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The True Story of an American Hero, a Universal Pictures Film

(Opening Scene: In Central Park)


[Dog Barking]


Grandma: [Pants] It was here… someplace.


Girl: But we’ve already been past here!


Grandma: [Chuckles] The trees have grown so big. It’s been so long since my last visit. [Sighs]


[Dog Barks]


Girl: Come on Blaze. Grandma, when was the last time you were here?


Grandma:[Chuckles] Years and years ago. Way before you were born, sweetheart.


[Blaze Barking]


Girl: Oh, Look! Blaze found a squirrel!


Grandma: Now, just a minute. I’m trying to get my bearings. Oh, there are so many paths here! So easy to get turned around. Come on, darling.


Girl: Grandma, we’re in the middle of nowhere.


Grandma: [Laughs] We’re right in the middle of New York City.


Girl: But you’re going to make yourself tired walking so long.


Grandma: Nonsense. It hasn’t been more than a quarter of an hour. Huh. Not much further.


Girl: Blaze is getting tired.


Grandma: Oh, I see. [Laughs]


Girl: Grandma, what are we looking for, anyway?


Grandma: A memorial.


Girl:A me-what?


Grandma: [Laughs] A reminder of a wonderful story… and a place very far away from here.


Girl: What place is that, Grandma?


Grandma: Nome, Alaska. It’s a small town almost on top of the world. Hmm. Now, that really was in the middle of nowhere, sweetheart.


(Scene 2: The Winter of 1925)


Grandma: In the cold winter of 1925, it was snowing hard. Back then, the fastest and most reliable way of getting around was with teams of dogs pulling long sleds. Races were held every year to find out the best team.


[Dogs Barking]


Grandma: And the competition was very fierce.


[Barking Continues]


Musher 1: Mush! Giddap, boy! Hut-ya! Hut-ya!


Musher 2:Hyah, Steele! Hyah, hyah!




[Musher Continues Shouting]

[Panting Continues]

[Dog Shouts]


Musher 2: Heel! Whoa! Whoa!


Dog: Whoa!


Star: Steele, we’re not gonna make it!


[Growls, Grunts]


Musher 1: Easy now. Easy! Easy!


Musher 2: Steele! Hold back, hold back, hold back.


[Grunts, Snarls]




[Panting, Barking]


Musher 1: [Yells] Steele!


Steele: Hah!


Musher 1: Get in line! Get in line!


Musher 2: Mush! Mush!


[Gun Shot]


Man: It’s the three-mile marker.




[Applause, Cheering]


Boris: [Gasping, Squawking] Get your Slobbery mouth off me!


Balto: Come on. Let’s go, Boris. We can cut around the back and catch the end of the race. Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no. I’m a delicate country bird. [Whining] I hate going into town.


Balto: Ah, come on. What’s the worst that can happen?


Boris: [Screaming, Muttering]




Boris: Please! Bleh! Why do I let you talk me into these things? [Screaming] Aye. Aaaaah! [Squawks]


Butcher: Huh?


Boris: What the—


Butcher: Yeah?


Boris: [Screams, Grunts]




Boris: [Screaming Continues]


[More Clanging]


Boris: [Laughs]


Butcher: Bring that back, you thief!


Boris: [Muffled Honking] You, are putting me down now, Mr. Golden Retriever.


Balto: [Chuckles] Whatever you say, Boris.


Boris: Every time there’s a race, you run around like you’re in it.


Balto: Maybe one day I will be.


Boris: Heel, boy! Boris Goosetenov is no spring chicken! Aaah!




Boris: I’m no spring penguin, either. It’s cold! [Screams]


[Gun Shot]


Man: Look! The two-mile mark!


[Applause, Cheering]


Balto: Come on. We don’t want to miss the finish.



Boris:Îh, that would be a tragedy! [Screams] I was being sarcastic.


Mr. Johanssen: [Chuckles]


Dad: Mr. Johanssen, the sled is beautiful.


Mom: We’re very grateful.


Rosy: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!


Dad: Rosy’s grateful too, huh?


Mr. Johanssen: Yeah, so I gather.


Rosy: Thank you!




Rosy: Watch this!


Mom: Coming, sweetheart.


Dad: I don’t know, honey. I think we should’ve gotten her the dollhouse.


Rosy: It’s the one-mile marker! Mush, Jenna, mush! Let’s win this race!


[Jenna Barking]


Rosy: Whoo-hoo!


Mom: I think she’ll learn to like it.


Rosy: Jenna, easy girl. Whoa!


Boy: Dad, I’m cold.


Dixie: Good morning, Jenna. Oughta be a close race, don’t ya think? Maybe even neck and neck.


Sylvie: Say something about her new collar before she gets whiplash.


Jenna: Uh, Dixie, what a pretty collar. Is it new?


Dixie: What? This old thing? Yeah. Do you think, um, Steele will notice?


Jenna: I’m afraid the only way Steele notices anyone is if they’re wearing a mirror.


Man: Watch that corner son. They’re commin’!




[Dogs Barking, Panting]


Female Dogs: Ooh!




Musher 2: Come on, Steele!


Female Dog: You can do it!


Rosy: Jenna! Stay girl.


Woman: You can still do it!


[Cheering Continues]


Rosy: Jenna! Jenna. [Laughs]


Jenna: [Barks]


Rosy: Bulldog. Come on, Steele! [Grunts, Gasps] Oh, no!


Jenna: [Gasps]


Rosy: My hat!


Balto: [Panting]


[Dogs Barking]


Man 1: Get that stray dog!


Man 2: He’s gonna ruin the race!


Boris: [Mutters, Groans, Screams]


[Barking Continues]


Steele: Hey! Out of my way, lobo.


Boris: [Shouts]


Steele: [Grunts, Snarls]


Jenna: [Gasps]


[Barking Continues]


Boris: [Shrieks] when will you learn to stay on the sidelines?




Boris: Pwah!




Nome Telegraph Operator: To Juneau Daily Chronicle. Stop. Steele wins first place of season. Stop.


Morris: [Groans]




Nome Telegraph Operator: Three-time winner keeps golden collar. Stop. Nome. Stop. That Steele is some dog, huh, Morris?


Morris: [Grunting]




Nikki: Congratulations, there, boss, there. It was a pleasure runnin’ behind yous. Of course, the view got monotonous.


Kaltag: You are the most amazing, most exalted, most preeminent, most top-drawer…


Star: You won! [Laughs]

Kaltag: [Growling]


Star: Uh ooh!


Musher 2: Hmm, I don’t know. Do you think maybe Steele’s losing his edge?


Photographer: Yeah, looks like just about any dog could outrun him.


(Scene 3: The Half-Breed)


Steele: [Snarls]


Rosy: Balto! What a crazy thing to do, just to show off to a pretty girl. I’m sure Jenna would love to have you on her team.


Dad: Hey! Hey, hey! Rosy, stay away from him


Rosy: Dad!


Dad: He might bite ya, honey. He’s part wolf.


Rosy: Oh, now you’ve hurt his feelings.


Steele: [Laughs]


Dad: Come on, now.


Dixie: Congratulations and felicitations, Steele.


Steele: Ladies.


Dixie: [Shudders]


Steele: Hi there, Jenna. Enjoy the race?


Jenna: Yeah, almost as much as you did.


Steele: Thanks. Jenna, let’s go celebrate. I know where all the bones are buried.


Jenna: I don’t know, Steele. Suddenly I’ve lost my appetite.



Steele: Oh. Well, maybe your taste runs more toward wolf.


Rosy: Jenna, come on girl. We’re going back home.


Jenna: Sorry, Steele. My girl is calling me.


Dixie: On the other hand, my girl is away at boarding school.


Steele: [Groans]


Boris: [Gasps, Sighs]


Rosy: Jenna!


Balto: Huh?


Rosy: Jenna!


Balto: [Pants]


Jenna: Ooh.


Balto: [Chuckles Nervously] Jenna, I, uh…


Dad: Jenna!


Rosy: Jen! Come on!


Dad: Jenna!


Balto: [Sighs]


Boris: Balto, there’s some things I can’t do for you.


Balto: Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Boris: I’m goose, not Cupid.


Steele: Didn’t make the team, Bingo?


Boris: Don’t listen to him. Don’t look at him. Live a long life.


Balto: My name’s Balto.


Boris: But you can call him ‘idiot.’


Steele: I’m sorry. Balto. Balto the half breed.


[Dogs Laughing]


Steele: Frail goose.


Boris: [Gasps]




Steele: You a half breed too, huh?


Boris: Ooh, ahh-ha-ha!


Nikki: Good wordplay there, boss.


Kaltag: You are the wittiest,


Nikki: Yeah.


Kaltag: The quickest, you are the drollest, the cleverest, the, the sharpest, you are the most hilariousest…


Star: You crack my up! [Laughs] Whoopee!


Balto: Steele! Just leave him out of this.


Steele: Oh, Balto, I’ve got a message for your mother. [Howls]


[Dogs Laughing]

[Dogs Howling]

[Laughing Continues]


Balto: [Snarls]


Kaltag: Hey, Balto! Translate this for me, will ya? Yeah. [Continues Howling]


Star: What’s wolf for go chase your tail?


Boris: Balto, stop! Whoa!


[Howling Continues]


Balto: [Continues Snarling]


Steele: Oh.


Nikki: Uh-oh.


Steele: Get him.


[Barking, Growling, Snarling]


Steele: Get outta here, wolf dog. You better get back to your pack.


Boris: Maybe it’s the unrelenting fear talking, but I’m seeing wisdom in this advice. Maybe we go, huh?




[Dogs Laughing]


Kaltag: I’m thinking Balto’s friend’s got his feathers ruffled.




Star: That gets your goose! I get it!


[Laughing Continues]


Balto: [Grunts]


Nikki: Half wolf in the side pocket there.


Kaltag: that was the most dead center, the most on target, the most down the middle…


Star: Ya hit him! [Laughs, Grunts, Groans]


Steele: [Laughs]


Nikki: That son of a…


Kaltag: He is the most malicious, the most disgusting, the most obnoxious, the most revolting,


Nikki: Yeah.


Kaltag: The most repulsive and the most…


Star: He’s no lap dog. [Laughs, Gasps, Groans]


(Scene 3: Not a Dog, Not a Wolf)


Balto: [Sniffs]


Wolf: [Howls]


Balto: Hmm.


Boris: [Sighs] Not a dog, not a wolf. All he knows is what he is not. If only he could see what he is.


[Sighs, Snaps Fingers, Grunts, Chomps, Squawks, Slurps] Hmm. [Swallows]


Toy: [Squeaks, Crashes]


Boris: Hey!


♪ [Loud Russian Music] ♪


Boris: Hey!


♪ [Music Continues] ♪


Boris: Hey!


[Music Stops]


Boris & Balto: [Sigh]


Geese: [Honking]




Balto: Homesick, Boris? Do you ever think about going back?


Boris: Don’t fret, Fido. I’m Sticking here until I’m sure you can stand on own four feet. Hmm.


Balto: You’re taking care of me?


Boris: Don’t thank me.


Balto: [Chuckles] I smell… [Sniffs] herring.


Boris: The herring are flying south too.


Balto: Say. Must be Muk and Luk!


Boris: Ah, ha. Good news!


Muk: Uncle Boris!


Boris: Oh, no.


Balto: How sweet. Uncle Boris.


[Water Splashes]


Boris: No hugging. No licking.


Muk: Uncle Boris!


Boris: Ah! [Shudders, Gasps] Whew.


Luk: [Whimpers]


Muk: He says he’s glad to see us.


Boris: [Screams]


Muk: We love you, Uncle Boris!


Boris: [Screams, Mutters]


Luk: [Whimpers]


Boris: [Grumbles, Mutters]


Luk: [Whimpers]


Boris: Oh, dear boy.


Luk: [Continues Whimpering]


Muk: What are you talking about? Of course he’s glad to see us. He loves us. Don’t you?


Boris: Aye, okay, okay. Hey boy Chicks! Let’s play a game.




Muk: Yes, please, Uncle Boris!


Boris: Race you to the shore. One, two, three, go!


Muk: Yeah!


Boris: They win.


[Water Splashes]


Muk: Help! Help! I can’t swim!


Boris & Balto: [Gasp]


Muk: Help, help! We’re drowning, we’re drowning! Save us, please!


Boris: Bears! Fellas! Idiot balls of fluff!


Balto: Easy, Boris. You know how they are. Muk! Luk! Relax! Hey, you’re okay! You’re not drowning.


Muk: [Gasps]


[Bubbles Pops]


Boris: He has point, bears. You’re not drowning, because if you both were normal, you will observe, perhaps, tide is out!


Luk: [Whimpers]


Boris: He said what?


Muk: ‘Oh, the shame of the polar bear who fears the water. No wonder we are shunned by our fellow bear.


Woe is us!’ That’s what he said. Kind of pathetic, really.


Luk: [Whimpers]


Boris: What. More whimpering? Between you and Balto it’s like Dostoyevsky novel around here. Lighten up.


Boris: And what is so interesting?


Balto: Jenna.


Boris: It’s love. So go make move. When the angels’ balalaikas strum the sweet song of love, mambo!


♪ [Mambo Music] ♪


Balto: Nah, she’s not my type.


Boris: And why not? This wolf business again? And what’s wrong with being half and half I’d like to know. Sometimes I wish like crazy I was half eagle.


Balto: Why?



Boris: Better profile for one thing. Hmm, and no one eats you for another.


Rosy: [Coughs]


Doctor: You’re all right now.


Jenna: [Barks]


Rosy: Jenna? Jenna! Jenna! Hi, girl!


Jenna: [Continues Barking]


Rosy: [Laughs, Coughs]


Jenna: [Whimpers]


Dad: Rosy! Rosy, come on. You’re gonna catch your death out here.


Rosy: Okay, Dad.


Dad: Come on, honey. The doctor’s waiting.


Rosy: [Continues Coughing]


[Chattering, Coughing]


Balto: Jenna? [Clears Throat] Uh, Jenna.


Jenna: Balto. Hi.


Balto: Hi. Look, uh… just a shot in the dark, but I, I was wondering if uh… I don’t know. Maybe you’d like to go chase a few sticks by moonlight. Uh… [Chuckles, Sighs]


Jenna: [Sniffles]


Balto: Jenna?


Jenna: Rosy’s in there.


Balto: In the hospital. Why?


Jenna: She feels warm. She has a terrible cough.


Rosy: [Wheezing]


Jenna: Balto, what’s wrong with her?


Balto: Huh. I’m not sure. But I know how to find out. Come on. I have the keys to the city. After you,


Jenna: Balto!


Balto: [Chuckles] Big paws kinda run in my family. At least one side of my family. Stay close.


Mouse: [Squeaks]



Jenna: No problem there.


Jenna: It’s so gloomy down here. Not that I’m scared or anything. [Gasps]


Balto: Gloomy? You Kiddin’? It’s the most beautiful spot in the world. Dogs travel for years just to be right here.


Jenna: Here? I can’t see why.


Balto: That’s ‘cause you’re lookin’ at the bowl half empty. See this? It’s the polar ice caps.


Jenna: Balto, those are broken bottles. And they’re not half empty, they’re all empty.


Balto: The sun.


Jenna: Ahh, Balto.


Balto: And… to the north…


Jenna: [Gasps] The Northern Lights! Ohh! Oh, Balto, you’re right. It’s beautiful.


Balto: Yeah. Beautiful.




Doctor: Good night, Rosy.


Rosy: I’m so cold.


Doctor: Well, I have another blanket for you right here. You stay warm and get some rest.


Rosy: [Coughs]


Dad: Doctor, how is she?


Doctor: Exhausted from coughing. Her fever’s getting worse.


Jenna: [Gasps]


Doctor: Looks like diphtheria. [Sighs] She’s the 18th case this week. [Sighs] And I’m out of antitoxin.


Jenna: [Whimpers]


Balto: Jenna? Jenna, I’m sorry. I, Jenna, I, I didn’t’ mean to upset you. I shouldn’t have taken you down there.


Jenna: No. I’m glad you did.




Jenna: Steele!


Steele: [Clears Throat] Well, well. What’s wrong with this picture? Jenna, join me for dinner. You start at one end, I’ll start at the other, and when we get to the middle, well… you tell me. [Laughs]



Balto: All right, Steele. [Grunts]


Jenna: No, Balto. [Laughs]


Steele: [Laughs]


Jenna: Gee, Steele… I have to admit your offer is very tempting.


Steele: It is? [Chuckles]


Jenna: These days, I prefer my meat… cooked.


Steele: [Sniffs, Screams]


Balto: Come on! Let’s go!


Steele: [Snarls]


Butcher: What’s all the noise?


Dad: I think it’s over here.


Steele: Huh?


Balto: Jenna, come on.


Steele: [Growls]


Balto: [Gasps]


Dad: Looks like Balto’s found his way into your meat locker.


Butcher: It’s a good thing Steele was here. Good boy, Steele. You’ve earned these. Besides, I can’t do anything with them after that wild animal’s touched ‘em.


Dad: Go on! Get out of here, you thief! Come on, Jenna, let’s go home.


Balto: [Pants]


(Scene 4: Quarantine)




Doctor: Anchorage. Stop. Repeat, urgent request. More diphtheria antitoxin. Stop. Nome in grave danger.


Stop. Please help. Stop.




Anchorage Telegraph Operator: Nome, pack ice closing in. Cannot ship antitoxin by sea. Will try by air.

Nome, storm at airport. Planes grounded until storm clears. Many regrets. From Juneau, office of the governor. We are shipping antitoxin by rail. Stop. Train line ends at the town of Nenana. Stop.


[Train Whistle Blows]



Anchorage Telegraph Operator: Select fastest dogs for sled team to carry antitoxin from Nenana to Nome. Stop. God willing, train will make it through. Stop.

(Scene 5: The Fastest Dog)


Announcer:Select the fastest dogs for the sled team to fetch the antitoxin. The race will run the length…


[Indistinctively Continues]


[Barking, Snarling]


Steele: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.


Dixie: Just look at him. He’s gonna save the entire town. He’s positively magnesium.


Jenna: It’s not exactly a one-dog show, Dixie. They’re racing to see who’s gonna be on the dogsled team.


Dixie: What’s with you, Jenna? Steele’s a genuine hero. But do you give him a sniff?


Sylvie: That’s because Jenna is running with Balto.


Dixie: [Shrieks]


Sylvie: She was seen in the boiler room the other night with Balto.


Dixie: [Gasps]


Sylvie: And they went in together, and they left together. And I heard it all from a very reliable source.

And don’t bother to deny it.


Jenna:Well, then I won’t.


Sylvie: [Gasps] I’m speechless.


Announcer: All mushers! Get your dogs ready! They race is about to begin!


Boris: Balto, racing is a spectator sport. It requires very little preparation. [Shrieks, Quacks, Sighs] You sit, you arrange refreshments. Do you like potato chip? [Chews, Gulps]


Balto: I’m not watching the race, I’m running it.


Boris: [Gasps, Spits] You said what?


Balto: Hey, look, I’m gonna help Rosy get better. I can get that medicine through.


Boris: [Pants] First of all, get it through your head…


Balto: [Grunts]


Boris: That they wouldn’t put you in a sled team even if you did win, which won’t happen, and if it did it wouldn’t matter!


Balto: Boris, did you ever think maybe you’re the reason the other geese fly south?




Boris: If only your feet were as fast as your mouth.


[Whistle Blows]


Balto: Hey! They’re starting. Wish me luck.


Boris: Luck? I don’t wish you luck! I wish you sense! Good luck, kiddo.


Kaltag: You… Balto? What, are you nuts? If Steele catches you around here, he’s gonna turn you into kibble.


Nikki: Let us let the half-dog run. It will be fun making him eat our snow.


Announcer: Get set!


[Gun Shot]

[Dogs Barking]


Jenna: Balto?


Dixie: What does he think he’s doing?




Boris: Oh, Balto, come on, come on. Balto, go!


[Barking Continues]


Balto: [Groans]


Nikki: [Laughs]


Boris: Hey! That’s a foul! Where’s the referee? He’s blind?


Balto: [Continues Groaning]


[Barking Continues]


Balto: [Grunts, Strains, Pants]


Boris: Go, Balto, go! Jump, jump, jump! That’s… by boy! [Laughs]


Jenna: Go, Balto!


Boris: Balto, where are you going? That’s the wrong way. Balto, get back in the race!


[Barking Continues]

Nikki: Huh?


Dog: Sorry.

Boris: Who’s eating whose snow now, mutt?



[Crowd Cheering]


Announcer: Time! What?


Boris: [Laughing] Did I teach him well! I could kiss that crazy pooch.


Jenna: [Barking]


Steele: Okay, Nikki, Kaltag, Star, move it. We’re strapping up.


Balto: Hey now, just a second here, Steele. I was the fastest dog.


Steele: You were the fastest… what? Do you honestly think any musher would ever put you on his team?

You’re even more mixed up than I thought.


Jenna: Steele, it doesn’t matter who’s on the team. So long as the medicine gets through. Stop being such a glory hound.


Steele: You’re 100% right, Jenna. I, I wasn’t thinking about those children. The important thing is to get the medicine through, and that’s just what I’m gonna do. And when I come back I’m gonna fold you five ways and leave you for a cat toy.


Man 1: Good dog, Steele.


Steele: [Barks]


Man 1: Good boy. Now let’s take a look at our winner here.


Steele: [Growls]


Man 1: Let’s take a look at our winner.


Balto: [Snarls Loudly]


Man 1: Ah, we can’t trust this one. He’s part wolf.


Man 2: See those teeth?


Man 1: He might turn on me. Nikki, Kaltag, Star! Let’s go!


Steele: [Snickers]


[Dogs Barking]


Jenna: Balto, I’m sorry.


Balto: Better not talk to me, Jenna. I might turn on you.


Jenna: Balto, wait. Balto!


[Match Strikes]


Nome Telegraph Operator: Yep. As long as there’s hope for those kids, I’ll keep this lit. It’ll guide the team back.



[Dogs Barking]


Musher: Easy, easy. Back, back.


[Barking Continues]



Musher: Star, Steele! Giddap! Giddap! Yeah!


[Crowd Cheering]

[Dogs Barking, Howling]

[Train Whistle Blows]


Musher: Easy. Easy with that.


Man: There.


Musher: Now, be sure you lash it down tight. Giddap, team, Giddap!


Man: Take care now, ya hear!


Conductor: Board!


Musher: Get on, boy! Go on, move along, move along!


(Scene 6: Lost…)


Steele: [Grunts] Come on!


Star: Steele! Maybe we should go back! We’re lost!


Steele: I am not lost!


Star: Lost? Did I say lost? No, you didn’t let me finish. See, what I wanted to say was that I was gonna…


Steele: This way.


Star: Aaaah!




Morris: [Barks, Strains]


Dog 1: It’s terrible, my friends. Just terrible. Steele and his team are lost.


Indistinct Dog: No!


Dixie: Steele!


Dog 2: What do you mean, lost?




Dog 1: They missed their second checkpoint. They’re off the trail.


Dog 3: Can’t they send another team?


Dog 1: It is too dangerous for us and out men.


Dog 3: What about them little ones?


Dog 1: The medicine won’t be here in time. We’re going to lose them.


Balto: Rosy.


Rosy: [Wheezes, Shudders]


Dad: Please, Doctor, it’s the only medicine we got.


Doctor: Okay.


Rosy: [Continues Wheezing] Jenna?


(Scene 7: Balto’s Quest)


[Indistinct Tapping]


Mr. Johanssen: [Grunts]


Balto: [Gasps] Rosy.


Boris: Balto, pleas. Don’t go crazy on me now. Ooh! This is foolishness. You will die like a dog. What? No offense. [Screams]


Luk: [Whimpers]


Boris: You will be frozen stiff by morning. [Gasps, Spits] When you are big, frozen stiff statue named

Balto [Gasps], don’t come running to me! [Screams]


Luk: [Whimpers]


Boris: Oh, dear.


Muk: He says, …


Boris: ‘Where is he going?’ He’s going into freezing coldness to find a dog he doesn’t like to bring medicine back to a town that doesn’t like him! Oh, no! I’m beginning to understand the bear!


Luk: [Whimpers]

Muk: Yes! Yes! [Indistinct Words]


Boris: Bears! Dogs! [Voice Muffled] Balto! Balto! Balto! No brains at all! Might as well be talking to a shoe… lace (hu…mans)


Rosy: [Wheezes, Coughs]




Boris: So. Let’s go get the medicine.


Balto: Wait a minute. Now you’re coming?


Boris: Spending days in bitter cold, facing wild animals, risking death from exposure! [Chuckles] It’s like holiday in old country.


Muk: Wow! Lu we’re gong on holiday!


Rosy: [Coughing, Wheezing]


Jenna: [Sobs, Sniffs] Balto.


Boris: Good Balto! You took on the roughest, toughest, meanest tree in the forest! And you won. Hey.


Balto: I’m marking the trail.


Muk: Huh? He’s marking our trail. He’s very clever.


Boris: And here I’ve been dropping bread crumbs. Eesh!


Muk: I spy with my little eye something beginning with “S.” [S Echoing]


[Moose Braying]


Balto: [Sniffs] Steele.


Muk: [Sniffs] Ohhh!


Boris: Hey! Bears!


Balto: Come on. Steele and his team passed this way.


Boris: Boy is he lost.


(Scene 8: Steele’s Big Slip)


Musher: Pull! Pull!


Steele: [Grunts, Pants]


Star: Steele! We’re going in circles!


Steele: What!


Star: [Shudders] Circles is a good thing. I mean they’re…


Nikki: Yeah, circles.


Star: They’re circular. [Chuckles Nervously]


Steele: I know what I’m doing! It’s… It’s… This way! Come on!


Star: [Whimpers, Screams]



Musher: Whoa, team! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa, Steele!





Musher: [Screams, Grunts]


Steele: [Groaning, Sputtering]


Nikki: Oh, I hit my head on somethin’.


Kaltag: Yeah. My head!


Dog: Looks like he’s hurt bad, Steele.


Star: Wh-What are we gonna do now, Steele.


[Wind Howling]


(Scene 9: Balto & the Bear)

Squirl: [Squeaks]


[Snowball Hits Tree]


Muk: Oh, yes!


Luk: [Whimpers]


Muk & Luk: [Laugh]


Boris: Shhh… Ugh!


Muk: Brilliant! Right on the beak. What a bull’s eye! [Laughs]


Luk: [Whimpers]


Boris: That did it! Who did that?


Luk: [Continues Whimpering]


Muk: I-It was him.


[Distant Growling]


Balto: [Gasps]


[Growling Continues]


Balto: Guys, I think… [Gasps] I think we should keep moving.


Boris: Is that your answer to all problems? Motion? [Bones Crack] [Sighs, Quacks]




Muk: [Mutters]


Balto: Luk, Muk, come on! Let’s get going.


Boris: ‘Come on, boys. Let’s go, boys. Faster, boys.’ Easy to say for a guy with four legs! Okay, that’s it!

[Spits, Shudders] It’s time for goose to kick a little bear butt!


Muk & Luk: [Shudder]

Boris:Aha! Finally! Your old uncle Boris is making an impression! Now what?


Bear: [Growls]


Boris: [Gulps]


Bear: [Continues Growling]


Balto: [Gasps]


Boris: [Screams, Muffled Shouting]


Muk & Luk: [Scream]


Balto: [Growls, Grunts]


Bear: [Continues Growling]


Muk: Help!


Balto: [Snarls, Yells, Grunts]


Jenna: [Yells]


Bear: [Roars]


Balto: Jenna?


Jenna: [Grunts, Groans, Yells]


Luk: [Whimpers]


Muk, Luk, & Boris: [Scream]


Bear: [Continues Roaring]


(Scene 10: The Rescuers)


Jenna: [Screams, Grunts]


Balto: [Screams]


Jenna: [Gasps]


Boris: Balto.


[Ice Cracking]


Balto: [Gasps]


[Water Splashes]


Bear: [Continues Roaring]


[Ice Continues Cracking]


Muk: Balto!


Jenna: Balto!


Balto: [Screams]


Boris: Balto!


Jenna: No!


Boris: No!


Jenna: [Gasps]


Muk: Geronimo!


[Water Splashes]


Luk: ♪ [Imitates Horn] ♪


Jenna: Luk! Muk!


[Ice Cracking]


Boris: They cannot swim!


Jenna: What? Polar bears who can’t swim?


Muk: [Sputters]


[Air Sucking]


Jenna: He’s drowning! No! [Grunts] Well?


Boris: [Sneezes] I don’t see them.


Jenna: Where are they?


[Ice Cracking]


Jenna: Balto!


Boris: Muk, Luk! [Laughs]




Jenna: Muk!


Boris: Balto! Ohh, cold! Oooh! [Honks, Screams]


Balto: [Gasps, Spits]


Boris: Come to life, come to life. Breathe! Come on, Breathe.


Luk: [Whimpers]


Muk: Oh, is he gonna be okay? ‘Cause he’s not breathing. He doesn’t look very well. Stop hitting him, Uncle Boris. Stop hitting him.


Balto: [Gasps]


Boris: Balto, I was so scared. I got people bumps.


Balto: [Coughs] Boris… [Continues Coughing] I know you think this trip is crazy, but… I’m glad you came.


Boris: Who else should you bring on a wild goose chase but a goose, huh? [Laughs]


[Almost Simultaneously]:


Jenna: Are you okay?


Balto: Are you okay, Jen…




Jenna: I’m fine. Look, a message came through. We have to take the mountain trail.


Balto: But if we take Eagle Pass, it’ll save us half a day.


Jenna: It’s blocked. The mountain trail is dangerous, but we can do it.


Balto: I’m beginning to see there isn’t anything you can’t do.


Boris: I’m seeing a few things too, and it’s making the ice melt.


Luk: [Whimpers Loudly]


Boris: I hate bears!


Balto: You two guys ought to learn how to swim someday. You’d be very good at it.


Luk: [Whimpers]


Muk: Yes, of course we were. We were in the water. We were moving. We got wet, didn’t we? We…

Luk, we were swimming!


Balto: [Laughs]


Jenna:[Gasps, Twice] Clumsy.




Balto: No you’re not. You’re hurt.


Jenna: No I’m fine. [Yelps, Pants] Oh, maybe I’m not so fine. You should all go ahead without me.


Balto: Jenna.


Jenna: No, no. I’ll be slowing everyone down. And rosy can’t hold out much longer.


Balto: Muk, you and Luk carry Jenna back to town on this.


Boris: And this time, don’t take time for a swim. [Chuckles]


Balto: You can make sure of that, Boris. You’re gonna lead them home.


Boris: Aye.


Balto: Just follow my marks.


Jenna: You’re going on alone?


Balto: won’t be the first time.


Jenna: Oh, here. I’m afraid it won’t keep you very warm.


Balto: Yeah, it will.


Luk: [Whimpers]


Muk: Well, of course Balto will come back. He’s Balto. Will he?


Luk: [Continues Whimpering]


Balto: Hey I’m comin’ back… with the medicine. I promise, Jenna. Go ahead, guys. Take her home.


Boris: Balto, I do not like leaving you out here alone. Who’s going to tell you how cold you are.


Balto: Boris… they need you even more than I do.


Boris: Let me tell you something, Balto. A dog cannot make this journey alone. But maybe a wolf can.


Balto: [Groans]


Boris: Right! You two balls of fluff! Let’s move! Back, two, three, four! Back, two, three, four!



Nome Telegraph Operator: Nome. Stop. Cannot send more antitoxin. Stop. Weather too severe. Stop. Lost sled team, only hope. Stop. Our prayers are with them. Anchorage. Stop.


Balto: [Sniffs, Grunts, Strains, Sniffs]


Steele: [Pants]



(Scene 11: The New Leader)

Balto: [Gasps]


Star: Balto!


Nikki: Is that Balto?


Kaltag: Balto, how did you find us?


Balto: Is anyone hurt?


Steele: Everyone is fine.


Star: Yeah, but our musher hit his head… and he didn’t get up.


Nikki: And he’s not movin’.


Balto: All right, follow me. I can lead you home.


Steele: We don’t need your help!


Star: Maybe we should listen to him.


Steele: [Snarls]


Star: [Gasps]


Nikki: Well, you would yous get us home, then?


Balto: Well, I, I marked the trail. Like this.


Star: Oh, Yeah.


Steele: I’ll get us back. I’m the lead dog. I’m in charge.


Balto: Then let my take back the medicine. They’re getting sicker.


Steele: [Snarls] Touch that box and I’ll tear you apart.


Nikki: Two bones says Steele takes him.


Kaltag: You’re on.


[Dogs Chattering]


Balto: Steele, I’m not leaving without that medicine.


Steele: Who do you think you are?


Nikki: Hey, this is gonna be good. [Snickers]


Balto: Since… Since when do you need a pedigree to help someone?




Steele: [Snarls]


Balto: Steele, let me help you.


Indistinct Dog: Look at his eyes! Look at his eyes! [Snickers]


Steele: [Continues Snarling]


Balto: [Grunts, Groans]


Kaltag: He’ll feel that tomorrow.


Nikki: I think he is feeling it now.


Kaltag: Ouch.


[Dogs Chattering]


Balto: I don’t want to fight.


Steele: [Continues Snarling]


Kaltag: Oh, that can’t be legal!


Nikki: Yeah!


Balto: [Groans]


Steele: [Continues Snarling]


Nikki: Hey, that stuff is fragile there!


Star: What’s with Steele! All Balto wants to do is help.


Balto: [Gasps, Screams, Grunts, Groans]


Steele: [Snickers] Okay.


Star: [Gasps] Look!


Balto: [Grunts, Strains]


Steele: Huh? [Snarls, Screams, Grunts, Groans]


Balto: [Pants]


Musher: Good boy. [Groans]


Steele: [Pants, Grunts]


Musher: Mush!


[Dogs Barking]




Steele: Go ahead, wolf dog. You’ll never get home. I’ll make sure of that. I’ll show him. Why not this way? How about over here? Oops, wrong way. [Snickers]


Balto: Oh, no.


Star: Which way, Balto? Which way? Which way?


Balto: Uh… this way.


[Dogs Barking, Grunting]


Kaltag: Balto, why are you taking us in circles?


Balto: I’m not! I mean… I don’t know. It’s Steele.


Nikki: Maybe we was better off with him there.


Balto: No! Come on! Mush!


[Dogs Barking]


Star: Balto, slow down! [Mu

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