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The Crusades 1095-1270 AD


Serge Trifkovic


The Crusades are not understood in the Muslim world today very differently to the way they are understood in the Western academia and among the Western elite class. Both talk of the Crusades as an aggressive war of conquest by Christian Europe against peaceful innocent Muslims. One may ask however what those Muslims were doing in the holy land in the first place. What happened was that Muhammad and his successors laid a series of wars of conquest and in one such onslaught in 624 AD the holy land – Palestine, Jerusalem was conquered by Muslims. Then Seljuk Turks started interfering with the ability of Christian pilgrims to go to the Holy Land, Jerusalem. When their physical safety was no longer guaranteed, the western Christians acted not only as re-conquerors of the Holy Land that had been once theirs, they also acted quite rightly one might say as protectors of their holy places. A defensive war in the case of the Muslims is even a war of conquest. They are obligated to spread Islam but a land which had once been Muslim in particular must be re-conquered and the Jihad is the rightful name of that war of re-conquest. They could never accept the Crusader states in Antioch and Jerusalem because they were ”dar al-harb” or “the House of War” – reinstated into ” ”Dar al-Islam” or ”the House of Islam”. This is a contemporary aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which many Westerners are not fully aware of.


Exactly the same psychology that prompted Saladin and others to fight the Crusaders is now motivating Hamas. In both cases it is not only a matter of the nationalistic desire of Arabs to expel Europeans and Jewish settlers. It is also the Quranic obligation of all good Muslims to make sure the land once ruled by Muslims will be reverted to their rule again.



From the British historian Hilaire Belloc’s – The Great Heresies – 1938



”… It has always seemed to me possible, and even probable, that there would be a resurrection of Islam and that our sons or grandsons would see the renewal of that tremendous struggle between the Christian culture and what has been for more than a thousand years its greatest opponent.” ”The suggestion that Islam may re-arise sounds fantastic – but this is only because men are always powerfully affected by the immediate past: - one might say that they are blinded by it…” ”But not so very long ago, less than a hundred years before the Declaration of Independence… Vienna was almost taken and only saved by the Christian army under the command of the King of Poland… on a date that ought to be among the most famous in history --


September 11, 1683,



Robert Spencer


On September 11th, 1683 the siege of Vienna was broken. That was the high point of Islamic Jihad expansion into Europe. After that Islam went into a decline and the Islamic world was colonised and in a drastically weakened state. It seems very likely, almost certain as far as I’m concerned that Osama Bin Laden chose September 11 in 2001 to signal that the decline of the Islamic world was over and that the Jihadists were back and that they were going to pick up where they left of in Vienna in 1683.



Serge Trifkovic


If we look at the tectonic plates between the Islamic world and the non-Islamic world today we notice something very interesting. That even very dI’Verse Muslim societies which can not be easily branded under one civilisation label have something in common and it is the tendency that they are in conflict with their neighbours. If we look at the extreme outreach of Islam we see East Timor were Indonesian Muslims slaughtered a third of the population of this former Portuguese colony who are Roman Catholics. In Southern Philippines an extremely violent Islamic rebellion has gradually escalated the last years. In Indonesia itself we had religious conflicts in the Spice Islands where the Christian minority are in danger of extinction. We have very active Islamic movements both in Thailand and in China, Xingjian. On the Indian subcontinent the history is tragic indeed, that’s where the Hindu holocaust took place in medieval times, a little known episode in the history of Islam in the Western world, but a one that left a deep traumatic mark on the people of the region and where the conflict is still present in the province of Kashmir. In Africa there is the constant war in Sudan which has been going on since 1987. It’s hard to estimate the number of lives that have been claimed but its most likely several hundreds of thousands. There is the constant instability in Nigeria between the resurgent central northern states which are increasingly pressuring the government into accepting Sharia law as the law of the lands in those provinces. And of course there is Mauritania where Muslims constantly battle non-Muslim southerners. Then there is of course Caucasus-Chechnya and in Europe itself we have the conflict in former Yugoslavia between the Bosnian Muslims, Serbs and Croats and the conflict between Albanians, Serbs and Macedonians and quite possibly within not too long the conflict between the Albanians and Greeks. If we eliminate these conflicts, Chechnya, the Balkans, Sudan the world is a pretty peaceful place. If we eliminate from the terrorist equation, terrorist acts carried out by Muslims the past 5 years we would come to realise that the war on terror is un-necessary because terror is not a very big problem.


War is Deceit



US Senator from Nevada;


I’ve been on the floor before speaking about Islam and what a great religion it is. I’ve said before and I repeat; my wife’s primary physicians are two members of the Islamic faith, her internist and the person that has performed surgery on her. I know them well, been in their homes, socialised with them, talked about very serious things with them; we’ve helped each other with family problems. I’ve been to the new Mosque with them in Las Vegas. They are wonderful people with great families and I’ve come to realise that Islam is a good religion, it’s a good way of life, people have a good health code as their religion dictates and they have great spiritual values as their religion dictates. It’s too bad that there are some people, misdirected people, around the world trying to take away from this very fine religion. I believe that they cannot give this religion a bad name; I think that the power of this religion and the power of the people in this religion will overcome these evil people that are using this fine religion to do bad things to innocent people.



Robert Spencer


Islam is a religion and is a political system that dictates that one must carry out warfare against un-believers until they either convert or submit. This is the justification that the terrorists around the world are using for what they are doing and that justification is based on core elements of Islamic tradition. That being the case; it’s very difficult for moderate Muslims, peaceful Muslims to stand up within the Islamic community and to say; this is not part of Islam. They only do so out of conscious deception intending to mislead Westerners in accord with the Islamic doctrine of ” Taqiyya” - religious deception, or they do so on the basis of simply being unaware of what Islam actually teaches.



Sahih Al-Bukhari – Vol 4, Bk 52, Hadith 269


The Prophet said; ”War is deceit.”



Abdullah Al-Araby


Lying, generally speaking, is not allowed in Islam. But unlike other religions there are certain situations where a Muslim can lie and that would be acceptable, even encouraged. This concept is called ”al-Taqiyya” which means ”prevention”. So a Muslim is allowed to lie to prevent harm that may come to him, his group or to Islam



Robert Spencer


When one is under pressure one may lie in order to protect the religion. This is taught in the Quran, Chapter 3, Verse 28 and Chapter 16, Verse 106.



Abdullah Al-Araby


There are certain provisions for lying. A Muslim can lie for the cause of Islam, can lie to his family to keep peace, so he can lie to his wife. A Muslim can lie to his fellow Muslim to keep peace in the society.


Mohammad himself ordered people to lie. When people that he ordered to go and kill somebody, they told him; we cannot kill them unless we lie to that person. He said; ok, fine, lie.



The life of Muhammad – P 367


The Apostle said… ”Who will rid me of Ibnul-Ashraf?” Muhammad bin Maslama, brother of the Bani Abdul-Ashal, said, ”I will deal with him for you, O Apostle of God, I will kill him”. The Apostle said; ”Do so if you can.” … He said, ”O Apostle of God, we shall have to tell lies.” He answered; ”Say what you like, for you are free in the matter.”



Serge Trifkovic


The spokesman for Islam in the Western world knows how to play the game. They know how to present their cause in a way that is not only regarded as acceptable by the society mainstream but also reasonable and just. They will appeal to democratic institutions and their human rights in the full knowledge that given the power to do so, they will abolish those institutions and deny those rights to others.


Sahih Al-Bukhari – Vol 7, Bk 67, Hadith 427


”By Allah, and Allah willing, if I take an oath and later find something else that is better than that, then I do what is better and expiate my oath.”



Walid Shoebat – Personal experiences around committing “al-Taqiyya”


When I used to work as a translator at the Luc College in Chicago we arranged fund raising events for Jihadi movements, PLO being one of those organisations. We handed out and placed announcements for the event on the walls of the College. And I remember on Arabic it would be basically the facts; bring your friends, we were intending to raise funds to support our Jihadi brothers in Lebanon during the fighting in Southern-Lebanon against Israel. And then comes the English part. In the English part it would be the standard; we would be conducting a Middle-Eastern cultural event, you are all welcome, we will be serving lamb and ”baklava”…


So the West really does not comprehend the magnitude of the “social deceit” that is going on in every aspect of social life, even from moderate Muslims. When we get together as a group our conversations are different. As soon as a Westerner would come into the scene then the whole conversation changes. It becomes compatible to western minds.


When I used to go to work, I worked for an American company during the Gulf war, everyone would be hovering around the TV sets as soon as there was a scud missile hitting Riad or something like that and everyone would be distraught, unhappy if a scud lands in the American camp. And I would be among my American colleagues and say; “oh that’s too bad, I’m sorry that we had loss of life”. Out of frustration from having to keep the truth of what I really felt I would roll down the window on my way home on the freeway and scream as loud as I could; Allahu achbar!, Allahu achbar!


This is the incantation you do when the enemy is killed, when you win. So if it was a victorious day for the Iraqi’s, when they land a scud missile it would be “Allahu achbar” on the freeway where no one could hear me. When I came home to my apartment the rest of the apartment complex were also Arabs from the Middle East. We would get together in my apartment, watch the Gulf war on satellite TV and we would be praising Allah every time there was an incident where Americans got killed. But it wasn’t the same face we put on in an American environment. In an American environment you played a different scenario, you acted as if you were on their side. So this whole façade is in place and the truth is often hidden from the west



Bat Ye’or


It was Edward Said, who wrote “Orientalism”, who is the main contributor in the creation of the view of this new version of Islam as a religion of peace and tolerance. These views are now established in all Western Universities and in academia. On this basis the whole history of Dhimmitude and Jihad disappeared.



Robert Spencer


Edward Said who in his book “Orientalism” wrote that criticism of the Islamic world on the part of Westerners was racist and imperialist. It is spread in order to make political points, to accustom Westerners to the idea that Muslims are here to stay in Europe and the US and that they must not be questioned in terms of their loyalty to the secular framework of Western society. They must not be questioned in this despite Islam’s historical, political character because Islam is the religion of peace. This fiction has become so entrenched in American and European public discourse such that anyone who does question it is immediately branded as a racist, a hate monger and a bigot. Furthermore, this is a very effective tool in a country where racism is the cardinal sin among all, to silence any effective debate about the continuing attachment of Muslim immigrants to Sharia law and their intentions toward the secular systems in which they now reside.


Date: 2015-12-17; view: 711

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Walid Shoebat – Former Muslim and member of PLO Fatah Brigade, Author; Why I Left Jihad | More than a Religion
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