitude, letter confirming the invitation.

Sample of the individual letter:

Almaty, (date)

Dear mister the Ambassador,

Coming back to our yesterday7s meeting, I want once again to thank you for the kind invitation to the concert of actors of your country.

My wife and 1 have received the large pleasure from the skilful performance of your actors.

The evening, spent in your house, remain in our memory for a long time.

Accept, mister the Ambassador, assurance of my deep respect to you,


The individual letters are written on a usual paper. As it follows from the given example, the final compliment is obligatory.

The individual letters of semy-official character promote an establishment and expansion of relations. As the Soviet diplomat Popov VX writes. "... For example, in England, there is an order, when after the invitation to narrow reception (lunch, dinner), in particular at the first acquaintance, such letter, the absence of it usually means that you wish to continue acquaintance or prefer by this meeting to finish your attitudes (absence of the letter). With the personal letter the books, flowers, souvenirs" are sent.

The individual letters are not the basic diplomatic document, but the importance of them should be underestimated in conditions of close familiarity. Use of the form of the personal letter concerns not only to ambassadors and envoys, butalso to other diplomats.

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The statement of a Government and a Ministry of foreign affairs

have no the strict forms. It essentially expands their opportunities from the point of view of the character of the statement and the illumination of problems. The statement of a Government can be the direct reference to other Government or the statement of the position of a state on this or those problems. Frequently statements of a Government are published and if necessary directed to an embassy with the note.

So, the large resonance in the world was caused by the Statement of the Soviet Government of August 13,1987 in support of efforts of five Central-American states - Guatemala, Honduras, Costa-Rica, Nicaragua and vSalvador - on the settlement of the conflict in Central America and the establishment of strong peace there.

Formally this document has no concrete address. It is inverted not only to Governments of the conflicting countries, but also to Governments of all countries, who acts from positions of preservation of the peace and stability.

The Statement of the Ministry of foreign affairs is devoted to the most important international problems and the issues of bilateral relations.

There are to two examples of the Statement of the Ministry of foreign affairs ofthe Republic of Kazakhstan-

"The Republic of Kazakhstan regards rocket-bomh impacts of the NATO armed forces on the territory ofYugoslavia as holding transition to power methods of the sanction of the Kosovo crisis. It has resulted in the escalation of international tension.

Kazakhstan acts for the support of co-coordinated international efforts directed on the maintenance of stability in Yugoslavia and Balkan in whole. To avoid the further intensity and new human victims it is possible only with the help of the effective and co-coordinated measures of all international community, with use of the UN mechanisms and OSCE. The opportunity of the termination of bloodshed in Yugoslavia still exists. It is necessary to arrange on an immediate withdraw of the Serbian armed divisions from Kosovo, to renew negotiation within the framework of a Contact group, and also to ensure unobstructed delivery of the humanitarian assistance to civilians.

Astctha, March 25, 1999." 146


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The purpose of this Statement of the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan is acquaintance of a world community with the estimation of the Kosovo events, This document is of interest also because it contains new ideas and offers.

Other Statement MFA RK concerns the creation of a united state by Russia and Byelorussia-

"The unification of Russiaand Byelorussia reflects infernal policy and economic tendencies of the development of these states. Each state has the sovereign right to enter or not enter into those or other associations.

Kazakhstan faithfully concerns to this right and as a whole to politics of the partners in Commonwealth of the Independent states and Customs Union,

The President Nur sultan Nazarbaev, consistently acting for the deepening of integration processes in bilateral and multilateral formats, being by the initiator of the creation of Customs Union, has brought the offer to accept the program " Ten simple steps towards to the ordinary people "and to sign the agreements on Customs union and unique economic space. These large documents are planned to ratify at the following session of the Board of Customs union.

Kazakhstan also has signed a number of the important bilateral documents with Russia and Byelorussia, having an object for the further deepening of friendship, co-operation and integration communications inverted in XXI century.

At the same time our state in view of its geopolitical position and achieved level of integration inmutual relation withthe states - members of CIShas no intentions to enter unions with other countries with simultaneous introduction of currency uniform,budget, common state bodies, citizenship.

Kazakhstan hopes that the given position will be perceived by all interested countries with understanding.

Astana, January //, 1999"

This Statement informed a world public about the position of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the bilateral and multilateral relations with the republics of former Soviet Union and Russia and Byelorussia in particular.

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Kazakhstan, being an independent state, is not going to renounce its sovereignty and to enter unions with other countries.

The given examples of the Kazakhstan diplomatic documents demonstrate that they are reasonable and convincing,




The annual report of an embassy concerns to the documents of interbody correspondence. Embassies, Permanent representations at the international organizations, Consulates - General and Consulates represent annual reports on their activity. The consular establishments direct also annual statistical reports. According to the established order by each ministry, the reports can be represented quarterly, for half-year or for one year.

The annual report of an embassy is usually written under the direction of senior diplomats of an embassy, basically by an envoy or a councilor. In my practice of a diplomatic service the writing of political reports of embassies passed under such circuit. Usually before writing of the report the head of foreign policy representation convoked operative meeting, at which the sections of it, responsible groups of diplomats or senior diplomat, who according to their duties were earlier engaged by the given problems were defined. The head approved the plan of a work, in which responsible persons and term of performance of materials on appropriate directions were specified. Further, the main question of the annual report was co-ordination of materials prepared by diplomats on various directions. So, the group preparing materials on internal policy should coordinate the materials with an economic group. The diplomats responsible for the section of external policy should co­ordinate with the group of bilateral relations. Usually an envoy or a councilor carried out this responsible, coordinating work in an embassy. He was engaged in the item of information unifying of all prepared materials of the embassy political report and worked on the style of these materials. In drawing up of the annual report practically overwhelming majority of diplomats participate.

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