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Mock Turtlenecks and Teamwork: Interviews with Steve Jobs, James Vincent, Jony Ive, Lee

Clow, Avie Tevanian, Jon Rubinstein. Lev Grossman, “How Apple Does It,” Time, Oct. 16, 2005;

Leander Kahney, “How Apple Got Everything Right by Doing Everything Wrong,” Wired, Mar.

18, 2008.

From iCEO to CEO: Interviews with Ed Woolard, Larry Ellison, Steve Jobs. Apple proxy

statement, Mar. 12, 2001.


The Customer Experience: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Ron Johnson. Jerry Useem, “America’s

Best Retailer,” Fortune, Mar. 19, 2007; Gary Allen, “Apple Stores,” ifoAppleStore.com.

The Prototype: Interviews with Art Levinson, Ed Woolard, Millard “Mickey” Drexler, Larry

Ellison, Ron Johnson, Steve Jobs, Art Levinson. Cliff Edwards, “Sorry, Steve . . . ,” Business

Week, May 21, 2001.

Wood, Stone, Steel, Glass: Interviews with Ron Johnson, Steve Jobs. U.S. Patent Office,

D478999, Aug. 26, 2003, US2004/0006939, Jan. 15, 2004; Gary Allen, “About Me,”



Connecting the Dots: Interviews with Lee Clow, Jony Ive, Steve Jobs. Sheff; Steve Jobs,

Macworld keynote address, Jan. 9, 2001.

FireWire: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Phil Schiller, Jon Rubinstein. Steve Jobs, Macworld

keynote address, Jan. 9, 2001; Joshua Quittner, “Apple’s New Core,” Time, Jan. 14, 2002; Mike

Evangelist, “Steve Jobs, the Genuine Article,” Writer’s Block Live, Oct. 7, 2005; Farhad Manjoo,

“Invincible Apple,” Fast Company, July 1, 2010; email from Phil Schiller.

iTunes: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Phil Schiller, Jon Rubinstein, Tony Fadell. Brent

Schlender, “How Big Can Apple Get,” Fortune, Feb. 21, 2005; Bill Kincaid, “The True Story of

SoundJam,” http://panic.com/extras/audionstory/popup-sjstory.html; Levy, The Perfect Thing, 49–

60; Knopper, 167; Lev Grossman, “How Apple Does It,” Time, Oct. 17, 2005; Markoff, xix.

The iPod: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Phil Schiller, Jon Rubinstein, Tony Fadell. Steve Jobs,

iPod announcement, Oct. 23, 2001; Toshiba press releases, PR Newswire, May 10, 2000, and June

4, 2001; Tekla Perry, “From Podfather to Palm’s Pilot,” IEEE Spectrum, Sept. 2008; Leander

Kahney, “Inside Look at Birth of the iPod,” Wired, July 21, 2004; Tom Hormby and Dan Knight,

“History of the iPod,” Low End Mac, Oct. 14, 2005.

That’s It! Interviews with Tony Fadell, Phil Schiller, Jon Rubinstein, Jony Ive, Steve Jobs.

Levy, The Perfect Thing, 17, 59–60; Knopper, 169; Leander Kahney, “Straight Dope on the IPod’

s Birth,” Wired, Oct. 17, 2006.

The Whiteness of the Whale: Interviews with James Vincent, Lee Clow, Steve Jobs. Wozniak,

298; Levy, The Perfect Thing, 73; Johnny Davis, “Ten Years of the iPod,” Guardian, Mar. 18,



Warner Music: Interviews with Paul Vidich, Steve Jobs, Doug Morris, Barry Schuler, Roger

Ames, Eddy Cue. Paul Sloan, “What’s Next for Apple,” Business 2.0, Apr. 1, 2005; Knopper, 157

–161,170; Devin Leonard, “Songs in the Key of Steve,” Fortune, May 12, 2003; Tony Perkins,

interview with Nobuyuki Idei and Sir Howard Stringer, World Economic Forum, Davos, Jan. 25,

2003; Dan Tynan, “The 25 Worst Tech Products of All Time,” PC World, Mar. 26, 2006; Andy

Langer, “The God of Music,” Esquire, July 2003; Jeff Goodell, “Steve Jobs,” Rolling Stone, Dec.

3, 2003.

Herding Cats: Interviews with Doug Morris, Roger Ames, Steve Jobs, Jimmy Iovine, Andy

Lack, Eddy Cue, Wynton Marsalis. Knopper, 172; Devin Leonard, “Songs in the Key of Steve,”

Fortune, May 12, 2003; Peter Burrows, “Show Time!” Business Week, Feb. 2, 2004; Pui-Wing

Tam, Bruce Orwall, and Anna Wilde Mathews, “Going Hollywood,” Wall Street Journal, Apr. 25,

2003; Steve Jobs, keynote speech, Apr. 28, 2003; Andy Langer, “The God of Music,” Esquire,

July 2003; Steven Levy, “Not the Same Old Song,” Newsweek, May 12, 2003.

Microsoft: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Phil Schiller, Tim Cook, Jon Rubinstein, Tony Fadell,

Eddy Cue. Emails from Jim Allchin, David Cole, Bill Gates, Apr. 30, 2003 (these emails later

became part of an Iowa court case and Steve Jobs sent me copies); Steve Jobs, presentation, Oct.

16, 2003; Walt Mossberg interview with Steve Jobs, All Things Digital conference, May 30, 2007;

Bill Gates, “We’re Early on the Video Thing,” Business Week, Sept. 2, 2004.

Mr. Tambourine Man: Interviews with Andy Lack, Tim Cook, Steve Jobs, Tony Fadell, Jon

Rubinstein. Ken Belson, “Infighting Left Sony behind Apple in Digital Music,” New York Times,

Apr. 19, 2004; Frank Rose, “Battle for the Soul of the MP3 Phone,” Wired, Nov. 2005; Saul

Hansel, “Gates vs. Jobs: The Rematch,” New York Times, Nov. 14, 2004; John Borland, “Can

Glaser and Jobs Find Harmony?” CNET News, Aug. 17, 2004; Levy, The Perfect Thing, 169.


On His iPod: Interviews with Steve Jobs, James Vincent. Elisabeth Bumiller, “President Bush’s

iPod,” New York Times, Apr. 11, 2005; Levy, The Perfect Thing, 26–29; Devin Leonard, “Songs

in the Key of Steve,” Fortune, May 12, 2003.

Bob Dylan: Interviews with Jeff Rosen, Andy Lack, Eddy Cue, Steve Jobs, James Vincent, Lee

Clow. Matthew Creamer, “Bob Dylan Tops Music Chart Again—and Apple’s a Big Reason

Why,” Ad Age, Oct. 8, 2006.

The Beatles; Bono; Yo-Yo Ma: Interviews with Bono, John Eastman, Steve Jobs, Yo-Yo Ma,

George Riley.


A Bug’s Life: Interviews with Jeffrey Katzenberg, John Lasseter, Steve Jobs. Price, 171–174;

Paik, 116; Peter Burrows, “Antz vs. Bugs” and “Steve Jobs: Movie Mogul,” Business Week, Nov.

23, 1998; Amy Wallace, “Ouch! That Stings,” Los Angeles Times, Sept. 21, 1998; Kim Masters,

“Battle of the Bugs,” Time, Sept. 28, 1998; Richard Schickel, “Antz,” Time, Oct. 12, 1998;

Richard Corliss, “Bugs Funny,” Time, Nov. 30, 1998.

Steve’s Own Movie: Interviews with John Lasseter, Pam Kerwin, Ed Catmull, Steve Jobs. Paik,

168; Rick Lyman, “A Digital Dream Factory in Silicon Valley,” New York Times, June 11, 2001.

The Divorce: Interviews with Mike Slade, Oren Jacob, Michael Eisner, Bob Iger, Steve Jobs,

John Lasseter, Ed Catmull. James Stewart, Disney War (Simon & Schuster, 2005), 383; Price, 230

–235; Benny Evangelista, “Parting Slam by Pixar’s Jobs,” San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 5, 2004;

John Markoff and Laura Holson, “New iPod Will Play TV Shows,” New York Times, Oct. 13,



Clams, Ice Cubes, and Sunflowers: Interviews with Jon Rubinstein, Jony Ive, Laurene Powell,

Steve Jobs, Fred Anderson, George Riley. Steven Levy, “Thinking inside the Box,” Newsweek,

July 31, 2000; Brent Schlender, “Steve Jobs,” Fortune, May 14, 2001; Ian Fried, “Apple Slices

Revenue Forecast Again,” CNET News, Dec. 6, 2000; Linzmayer, 301; U.S. Design Patent

D510577S, granted on Oct. 11, 2005.

Intel Inside: Interviews with Paul Otellini, Bill Gates, Art Levinson. Carlton, 436.

Options: Interviews with Ed Woolard, George Riley, Al Gore, Fred Anderson, Eric Schmidt.

Geoff Colvin, “The Great CEO Heist,” Fortune, June 25, 2001; Joe Nocera, “Weighing Jobs’s

Role in a Scandal,” New York Times, Apr. 28, 2007; Deposition of Steven P. Jobs, Mar. 18, 2008,

SEC v. Nancy Heinen, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California; William Barrett,

“Nobody Loves Me,” Forbes, May 11, 2009; Peter Elkind, “The Trouble with Steve Jobs,”

Fortune, Mar. 5, 2008.


Cancer: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Laurene Powell, Art Levinson, Larry Brilliant, Dean

Ornish, Bill Campbell, Andy Grove, Andy Hertzfeld.

The Stanford Commencement: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Laurene Powell. Steve Jobs,

Stanford commencement address.

A Lion at Fifty: Interviews with Mike Slade, Alice Waters, Steve Jobs, Tim Cook, Avie

Tevanian, Jony Ive, Jon Rubinstein, Tony Fadell, George Riley, Bono, Walt Mossberg, Steven

Levy, Kara Swisher. Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher interviews with Steve Jobs and Bill Gates,

All Things Digital conference, May 30, 2007; Steven Levy, “Finally, Vista Makes Its Debut,”

Newsweek, Feb. 1, 2007.


An iPod That Makes Calls: Interviews with Art Levinson, Steve Jobs, Tony Fadell, George

Riley, Tim Cook. Frank Rose, “Battle for the Soul of the MP3 Phone,” Wired, Nov. 2005.

Multi-touch: Interviews with Jony Ive, Steve Jobs, Tony Fadell, Tim Cook.

Gorilla Glass: Interviews with Wendell Weeks, John Seeley Brown, Steve Jobs.

The Design: Interviews with Jony Ive, Steve Jobs, Tony Fadell. Fred Vogelstein, “The Untold

Story,” Wired, Jan. 9, 2008.

The Launch: Interviews with John Huey, Nicholas Negroponte. Lev Grossman, “Apple’s New

Calling,” Time, Jan. 22, 2007; Steve Jobs, speech, Macworld, Jan. 9, 2007; John Markoff, “Apple

Introduces Innovative Cellphone,” New York Times, Jan. 10, 2007; John Heilemann, “Steve Jobs

in a Box,” New York, June 17, 2007; Janko Roettgers, “Alan Kay: With the Tablet, Apple Will

Rule the World,” GigaOM, Jan. 26, 2010.


The Battles of 2008: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Kathryn Smith, Bill Campbell, Art Levinson,

Al Gore, John Huey, Andy Serwer, Laurene Powell, Doug Morris, Jimmy Iovine. Peter Elkind,

“The Trouble with Steve Jobs,” Fortune, Mar. 5, 2008; Joe Nocera, “Apple’s Culture of Secrecy,”

New York Times, July 26, 2008; Steve Jobs, letter to the Apple community, Jan. 5 and Jan. 14,

2009; Doron Levin, “Steve Jobs Went to Switzerland in Search of Cancer Treatment,”

Fortune.com, Jan. 18, 2011; Yukari Kanea and Joann Lublin, “On Apple’s Board, Fewer

Independent Voices,” Wall Street Journal, Mar. 24, 2010; Micki Maynard (Micheline Maynard),

Twitter post, 2:45 p.m., Jan. 18, 2011; Ryan Chittum, “The Dead Source Who Keeps on Giving,”

Columbia Journalism Review, Jan. 18, 2011.

Memphis: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Laurene Powell, George Riley, Kristina Kiehl, Kathryn

Smith. John Lauerman and Connie Guglielmo, “Jobs Liver Transplant,” Bloomberg, Aug. 21,


Return: Interviews with Steve Jobs, George Riley, Tim Cook, Jony Ive, Brian Roberts, Andy



You Say You Want a Revolution: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Phil Schiller, Tim Cook, Jony Ive,

Tony Fadell, Paul Otellini. All Things Digital conference, May 30, 2003.

The Launch, January 2010: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Daniel Kottke. Brent Schlender, “Bill

Gates Joins the iPad Army of Critics,” bnet.com, Feb. 10, 2010; Steve Jobs, keynote address in

San Francisco, Jan. 27, 2010; Nick Summers, “Instant Apple iPad Reaction,” Newsweek.com, Jan.

27, 2010; Adam Frucci, “Eight Things That Suck about the iPad” Gizmodo, Jan. 27, 2010; Lev

Grossman, “Do We Need the iPad?” Time, Apr. 1, 2010; Daniel Lyons, “Think Really Different,”

Newsweek, Mar. 26, 2010; Techmate debate, Fortune, Apr. 12, 2010; Eric Laningan, “Wozniak on

the iPad” TwiT TV, Apr. 5, 2010; Michael Shear, “At White House, a New Question: What’s on

Your iPad?” Washington Post, June 7, 2010; Michael Noer, “The Stable Boy and the iPad,”

Forbes.com, Sept. 8, 2010.

Advertising: Interviews with Steve Jobs, James Vincent, Lee Clow.

Apps: Interviews with Art Levinson, Phil Schiller, Steve Jobs, John Doerr.

Publishing and Journalism: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Jeff Bewkes, Rick Stengel, Andy

Serwer, Josh Quittner, Rupert Murdoch. Ken Auletta, “Publish or Perish,” New Yorker, Apr. 26,

2010; Ryan Tate, “The Price of Crossing Steve Jobs,” Gawker, Sept. 30, 2010.


Google: Open versus Closed: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Bill Campbell, Eric Schmidt, John

Doerr, Tim Cook, Bill Gates. John Abell, “Google’s ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Mantra Is ‘Bullshit,’” Wired,

Jan. 30, 2010; Brad Stone and Miguel Helft, “A Battle for the Future Is Getting Personal,” New

York Times, March 14, 2010.

Flash, the App Store, and Control: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Bill Campbell, Tom Friedman,

Art Levinson, Al Gore. Leander Kahney, “What Made Apple Freeze Out Adobe?” Wired, July

2010; Jean-Louis Gassée, “The Adobe-Apple Flame War,” Monday Note, Apr. 11, 2010; Steve

Jobs, “Thoughts on Flash,” Apple.com, Apr. 29, 2010; Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, Steve

Jobs interview, All Things Digital conference, June 1, 2010; Robert X. Cringely (pseudonym),

“Steve Jobs: Savior or Tyrant?” InfoWorld, Apr. 21, 2010; Ryan Tate, “Steve Jobs Offers World

‘Freedom from Porn,’” Valleywag, May 15, 2010; JR Raphael, “I Want Porn,” esarcasm.com,

Apr. 20, 2010; Jon Stewart, The Daily Show, Apr. 28, 2010.

Antennagate: Design versus Engineering: Interviews with Tony Fadell, Jony Ive, Steve Jobs,

Art Levinson, Tim Cook, Regis McKenna, Bill Campbell, James Vincent. Mark Gikas, “Why

Consumer Reports Can’t Recommend the iPhone4,” Consumer Reports, July 12, 2010; Michael

Wolff, “Is There Anything That Can Trip Up Steve Jobs?” newser.com and vanityfair.com, July

19, 2010; Scott Adams, “High Ground Maneuver,” dilbert.com, July 19, 2010.

Here Comes the Sun: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Eddy Cue, James Vincent.


The iPad 2: Interviews with Larry Ellison, Steve Jobs, Laurene Powell. Steve Jobs, speech,

iPad 2 launch event, Mar. 2, 2011.

iCloud: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Eddy Cue. Steve Jobs, keynote address, Worldwide

Developers Conference, June 6, 2011; Walt Mossberg, “Apple’s Mobile Me Is Far Too Flawed to

Be Reliable,” Wall Street Journal, July 23, 2008; Adam Lashinsky, “Inside Apple,” Fortune, May

23, 2011; Richard Waters, “Apple Races to Keep Users Firmly Wrapped in Its Cloud,” Financial

Times, June 9, 2011.

A New Campus: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ann Bowers. Steve Jobs,

appearance before the Cupertino City Council, June 7, 2011.


Family Ties: Interviews with Laurene Powell, Erin Jobs, Steve Jobs, Kathryn Smith, Jennifer

Egan. Email from Steve Jobs, June 8, 2010, 4:55 p.m.; Tina Redse to Steve Jobs, July 20, 2010,

and Feb. 6, 2011.

President Obama: Interviews with David Axelrod, Steve Jobs, John Doerr, Laurene Powell,

Valerie Jarrett, Eric Schmidt, Austan Goolsbee.

Third Medical Leave, 2011: Interviews with Kathryn Smith, Steve Jobs, Larry Brilliant.

Visitors: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mike Slade.


Jonathan Zittrain, The Future of the Internet—And How to Stop It (Yale, 2008), 2; Cory

Doctorow, “Why I Won’t Buy an iPad,” Boing Boing, Apr. 2, 2010.


Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

Abby Road (Beatles), 412

ABC, 219, 436, 438

Academy Awards, 244, 248

Adams, Ansel, 105, 277, 330

Adams, Scott, 523

Adobe, 241, 247, 381, 518

Apple and, 514–16

Adobe Director, 363

Adobe Flash, 380, 514–15, 517

Adobe Illustrator, 242

Adobe Photoshop, 380

Adobe Premiere, 380

Advertising Age, 165, 418

Advocate, The, 280, 282

A4 (microchip), 492–93, 496

Agnelli, Susanna, 126

Aguilera, Christina, 418

Agus, David, 550

Airborne Express, 359

Air Force, U.S., 23

AirPort (base station), 466

Akers, John, 219, 231, 569

Akon (performer), 479

Aladdin (film), 439

Alcorn, Al, xiii, 42–43, 45, 52, 54, 67, 72, 74, 195

Ali, Muhammad, 307

Alinsangan, Susan, 391

Allchin, Jim, 403

Allen, Gary, 376

Allen, Paul, 59, 61

Allen, Tim, 432

Allen, Woody, 429

All One Farm (commune), 39, 50, 53, 59, 63, 103

All Things Digital conference, 463

“All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace” (Brautigan), 57

Alps Electronics Co., 146–47

Altair (personal computer), 59, 173

Alto (computer), 95

Amazon, 410, 531, 533

Kindle of, 503, 534

SJ on, 503–4

Amelio, Gil, xiii, 296–97, 327, 332, 335, 336, 341

Apple-NeXT deal and, 299–303

Macworld gaffe of, 307–8, 339

media and, 311–12

Newton crisis and, 309, 338

ouster of, 305–15, 324, 326

ship parable of, 310

SJ’s first meeting with, 297–98, 304, 316–17

American Express, 410

Ames, Roger, 398–99, 401, 402

Ames Research Center, 8–9

Anderson, Fred, 313, 316, 317, 332, 349, 459

backdated stock options controversy and, 450–51

Angelou, Maya, 330

“Annie” skunkworks project, 94, 109

Ansen, David, 290

“Antennagate,” 519–23

Antz (film), 427–30

Anywhere but Here (Simpson), 4, 254–55

AOL, 502

AOL Time Warner, 394–95, 398, 407

Apollo 13 (film), 290

Appel, Richard, 250, 274, 548

Apple Computer Co., 54, 90, 132, 207, 239, 295, 306–7, 308, 317–22, 394–95, 409, 512

Adobe and, 514–16

Apple Corps lawsuits against, 419–20, 523–24

applications controlled by, 516–17

art-technology connection and, 526–27

badge controversy in, 83

Blue Box and creation of, 27–30

business plan of, 76–77

collaborative culture of, 362–63

Cook Doctrine and, 488

Cook’s role in, 360–61

design mantra of, 127

design philosophy of, 344–45

design studio of, 345–47

desktop concept and, 98–99

desktop publishing and, 295–96

incorporation of, 77–78

Intel chips adopted by, 446–48

IPO of, 102–4

logo of, xviii, 68–69, 79–80

Macintosh deal and, 324–25

Microsoft out-competed by, 562–63

motto of, 69

name of, 63

NeXT and, 213–15, 217–18, 221–22, 298–300, 305–6

original partnership of, 63–66, 73

origins of, 61–63

product review process of, 336–39

products of, 565–66

retreats of, 142–45, 147, 154–55, 175, 398–99

Sculley’s reorganization of, 205–7

showcase headquarters of, 534–35

SJ as interim CEO of, 332–33, 364–65, 367

SJ ousted from, xvii–xviii, 202–6, 215–16, 217

SJ’s aesthetic and, 126–27

SJ-Scott dispute in, 83–84

SJ’s resignations from, 215–16, 217, 303–4, 557–59, 563–64

SJ’s return to, 306–8, 317–21

stock options controversy and, 365–66, 448–51, 477

turnover of board of, 318–20

uniforms idea and, 361–62

Wozniak’s departure from, 192–93

Xerox “raided” by, 96–97, 98

Apple Corps, 419–20, 523–24

Apple Foundation, 263

Apple I computer, 56, 63, 66, 163

early competition to, 69–70

first sales order for, 66–68

Wozniak and, 60–61, 67–68, 534

Apple II computer, 91, 93, 94, 109, 114, 125, 137, 138, 154, 173, 189, 192, 200, 207, 565

brochures of, 79–80

capitalization of, 72, 75, 77

circuit board of, 74–75

Commodore company and, 72–73

launch of, 80–81

Markkula and, 80–81

packaging of, 73–74

PC sales and, 160

peripherals and, 74–75

power supply of, 84, 146

sales of, 84, 92, 160

SJ’s vision of, 71–72

Snow White ad for, 132–33

VisiCalc feature of, 84

warranty of, 84

Wozniak and, 80–81, 84–85, 92, 534, 562

Apple III computer, 92–94, 154

failure of, 92–93, 160

AppleLabs, 196–98, 203, 204–6

“Apple Marketing Philosophy, The” (Markkula), 78

Apple products, see individual product names

Apple Stores, 368–77, 368, 461, 470, 472, 566

checkout design of, 372

on Fifth Avenue, 376–77, 514

first opening of, 374

floors of, 375

Gap and, 370

genius bar in, 375–76

minimalist nature of, 370

product organization in, 372–74

prototypes of, 371–74

staircases of, 375

success of, 374, 376

Apple University, 461

Arab Spring, 258

Architectural Digest, 276

ARM architecture, 492–93

Arnold Worldwide, 328

Aspen Institute, xvii, 126

Associated Press, 293

AT&T, 27, 136, 521

Atari, 42–45, 52, 53, 57, 63, 72, 74, 81, 217

SJ hired by, 83–84

Atkinson, Bill, xiii, 93–94, 95, 96–97, 99, 101, 110, 111, 113, 117, 118, 122–23, 128–32, 134,

144, 179, 181, 207, 385, 470, 474, 555

Lisa Computer and, 99–101

overlapping windows concept of, 100, 323

QuickDraw program of, 169–70, 180

SJ’s worldview described by, 119–20

Atom (microchip), 492

Augmentation Research Center, 57

Auletta, Ken, 256

Autobiography of a Yogi (Yogananda), 35, 46–47, 527

Avon, 321, 481

Axelrod, David, 497, 547

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 413

Badu, Erykah, 479

Baez, Joan, 57, 153, 168, 261, 269, 412, 415

SJ’s romance with, 250–53

Ballmer, Steve, 375, 474, 569

Bank of America, 83

Barnes, Susan, 204, 212, 216

Barnicle, Mike, 312

Barrett, Craig, 448

Bartz, Carol, 545

BASIC (computer language), 59, 61, 66, 84, 94, 173, 174–75

Batman Forever (film), 290

Bauhaus movement, 126, 265, 372

Baum, Allen, 26, 60, 67, 77

Bay, Willow, 438

Bayer, Herbert, 126, 127

Beatles, 402, 412–13, 415, 418–19, 570

in move to iTunes, 523–24

Beauty and the Beast (film), 439

Beck, Glenn, 508

Be company, 297–301

Be Here Now (Ram Dass), 34, 37, 52

Belleville, Bob, 99, 145–47, 190, 200, 204

Bellini, Mario, 126

Bell Labs, 9

Bell System Technical Manual, 27–28

Berg, Paul, 211–12

Berkeley Barb, 61

Bertelsmann, 395

Bertolucci, Bernardo, 126

Betrayal (Pinter), 204

Bewkes, Jeff, 506–7

Bezos, Jeff, 503

Big Mac (computer), 212, 214

Billboard, 418, 423

bitmapping concept, 95, 97, 111

BlackBerry, 469

Black Eyed Peas, 392, 413

Black-Scholes valuation, 449

Blade Runner (film), 163

Blood on the Tracks (Dylan), 52, 208, 412

Bloomberg News, 479, 497

Blue Box design, 27–30, 73

SJ-Wozniak partnership and, 29–30

Blue Van, 498

Bob Dylan (Dylan), 412

Bohlin, Peter, 430

Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, 375

Bohr, Niels, 171

Boich, Mike, 177

Boing Boing, 563

Bono, 58, 180, 402, 406, 411, 424, 459–60

iPod deal and, 420–23

“Book of Macintosh, The” (Raskin), 109

Boston Globe, 312

“Both Sides Now” (song), 414

Bourke-White, Margaret, 330

Bourne Ultimatum, The (film), 527

Bowers, Ann, 121, 537

Brand, Stewart, 58–59

Brandenburg Concertos (Bach), 413

Braun company, 132, 343

Brautigan, Richard, 57

Breaking Away (film), 126

Breakout (game), 118

Brennan, Chrisann, xiii, 5, 31–32, 41, 49, 86, 103, 104, 119, 257, 259, 265, 279, 280–81, 486

pregnancy of, 88–90

SJ’s relationship with, 86–91

Brennan-Jobs, Lisa, xiii, 90, 140, 256, 257, 270, 542

Mona Simpson and, 282

SJ’s relationship with, 259–61, 265, 266, 278–81, 315, 486, 542, 551–52

Brilliant, Larry, 47, 106, 453

Brin, Sergey, 511–12

Brother Bear (film), 437

Brown, Bryar, 477, 549

Brown, John Seeley, 471

Brown, Tim, 32

“Brown Eyed Girl” (song), 411

Buffalo Springfield, 413

Buffett, Warren, 442

Bug’s Life, A (film), 427–30

Bumiller, Elisabeth, 411–12

Burge, Frank, 79

Burroughs company, 20

Burton, Bill, 497

Bush, George H. W., 209

Bush, George W., 411, 516

Bushnell, Nolan, xiii, 42–44, 52–53, 54–55, 72, 75, 217

BusinessWeek, 141, 160, 166, 225, 236, 311, 320, 374, 406

Buyer, Lise, 463–64

Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 224

Byte Shop, 66–67, 68, 71, 368

Calder, Alexander, 151, 183

Calhoun, Greg, 5, 39, 51, 86–87, 88

California Motor Vehicle Department, 24

Callas, Maria, 330

Callaway (publisher), 502

Campanile, The, 279

Campbell, Bill, xiii, 164, 202, 206, 212–15, 320–21, 481, 482, 515, 557, 558

Cannavino, Jim, 232

Canon, 294

Cat computer of, 113

Capps, Steve, 144–45, 161

CAPS (Computer Animation Production System), 242, 284

Captain Crunch, see Draper, John

Carey Mariah, 399

Carlton, Jim, 307

Carroll, Lewis, 235

Cars (film), 435, 441

Carter, Matt, 182–83

Cash, Berry, 138

Cash, Johnny, 413, 487

Casone, Il (quarry), 375

“Catch the Wind” (song), 414

Catmull, Ed, xiii, 238–39, 238, 240, 241, 243, 245–48, 284–85, 287, 288, 430, 440–41, 442

Cave, Ray, 140–41

CBS News, 400

cell phones, 465–66

“Centerfield” (song), 411

Cera, Michael, 499

Chambers, John, 545–46

Chang, Gareth, 319

Chaplin, Charlie, 330

Chapman, Tracy, 280

Chariots of Fire (film), 167, 169

Charlie Rose (TV show), 290

Chart (app), 176

Chiat, Jay, 187–88, 262

Chiat/Day advertising agency, 162, 164, 225–26, 327

Chicago Tribune, 233, 423

China, People’s Republic of, 200, 201, 546

Chinatown (film), 527

Chino, Kobun, xiii, 49, 50, 86, 87, 262, 274

Christensen, Clayton, 408–9, 532

Christie’s, 69

Chrysler, 321, 482

Cinderella II (film), 435

Cingular, 466

Cisco, 545

CIT, 6

City of Hope (charity), 479

Clinton, Bill, 39, 278, 323, 330, 553

Clinton, Hillary, 278

Clow, Lee, xiii, 162, 164, 187, 327, 364, 374, 391, 392, 417–18, 452, 458, 462–63, 498, 500, 521,

524, 547

iMac and, 351, 352–53

“Think Different” campaign and, 328–32

CNBC, 474

CNN, xvii

Coast Guard, U.S., 1–2, 6, 106

Coates, George, 233

Cocks, Jay, 139

Cohen, Larry, 463

Coldplay, 410, 413

Cole, David, 404

Coleman, Deborah “Debi,” xiii, 119, 122, 124, 145, 183–84, 187, 189, 202, 204–5, 252

College Track, 543

Colorado, University of, 24

Comcast, 439, 489

Commodore, 72–73, 135

PET computer of, 73

Compaq Computers, 232, 360, 369, 374, 381, 446

CompuServe, 502

Computer Animation Production System (CAPS), 242, 284

computers, computing, 57–59

closed-open debate and, 513, 554, 561–62

desktop concept and, 95, 98–99

digital hub and evolution of, 379–81

first portable, 123

Consumer Reports, 520

Cook, Tim, xiii, 345–46, 358–59, 362, 408, 455, 460, 461, 473, 480–81, 485, 487, 489, 521, 526,

549, 557–58

“Doctrine” of, 488

role of, 360–61, 458–59

Copeland, Michael, 496

Copland operating system, 297

Corliss, Richard, 290, 429

Corning Glass, 471–72

Corzine, Jon, 270

Coster, Danny, 349

Cotton, Katie, 521

Couch, John, 95, 99, 101, 112, 116, 136, 141, 150

Cramer Electronics, 67

Crandall, Richard, 273

“Crazy” (song), 329

Cream Soda Computer, 25

Crimson, The, 280

Crittenden Middle School, 13

Crow, Cheryl, 402, 413

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