Fat Lady. EVERYBODY STAND! I`m a hijacker. And in this handbag I have a...Mr Lear. Let’s have a beer here, dear.
Mrs Lear. What a good idea [aɪ'dɪə]! They have very good beer here. We came here last year [jɪə].
Mr Lear. The atmosphere here is very clear.
Mrs Lear. And it’s windier than last year.
Mr Lear. (speaking to the waiter) Two beers, please.
Mrs Lear. Look, dear! Look at that mountaineer [ˌmauntɪ'nɪə] drinking beer.
Mr Lear. His beard is in his beer.
Mrs Lear. His beard has nearly ['nɪəlɪ] disappeared into his beer!
Mr Lear. Sh, dear! He might hear [hɪə].
Waiter. (bringing the beer) Here you are, sir. Two beers.
Mr Lear. (drinking his beer) Cheers, dear!
Mrs Lear. Cheers! Here’s to the bearded mountaineer!
The worst nurse [ɜː]

Sir Herbert. Nurse [nɜːs]!
Colonel Burton. Nurse! I’m thirsty ['θɜːstɪ]!
Sir Herbert. Nurse! My head [hed] hurts [hɜːt]!
Colonel Burton. NURSE!
Sir Herbert. Curse [kɜːs] these [ðiːz] nurses!
Colonel Burton. Nurse Sherman always ['ɔːlweɪz] wears [weə] such dirty shirts.
Sir Herbert. And such short [ʃɔːt] skirts [skɜːt].
Colonel Burton. She never arrives at work [wɜːk] early.
Sir Herbert. She and …er… Nurse Turner weren’t at work on Thursday, were they?
Colonel Burton. No, they weren’t.
Sir Herbert. Nurse Sherman is the worst [wɜːst] nurse in the ward [wɔːd], isn’t she?
Colonel Burton. No, she isn’t. She is the worst nurse in the world [wɜːld]!
A Bad Hijacker[æ]
Hostess Bradley. Alice! Perhaps [pə'hæps] that passenger ['pæs(ə)nʤə] is a hijacker!
Hostess Allen. Which passenger, Anne? That sad man with the camera? He`s wearing black slacks and a jacket.
HB. No. That fat lady with the big black handbag in her left hand.
HA. Is she standing next to the lavatory ['lævət(ə)rɪ]?
HB. Yes. She`s travelling to Amsterdam.
HA. You`re mad, Anne, I don`t undrestand.
HB. You see, when she went into the lavatory she didn`t have that handbag ['hæn(d)bæg] in her hand, and now she`s...
Fat Lady. EVERYBODY STAND! I`m a hijacker. And in this handbag I have a...
Handbag. BANG!!!
I Love You[ʌ]
- Honey, why are you so sad? Honey, why are you so unhappy? I don't understand.
Date: 2015-12-17; view: 1433