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The information is always updated, but always should contain the following sections:

- General information on a host country (territory, population,
geographical situation, borders, nations, religions, climate etc.);

- State structure (data base on a constitution, legislative, executive
and judicial authorities etc.);

- Economic position (condition of an industry, agriculture, financial
system, foreign trade etc.);

- Internal policy situation (basic political parties and public
organisations, mass media, struggle for authority etc.);

- External policy (concept, relations with the basic groups of the

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states, position on the most important international problems, participation in the international, regional organisations etc.);

- Relation with the accredited country (political, economic, trade,
scientific, cultural etc.);

- Other serious problems, demanding attention.

It is necessary to stop on characteristic features of modern diplomatic Iansua2e. First of all diplomatic speech is specific professional language. The diplomat should take possession of it and learn to understand it. It is necessary restraint in a conversation, ability to tell sharp things in a polite tone. The English proverb says: "Diplomacy is a skill to state the most disgusting things in pleasant expressions".

The statement of the French diplomat Kalier F. sounds now in time very much. In the 17th century he wrote that it was necessary to write the diplomatic documents "clearly and compressed, not using superfluous words, but not missing from a view anything, that serves clearness of a statement. Report should be marked by noble simplicity; alien as vain exhibiting of own learning and wit, and the negligence and roughness, should be free from some new superfluous expressions, it is equal as the rough and not having use in a graceful society".

German diplomat Vildner H. wrote that "Diplomatic style should differ first of all by simplicity and clearness. It is meant not as simplicity of special way of expression and classical form of simplicity, which is able to choose for each subject only one suitable word under these circumstances..."

Nicholson brightly showed the example of the specificity of diplomatic language in his book "Diplomacy",

The diplomats'speaking (1)

It is necessary to understand (2)

In such case the government has to reconsider its position

Friendship at any moment may turn to enmity

The government regards necessary to reserve the right

Government will not allow

In such case the government is compelled to take care of its own interests or reserves the freedom of actions

It is offered to break relations

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If actions of government will be considered as the unfriendly act, the government cannot answer for consequences

It is threat of war. Government is ready to cause incident, which will result in war-It is required the answer, say, up to 6 o'clock in the evening


As it is written now not all professional diplomats know and understand diplomatic language, the professionalism of this category of diplomats wishes much more best.

As Nicholson G, marks even in internal correspondence with the Minister the diplomats use language, masking original sense. He gives such an example. The English Consul-General informs MFA that one of his vice-consuls "to his great regret does not pay due attention to advice of the treating doctors". Actually it was meant that he had already become a drunken man.

Especially large difficulties arise at drawing up of the final documents (communique', declaration etc.). As the Soviet diplomat Kovolev An. writes, the most widespread method of development of the formulations of the final document is the achievement of such degree of generalisation of positions and sights, at which in what the parties are different or close, outweigh their divergences and distinctions. Always it is possible to find such word combinations and formulations, which reveal a generality of sights and positions. Kovolev An. gives typical expressions, set phrases, which frequently are applied at fixing results of negotiation or exchange of opinions.

The parties are uniform in that...;

The parties have decided to begin in a near future negotiation...;

The expediency and timeliness that was recognized...;

The parties have recognized necessary...;

The consent about expediency was achieved...;

The parties have recognized useful realisation...;

The parties hold the opinion...;

During an exchange of opinions the affinity or concurrence of sights has come to light...;

The parties agreed upon in common to consider and to develop...:

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The parties have expressed readiness,-.;

The parties have agreed concerning importance that.,.;

The mutual aspiration was expressed...;

The parties have expressed the reliance,.,;

The parties have emphasized the large meaning...;

The consideration (such questions) has allowed ascertaining....

From the given list of various expressions it is visible, as far as the gradation of the degree of consent and a concurrence or the similarity of sights are wide. Such language is necessary for preservation during negotiation of an atmosphere of calmness and also enables to begin negotiation from the favorable starting positions and to avoid an aggravation of conditions.



1.Diplomatic staff. Personal quality and skill of a diplomat Previously we have considered in brief, what quality a diplomat should have. Now we'll stop on it more in detail. The characteristic of diplomats it is desirable to begin with the citation of the French diplomat, member of "Academy of immortal" Kambon. On the basis of centuries-old study of diplomacy he comes to such conclusions: "1 do not know an activity by more various, than the profession of a diplomat. Anyway there is no such profession, where would be so poorly firm rules and so much based on tradition, where for success the large persistence would be required... where a man should have the large backbone and independence of wit". In spite of the fact that the methods of a diplomacy and requirement to them vary, this saying remains urgent up to this day.

For a young people wishing to become diplomats, it is necessary to have sufficient preparation and to receive special education: legal, economic, diplomatic, historical ones. Besides a future diplomat should be erudite and know foreign languages, there can be not one. One can expect success in a diplomatic profession only who understands necessity of mastering by its beginnings, without that the movement

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on steps of diplomatic career is impossible. The purchase of experience depends on a character of a work. More various work, there is more successful process of transition from simple to complex, more extensively knowledge and rich experience. Here the main role is played by abilities of a man.

According to the opinion of outstanding diplomat Taleyran, qualities of "souls and spirit" necessary for successful work in the field of diplomacy are subdivided into two categories. The discretion, modesty, complete unselfishness and known height of feelings concern to the first category, which forces to feel all greatness of a duty to represent a nation abroad and to watch inside the country preservation of its political rights.

The second category is spiritual strain to study political relations, ability of good and quickly cover an essence of problems, because one occupation demands more urgent and frequently of instant reaction, known wide thinking, while in the given area all details should be generalized in a single unit.

All listed qualities taken together and advanced by practice make spirit and honor of diplomatic career.

In words of Taleyran the model diplomat should be simple, correct, modest, alien secular vanities, "he should devote himself entirely to businesses, keeping them in an absolute secret, always ready to give an information on events and people, constantly to have all agreements in memory... ",

Nicholson G. regards necessary for the ideal diplomat seven diplomatic qualities: truthfulness, accuracy, calmness, equal character, patience, modesty, and loyalty.

Let's stop on one important quality, which should be developed by a diplomat - ability to control himself, feelings, not to fall into emotion in what inconvenient situation he could appear and what difficult character of an interlocutor he has met. That is not easy task, it also requires large patience. Kambon F. wrote that "External policy is not business of feeling... Sometimes an Ambassador can appear in an inconvenient situation, but then he needs own himself ".

The statements of the French diplomat Kalyer F, made two and a half centuries ago, do not lose the meaning even now. Til bring the citation from his book 'About ways of a negotiation with Monarchs'\

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The attentive and reliable wit, which is not affording to distract by pleasures and by free entertainment should be inherent "in diplomats; the common sense of clearly perceiving things by such, as they are; the subtlety allowing to guess, that occurs in the hearts of people; wit, speed on inventions, capable to smooth meeting of difficulties and to reconcile interests, making a subject of negotiation; equal character, quiet and patient nature open approach to the man, courtesy, easy and convertible


Speaking about necessary qualities for a diplomat, there is always a question, what his character should be. Certainly, a diplomat should not be talkative, impatient, and gloomy. As psychologists consider, the most suitable types of temperaments are choleric and phlegmatic ones. As it is probably known to you, choleric temperament is characterized by fast and intensive course of mental processes, vigorous and fast movements, expressive modes and gesticulation, high emotional nervous, sharp differences from one mood to another at significant stability of moods. Phlegmatic temperament differs by slow and quiet course of mental processes, weak and slow movements, little expression of modes, lowered emotional nervous, stability of moods at constant and quiet of their changes. The description of characters types is the scientific approach. In the life of one person the features of one type with a combination to another, so-called mixed type prevail. Probably, this type of a character is also suitable for a diplomat.

There is an opinion, with which it is necessary tc agree, that various factors render influence on the character of a man: a heredity, education and his activity, when profession makes influence on developing of those or other character traits.

All statements of Kalyer, Kambon, Taleyran and Nicholson condense experiences of the diplomacy of different countries and epoch. They converge on transferring about identical qualities, which possession admits desirable for a good diplomat.

As the Soviet diplomat Kovolev An. writes, that discretion and ability to cause, to support trust is the most important qualities, fts means not to show hurry in estimations of those or other phenomena in policy of the given country, not to adjust an information under beforehand usual sights, not to judge a state and political figures only on the basis of

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their statements and to compare them with practical actions, to put checked up facts in the basis of conclusions and forecasts.

The trust is caused by the diplomat, whose word is authoritative. At any circumstances a diplomat should not weaken feeling of the responsibility for statements and acts, A golden rule of a diplomat is not to try to be more considerable, than you are in actually., Fairly specified by Nicholson G. that the vanity is the most widespread and serious lack of a diplomat,

One of the main advantages of the good diplomat is the ability soberly to estimate own personal opportunities, at presence of weak parties it is necessary strictly to hold them under self-control. Besides he can compensate his weak parties at the expense of a combination to abilities and knowledge those who work with him very closely. If somebody from managing party of a diplomatic service fails in personal contacts, he should aspire to have a number of employees, who have an ability to fasten and to support such contacts.

For all diplomats, what country he would represent, valuable quality is his internal conviction, that carrying out policy of the country, which conductor he is5 expresses external policy purpose, radical interests of his country and people.

As follows from the stated above material, diplomacy concerns to number of such profession, which does not bear primitivismT work for nothing and requires the presence of a skill,

2. The center - representations abroad

One of the most important qualities of a diplomat is the loyalty. Loyalty is understood as fidelity to his state and government, political line, which is formulated by the President and Minister and the Ambassador is possible to be informed through MFA. The Ambassador should strictly carry out all instructions of the Center and to be disciplined in the widest sense of a word. The principle of loyalty is one of the requirements showed to diplomacy and diplomats. During the preparation of young diplomats in the American diplomatic service the special attention to loyalty of the diplomats pay attention. The instruction says: "Inform the truthful information, instead of that heads want. Carry out the accepted decision, even disagrees with it".

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The American Ambassador Makomber U. considers that "the loyalty means... a diplomat has no the right publicly or in individual order to act against the leaders of a government, which he serves. But if a diplomat disagrees with the policy of a government, he has not only the right, but he is also obliged to tell about it. Actually he will be disloyal, if he will not make it".

In diplomatic practice there are cases, when diplomats, not wishing to afflict with the pessimistic information their government or not wishing to complicate the relation with a host country, give inexact information, it is usual more pink one, which does not demand any resolute actions. Sometimes Ambassadors consider actions of the government too sharp and soften separate expressions.

As Kambon spoke, at a diplomat "independence of judgments should not reach... up to an infringement of a discipline".

What should be done when a diplomat, an Ambassador disagrees with the received instruction, with the foreign policy line of a government. We have already told about such situation earlier. The diplomat should be resolute and not be afraid to assert his point of view, not caring about his career. If he will not make it, he enters into the conflict with his own conscience. At the same time a diplomat should be disciplined. As one of the English diplomat says "one who should act on behalf of a government, he should be able also to object it" and obeys, when it does not concern basic problems. A government has the right to the point of view and can have more extensive information, than an embassy, for the acceptance of decisions ff the government disagrees with opinion of an Ambassador, the latter should "Se soumettre ou se demettre" - to obey or to submit to a resignation.

Other example, when diplomats disagree with the policy of a country and how it results. During Czechoslovak events, 1968 the majority of diplomats condemned a line both actions of the government and countries of the Warsaw Pact. The diplomats of the Czechoslovakian embassy in Great Britain openly criticized their government and even created the parallel embassy of the country in London. But the Englishmen did not want to deal with them. In the article published in a magazine "Diplomatic", close to Foreign Office, it was written that the opposition diplomats had ceased to be the diplomats, as they did


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not represent a government. For England and all official persons of the country the relation with the Czechoslovakian government and who represent it was important. "We need to know what the Czechoslovakian government thinks and also what policy it will carry out, instead of decedents".

Ambassadors and diplomats should have the large art for realization of business purposeful conversations for performance of those or other orders of the Center. These conversations allow to clear questions, the answers on which essentially can add, correct own supervision and correctly focus the government about a condition and prospects of relations with it.

Time brings in additions and amendments for preparation of a carrier diplomat. Today future diplomat receives an opportunity to hold an intellectual luggage in special educational establishments and to get necessary knowledge in the field of a history of the international relations, international law and other important public disciplines. The necessary experience collects in the organization of a diplomatic service, in use by it the new forms and methods, including with the help of modern engineering. All this allows the diplomats to become experts of a new time.

Significant changes, occurring in the world, render influence on modern diplomacy and accordingly on the diplomats. Kambon G. wrote: "Diplomacy will have always Ambassadors and envoys, but question is whether it will have diplomats?"

The main danger for modern diplomacy is the irresponsibility, which is encouraged with modern politics. For example, the main reason of small efficiency of the CIS countries diplomacy has appeared by dispensability of the states in performance of their decisions and absence of the control behind its execution.

Above we spoke that the main condition of successful work of a diplomat, an Ambassador in particular, is the ideal knowledge of a host country and its policy. It was considered that if a Ambassador conducts business well, has steady and useful communications in a host country, to change him to another, who for an establishment of confidential contacts and the study of that country will spend some years, does not bring any benefit. The professional diplomat accumulates the experience

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of a work in the given country in due time. If he stays in the country for a longer lime, he will bring the large advantage to the native land. For example, in the Soviet time Rizhov was the Ambassador in Rome for 12 years, Vinogradov- in Paris foil2 years, Dobrinin- in the USA for 23 years.

However last years the term of a stay of diplomats on one place is reduced everywhere till 3 years (England, Germany, Italy, the USA). For an explanation of terms of a stay of diplomats abroad the Americans have invented the term "localities", that means - local interests, local patriotism. As Nicholson writes in modem diplomacy basic mistake began to be considered "infringement of complete and absolute loyalty concerning a government, to which he serves". Diplomats, who are staying in a separation from his native land for a long time, lose connection with the people, prefer interests of the country of a stay, ceasing to notice its lacks, there is merging of a diplomat with a host country. The US State secretary Kissinger has developed strong struggle with "localities". The US began to nominate Ambassadors in the countries, which are not having any relations to their specialization. In a result, funny thing sometimes turned out. In time of the siege of the US embassy in Teheran in 1971 American diplomats could not even read the anti-American slogans, written in the Persian language, and requirement that the diplomats have to leave the country.

We spoke repeatedly about the requirements addressed to the Kazakhstan diplomats. It is necessary to remind once again, by what principles the Kazakhstan diplomats should be guided:

1. The diplomats should by means, accessible to them, protect the
sovereignty, security, territorial integrity and indestructibility of borders
of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. The diplomats are obliged steadily to assert strategic interests of
the country and its mutual relations with other states and international

3. The diplomats should be devoted to the native Land, to the people
and show unconditional loyalty to the Head of a state.

4. The diplomats are obliged to have all necessary knowledge in the
field of international law, global policy and economy, it is good to know
foreign languages.

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5. The diplomats should, as much as possible, promote distribution of the objective information abroad about the Republic of Kazakhstan, promote strengthening of the international positions of the country.

This professional - moral code concerns the Ambassadors in an equal measure. The Kazakhstan diplomats should correspond to the modern requirements of a diplomatic service, which become complicated in every year.

Acting at the session of the extended board MFA of Kazakhstan in 2000, President N.A. Nazarbaev noted that in the first years of the independence the Republic of Kazakhstan had no enough necessary professional diplomatic personnel. The basic emphasis at selection of the personnel was done on a political experience and the knowledge of a life.

Now the knowledge of the language of a host country should be obligatory for all diplomats. The Ambassador should be intellectual of his business.

The realization of active external policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, combining methods of traditional diplomacy with economic strategy, requires increase of economic knowledge of diplomats in the Central staff and abroad. At a practical level foreign policy body should be engaged with problems of economic diplomacy and there is the sharp question of a personnel. The preparation of the diplomatic personnel goes on uniform system from an institute, through the work in the Central staff of the Kazakhstan MFA and its representations abroad and until to the arrival in the Diplomatic Academy for the improvement of professional skill or retraining.

Appearing processes of globalization raises the requirements to the activity of the RK Ambassadors and Embassies in connection with it. The President has put real tasks before the diplomats of Kazakhstan in connection with it: "the diplomats should conduct constant monitoring of an apportion of forces in international arena, to analyze a progress of large foreign firms to the global markets, to follow the role of the largest financial structures in creation or overcoming of crisis situations. It is necessary to be able to analyze movement of the capitals, to participate in development of measures on the national capitals safety, both state and private, participating in an enterprise activity abroad.



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The diplomats should own information technologies, to be able freely use electronic databases, to work with information sites, competently to co-operate with mass media".

The introduction of the state language in diplomatic practice is carried out regularly and that process requires long time. The management of the Central staff and foreign policy representations should use the state language at official meetings, as it is accepted in world practice. The employees of a diplomatic body should study and apply the state language, as it has political importance.

In the conclusion, It is necessary to add that the diplomatic activity is very responsible. This activity is connected by a direct image with the interests of its country, people, present and future. That's why the feeling of the responsibility of a diplomat in the activity can serve enough exact measure of his patriotism.



1. The basic tasks of the Kazakhstan consular service consist in

"realization of consular functions regulated by the international-law rules and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the territory of Kazakhstan and abroad".

The tasks and functions of the Kazakhstan consular service consist in protection of interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan in a host country, legal and physical persons, assistance to development of political, economic, scientific, cultural and other relations between accredited state and state of a stay.

The consular service of Kazakhstan should promote development of trade, economic, cultural and scientific communications between states, finding - out of conditions and events in trade, economic, cultural and scientific life of a host country and message on them to the government. The duty of active adjustment of contacts with the businessmen of a host country, study of an opportunity of mutually advantageous co-operation between Kazakhstan and a host country lays

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on a consular service. The maintenance of reliable economic security of the state also is included into tasks of the consular service.

Other not less important task of the consular service is the protection of rights and interests of the Kazakhstan citizens constantly living abroad or temporarily leaving the Republic.

The rendering of legal services in the Republic and abroad such as legalization of the documents, notaries actions, registration of the certificates(acts) of a civil condition etc. are included into tasks of the consular service.

One of major tasks of the Kazakhstan consular service is the control of realization of the treaties and agreements on consular problems, which promotes protection of interests and rights of the citizens of Kazakhstan in foreign states.

The perfection of passport-visa work belongs to priority tavsks of the consular service.

The modern Kazakhstan consular service develops in the following directions for performance of the above-stated tasks: development and perfection of treaty-legal and interstate normative bases; increase of the role of the consular service in protection of economic interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan; active work in protection of interests and rights of the Kazakhstan citizens in other countries; increase of quality and quantity of rendered legal services; interaction with other ministries and departments in the control of migration flows, entrance and departure from the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 754

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