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Walid Shoebat – Former Muslim and member of PLO Fatah Brigade, Author; Why I Left Jihad


Now the violence started, now you had to weigh between peaceful Verses and non-peaceful Verses. The result was that the peaceful ones were made null and void.



Serge Trifkovic


It is indeed a very curious concept for a non-Muslim to accept a notion that God may change his mind about a topic. He may issue one injunction in AD 614;



Sura 2 Verse 256


There is no compulsion (i.e., coercion) in religion.



And then a very different one in AD 627;



Sura 9 Verse 5


Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them. …But if they repent and accept Islam … then leave their way free.



But this is indeed what has happened in Islam.



Robert Spencer


It’s very important to understand that the Quran is not arranged chronologically, it’s arranged on the basis of the longest chapter to the shortest.



Serge Trifkovic


So you will find in the book itself some of these more tolerant Verses at a later point in the book than the very intolerant ones advocating violence and the subjugation of the infidels. But that doesn’t mean they came into being later, on quite the contrary. It is therefore the ones that came in ”Medina” that retains their validity and the ones that came early in Mecca that have been abrogated.



Walid Shoebat


The peaceful Verses became null and void compared to Verses of the Sword.



Robert Spencer


Traditional Islamic theology has it that the ninth chapter of the Quran – Sura 9, is the last revealed in the career of the prophet. And it is the only one that doesn’t begin with; In the name of Allah the compassionate, the merciful. Some have said that’s because there is no compassion or mercy in this particular chapter and that it is the Quran’s last word on Jihad and in particular on how Muslims should behave toward unbelievers. In it is the celebrated Verse of the Sword.



Walid Shoebat


So what does the Verse of the Sword say? It’s very clear; Kill the people of the book (Christians and Jews) wherever you find them, lay siege for them, lay ambush for them, kill them wherever you find them. In fact, I converted to Christianity, Mohammad clearly stated that on the end of days there will be many who defect from the faith, kill them when you see them wherever you find them. So this is the question the West needs to understand, what part of kill don’t they understand?


The struggle



Condoleezza Rice;


We are a country that judges people not by their religious beliefs and not by their colour but by the fact that we are all Americans so that was the first part of the message. The second part of the message is that we have a lot of friends around the world who are Muslim, we have countries that are long friends of the United States who are of the Islamic faith and the President want it to be very clear that this is not a war of civilisations, this is not a war against Islam. This is a war against people who in many ways pervert what Islam stands for. Islam stands for peace and stands for non-violence.



Robert Spencer


Islam and the Islamic civilisation are unique in their stance against non-believers. Islam is the only religion in the world that has a developed doctrine theology and law that mandates violence against un-believers. It is no doubt that there are peaceful Muslims, that there are Muslims around the world who are moderate, who live in harmony with their non-Muslim neighbours and have no intention of ever waging war against them in any way. But the fact is that they have a very slim justification for their own peacefulness within the Islamic sources themselves. They are only at peace with their neighbours so far as they are either ignorant of what Islam teaches about how Muslims should behave toward un-believers or they have explicitly and consciously rejected those elements of Islam. In short there are peaceful and moderate Muslims but no peaceful and moderate Islam.


The idea that Islam is a religion of peace however is paradoxically even held by the most violent and radical of Muslims. Sayved Qutb, the Egyptian Muslim theorist (1906-1966, wrote Islam and Universal Peace), whose writings are revered by radical Muslims and terrorists today. He wrote and insisted that Islam is a religion of peace. When you study his writings it becomes clear that he meant that Islam is dedicated to establishing the hegemony of Islamic law throughout the world. When that hegemony is established peace will reign in the world. Therefore, Islam is a religion of peace.



Walid Shoebat


The problem is that the peaceful Muslims don’t understand the ”edicts” that comes out of the jurisprudence of Islam. If you look at the interpretation of these Verses in Al-Azhar University, in Islamic Sharia schools in Jerusalem, in Jordan, In Syria, In Damascus, all throughout the Middle East the jurisprudence of Islam clearly state that the Verse of the Sword make the peaceful Verses null and void. So what does the Verse of the Sword say?



Sura 9 Verse 5


Then when the sacred months (the 1st, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islamic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mushrikun (un-believers) wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform Iqamat-as-Salat (The Islamic prayers), and give Zakat, then leave their way free. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.


Walid Shoebat


Kill them when you see them, wherever you find them. This is not an allegoric kill, it’s a literal kill. Its the killing of Zarqawi right in front of the camera, its the lynching that you see in Ramallah, its the killing of more than a million Sudanese, cutting the hands and feet from opposite sides. And here’s a dilemma. Even the peaceful Verse that is quoted by Bush, the Verse goes as follows;



Whoever kills a life without just cause or for doing mischief in the land then he has killed the entire earth.



You will find the same Verse in the Judea biblical tradition but most Westerners stop after that Verse. It continues; But those that do mischief in the land, then cut their hands and their feet from opposite sides and crucify them. And that is what you see happen in Afghanistan, in Sudan, a huge amount of crucifixions, killings and beheadings. There are also amputations and public assassinations. They really want to revive Islam as it used to be. This is why they call it Islamic fundamentalism.



Sura 5 Verse 33


The recompense of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified, or their hands and their feet be cut off on the opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter.



Sahih Al-Bukhari


Vol 8, Bk 82, Hadith 795


The Prophet cut off the hands and feet of the men belonging to the tribe of Uraina and did not cauterise their bleeding limbs till they died.



Walid Shoebat


In Islam’s thinking, the assurance of your salvation is dying as a martyr. In accordance to the Verse in the Quran; ”Do not think that the ones that die in Jihad are dead but are living”. So this ensures salvation.



Robert Spencer


This is the calculus behind modern suicide bombing, modern Muslim advocates will say; “Islam forbids suicide” and this is plainly dishonest because all the defenders of suicide bombings in the Islamic world start out by saying; “This is not suicide”. The intention of the person is not to kill himself. The intention of the person is to kill others. And that is sanctioned because it is Islamic Jihad. And if they in the process are killed themselves, that’s an unavoidable consequence of their actions and they will be rewarded with the reward of martyrs in paradise.



Serge Trifkovic


The Quran is quite clear about heavenly reward for a Jihadist who falls fighting in the path of Allah. He will be granted instant access to paradise and a Muslim paradise is an extremely sensual one. It is full of “whories” – black eyed beauties (72 virgins) that will await the martyr and the gratification that follows is endless.



Robert Spencer


The Quran contains no guarantee of paradise except for those who slay and are slain in the cause of Allah.



Sura 9 Verse 111


Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties; for the price that theirs shall be the Paradise. They fight in Allah’s cause, so they kill others and are killed. Then rejoice in the bargain which you have concluded. That is the supreme success.



Robert Spencer


In other words, the guarantees of paradise are for people who are killed while they are killing to establish the hegemony of Allah or Islamic law in the world.


Jihad can be spiritual or physical. The spiritual Jihad is striving to be a better Muslim. The physical Jihad is however something that can’t be ignored.



Walid Shoebat


Jihad in Islam means struggle. That’s the literal meaning of the word. But what the West doesn’t understand is that there are more than 100 Hadith’s about Jihad. And if you look at every single one of them they all contain a sword, war or a military effort.



Serge Trifkovic


It is a very dangerous element of the Islamic teaching because this instant gratification from martyrdom is an attractive concept. When a so called martyr operation is carried out by f. example Hamas what is announced from the minarets in Mosques is not the deaths of person “x”, who carried out the attack, but the wedding of person “x” to the whories (70 virgins). In other words they immediately make the implication that person “x’s” family, parents etc, instead of cry and mourn over the disappearance and end of his physical life should instead celebrate, be happy and throw a party because their son is now not only being transported to paradise but greeted there by 70 virgins.



Walid Shoebat


The word Shaheed means witness, to testify. To testify that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger. And you die as a Shadeed for that cause. You’re a witness, a martyr. And a martyr becomes glorified. You’re family will glorify you after you die.


As a Muslim fundamentalist living in the Middle East, you have to be initiated. You have to basically kill your first Jew or destroy your first Zionist infrastructure. You have to prove without a shadow of a doubt that you are worthy. And there are ample amounts of students, teenagers, men who are willing to die a martyr’s death, willing to put explosives. The martyr applications are filled. There are many applicants. There are not enough bombs to fulfil the applicants. And to get on one of those missions you have to be a strong candidate, you have to be violent enough, you have to have joined every demonstration in the streets of Jerusalem, in Bethlehem, you have to show that you are worthy of a greater operation. If you are about to die or are taking a considerate amount of risk you struggle between the requirements of your Islamic upbringing and between the realities that you value your life.




Robert Spencer


Islam understands its earthly mission to extend the law of Allah over the world by force. Now this is distinct from extending the religion by force. Muslims often indignantly deny that Islam was spread by the sword as the old expression goes and that anybody is ever forced to convert to Islam. Forced conversions are a constant hallmark of Islamic history but they are technically forbidden by Islamic law. The idea in Islam is that Muslims must wage war to establish the hegemony of Islamic law. Not everyone will be forced to become Muslim but the non-Muslims will be relegated to second class status. They will not be able to live in the society as equals to the Muslims and it is the responsibility of Muslims around the world to fight, to institute that kind of society.



Sahih Al-Bukhari – Vol 4, Bk 53, Hadith 392


While we were in the Mosque, the Prophet came out and said, ”Let us go to the Jews”. We went out till we reached Bait-ul-Midras. He said to them, ”If you embrace Islam, you will be safe. You should know that the earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle, and I want to expel you from this land. So, if anyone amongst you owns some property, he is permitted to sell it, otherwise you should know that the Earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle.



Bat Ye’or


The Muslims see the extension of Jihad as a war liberating the infidels from their infidelity and a privilege for them to enter in the religion of Islam and to abandon their wrong belief. So Jihad is seen as a favour which is given to the infidel population in order to change their ways and convert to the true religion; Islam.



Sura 8, Verse 67


It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. You desire the good of this world (i.e. the money of ransom for freeing the captives), but Allah desires (for you) the Hereafter. And Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.



Walid Shoebat


In the Muslim thinking, in the Muslim Sharia, the way the world is depicted in two houses; the House of Islam or the House of War. So the whole world is under these two houses. If you’re not a Muslim you’re under the House of War. In the West the Islamic apologists would say; no, that’s not accurate. it is the House of Peace and the House of Islam. And in fact that’s not accurate, if you look in the Hadith and if you look what comes from the highest jurisprudence in the Middle East that’s what is being taught.


Bat Ye’or


Now the infidel populations are seeing this war as a genocidal war since as it is described by the Muslim historians of Jihad as well as extremely numerous Christian sources this war was conducted in great ferocity, whole cities were given up to massacres, entire populations were deported in slavery or massacred.



Sahih Al-Bukhari – Vol 4, Bk 53, Hadith 386


Umar sent the Muslims to the great countries to fight the pagans. … When we reached the land of the enemy, the representative of Khosrau (Persia) came out with forty-thousand warriors, and an interpreter got up saying, ”Let one of you talk to me!” Al-Mughira replied… ”Our Prophet, the Messenger of our Lord, has ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah alone or give Jizyah (tribute) and our Prophet has informed us that our Lord says: Whoever amongst us is killed (martyred), shall go to Paradise to lead such a luxurious life as he has never seen, and whoever amongst us remains alive, shall become your master.



Bat Ye’or


There have been two big waves of Jihad; the Arab waves which started in the 7th century and in the cause of only one century had Islamised huge territories, mainly Christian territory from Portugal to Armenia but also Persia. Iraq was at the time Christian in the north and Jewish/Christian in the south.



First wave



634 AD Battle of Basra (Christian/Jewish)

635 AD Damascus Conquered

636 AD Ctesiphon Conquered

637 AD Jerusalem Conquered

641 AD Alexandria Conquered

666 AD Sicily Conquered

670 AD Kabul Conquered

698 AD Carthage Conquered

711 AD Southern Spain Conquered

720 AD Narbonne (South France) Conquered

732 AD Battle of Poitiers – Muslim Advance Halted


Second wave



1064 AD Armenia Conquered

1071 AD Battle of Manzikert

1331 AD Nicaea Conquered

1453 AD Constantinople Conquered

1460 AD Greece Conquered

1389 AD Battle of Kosovo

1521 AD Belgrade Conquered

1683 AD Siege of Vienna – Muslim Advance halted



The second wave of Islamisation started in the eleventh century with the Turkish tribes. All the regions of Eastern Europe, Anatolia which was the seat of the Christian Byzantine Empire (Now Turkey), Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania. All the countries around the Mediterranean which once were Christian became the Islamic Empire.


This Turkish wave lasted from the eleventh century until the seventeenth century where the Ottoman army was stopped at the gate of Vienna in 1683.



Date: 2015-12-17; view: 705

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Serge Trifkovic, Foreign Affairs Editor, Chronicles Magazine | The Crusades 1095-1270 AD
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