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EXERCISE ¹ 306. Finish the situations using the Future Perfect Simple. Then translate the sentences into Russian.

Model: I started the University three years ago. (be a student) Next September I will have been a student for four years.

1. I have known Ann since we entered the University. I am graduating next year. It means next year … 2. I left my town in August three years ago. (be away from home) Next August I … 3. I moved to the dormitory in October when I was in my second year. I am a fourth-year student now. (live in the dormitory) In October I ...4. They got married in May and in a year they had a baby. Their son is five already. (be married) It means this May …

EXERCISE ¹ 307. Make predictions on the basis of some evidence. Use be going to.

Model: There are heavy clouds in the sky. ‒ It is going to rain.

1. He looks pale. (fall ill) 2. She has ironed the suit. (put on) 3. She has plugged in the iron. (press) 4. He is nodding. (fall asleep) 5. The milk is boiling. (run over) 6. It's five minutes to nine. Our class begins at 9. (be late)


EXERCISE ¹ 308. Choose the correct form of the verb:

1. Oh no! Look at the time! I'll be / I am going to be late terrible late.

2. If you want to go to the shop, you can borrow my brother's bicycle. I'm sure he won't mind / he's not going to mind.

3. I'll go / I'm going to town this afternoon.

4. Will you hold / Are you going to hold this box for a moment while I unpack it?

5. I hear the government has announced they'll raise / they're going to raise taxes again.

6. My car won't start / is not going to start. It must be the cold I think.

7. I'll start / I am going to start a new job next week.

8. I'm so sorry I forgot your birthday. Why don't you come round tomorrow and I'll cook / I am going to cook you a meal.

9. Oh dear, I've split my coffee. - I am going to get / I will get you a cloth.

10. What time does your evening class finish / is your evening class finishing?

11. Last week Dad said I could use the car at the weekend but now he doesn't / won't let me after all. I need it to get to the match I will play / I'm playing on Sunday.

12. I can't go out until it will stop / it stops raining.

13. I will tidy my desk while we will be waiting/ wait / are waiting.

14. Why are you going to buy/ will you buy a new mountain bike?

15. Don't phone between 8.00 and 9.00 I'll study / I'll be studying then.

16. Look out! That tree is going to fall / will fall.

17. Let me know as soon as Louise will get / gets here.

18. Great news! Jean and Chris will come / are coming to stay with us.

19. According to the timetable the bus is going to arrive / arrives at 6.00.

20. I have a feeling that something strange is going to happen / is happening in a minute.

21. The doctor says I will / am going to have a baby.

22. Can you call me at 7.00 because I'll leave /I am leaving tomorrow.

23. If you arrive late at the sale, the best things will go / will have gone.


EXERCISE ¹ 309. What would you say in each situation. Use will/shall, be going to or the Present Continuous. Remember that be going to is used for actions that have already been decided on.

Model: You make your friend a cup of sweet coffee, then she tells you she doesn't take sugar. Offer to make her another one. ‒ I am sorry, I will make you another one. (on the spot decision)

1. A colleague asks you why you've brought your sports kit to the office. Explain that you have arranged to play tennis after work.

2. A friend asks about your holiday plans. Tell her that you've decided not to go abroad this year.

3. Your brother lent you some money last week. Promise to pay him back at the weekend.

4. A friend is telling you about her wedding plans. Ask her where they plan to go for their honeymoon.

5. Your sister has bought some very cheap CDs. You want to get some too and you've asked her several times where she got them, but she refuses to tell you. Ask why she doesn't want to tell you.

6. Some friends have asked you to have lunch with them and then go to see a film. Discussing the plans, agree to have lunch but refuse to go to the film because you have already seen it.

7. You failed an exam last year. Since then you've been working hard. Tell your teacher it's because you're determined not to fail again.

8. Your neighbour is playing loud music late at night. You get angry and ask him to turn the music volume down.

9. You've been offered the starring role in a Hollywood film and have accepted. Tell your friends about it.


Date: 2015-12-17; view: 3870

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EXERCISE ¹ 280. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense form. | Questions for James Cameron
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