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The political information, transmitted to the Center, should be carefully prepared. The composers should understand their high responsibility at use of various sources. The information should be based on the official documents and checked up facts. At the analysis and estimation of the information the responsible and weighed approach is necessary.

Information-help materials of the RK Embassy to Hungary reflected the internal policy situation in the given country, the activity of a state,

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governmental, parliamentary bodies, the tendencies of political, economic, social and intellectual development of a society and military policy. The Embassy regularly analyzed and gave estimation to the prospects of economic-trade and scientific and technical co-operation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Here there is no opportunity to list all information materials, which were sent to the Center. The materials sent to the Center answered all requirements of the rule "About Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan", instructions of the Center in the interaction of structural divisions of the Central staff of the RK MFA and its foreign policy representations.

Among the documents represented to the Center, containing various sorts of information materials (information, reports, records, the political letters) can be the offers on the diplomatic actions. These offers should contain the necessary arguments on their necessity, utility and modernity. Any initiative of foreign policy representations only then can be approved and is accepted into consideration, when all "for" and "against" are weighed. Sometimes happens so, that the offer seems weighed enough, but in the given time its realisation coincides with realisation of other, more important political measure, that compels to reject the offer, or to transfer its realisation on other time and under other conditions. The rejection of the proposals of an Embassy can cause those who worked above it, anything other except for disappointment and dissatisfaction. To reduce an opportunity of such results, it is necessary to be sure that the offered action is quite suitable to the political course spent by the country in the given moment, quite corresponds to other actions and answers interests of other countries and can be supported by them.

In this case speech goes about the large diplomatic action, development of which requires long time, A various sort of proposals frequently received from Embassies. If the Embassy is not sure that the decisions, accepted by it, will not meet the remarks of the Center, it is useful previously to consult with it.

It is necessary to stop on interdepartmental correspondence between the Ministry of foreign affairs and foreign policy representations. The documents of political character belong to it. These documents of foreign

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policy representations inform the Center on the condition of relations with a host country, processes, appearing in these countries, in political, economic, cultural, scientific, military and other areas. The center is interested in, that the embassies brought in corrective amendments to policy concerning the given country.

In its turn Center sends directive instructions, answers to inquiries, and also most important information on events, occurring in the world, or official assignments to its foreign policy representations. The statistical materials, official statements of the state figures: the President, head of a government, minister of foreign affairs and other officials are directed to Embassies, The center informs Embassies about developing and realizing actions by it. The last is quite often accompanied by the instructions popularizing and explanation of such actions in a host country: in governmental circles, diplomatic corps, among a wide public and press.

Example of such foreign policy actions is the initiative of Kazakhstan on convocation of the Meeting on interaction and measures of trust in Asia. This initiative became the factor of regional policy and requires the further efforts of the foreign policy body and its foreign policy representations in progress and propaganda it.

The Embassy of Kazakhstan to Hungary in its information-reference materials had informed the Center that the initiative of Kazakhstan had found complete support on the part of the Hungarian Republic. The position of Hungary in the problem of the creation of global system of security, the regulation of conflicts is close to Kazakhstan.


/. Establishment of diplomatic contacts

The largest part of the work of diplomats consists in meetings with foreigners, having conversations with them, preliminary preparation for a conversation, analysis of discussed problems and records of conversations.

The first diplomatic contacts are established at the delivery of letters of credence by the Ambassador, at the first meeting with the minister

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of foreign affairs of a host country, at drawing visits to the colleagues -diplomats of other countries. Further the diplomat should fix the necessary contacts for receiving and exchange of information. The further contacts can result in discussion and sanction of practical questions of bilateral co-operation and international problems. What qualities should have the diplomat in a part of skill for conducting a conversation. The diplomat should obtain special knowledge in political, economical, social, demographic areas of his own country, its economic resources - agriculture, industry, finance and foreign policy priorities. The same knowledge is necessary for the diplomat about the states of the region, about the Great Powers and their policy, about the mechanism and procedure of international relations. These requirements in an equal measure belong to the modern diplomats.

The diplomat, participating in a conversation, carries out assigned on him by his government function in receiving of an information and at the same time he becomes the object of representatives activity of a host country and his colleagues in the diplomatic corps.

The conversations are subdivided into the following kinds:

a) Conversation under the official assignment of the management
of the country with the representatives of a host country;

b) Conversation under the official assignment of the ministry of
foreign affairs;

c) Conversation by the official invitation of the management and
MFA of a host country;

d) Conversation with the representatives of a host country under
the initiative of the diplomat;

e) Conversation at receptions, official measures, exhibitions;

f) Conversation in breaks (outside of official sessions);

g) Casual conversations at visiting theatres, on a rest, leaving a capital
and other places;

h) Unexpected, unforeseen conversations, when the theme is unknown beforehand.

In brief we'll stop on the characteristic of some conversations.

The conversations by the official invitation are difficult and responsible kinds of conversations. The difficulty is explained by that the diplomat does not know, about what there will be a conversation,

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The skilled Ambassador in such cases has to invite the senior diplomats and decide with them what could be the subject of forthcoming meeting. The diplomats prepare the appropriate documents and proposals and also answers to the probable statements of the representatives of a host country. Such conversations are the certain examination for an Embassy and the diplomats.

During the conversation it is necessary to listen attentively to the interlocutor, especially having paid attention to all subtleties. The diplomat, accompanying the Ambassador, should precisely write down all. It is necessary to set questions to clear up the sentences and estimations of the interlocutor. In case of the statement of a protest or the condemnation of policy of the government of an Ambassador it is necessary to be ready to their rejection, though in a general form. If on the put question the Ambassador have no precise recommendation of his country, having listened to the statement of the interlocutor, having set some questions to him, it is necessary to finish the conversation by words, that you report on all told to his government. The skilled diplomats use also such widely widespread methods. If among the diplomatic corps it became known that someone of foreign diplomats were invited for a conversation in MFA of a host country, it is possible to learn from the colleagues of the friendly countries, what about there was a speech.

The conversations on behalf of the heads of a state, a government and MFA of the accredited country will be carried out by the Ambassador The conversations of the Ambassador with the heads of the state of a stay- Monarch, President or Minister of foreign affairs are most important. These meetings are carried out then, when the government of accredited country addresses to the management of a host country with the personal messages, offers.

Let's consider the engineering of message transfer. First of all the Ambassador carefully get acquainted with the text of the message, sends for a translation and again carefully reads out. Sometimes the Ambassador can acquaint subordinated the envoy, the adviser with the message and discusses with them the direction of a conversation. It is necessary to think over, how the message will be accepted and what


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questions can be put. All this is necessary not to be the usual postman. If the Ambassador simply will transfer the text, the interlocutor cannot discuss it and answer, it means that he will attentively familiarize and will give the answer.

If the Ambassador state the basic situations and interlocutor glance for familiarizing with it, the opportunity is quite probable for beginning conversations. The Ambassador can receive the first reaction to the message.

Sometimes there can be such instructions from the Center "...visit the Ministry of foreign affairs and handle,.." The Ambassador decides where to go for a meeting. The partners on meetings should suit on the rank of each other. Minister and Deputy minister there is an Ambassador (sometimes in case of illness of an Ambassador - an envoy). If the Ambassador charges meeting to one of the senior diplomats, at the beginning he is acquainted with the text of the message, then the senior diplomat prepares the plan of a conversation, together defines questions, which can be put to him. After the conversation the diplomat makes out the record of a conversation.

At the performance of orders of the Center two qualities of the diplomats - his loyalty and accuracy are shown. The diplomats of a high rank should be loyal to his government. Unfortunately, till now there are diplomats, who skeptically respond about the Minister and the government. Such behavior is inadmissible; from the diplomat the complete loyalty to the government to which he serves is required. If the diplomat disagrees with the instructions of the government, he should immediately report on it to the government, showing items of his disagreement. If his offer does not pass, the Ambassador should submit to the resignation.

For example, the English Ambassador to Egypt stated the disagreement with the policy of his government, which together with France and Israel had begun military actions against Egypt. The Ambassador had submitted to his resignation.

The conversations under the initiative and the invitation of a diplomat should pass in strict conformity with the diplomatic protocol. The diplomats of a younger rank cannot ask audiences and invite the senior diplomats.

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If the diplomat gives answerback breakfast (dinner), and he was invited before with his spouse, the answerback invitation should be also with the spouse.

The most often in the diplomatic practice among the diplomats of an average rank there are meetings for the cup of coffee or tea, meeting in a bar and on tennis court.

The conversations of diplomats carry professional character. Both diplomats are interested in receiving of complete and correct information, confidential and without any superfluous diplomatic approaches.

From the personal experience I know that the connection of various embassies considerably differs from each other. For example, in Budapest the professionalism of the Latin American Ambassadors "was supported" by the moods of countrymen. At various informal meetings it was possible to find the sources of information, which considerably differed from the information in other embassies.

The conversations with the representatives of a press carry the special character. Diplomats and journalists always want to receive information. The diplomats make the information by the property of their governments and the journalists distribute it in mass media. (Previously we have considered contacts to the press as a way of the collecting of information in detail).

The conversations with the journalists cannot be mixed with press conferences or an interview, which are given by diplomats. At these kinds of meetings tasks are different. Giving an interview the diplomat beforehand knows that he will be sounded and is printed. At conversations with journalists, diplomatic employee can make a condition that told by him will not be published. It is necessary to remember that the Ambassador and the employees of an Embassy are the official representatives and each their statement is perceived and is interpreted as an official.

2. Record of a conversation

After holding conversations it is necessary to make the report as records of conversations, records in a diary about conversations for

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one month or as the project of the telegram for the Ambassador signature, if the conversation carried the important character.

The large attention was given to drawing up of diplomatic conversations and reports in all times. Even Kalier F. wrote that the style of conversations should be clear and compressed, it does not use of superfluous words in them, but also it does not miss anything, that helps clearness of a speech; the noble simplicity should be expressed in them, far is equal as from vain running behind learning and wit, and from negligence and roughness.

There are some rules of registration of records of conversations. At the left up is written:

From the diary of Kazakhaev K\K.

Then there is a heading:

Record of conversation with the Manager of Asian Department (his name) date

The contents of a conversation further follow.

At the end of conversation the post, surname, signature is underlined.

In the left corner the surnames to whom are specified to direct, the names of Departments or others, to whom the copies of the record of a conversation are directed.

For example:

1-copy- Vice-Minister (Surname)

2-copy- Management of Asian Department

3-copy- the Ministry of culture

4-copy- a chancellery

The record of a conversation should precisely reflect its contents. In case of necessity, if in a conversation some figures are mentioned, it is possible to write down them at once. Sometimes during the time of all conversation some marks are made, if beforehand it was told that the oral statement without transferring it in the written form would be made. After the statement of a message, told to him,the diplomat writes down his answer. As it was informed above, the record of a conversation should precisely display told by the diplomat. Certainly, young diplomats at the registration of the first conversations do not leave frameworks of protocol courtesies.

If the diplomat meets the interlocutor for the first time and the person

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is little known to him, though statements represent the certain value, it is recommended at the end of the record of a conversation to inform the basic items of an information about him in the Note.

The record of a conversation is signed by the person who is carrying it out. If conversations are carried out by Presidents, Premieres, Ministers, there are usually senior diplomats, who make out the record of a conversation. Sometimes there are such situations, when the Minister or the Premier could not read the record of a conversation. In such cases at the end of a conversation the mark is made: " the Minister did not read ", "the Premier has not familiarized " and the date and the signature issued by that who recorded a conversation.

The conversations can be written as a play or a script: The Ambassador told that...772<? Minister told that...77/c Ambassador answered that... etc.

Such records of a conversation are written from the third person at meetings at the highest and high levels with the consent of conducting conversation. At the end of a conversation it is necessarily underline, who participated in it from that and the other part and their posts.

Sometimes the record of the conversation can be accompanied by own supervision conversing. If the diplomat has doubts in accuracy of the items of information, given by the partner, it is possible to inform about it in the Note also. For example, the received information requires checking or there other items of an information putting under doubt.

The printed text of the record of the conversation should be checked carefully up. If the telegram is sent using with the information from the record of the conversation, they should be identical and do not contain the contradiction.

If at a reception the diplomat meets with several participants of it, one record of a conversation (most important) with the most influential people, another one - with other interlocutors are made.

Such recommendations are given to the American diplomats at drawing up of service documents:

J. To state only the essence of a business, avoiding comments, not concerning to the theme of information.

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2. The comment, if it is necessary, include not in the basic text only
in the Note.

3. Making conclusions and recommendations, try to put yourself on
the place of one to whom they are addressed. The recommendations
should be laconic. It is necessary to number each conclusion and

4. Not accent special attention on problems only of your country.
Management has wider sights on problems.

5. Carefully read out the printed text.

The researches of the scientists have shown that half of those what was told yesterday, today is reproduced already is inexact. Subsequently volume of the exact information about conversation is reduced on 15-20 %. The longer lasted conversation, it is more difficult to remember, it is more important to write down it as soon as possible.

Besides records of conversations some diplomatic employees conduct the book of records of meetings and contacts to the representatives of a host country and colleagues in the diplomatic corps. In it the separate supervisions, remarks, impressions are fixed. The material, collected in small, enables to combine representation about a familiar circle. The knowledge of such trivialities can help with work. Making results in analysing of diplomatic conversations, it would be desirable stop on some conclusions.

The diplomatic conversations do not bear the large number of the participants. The small circle of persons, involved in the conversation, is more fruitful.

The diplomat should always be polite, what difficult conversation would not be. The conversation should come to an end on kind situation, when the maintenance of contacts is necessary for the further work.

At realisation of a conversation without need you should not set questions to the interlocutor, to which he will answer negatively (no).

Be not afraid to be kind, sympathetic, but moderate in the use of compliments.

Have courage to recognise the mistakes and correctness of the interlocutor. It is desirable to avoid sample and empty conversations. It is not only empty expenditure of time, but also unflattering reputation at the interlocutor.

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Each diplomat should aspire to develop his own style of conversation and constantly improve it. Attentively watch, how your partners, outstanding political figures and diplomats conduct conversations in order to take their best methods of conducting conversations.

Each diplomat by virtue of the personal qualities and abilities, experience develops a manner, inherent in him, of conducting conversation.

The conversation of a diplomat was and remains an important tool of the Diplomatic service. The purpose of diplomacy is to try to avoid disagreements, to settle contradictions, to develop friendly co-operation between the countries. The art of diplomatic conversation is searching for the decision of the international problems by means of a peace.


One of the directions of the activities of foreign policy representations is the realisation of information - propaganda work inside a host country. The purpose of this work - distribution of the truthful information about own country, about the life of its people, explanation of the foreign policy course of a government and foreign policy actions undertaken by it,

The Vienna convention on diplomatic relations provides functions of diplomatic representation "in encouragement of familiarity between the accredited state and the state of a stay and in their mutual relations in the field of economy, science, and culture".

Information - propaganda work of foreign policy representations is rather various in volumes. There are explanations of any sorts of conversations, statements before a public, the distribution of printed editions, the official bulletins of an Embassy, the press releases etc. Each Embassy has opportunities, which could be used in a host country. Any activity of foreign policy representations in information -propaganda work should be strictly legal and have appropriate arrangements with local authorities.

Realisation of information - propaganda work are receptions, organized, by an Embassy, with the participation of representatives of a

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wide public. The demonstration of documentary and feature films, press-conferences and press - briefings for the representatives of local press and correspondents of news agencies and various mass media, accredited in the country are held. The large meaning has the statement of an Ambassador and other employees of an Embassy before wide audiences by the invitation of business circles, youth and female organisations etc. Maintenance of contacts by an Ambassador and diplomatic personnel with official persons, the members of political parties, public organisations, the editors of leading newspapers and magazines, representatives of intellectuals: writers, artists, actors is desirable. The conversations with them have a double role: for the collecting of the information and realisation of information - propaganda work. Information - propaganda work begins for Ambassadors with the first meeting with the head of a state, Whether contacts will develop depends on the personal factors - subjective and objective further. The role and importance of the accredited country, interest in it concerns to objective one. Besides we speak about it not the first time, it depends much on the personal qualities of diplomats, from their skill to interest high persons, to make conversations useful.

The established contacts by Ambassadors and envoys at the most highest and high levels facilitate contacts of other diplomats for the realisation of information - propaganda work. Each state gives the large influence on its information ~ propaganda activity. Especially it concerned the period of an opposition of the two supers Powers - the USSR and the USA. In this work there were no trivialities.

The acquaintance with the representatives of provincial press, radio, TV can be not less important than with the journalistic corps of a capital. The provincial press reflects better interests of regions and even the countries as a whole, as it is less subject to pressure on the part of a government,

Propagation or, as we now name information - propaganda work, the external policy of a state is necessary to carry out among those who is interested in these problems, who with sympathy refers to the accredited country. There is no secret that mass media influences public-opinion and can influence the decisions of a government in external policy.

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The people who know and are able to convince should be involved in the propagation of internal and external policies of the country. The diplomats should attract in a statement the people of a host country, behind whose large businesses and large merits stand. Nicholson after Gagarin's statement in the English TV wrote: "he, certainly, has made huge impression and has subdued the spectators. And how the country, which has the heroes with such charming smile to represent, can threat".

There are also other ways of conducting information - propaganda work. Many embassies prefer to influence the external policy of a host country not on a straight line and by propagation of the image of a life, cultivating political sympathy to its country. The outstanding figures of an art need to be invited from the country for propagation of the image of a life, cultures and arts. At their concerts the most influential people, the cultural elite of the state may come, that would promote multiplication of contacts.

France is one of the first countries, which has understood all benefits of the cultural programs in mutual relations with other countries. At each French Embassy there is an attache' on culture necessarily. France attracts both writers and figures of a culture and art in this work. The status and preparation the French cultural attache' is higher, than their colleagues from other countries, while they are the figures of culture and art and easily establish contacts with the intellectuals of a host country.

Date: 2015-12-17; view: 608

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