What is language communication? What actors does it involve?Language communication is a specific code intended for information exchange between its users or a system of interrelated material signs ( sounds or letters). Various combinations of which stand for various messages. The process of language communication involves sending a message by a message sender to a message recipient – the sender encodes his mental message into the code of a particular language and the recipient decodes it using the same code ( language).
2. What is monolingual communication? What is bilingual communication? Give examples
Monolingual communication is a communication variety with one common language. Monolingual country is Portugal.
Bilingual communication is the communication process which involves two languages ( codes). Bilingual communication is rather typical for countries with two language in use. Bilingual country are Ireland ( Irish and English), Finland ( Finnish and Swedish).
Decoding and encoding of mental messages is performed simultaneously in two different codes.
3. Describe translation as a special kind of bilingual communication. Why is it called special?
Translation is a specific type of bilingual communication as it obligatory involves a third actor ( translator)
4. What is peculiar about a language as a code? Which factors specify the meaning of a message?
Its peculiarity as a code lies in its ambiguity - as opposed to a code proper a language produces originally ambiguous messages which are specified against context, situation and background information.
5. What is context, situation and background information? Give definition of context. Give examples of extralinguistic situations and items of background information that would clarify a message.
Context is a length of speech ( text) necessary to clarify the meaning of a given word.
Situation is the fragment of the real world that surrounds the speaker.
Background information is a general awareness of the subject of communication.
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Lecture 4.
Date: 2014-12-29; view: 3983