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Exercise 9. Choose the correct answer.

1. Can I use your computer tomorrow morning or ... ?

a. will you use it; b. will you be using it


2. “Oh no! I’ve spilt the sauce.”

a. will help; b. will be helping

3.1. .. all morning on Friday, so please don’t call me then,

a. will be cooking; b. will cook


4. Please don’t call round tonight. We ... our favourite soap opera,

a. will watch; b. will be watching


5. Don’t leave the meat on the table. The cat... it.

a. will be eating; b. will eat




is formed by means of the Future Indefinite of the auxiliary verb to have and Participle II of the notional verb

I won’t have finished my report till 2 o’clock. I will nave done it by 4.

We use future perfect: for an action which will be finished before a stated future time. She will have delivered all the newspapers by 8 o’clock.
Future perfect is used with the following time expressions: before, by, by then, by the time, until / till. Note: Until / till are only used in negative sentences: She won’t have completed the report until / till 5 o’clock.


Exercise 10. What will life be like in the year 2100? Complete the sentences using the Future Perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

l.Life ... (become) more automated by then. 2.Computers ... (take over) many of the jobs that people do today. 3.The earth’s supplies of oil, coal and gas ... (run out). 4. .. scientists (find) other sources of energy? 5.How ... education ... (change)? 6.... we (find) a way to feed all the people in the world?

7 ... the climate (change) greatly? 8. Many new medicines ... (be invited) that will save life of many sick people.

Exercise 11. Supply the Future Perfect Tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. I hope you ... (go) to bed by eleven. 2. She ... (listen) to the poem many times before she understands all the words. 3. I hope the telegram ... (come) before they start for the North. 4. The news of their marriage ... (reach) their village before they get there. 5. She ... (be) there many times before she meets him again. 6. They believe the ship ... (come) back by the end of the navigation. 7. They ... (take) their last exam by the first of July. 8. He ... (write) the last chapter of his new book by the end of the year. 9. By the time you come I ... (clean) the flat and ... (cook) dinner. 10 . When my letter reaches you I... (move to New York). 11. Before I hear from my sister again I... (make many inquiries about her). 12. By the time we get there the sun ... (set). 13. Before you learn to speak English fluently you ... (do many exercises). 14. By the time you get your pay she ... (spend all the money). l5.By the time he consults his lawyer his position ... (become much worse).


Exercise 12. Supply the required future tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. I hope you ... (not forget) all this by tomorrow. 2.1 think she ... (cook) dinner by the time Mother ... (come) home. 3. I hope they ... (tell) her the news by the time we ... (come). 4. Ask him when he ... (finish) packing. 5. What ... you (do) when I ... (call) on your room? 6. He ... (search) every comer of your room before he ... (leave). 4. The plane ... (approach) Kiev at this time tomorrow. 8. By the time you ... (get) home we ... (prepare) everything for the party. 9. They ... (come) to see us next Sunday. 10. The doctor ... (examine) his last patient at this time tomorrow. 11. I hope the weather … (change) for the better tomorrow.


Date: 2015-12-17; view: 2161

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