What is translation equivalence? Define it.Translation equivalence is the key idea of translation. The principle of equivalence is based on the mathematical law of transitivity that reads: if A is equal to C and  is equal to C, then  equals A.
equivalence means that if a word or word combination of one language (A) corresponds to certain concept (C) and a word or word combination of another language (B) corresponds to the same concept (C) these words or word combinations are considered equivalent (connected by the equivalence relation).
2. What helps to find proper translation equivalents?
Translation equivalents in a dictionary are just the prompts for the translator. One may find a proper equivalent only in speech due to the context, situation and background knowledge
3. What is a unit of translation? What are the optimal units for practical translation?
the unit of translation, is the text length required to obtain proper equivalent.
Traditionally and from practical viewpoint the optimal length of text for translation is a sentence.
4. What is full and partial translation equivalence? Give definitions.
full equivalence is presumed when there is complete coincidence of pragmatic meanings of the source and target language units24.
Partial equivalence is, as a matter of fact, the absence of one or more of equivalence aspects, i. e. of syntactic, semantic or pragmatic aspect
5. What are syntactic, semantic and pragmatic aspects of translation "equivalence? Which of them is the most important for adequate translation?
syntactic equivalence of translation units longer than several words is a rare case, indeed, if one deals with two languages having different systems and structures
Semantic similarity between the source and target texts is desirable, but again it is not an ultimate goal of a translator. More often than not slight differences in meaning help to adapt the idea of the original message to the target audience.
What is really important for translation adequacy is the pragmatic equivalence. When the original message is lost for the target audience it is a failure of the translation and translator and no semantic or syntactic similarity will redress the damage.
Lecture 8.
Date: 2014-12-29; view: 3412