| CHAPTER THIRTY-NINE 8 page Crow, George, 117, 212
Cue, Eddy, xiii, 398, 403, 452, 460, 487, 524, 531, 533
Cuisinart food processor, 73, 129
Cult of the Mac (Kahney), 138
Cunningham, Andrea Andy, xiii, 93, 114, 188, 215, 218
Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism (Trungpa), 35
Daily, The, 507
Daily Show, The (TV show) 518
Dalai Lama, 332
Dark Eyes (song), 208
Darwin (operating system), 366
Dating Game (TV show), 159
Dead Poets Society (film), 32930
Dean, James, 1, 6
De Anza Community College, 24, 32, 354
Defender (video game), 142
Defiant Ones (film), 286
Dell, Inc., 232, 369, 371, 374, 381, 446, 515
Dell, Michael, 334, 360, 479
Desire (Dylan), 418
desktop publishing industry, 131, 187, 515
Desperate Housewives (TV show), 438
Devo, 498
Dido, 413
Diet for a Small Planet (Lappé), 36
Digital Equipment PDP-8, 24
digital hub concept, 383, 463, 489, 530, 53233, 562
computer evolution and, 37981
iPod and, 38485
Dilbert (cartoon), 523
Disney, Roy, 242, 432, 43436, 439, 441
Disney, Walt, 24243, 248, 284, 434, 442, 443, 569
Disney Channel, 291
Disney Co., 248, 284, 321
ant movies rivalry and, 42730
Pixars cobranding proposal and, 29192
Pixars merger with, 43243
Pixars Toy Story deal with, 28488, 29091
Toy Story premieres and, 28990
Disneyland, 243, 439
Disney on Ice, 437
Disney Studios, 24243
Disney World, 433
Doctorow, Cory, 563
Doerr, John, 275, 5012, 544, 546
Dr. Dre, 402, 406
Donovan, 413, 414
Doonesbury (comic strip), 309
Doors, 413
Draper, John (Captain Crunch), 27, 29
Dream Act, 546
DreamWorks SKG, 42729
Drexler, Millard Mickey, 321, 370, 37172, 558
Dreyfuss, Richard, 33031
Dudman, Jack, 40
DuPont, 310, 318
Dylan, Bob, 2526, 52, 153, 168, 189, 2078, 212, 251, 330, 400, 402, 403, 412, 413, 421, 494,
561, 570
complete boxed set of, 41618
SJs visit with, 41516
Dynabook project, 95, 475
Eames, Charles and Ray, 127
Earhart, Amelia, 330
Eason, James, 48385, 487, 49394, 550
eBay, 321
ebooks, 503
Economist, 493
Eddie Bauer (store), 369
Edge, The, 411, 411, 420, 421, 423
Edison, Thomas A., 330, 566
education reform movement, 54344
Egan, Jennifer, 26163, 438
Egypt, 258
Ehret, Arnold, 36, 548
Eichler, Joseph, 7, 125
Einstein, Albert, xvii, xviii, xix, 91, 119, 171, 330, 332
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 8
Eisenstat, Al, 122, 198, 201, 2023, 20910, 216, 221
Eisner, Michael, xiv, 242, 28992, 428, 43238, 441
Disney-Pixar merger opposed by, 442
ouster of, 42627
Senate testimony of, 43233
SJs feud with, 43235
Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, The (Wolfe), 58
Electronic Data Systems, 227
Electronic Frontier Foundation, 280
Electronic News, 10
Elias, John, 469
Eliot, T. S., 98
Elliot, Jay, 83, 197, 200201, 206
Ellison, Larry, xiv, 283, 28990, 296, 299300, 303, 306, 310, 311, 313, 320, 332, 333, 349, 365,
372, 374, 545
Emanuel, Rahm, 495, 497
EMI Music, 395, 420, 524
Eminem, 399, 402, 413
Emotional Rescue (Rolling Stones), 412
Empire Burlesque (Dylan), 2078, 412
Engelbart, Doug, 5758
Entrepreneurs, The (documentary), 227
Esalen, 57
eSarcasm (website), 517
Espinosa, Chris, 81, 104, 132, 135
Esquire, 27, 219, 396, 478
Esslinger, Hartmut, 132, 193, 221, 222, 241
est, 57
Estridge, Don, 149
Evangelist, Mike, 38182
Facebook, 275, 545
Fadell, Tony, xiv, 38589, 405, 40910, 46669, 473, 492, 520
Fairchild Semiconductor, 910, 76, 79, 82, 568
FairPlay (management system), 399, 408
Faith No More, 498
Faraday, Michael, 519
Farber, Dan, 137
Fariña, Mimi, 250
Feadship, 529
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 241
Federalist Papers, The, 497
Felsenstein, Lee, 61, 70
Fernandez, Bill, 25, 104
Ferrentino, Rick, 1213
Ferris, James, 128
Few Good Men, A (film), 456
Feynman, Richard, 330
File (app), 176
FileServer (software), 200, 205
Final Cut Pro, 380
Financial Times, 304, 309
Finding Nemo (film), 434
Fine Young Cannibals, 271
FingerWorks, 469
Fiore, Mark, 516
FireWire, 38081, 390, 393
Fisher, George M. C., 333, 482, 550
Fitzgerald, Ella, 153, 189
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 189
Flashpoint (Rolling Stones), 412
flat-screen technology, 196
Flight of the Conchords, 424
Fogarty, Thomas, 268
Fogerty, John, 411
Forbes, 306, 355
Forbes.com, 497
Ford, Henry, 566, 567
Ford Motors, 102
Forstall, Scott, xiv, 460, 494, 533, 558
Fortran (computer language), 24
Fortt, Jon, 49697
Fortune, 77, 141, 187, 229, 236, 311, 343, 361, 382, 449, 47778, 479, 482, 496, 504, 506, 531
48 Hours (film), 286
Foster, Norman, 535
Fox News Channel, 507, 508
Fox Studios, 507
Fraker, Susan, 236
France, 185, 344
Franklin, Aretha, 413
Franklin, Benjamin, xvii, xix
Freed, James, 180
Free Speech Movement, 57, 61
French, Gordon, 5960, 70
Friedland, Robert, xiv, 3740, 42, 45, 46, 5051, 86, 89, 106, 460
Friedman, Tom, 516
frogdesign, 133, 19394, 218, 22122
Frost, Robert, 329
Fuller, Buckminster, 58
Future of the Internetand How to Stop It, The (Zittrain), 563
Gabriel, Peter, 307
Gage, Kevin, 395
Galvin, Chris, 447
Gandhi, Mohandas, 119, 330, 332
Gap, 321, 37071
GarageBand, 380, 415, 526
Garcia, Jerry, 106
Gassée, Jean-Louis, xiv, 185, 196, 200, 201, 205, 207, 212, 294, 29798, 299, 300301
Gates, Bill, xiv, 10, 59, 6162, 135, 15960, 171, 227, 232, 245, 269, 277, 297, 306, 324, 366, 406
7, 409, 448, 465, 467, 479, 555
on Apple-Google dispute, 51314
Apple-NeXT buyout reaction of, 3023
background and personality of, 17172
GUI debate and, 17779
iMac criticized by, 35556
iPad criticized by, 495
iTunes Store reaction of, 404
Gates, Bill (cont.)
Macworld conference and, 32526
NeXT computer and, 22930, 23637
SJ contrasted with, 17173
SJ on, 568
SJs business relationship with, 17376
SJs personal relationship with, 17273, 175, 46364
SJs sickbed visit with, 55354
at SJs 30th birthday party, 18889
worldview of, 230
Gates, Jennifer, 554
Gates, Melinda, 467, 554
Gateway Computers, 371, 374, 376, 379
Gawker (website), 353, 479
Geffen, David, 292, 427
Genentech, 321, 371, 453, 545
General Magic, 385
General M.C. Meigs, USS, 2
General Motors, 227
Get On Your Boots (song), 424
Getty, Ann, 228
Getty, Gordon, 228
Giacometti, Alberto, 151
Gibbons, Fred, 159
Gillmore, Dan, 311
Girl from Ipanema, The (song), 189
Giugiaro, Giorgetto, 342
Gizmodo (website), 495, 518, 520
Glaser, Rob, 409
Glavin, Bill, 195
Gnutella, 394
Gold, Stanley, 434
Goldberg, Adele, 9697, 22930
Goldberg Variations (Bach), 41314
Goldblum, Jeff, 307
Gold Lion (song), 500
Goldman Sachs, 270
Goldstein, David, 374
Goodell, Jeff, 397
Google, 47, 136, 275, 321, 496, 502, 518, 531, 533, 534, 545, 552, 561, 563, 568
Android system of, 496, 51114, 516, 528, 534, 563
Gore, Al, 321, 450, 481, 518, 532, 558
gorilla glass, 47172
Gould, Glenn, 41314
Graham, Katharine, 165, 231
Graham, Martha, 330
Gran Trak 10 (game), 53
graphical user interface (GUI), 95, 97, 98
Macintosh-Microsoft conflict of, 17779
Grateful Dead, 57, 280, 414
Graves, Michael, 369
Gravity (song), 415
Graziano, Joseph, 374
Green Day, 413
Gretzky, Wayne, 349
Grokster, 394
Gropius, Walter, 126
Grossman, Lev, 473, 49596
Grove, Andrew, 10, 24647, 290, 294, 315, 448, 453, 454, 479
Grunbaum, Eric, 500
Hafner, Katie, 236
Haley, Alex, 456
Hallicrafters, 23
Hallmark, 289
Haltek Supply, 1718, 67
Hambrecht, Bill, 104
Hambrecht & Quist, 104
Hamilton, Alexander, 171
Hancock, Ellen, 299300, 308
Handsome Molly (song), 417
Hanks, Tom, 287, 290, 330
Hanna-Barbera, 352
Hannity, Sean, 508
Hard Days Night, A (Beatles), 412
Haring, Keith, 180
Harmony (music service), 409
Harris, David, 251
Harris, Gabriel, 251
Hartman, Arthur, 210
Hasbro, 321
Hastings, Reed, 545
Hawley, Michael, 224
Hayden, Steve, 162
Hayes, Rutherford, 193
HBO, 506
Heathkits, 16, 23
Heinen, Nancy, 45051
Heller, Andrew, 231
Heller, Dave, 383
Help! (Beatles), 412
Hemingway, Ernest, 19
Hendrix, Jimi, 280, 413
Henry V (Shakespeare), xxi
Henson, Jim, 331
Here Comes the Sun (song), 526
Hertzfeld, Andy, xiv, 5, 103, 109, 115, 11718, 117, 120, 14142, 147, 152, 157, 165, 169, 170,
172, 174, 177, 178, 189, 194, 2078, 260, 261, 265, 269, 272, 275, 277, 280, 281, 319, 354,
385, 412, 418, 474, 489, 56465
Macintosh computer and, 11314, 12831, 13637, 161, 16667, 19091
Hewlett, Ben, 279
Hewlett, Bill, xix, 9, 17, 25, 53435, 552, 569
Hewlett-Packard (HP), xix, 52, 64, 93, 296, 446, 459, 515, 534, 552, 55859, 568
DeskJet printer of, 338
Explorers Club of, 1617, 28
first product of, 9
9100A computer of, 17
SJ as employee of, 17
Hill, Imogene Teddy, 13
Hinduism, 48, 57
Hoefler, Don, 10
Hoffman, Joanna, xiv, 110, 117, 12122, 134, 156, 18487, 21718, 226, 235, 252, 260, 263, 272,
Holly, Buddy, 413
Holmes, Elizabeth, xiv, 3435, 3839, 41, 49, 5152, 67, 68, 86, 88, 89, 189, 251
Holt, Rod, xiv, 74, 103, 146
Homebrew Computer Club, 6062, 64, 70, 78, 163, 561
Horn, Bruce, 96, 11415, 120, 174, 192
Hovey, Dean, 98
How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb (U2), 421
HTC, 512
Huey, John, 473, 478
IBM, 119, 136, 139, 149, 160, 169, 177, 294, 296, 321, 333, 334, 361, 44647, 482, 568
Macintoshs rivalry with, 160
IBM (cont.)
NeXT and, 23132
PC introduced by, 135
ThinkPad of, 342
iBook, 338, 373, 444, 494
iBooks Store, 503
iChat, 406, 431
iCloud, 53034, 536, 555, 566
competition and, 53334
MobileMe product and, 53132, 533
SJs vision for, 531
unveiling of, 53233
Idei, Nobuyuki, 395, 407
iDVD, 380, 382, 403
iFund, 502
Iger, Robert, xiv, 43643
Im a Believer (song), 413
iMac computer, 338, 340, 345, 346, 34856, 369, 373, 390, 426, 444, 470, 474, 515, 519
casing of, 34950
CD burner of, 38283
CD tray debate and, 349, 35152, 35657, 382
concept of, 349
flat-screen technology and, 44546
Gatess criticism of, 35556
handle of, 35051
iPod and sales of, 39192
Ive and, 35052, 356
launch of, 35455
microprocessor of, 349
mouse of, 353
name of, 351
prototype of, 349, 35152
sales of, 356
specifications of, 34849
Immelt, Jeffrey, 545
iMouse, 373
iMovie, 380, 381, 383, 403, 446, 526, 532
IMSAI 8080 (computer), 6970
Inc., 106
Incredibles, The (film), 435
India, 37, 104
SJ influenced by, 4849
SJs sojourn in, 4648, 570
inertial scrolling, 363
InfoWorld, 229
Innovators Dilemma, The (Christensen), 409
Intel, 10, 76, 79, 121, 246, 294, 461, 493, 53637, 568, 569
Apple and, 44648
4004 chip of, 10
8080 chip of, 60, 66
in Macintosh computer, 492
Interface, 69
International Design Conference, 12526
International Harvester, 2
International Style, 126
Internet, 300, 349, 402, 409, 545, 502
Internet Explorer, 325
Interscope-Geffen-A&M, 399, 421
Intuit, 320
Iovine, Jimmy, 399400, 403, 411, 421, 423, 479
iPad, 78, 137, 339, 345, 346, 379, 408, 467, 511, 532, 555, 558, 562, 566
apps phenomenon and, 500503
App Store and, 503, 505, 507
ARM architecture and, 49293
case of, 49192
criticism of, 49496
display screen of, 491
Gatess criticism of, 495
Grossman on, 49596
launch of, 165, 49394
Manifesto ad campaign and, 498500
publishing industry and, 5046
sales of, 498
tablet project and, 49091
textbook industry and, 50910
iPad 2, 52527
cover of, 52526
launch of, 526
SJs, 527
iPhone, 78, 137, 339, 34445, 379, 408, 459, 460, 492, 494, 511, 512, 514, 532, 555, 562, 563,
564, 566
antenna problem and, 51923
apps phenomenon and, 5012, 516
design of, 47273
features of, 46972
glass screen of, 47072
initial application of, 46667
iPod and, 46667
Ive and, 51923
launch of, 47375
model 4 of, 518, 541
multi-touch technology and, 46769
onscreen keyboard of, 469
partnership and, 46566
P1 and P2 routes of, 46869
price of, 474
prototype of, 468
tablet computer idea and, 46768
3G model of, 478, 489
3GS model of, 487, 522
iPhoto, 380, 532
iPod, 7, 137, 345, 378, 38490, 394, 396, 407, 408, 440, 464, 474, 503, 514, 516, 532, 534, 562,
564, 565, 566
ad campaign for, 39192
designing of, 38788
development of, 38485
digital hub concept and, 38485
disc drive of, 38485, 386
Fadell and, 38589
Gatess first view of, 393
Harmony service of, 409
headphones of, 390
iconic whiteness of, 39091
iMac sales and, 39192
iPhone and, 46667
Ive and, 39091
Mini, 409
Nano, 347, 470, 489, 519
new versions of, 409
power switch of, 38990
price of, 39293
sales of, 410, 469
shuffle feature of, 40910
SJs selections on, 41214
unveiling of, 39293
user interface of, 38889
U2 deal and, 42022
video version of, 43839
Windows and, 4046
iPod Touch, 506
Italy, 185, 375
iTunes, 380, 385, 38990, 394, 432, 446, 464, 502, 532, 534, 562
Beatles and, 41920, 52324
development of, 38283
unveiling of, 38384
Windows and, 4046, 463
iTunes Store, 380, 407, 419, 438, 501, 503, 516, 524, 562, 564, 566
creation of, 39697
data base of, 410
Dylan boxed set offered by, 41618
Gatess reaction to, 404
initial idea for, 39697
iPod sales and, 400401
Microsofts reaction to, 4034
music industry and, 398402
sales of, 403
success of, 410
technology-art gap and, 39798
unveiling of, 4023
Ive, Jonathan Sony, xiv, 34052, 362, 364, 372, 387, 398, 409, 42627, 446, 460, 46162, 470,
472, 485, 48788, 491, 525, 554
background of, 341
design philosophy of, 34243
iMac and, 35052, 356
industrial designs of, 34142
iPhone antenna problem and, 51923
iPod and, 39091
minimalist aesthetic of, 44445
on multi-touch feature, 468
patents of, 34647, 492
SJs collaboration with, 34045, 347
SJs relationship with, 34243
U2 deal and, 42223
Jacob, Oren, 436
Jagger, Jade, 180
Jagger, Mick, 180, 402, 406
Jandali, Abdulfattah John, xiv, 34, 89, 253, 25658
Jandali, Roscille, 25758
Janoff, Rob, 80
Janov, Arthur, 50, 51
Jarrett, Valerie, 54546
Jasinski, Barbara, 91, 155, 250
J. C. Penney, 536
J. Crew, 321
Jefferson, Thomas, 171
Jefferson Airplane, 57, 280, 413
Jetsons, The (TV show), 35152, 445
Jobs, Clara Hagopian, xiv, 1, 5, 8, 9, 1112, 5051, 68
background of, 2
death of, 25354
SJ adopted by, 3
SJs money gift to, 106
Jobs, Erin, xiv, 280, 283, 425, 509, 539, 559
SJs relationship with, 54042
Jobs, Eve, xiv, 283, 452, 497, 509, 539, 553, 554, 559
SJs relationship with, 54243
Jobs, Patty, xiv, 5, 67, 255
Jobs, Paul Reinhold, xiv 56, 14, 15, 22, 5051, 68, 125, 228, 253, 254, 274, 294, 556
background of, 12
career of, 69
in Macintosh factory tour, 18384
SJ adopted by, xxxiv, 3
SJs money gift to, 106
SJs relationship with, 6, 8, 1112, 1819
Jobs, Reed Paul, xiv 258, 28283, 315, 415, 477, 484, 509, 521, 526, 527, 536, 541, 542, 546, 550
51, 559, 569
SJs relationship with, 53840
Jobs, Steven Paul, 21, 56, 108, 148, 293, 305, 340, 358, 490, 560
achievements of, xxxxi, 56566
adoption trauma and, 45, 12, 5051
AppleLabs proposal and, 19698, 2036
Apple-NeXT lawsuits and, 21718, 22122
assessment of, 56567
attitude toward wealth of, 1046, 44849, 451
authors sickbed visit with, 55557
aversion to authority of, 12, 19, 83
bachelors party of, 27374
birth mother found by, 25355, 258
Blue Box partnership and, 2930
business drive of, 5455
calligraphy studied by, 4041, 130
cancer of, xviiixix, 266, 376, 415, 425, 45256, 461, 476, 47980, 48284, 53839, 54751,
carbon microphone incident and, 1011
as celebrity, 18081
chairman role of, 2079, 213, 225
charisma of, 31, 64, 112, 121, 172, 242, 245, 302, 564
childhood of, 512, 119
as college dropout, 4041
commune living and, 3839
controlling personality of, 7475, 13738, 18283, 236, 245, 287, 288, 309, 315, 33536, 365,
counterculture self-image of, 107, 16263, 168, 331, 451
design aesthetic of, 80, 12528, 23940, 248
design passion of, 22021
diet of, 14, 31, 3536, 41, 51, 68, 8283, 260, 45455, 47677, 54849
Eastern spirituality interest of, 3435, 4852
education of, 1220
electronics passion of, 1011, 1517, 1920
fame of, 1067
fasting practice of, 36, 476, 548
final resignation letter of, 55759
first car of, 18
first computer seen by, 8
first desktop computer seen by, 17
first experience with electronics, 67
first girlfriend of, 31
first work experience of, 1718
40th birthday party of, 283
50th birthday party of, 45758
hallucinogenic drugs used by, 3132, 35
health issues of, 33334, 45253, 456, 476
hygiene of, 8283
illegitimate child of, 8890, 256
India sojourn of, 4648, 570
intensity of, xviii, 38, 172, 223, 561, 564
legacy of, 306, 53435, 56770
liver transplant of, 48284, 489
low pass filter of, 12021
LSD used by, 10, 41, 384
management focus mantra of, 359
marijuana used by, 1819, 32
marriage of, 27274
in middle school, 1314
mood swings of, 157, 195, 223, 548
music passion of, 19, 2526
Narcissistic Personality Disorder ascribed to, 26566
offensive behavior of, 5, 32, 43, 56, 64, 91, 101, 118, 119, 12123, 124, 142, 146, 157, 166,
178, 19596, 198, 223, 225, 46162, 489, 565
Palo Alto home of, 27477, 278
patents of, 375
perfectionism of, 74, 183, 315, 513, 561, 566
philanthropy and, 1056, 42324, 543
as prankster, 1213, 16, 26
in primal scream therapy, 50
product launches and, 16567
reality distortion field of, see reality distortion field
religion and, 1415
resignation letters of, 21516, 217, 55759
Russia visit of, 20910
selections on iPod of, 41214
sense of abandonment of, 45, 12, 5051
social awkwardness of, 1314
stare of, 38, 106, 172, 191, 193, 201, 203, 206, 303
stock options matter and, 36466, 44850, 477
30th birthday celebration of, 18890
Time profiles of, 1067, 13941
topography obsession of, 13031
20th wedding anniversary of, 52930
vegetarianism of, 3536, 82, 96, 155, 185, 260, 312, 454
in White House visit, 19293
whole-widget approach of, 13738
worldview of, 11920, 230, 31516, 561
Wozniaks remote device episode and, 19394
yacht planned by, 52829
Zen Buddhism interest of, 15, 3436, 41, 4850, 128, 262, 564, 570
Johnson, Ron, xiv 36973, 377, 536
Jones, Carr, 275
Jones, Jeff, 524
Joplin, Janis, 57, 413
Joy, Bill, 236
Juan Carlos I, King of Spain, 228
Jump Back (Rolling Stones), 412
Jung, Andrea, 321, 481
Junod, Tom, 478
Justice Department, U.S., 323
Kac, Mark, 566
Kahney, Leander, 138
Kahng, Stephen King, 336
kanban (manufacturing principle), 225
Kapor, Mitch, 159, 18889, 224
Kare, Susan, 13132, 144, 152, 221, 23233
Karen O, 500
Katzenberg, Jeffrey, xiv 248, 28487, 288, 292, 436
ants movies rivalry and, 42730
Kawasaki, Guy, 298
Kay, Alan, 95, 238, 47475
Kazaa, 394, 402
Keenan, Joe, 72
Kehoe, Louise, 304, 309
Kennedy, Bobby, 331
Kenyon, Larry, 123
Kepler, Johannes, 561
Kerwin, Pam, 24142, 24446, 431
Kesey, Ken, 57, 58
Keys, Alicia, 413
KGB, 209
Kincaid, Bill, 383
Kindle, 503, 534
King, B. B., 413, 487
King, Martin Luther, 330
King Lear (Shakespeare), 19
Kissinger, Henry, xx, 2829, 313
Kitchen, Steve, 196
Klein, Joel, 323, 509
Kodak, 333
Komoto, Hidetoshi, 147
Kot, Greg, 423
Kottke, Daniel, xv, 3839, 45, 4950, 51, 56, 6768, 70, 86, 87, 89, 90, 140, 432, 497
Apple stock options issue and, 103
in India, 47
SJs friendship with, 3436, 103
Kriegspiel (game), 35
Kumbh Mela (festival), 46
Lack, Andy, 400401, 406, 407, 41617, 421
Lady and the Lamp (film), 243
Land, Edward, xix, 8, 207, 567
Lang, Don, 43
Lang, Larry, 1011, 1617
Langer, Andy, 396
Lappé, Frances Moore, 36
lasers, 15
Lashinsky, Adam, 361, 531
Lasseter, John, xv, 238, 239, 240, 244, 28487, 289, 290, 291, 304, 438, 446, 452, 458
animated film by, 24748
background of, 24243
Disney-Pixar merger and, 44043
Pixar headquarters and, 43032
SJs admiration of, 42627
Toy Story idea of, 28586
Last Tycoon, The (Fitzgerald), 189
Lauren, Ralph, 251, 370
League for Spiritual Discovery (LSD), 33
Leary, Timothy, 33, 5758
Led Zeppelin, 402
Lemmings (advertisement), 187
Lennon, John, 51, 330, 331, 374, 524
Lennon, Sean, 180
Leonardo da Vinci, 80, 568
Let It Be (Beatles), 412
Levinson, Art, 321, 371, 447, 453, 454, 465, 481, 5012, 518, 52021, 558
Levitt, Arthur, 321
Levy, Joe, 412
Levy, Steven, 166, 355, 393, 412
Lewin, Danl, xv, 125, 214, 223, 231
NeXT and, 21213, 224
Lewinsky, Monica, 278
Lewis, Jerry Lee, 487
Libya, 258
Life, 1415
Like a Rolling Stone (song), 494, 570
Lin, Maya, 127
Lion King, The (film), 434, 439
Lisa Computer, 11012, 129, 130, 144, 145, 15051, 154, 181, 200
Atkinson and, 99101
converted to Mac XLS, 18687
failure of, 141, 160, 186
initial concept of, 93
launch of, 141
Macintoshs rivalry with, 13637
mouse of, 100101
name of, 93
screen background of, 99100
Little Green (song), 414
Little Mermaid, The (film), 242
Lockheed Missiles and Space Division, 9
Loewy, Raymond, 127
Lohr, Steve, 282
Los Angeles Times, 429
Lost (TV show), 438, 497
Lost Father, The (Simpson), 258
Lost World, The: Jurassic Park (film), 307
Lotus (software), 224
Love Is Just a Four-Letter Word (song), 412
Love Lounge, The, 432
LSD, 19, 41, 57, 107
Lucas, George, 23840, 243
Lucasfilm, 23941, 243
Luxo Jr. (film), 24344, 446
Lyons, Daniel, 49495, 496
Ma, Yo-Yo, 413, 42425
MacBook, 347
MacBook Pro, 468
McCartney, Paul, 524
McCollum, John, 1920, 21
Mac G4 Cube, 445, 448, 459
McGuinness, Paul, 421
Macintosh, xvii, 7, 41, 99, 207, 229, 230, 234, 239, 337, 348, 379, 396, 445, 463, 474, 513, 526,
554, 562, 563, 565, 569
Baez shown prototype of, 251
Bicycle proposed as name for, 115
bundling proposal and, 176
circuit board of, 13334
clones of, 33536, 447
design of, 12728, 13334
desktop metaphor and, 127
disk drive of, 14547, 186, 200
engineer team of, 11315
factory construction of, 18284
fonts of, 13031
Hertzfeld and, 11314, 12831, 161, 16667, 19091
hidden craftsmanship of, 13334
icons of, 131
Intel chip in, 492
launch of, 16061, 16770, 35354
licensing proposals and, 13839
Lisa design team and, 181
Lisas rivalry with, 13637
media coverage of, 16566
Microsoft and, 17375, 17779
name of, 109, 142
nickname of, 186
1984 ad campaign for, 159, 16065, 169, 187, 226, 325, 331, 516
1985 ad campaign for, 18788
OSX system of, 36667, 380
packaging of, 134
price debate and, 15758, 195
QuickDraw package of, 16970
Raskins vision for, 10910, 128
research team of, 10910
Russia sales of, 20910
sales of, 186, 195, 295
screen of, 12930
SJ-Gates relationship and, 17376
SJ-Raskin clashes and, 11014
SJs end-to-end concept and, 13739
SJs European tour and, 18485
team departures and, 19092
title bar of, 13132
McIntosh Laboratory, 109
McKenna, Regis, xv, 79, 85, 91, 93, 141, 151, 155, 162, 165, 188, 202, 215, 52122
McLean, Don, 413
McLeod, Gordon, 508
MacPaint, 180
Macromedia, 336
Macworld, 298
Macworld conferences, 3078, 32226, 329, 336, 339, 36667, 385, 415, 478, 47980, 560
Gates and, 32526
SJs keynote speech at, 32223, 325
Macys, 73, 164, 196
Madonna, 402, 502
Maffei, Greg, 32425
Magical Mystery Tour (Beatles), 412
Maharaj-ji (Neem Karoli Baba), 37, 45, 46, 91, 543
Malone, Michael S., 14, 307
Manifesto (advertising campaign), 498500
Manock, Jerry, 7374, 117, 12829
Mansfield, Bob, 460
marijuana, 1819
Markkula, Mike, xv, 63, 82, 84, 101, 102, 105, 109, 113, 116, 131, 134, 147, 14849, 168, 192,
204, 205, 208, 213, 215, 220, 298, 301, 310, 347, 351, 355
Apple joined by, 7576
Apple left by, 31920
Apple II and, 8081
iMac preview and, 353
1984 ad reaction of, 164
SJs relationship with, 78
Markoff, John, 57, 291, 384
Marsalis, Wynton, 402
Marshall, George, 457
Martin, Steve, 290
Maslin, Janet, 290
Mayer, John, 413
Meet the Beatles! (Beatles), 412
Mellencamp, John, 413
Mellow Yellow (song), 414
Merwin, Mike, 209
Michelangelo, 568
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 761