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More than a Religion



Spokesperson for the Bush administration:


This is not a clash between Islam or Arabs, this is about freedom, not culture. It’s about working with Islamic governments who want to move forward into the modern world. Working with Islamic governments who see their face as a face of peace, and working against the violence and terror and the people who seek to hold back the world and who seek to disrupt peace and freedom for others. So that is what it’s about for us, the true faith of Islam, we believe, is a religion of peace and we intend to work with them in that regard.



Abdullah Al-Araby


Islam has to be known as more than a religion. The idea that Islam is a spiritual religion like f. example Christianity is completely incorrect.



Serge Trifkovic


It would be incorrect to describe Islam primarily as a religion. Since its early beginning in Muhammad’s lifetime it has also been a geo political project and a system of government and a political ideology.



Robert Spencer


Islam from its beginnings was both a religion and a system of government. F. example; the Islamic calendar doesn’t base year 1 from the time that Muhammad was born or the time that Muhammad received his first revelation from Allah which I think that both are what Westerners might expect. Year 1 is from the time that Muhammad became the leader of an army and a head of state in Medina. This is the beginning of the Islamic calendar because in the Islamic understanding Islam is a political and social system as well as an individual faith.



Serge Trifkovic


In Islam the separation between temporal secular and religious power is not only impossible, it is heretical. Only in the complete blending of all aspects of human activity and all aspects of political and legal functions of the state can we have the Caliphate, the properly organised state that is pleasing to Allah.


Walid Shoebat


When Westerners think of religion whether its Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism, Westerners think that it’s a personal issue, a Buddhist will go to the temple and worship peacefully, a Jew goes to the temple and does his “mitzvah”, a Muslim goes to the mosque and pays “zakat”, a Christian goes to church on Sunday to pray. They think it’s a personal issue, that religion is a personal issue. So when they look at Islam they compare Islam with the way they understand religions, and that’s the first mistake. Islam is not a religion for personal use, Islam is Sharia law, Islam is a form of government to the world, THEN a personal application. It is not just how you pray and that you pray towards Mecca, it’s how you dress, you dress in Arab culture, you speak Arabic, you can’t go to heaven unless you pray in Arabic, you can’t read the Quran in English and expect to get good deeds to go to heaven. You read the Quran in Arabic. It becomes an imperialistic system where everybody now must speak Arabic, think Arabic and practice the religion in Arabic. it’s a form of law, not just in how you eat but how you get married, how you deal with your government, how you deal with your military, how you deal with the youth, how you deal with women – EVERY aspect of your life becomes Islam. Everything is Islam.



Sahih Al-Bukhari – Vol 2, Bk 23, Hadith 413


The Jews brought to the Prophet a man and a woman from amongst them who had committed (adultery) illegal sexual intercourse. The Prophet ordered both of them to be stoned (to death) near the place of offering the funeral prayers beside the mosque.


Sahih Al-Bukhari – Vol 7, Bk 62, Hadith 88


The Prophet wrote the marriage contract with Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).



Robert Spencer


In no way is Islamic Sharia, Islamic government compatible with Western understandings of human rights and freedom of conscience. Traditional Islam forbids conversion from Islam and forbids anyone to leave Islam. There is no way out. It forbids Muslims and non-Muslims to live as equals in society. It mandates the second class status (dhimmi) of non-Muslims, forbidding them to hold authority over Muslims thus forbidding them to hold certain jobs as a result. It even historically mandated that houses of worship (of Jews and Christians) were neither to be built or repaired resulting in communities ending up in a constant state of decline.



Sura 5, Verse 51


O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliya to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya, then surely he is one of them.



Serge Trifkovic


It is not possible for a non-Muslim, living in a Muslim society to invoke his civil rights and human rights that would be independent or separate from the Sharia concept. He is expected to submit to Sharia willingly and if he accepts his Dhimmitude he will be a protected person. A protected person is someone who is in fact a willing subordinate to the Muslim overlords.



The life of Muhammad – P 368


We saluted him as he stood praying, and he came out to us, and we told him that we had killed God’s enemy. He spat upon our comrade’s wounds and both he and we returned to our families.


Our attack upon God’s enemy cast terror among the Jews, and there was no Jew in Medina who did not fear for his life.



Walid Shoebat


Muhammad very clearly said, which is documented through the Hadith, that; “I have been ordered to fight until everyone says that “there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”. This is how Islam spread to North-Africa, this is how Islam spread all the way to Indonesia and this is how Islam spread throughout the Middle-East. Syria was not a Muslim country, Lebanon was not Muslim. Saudi Arabia even, was a mixed multitude. That is how Islam spread all throughout the Middle-East, by the sword. This is why you don’t see any synagogues and churches in Saudi Arabia. Christianity is virtually non-existent. Even in the village in Bethlehem, Muslims are taking over. There is only 20% left of the Christian population. In Lebanon, Christian Lebanese are moving by the droves, Hezbollah there are very active. Lebanon used to be a Christian nation. Now all of a sudden it is being Islamised so Islam is on the move and has been since its creation.



Robert Spencer


Muslims who come to the United States and come to Europe with an idea that Sharia is the law of Allah, they look upon our freedom of religion and they look upon the fact that non-Muslims are in power making laws that are not on the basis of the law of Allah but on the basis of consensus and free elections. They look upon all that as a manifestation of “Jahelia” or unbelief - the pre-Islamic period of ignorance, as the times in any nation’s history before it became Muslim. You have Pakistan, Iran and so on; they refer to the period of their history before they became Muslim as the period of “Jahelia”. They will also consider the United States and Europe to be in periods of Jahelia today. And many Muslims coming into the United States and Western Europe will work to establish Islamic mechanisms of government here where the goal is to create Islamic states on the basis of the idea that secular states and the state based on elections has no legitimacy. You don’t have elections about the law of Allah, you simply obey what God says.


The House of War



Robert Spencer


The most important thing of what the west needs to know about Islam today is that it has a political character and that it is not simply a religion. It is a religion and a belief system that mandates warfare against unbelievers for the purpose for establishing a societal model that is absolutely incompatible with Western society. Americans needs to know this, Europeans need to know this because Muslims are coming in to Western countries while holding these beliefs and intending to act upon them. They are the motivation behind modern terrorist activity and they are the goals of millions of Muslims in the West and around the world. We need to know this so that we can protect ourselves. But unfortunately because of political correctness and because of media and general government unwillingness to face the sources of Islamic terrorism these things remain largely unknown.



Walid Shoebat


Islamic fundamentalism is a sleeper cell in Europe and the US. A good casing point is Saladin. Saladin is a great hero in Islam. Saladin was the one who defeated the Crusades. There was a treaty that was supposed to be happening between the Crusaders and Saladin and the story goes as follows; the Arab mediator came to Saladin and said – the Quran says: “If they concede to peace than concede to it”, which means that if the enemy wants peace let’s have peace which is a Verse you can find directly in the Quran. And Saladin responded with a great answer when he stated to the guy; you are an Arab and I’m a Kurd. You should know the Quran better than me... Don’t forget that the Quran also says; “Why should we concede for peace when we have the upper hand”. So you find both Verses in the Quran. You concede to peace when you are the weaker party. This is why you hear the term “hudna”. “Hudna” is a peace treaty, a cease fire. In Iraq, Sadr asked for hudna because he knew he couldn’t defeat the Americans. You find hudna’s in several conflicts when the enemy is stronger than you are. But as soon as you gain strength then you don’t concede for peace. This is why the face of Islamic fundamentalism in the West has a façade that Islam is a peaceful religion. Because they are waiting to have more Islamic immigrants, they are waiting to increase in number, waiting to increase their political power. Once they do then history will repeat itself. You will see the real face of Islamic fundamentalism here in your country.



Robert Spencer


It’s unfortunate but it’s no negotiating with Jihadists. There is no striking a deal with them. Islamic law is very clear on that and here once again is an example; we need to take Islam seriously! Islamic law does not allow for treaties. It does not allow for negotiated settlements between Muslim states and non-Muslim states. All it allows for is a temporary period of up to 10 years of hudna or what is commonly translated as truce. To allow the Islamic forces to gather its strength. But that’s not the same as peace as we know it. That’s not the same as the absence of the state of war, that’s only a temporary truce. In a war that the Jihadists consider has gone on for 14 centuries and are willing to fight for 14 more.



Sura 47, Verse 4


So, when you meet (in fight, Jihad in Allah’s Cause) those who disbelieve, smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly on them (i.e. take them as captives). … Thus you are ordered by Allah to continue in carrying out Jihad against the disbelievers till they embrace Islam (i.e. are saved from the punishment in the Hell-fire) or at least come under your protection), but if it had been Allah’s Will, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (he lets you fight), In order to test you, some with others. But those who are killed in the Way of Allah, He will never let their deeds be lost.



Serge Trifkovic


In Islamic thinking the world is divided into the “House of Islam”, where Islamic law has been established, where Allah rules supreme, and the “House of War” which is the rest of the world. This dichotomy is reminiscent of other totalitarian ideologies and most explicitly communism. Both communism and Islam seek the end of history in this world. The end of history will come when the entire world becomes Islam or when the proletarian revolution brings the working class to power all over the world which will be the end of state, the end of money and the end of class oppression. In both cases it is possible to have a period of truce. It is possible to have peaceful co-existence but that peaceful co-existence is a tactical ploy and not a permanent solution.



Sahih Al-Bukhari – Vol 4, Bk 52, Hadith 196


Allah’s Apostle said, “I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, none has the right to be worshipped but Allah.



Robert Spencer


If we consider that, if only we changed our policies toward Israel and if only we changed our policies toward Iraq or changed our policies on something else, if only we hadn’t taken out the “Mossadegh regime” in Iran in 1953… These ideas are ridiculous. They are based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the motives and goals of the Jihadists. This is not a conflict that was created with the creation of the state of Israel or a conflict that was created when the American army went into Iraq. The global Jihad has been going on without any significant interruption since the 7th century. And it only declined in force and activity at periods when the Islamic world was too weak to prosecute it.



Bat Ye’or


The question now that we have to ask ourselves is; do we want to preserve our Judea-Christian values and our own civilisation or do we want, do we choose to go towards a dhimmitude, an enlarged dhimmitude in Europe which will engulf the whole of Europe. This process is not that imminent for the US but it will result in US isolation. It will have to deal in geopolitics with an Islamised, Dhimmi Europe. And these are problems that have to be taken into consideration by Europeans and Americans themselves in choosing their identity and their future – freedom or dhimmitude.



Serge Trifkovic


In order to defend itself against the onslaught of global Jihad which will come in the century ahead, the West would need to really find itself and to say; what exactly is the geographic and cultural space to be defended and in the name of what? Defending the West in the name of the ideology of multiculturalism would be impossible. Multiculturalism and post-modern liberalism are not worthy dying for. They are not something that can inspire people to do what their ancestors had done at “Poitier” during the first wave and at the walls of Vienna in 1683 during the second wave. What global Jihad has on its side is simple minded commitment of millions of people to not only spread the faith but also better themselves at the expense of the infidel in the first instance through immigration and later on if necessary by other means.



Walid Shoebat


What the west needs to understand about Islam is that Islam has the potential of replacing the dangers that National Socialism and Communism brought with them. Like Nazism and like communism, in Islamism the end justifies the means. There is no respect for national borders. And the whole ideology is to promote their way of thinking and to promote their way of life throughout the entire world. That’s what’s being taught in the Middle-East, that’s what’s coming out from all the jurisprudence in Saudi Arabia and all throughout the Muslim world. Islam will conquer and will continue to conquer until it triumphs, until everyone in the world says; there’s no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.



Serge Trifkovic


The peculiarity of Islam has to be faced. Unlike others, and I’m against saying this in the full knowledge that it will offend some Westerners, unlike the Hindus, unlike the Confucians, unlike the enemies of sub-Saharan Africa, the Muslims have an inherent tendency to expand and to convert the rest of the world. Not only to their religion but to their outlook and to their legal and moral system. They will not state this openly while they’re in a minority in the countries to which they immigrate, but we have seen this time and over again throughout history. Once they reach the numbers necessary to impose their will they will do so.


Miracles do happen. I do not know if it is another maybe even deadlier terrorist attack that will act as a catalyst or whether it will be a geo-political confrontation in the Middle-East itself, with Israel perhaps at serious peril, but I do hope and trust that a jolt will bring back into the minds and hearts of Europeans the awareness of the need to stand up and be counted. Before it is too late…



Produced and Directed by Gregory M. Davis and Bryan Daly. Produced and Distributed by Quixotic Media, LLC USA 2006



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