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Balefire Egg, Creo Nemorosus, Fast Acting Deadly Poison, Paliurus Venenifera, Permanent Enhancement Potion, Potion of Desired Metamorphosis, Sano Ex Medeor Curare 3 page

A magical brew of adhesive strange allows user’s orientation to change.


Usage: Thrown

Level Requirement: Level 12

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Urudo Vipera – Essentially a faster acting version of the Urudo Paliurus defoliant recipe, this equally brackish looking fluid will kill most non-magical plants within a few seconds (one combat round). Effective in combat against plant-based creatures, to whom it deals 4d10 of damage per round until it is either dissipated or removed.

Kill plants, kill leaves, kill trunks and roots, and suffer plants to bear no fruits.


Usage: Apply, Throw

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy

Level 3 Recipes –These powerful and destructive spells are known only to the bravest of the zebra mages; each spell is specialized, and pre-war study of them was limited to promising students and sages.


Alter Appearance –Changes the physical form of a target slightly to disguise their appearance. Unlike Change Your Stripes, this recipe makes more radical physical alterations, and can even change the subject’s stature, add wings or a horn (though it won’t actually give them magical ability or any knowledge on how to use those wings; it can grant them the flight skill, in which case its rank should be calculated as though they were a level 1 character), or alter their proportions to the point where even someone who closely knew them wouldn’t recognize the target afterwards. While it cannot actually change physical gender, but it can do a hell of a job in disguising it. Recognizing a character under the influences of this recipe is nearly impossible; the zebra forces under the used this magic to disguise their deep-cover agents during the war, contributing to their renowned ability with stealth. Restoring the original form of a character that has been altered by this recipe is not simple or easy, but it can be done by using this spell to alter their form back to its original state. This recipe is not usable in combat; the process takes 2d4 hours to complete.

Hide and change your face, your name, your visage will not be the same.


Uses: --; Apply, Cast (both required for full effect).

Level Requirement: Level 22

Rarity of Ingredients: Very High

Special Ingredients: No

Schools of Magic: Alchemy, Ritual

Animi Impeditus –Stops the heart of the patient, sending them into cardiac arrest. The patient must make endurance roll of MFD ¾ to resist. If they fail, they must receive appropriate medical attention within 2 minutes or they will die. Potion versions must be directly applied to the target via some intermediary, like a weapon or a thrown-flask.

Be still the fleeting hearts of enemies mine, and let me end my quarrels and end thine.


Usage: Apply, Drink, Cast

Level Requirement: Level 20

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

Schools of Magic: Alchemy, Ritual

Astral Projection –Focuses the inherent magic of a creature inward, allowing them to extend their sprit to perceive beyond the limitations of their body. This recipe allows the ‘spirit’ of a creature to temporarily leave its body, rendering the body catatonic and unconscious, but otherwise in whatever state they left it. The spirit can then perceive things occurring anywhere in the nearby vicinity, moving incorporeally through objects with no gravitational limitations. The astrally projected spirit of a creature is usually invisible to the waking world, but can be perceived by those who are asleep or in a highly concentrated meditative state; it can also be detected by magical means, though such means are not consistent in their detection abilities. The spirit of a creature can move at up to 50’ per action, implicitly knows where their body is at all times, and can return to their body by moving back into the same space it occupies (this is a free action so long as it occupies the same space as the body). Astrally projected spirits cannot possess other bodies except in conjunction with certain spells from the fourth zebra school (see “The Dark Side – Necromantic Influences”). This spell can be interfered with by the proximity of starmetal. The exact effects of this interference are not well known or understood (have your GM figure it out; the effects don’t have to be consistent).

A projection of spirit out into the world to see the wings of dreams unfurled.

Usage: Cast

Level Requirement: Level 20

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredient: No

School of Magic: Ritual

Batspeech Talisman – Causes the wearer to speak only in the ultra-sonic tones produced by bat-ponies, as well as expanding their range of hearing so that they can understand the words they’re saying. Extremely useful for communicating with the rare members of the Batpony race who grace the surface, but otherwise this talisman is fairly useless except as a sort of magical gag.

Grant speech beyond the range of ears to talk with moonlight’s darkened peers.


Usage: Worn

Level Requirement: Level 20

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: Gemstone

School of Magic: Talisman

Bloodwing Talisman –Grants the wearer a pair of bat-like wings. These wings grant the wearer temporary use of the flight racial skill, as well as enabling cloud interaction. For the purposes of flight skill die rolls, use ½ the talisman creator’s zebra magic skill rank as their effective rank in flight, and calculate MFDs target numbers from there. Maneuvers can be learned by the wearer based on this flight rank.

Spread out fresh wings of blackest night, and leap out forward into flight!


Usage: Worn

Level Requirement: Level 22

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredient: Bloodwing Leather

School of Magic: Talisman

Bone Mending Brew – Restores broken bones by accelerating natural healing processes. Does not guarantee that the bones will heal in the correct position, but when bones are broken beyond the realm of normal magical items’ (healing potions, bandages and similar items) healing abilities, this brew halves the necessary recovery time. Also regrows teeth, horns, and other bones if they were lost or damaged in the last 24 hours.

Knit and grow, skin’s surface swell, and the bone below mends perfectly well.


Usage: Drink

Level Requirement: Level 18

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Breathe Freely –Combines the effects of the Breathe Smoke and the Breathe Water Talismans, allowing the wearer to breathe freely in nearly all environments by projecting a thin layer of purified air around the entirety of their person. Allows them to breathe easily underwater and to ignore the effects of inhalants. This talisman can also allow survival in vacuum (though in space the cold will still kill them within minutes, unless they’re very heavily insulated).

Inhale the clear of the open air, regardless of the places where.


Usage: Cast

Level Requirement: Level 20

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredient: Gemstone

School of Magic: Talisman

Arceo (Bypass) –While not truly a spell in its own right, the Arceo incantation can make spells ignore a specific subset of would-be targets with a certain commonality between them. What they share that grants them immunity is up to the caster; the oldest and most ancient examples use bloodlines as their primary method of distinguishing between a spell’s targets and those whom it intends to leave unaffected.Once learned, this ritual can be cast as part of any other ritual or zebra recipe.It takes no additional time to cast that spell (or brew that recipe, imbue that talisman, etc.), but the additional ingredient cost for this spell must still be paid during that spell’s casting or preparation.While technically a ritual, this spell has long been shared commonly between all three of the recipe schools. Even those zebra mages who would not normally be able to learn ritual recipes are capable of learning this recipe.

Selection and choice are the critical keys which only through mastery set conscience free.

Usage: Cast* (Special: See Description)

Level Requirement: Level 18

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredient: No

School of Magic: Alchemy, Ritual, Talisman


Challenge Fate –Allows you to oppose a predetermined outcome. This recipe works only while using the optional Live by Luck rules; if another player or a GM attempts to play a luck card to accomplish some effect, you may attempt to undo whatever they’ve just done. This spell is cast as an interrupt action (meaning it functions similarly to dodging in turns of using an action that is held or has not yet been used). After casting the spell, you must either roll Luck MFD 1 or spend one of your own luck cards. A successful roll or spent card will cancel out the effects of whatever luck card has just been played.

A die, once tossed and set cannot be easily changed, except by fate, and then in only cases strange.

Usage: Cast

Level Requirement: Level 20

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredient: No

School of Magic: Ritual

Confusing Cloud –Creates a cloud of obfuscating smoke large enough to saturate a 15x15x15 foot room, which, if inhaled, will cause audio-visual hallucinations. These hallucinations are usually dangerous and can lead to mass confusion or panic in a combat situation (as per the Hallucinations Hindrance), but wear off after the victim leaves the smoke. The cloud dissipates after 30 minutes, or will dissipate faster if there is an air current.

A cloud of gas that disorients foes, the illusions within increase their woes.


Usage: Throw

Level Requirement: Level 20

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Consecro de Proditore – Permanently turns a Zebra’s stripes red, marking them as a Proditor, or traitor. Casting it on a target requires three casters to perform, but its range is unlimited so long as the ritual has some item belonging to the target upon which to focus. The red stripes cannot be removed or hidden by any sort of physical alteration magic (such as the Alter Appearance recipe), though illusions can hide them perfectly well. The spell’s effects give a permanent -5 rank penalty to the Sneak skill, though this spell cannot reduce a character’s skill rank below 5. Many zebra pre-war that aligned with Equestria underwent this ritual willingly and on a tribe-wide scale; their descendants have inherited a mitigated version of the spell that alters the coloration and patterning of their stripes into shades of green or purple rather than bright red.

A terrible curse that harkens the downfall of a great and terrible warrior from an ancient tale whose wish was granted by the stars. With the great and terrible power granted him, his stripes were turned to bloody red, as if great battle scars.


Usage: Cast, Drink

Level Requirement: Level 22

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredient: Something belonging to the target

School of Magic: Ritual, Alchemy


Cutie Pox – Causes a target to contract the Cutie Pox, as per the disease. See the entry on Cutie Pox in the diseases section for more details.

A magic potion does not hold the key; for a cutie mark, time is the only remedy.


Usage: Apply, Drink

Level Requirement: Level 20

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredient: Heart’s Desire

School of Magic: Alchemy


Deadly Poison – Imbiber is poisoned, and must make an endurance roll of MFD ½ or will begin taking 1 wound per round to both the head and torso until they are either cured or become unconscious. Once unconscious if they are not treated within 12 hours, they will die.

Like a magi once said, ”Ain’t that a buck in the head?”


Usage: Apply, Drink, Throw

Level Requirement: Level 18

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Draconis Anhelitus – Also known as Dragon’s Breath. After ingesting this potion, for the next twenty four hours, when you consume a gemstone of any size, you are capable of breathing out a steady stream of balefire for 2d6 minutes. The balefire deals 5d12 damage and ignores 20 points of armor but otherwise function identically to a flamethrower. Use your Unarmed or Energy Weapons skill (player’s choice) to target attacks made with the balefire.

Brimstone’s fire spit out in tongues, with protection for its breather’s lungs.


Usage: Drink

Level Requirement: Level 22

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredients: No (Gemstone)

School of Magic: Alchemy


Draconis Epidermi – More commonly referred to as Dragon Skin. Potions and talismans carrying this effect were used during the war as an augmentation for front-line vanguard troops. Increases the target’s DT in all locations by one tenth the alchemist’s magic skill rank plus five (minimum 5, maximum 15), and grants immunity to damage from fire (fire special weapons effect, flamethrowers and incinerators are rendered harmless). Ritual and potion versions of this recipe last for 1d6 days, receding slowly at a rate of 1 DT per hour after their expiration. Talisman effects last as long as the talisman is worn, with effects receding rapidly at a rate of 1 DT per six seconds (combat round) after removal.

Skin and hide, scale and bone, as strong as a dragon’s near full grown.


Usage: Drink, Cast, Worn

Level Requirement: Level 22

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: Dragon Scale, Gemstone (Talisman Only)

Schools of Magic: Alchemy, Ritual, Talisman


Fire Talisman – Ignites objects that pass along its surface. When properly installed in a weapon it grants the “Fire” weapon effect.

Like a zebra said, quote, “Ain’t that a hole in a boat?”


Usage: Apply

Level Requirement: Level 20

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredients: Gemstone

School of Magic: Talisman


The Future is Dinner – Allows a minor prediction about the future to be discerned from a pot, bowl, or other vessel of freshly cooked food. Requires both a Magic and a Survival roll at the casting MFD.

Your frustration and hunger are well understood, but one must be patient for all things good.


Usage: Cast

Level Requirement: Level 20

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

Schools of Magic: Alchemy, Ritual


Illusory Cloud – Creates an audio-visual illusion of the caster’s choosing, of volume equal to double the alchemist’s casting attribute in cubic feet. This illusion lasts up to ten minutes, during which time it may be altered continuous, and it affects all those within the cloud or within sight of the cloud, depending on the nature of the illusion. It requires two successive perception checks of MFD ¼ or better to see through the illusion.

Misleading and deceiving are valued offstage, and this smoke creates them as birds free of cage.


Usage: Cast

Level Requirement: Level 20

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

Schools of Magic: Alchemy, Ritual


Ingenero Celoxa – A potent growth compound has been applied to these seeds to cause them to rapidly (over the course of two combat rounds) spring up into a poisonous thicket of about four feet in height and 6 ‘ in diameter. Those who attempt to move through them take 6d12 to the legs and any other exposed areas, and if the thorns deal any wounds the victim takes poison damage as per the “Poison” recipe.

Unlike most other plant growth recipes, this particular variant can also be modified to work on trees. Instead of a poisonous thicket, it can be used to rapidly grow a single tree from a seed to up to 30’ in height in the same span of time. The growth is often so fast that the tree will grow in the orientation it was placed as a seed or seedling, rather than growing straight upwards. This particular recipe variant was in wide use in the zebra empire pre-war for use in constructing living buildings.

Growth and structure intertwine, one life and another ensconced in vine.


Usage: Apply, Throw

Level Requirement: Level 20

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredients: Seed(s), Darkened Container

School of Magic: Alchemy


Magic Absorption Talisman – This talisman was used by zebra troops during the war to combat spellcasting unicorns on the battlefield. It absorbs any unicorn or alicorn magical effect targeted at them, expending its internal magical reserves as it does so; it isn’t capable of absorbing the effects of spells that target areas. The talisman expends one charge per spell level absorbed – 0 level spells (with the exception of certain more powerful cutie mark spells) are free. At creation, it contains three times the alchemist’s casting attribute in charges, with an additional charge for every MFD level above the necessary one that they succeeded by when rolling to create the talisman.

To absorb is to grow stronger from an enemy’s power, and to add to one’s own in most desperate hour.


Usage: Worn

Level Requirement: Level 20

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: Gemstone

School of Magic: Talisman


Multi Talisman –This recipe instructs a zebra talismanei mage in how to imbue multiple spell effects into a single talisman. Imbuing multiple effects into a single talisman requires the use of this recipe in conjunction with the two (or more) recipes being used. This recipe must be prepared once for each additional recipe being imbued, i.e. once for two talisman abilities, twice for three, etc.

To imbue with magics varied, the talisman must be first prepared. One for every new effect, if not then you’ll know you have erred.


Usage: Apply

Level Requirement: Level 18

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredient: Crushed Gemstone Dust

School of Magic: Talisman

Neclego –This is the powerful enchantment that is once said to have allowed a famous hero to pass through a solid stone wall and free a beautiful filly trapped within the walls of an ancient zebra city. Reverse engineering this magic is what allowed the Equestrian Ministry of Arcane Science to create bypass spells. When this recipe is imbued into a talisman, it allows the user to pass through a specific type of material, to be determined by the caster. Be careful with this – gravity still applies, and if you suddenly find that ground no longer supports you, well… get ready to study geology first hoof, if you catch our drift.

A fragment of the material to be ignored must be in the caster’s possession when the recipe is being completed. Only solid and liquid materials (or anything in between) will work. If cast or imbibed as a potion, the effects last for the caster’s magic-linked attribute in minutes. Not compatible with any other talisman effects – if this recipe is in use while under the effect of any other magic, including unicorn spells or energy weapons fire, it will dispel the enchantment. This may lead to splinching (explained under the teleportation heading of chapter 7).

Ignorance they say is bliss; ignore your way through walls with this.

Usage: Cast, Drink, Worn

Level Requirement: Level 18

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredient: Gemstone (Talisman Only), Material Fragment (see description)

School of Magic: Alchemy, Ritual, Talisman

Panacea Verumi – Cultivated from a flower that is quite rare to Equestria, this potion is said to cure any disease using the power of truth.

A cure for all can be had, forsooth, for healing power lies in the seeds of truth. These seeds must be planted in the ground, with the truth they grow and the cure can be found.


Usage: Drink

Level Requirement: Level 20

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredient: Flower of Truth

School of Magic: Alchemy


Pre-Antidote – This agent is not capable of negating the effects of poisons already in the body, but when imbibed it protects the drinker from any non-magical poisons for the half alchemist’s casting stat in days, rounded down. During this period they are functionally immune to non-magical poisons.

An aid to be taken ahead of time, this preventative agent lacks a subject appropriate rhyme.


Usage: Drink

Level Requirement: Level 22

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy

Regrowth Potion – Consuming this potion will allow a character to regrow a lost limb or other body part. The regrowth process takes 1d4 hours, and the potion tastes almost as bad as the process feels. Almost.

To grow from life is a daunting task, and a painful one, should others ask.


Usage: Drink

Level Requirement: Level 20

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Restore Health – Major – Restores 2+1d6 wounds per location. Roll separately for each location.

Come with me, I have just the trick that will restore your health, and quick!


Usage: Drink

Level Requirement: Level 20

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Signum Iacio – This thick grey paste is actually a superior clotting agent. If applied to a crippled limb within five minutes of becoming crippled it will immediately anesthetize the area and harden into a strong-yet-breathable cast that prevents the crippled character from suffering penalties from the limb for the next twenty four hours. This effectively lengthens the ‘golden hour’ time normally allowed for medical attention using conventional medical techniques for the duration of the cast, though setting the bone after that long is still one MFD step harder (and re-breaking it to allow a proper set is still quite painful). While in place even on non-crippling wounds, the affected area heals at twice the normal natural healing rate.

A healing agent thick and cloying that accelerates healing by magic employing.


Usage: Apply

Level Requirement: Level 18

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Silva Venenifera – This defoliant is potent, designed to take down all but the hardiest of magical plant life within seconds of its application, automatically killing or at least immobilizing most plant creatures within the span of one combat round after its application. It’s even capable of removing killing joke, though not permanently.

An agent orange to all things herb in kind, the Silva kills whatever plants it find.


Usage: Apply, Throw

Level Requirement: Level 20

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Sto Etiam Oculus – This incredibly powerful paralysis poison is totally irresistible; a single dose of it will immobilize even most alicorns and hell-hounds for 2d4 hours (pony- sized creatures are immobilized for 2d6 hours). While the initial paralysis is irresistible, characters affected by this poison may attempt to resist its continuing effects after the first 30 seconds (5 combat rounds) with a poison resistance roll against endurance, MFD ¼. Once per minute, paralyzed characters may attempt another resistance roll until they have either succeeded or failed five consecutive times. As with Paralyzation Poison, critical successes and failures count for two consecutive successes or failures respectively. Five successes mean that the poison is wearing off prematurely, and they’ll be able to move freely in the next minute or so. Five failures mean that they’re paralyzed for the duration. More doses increase the length and strength of effect, doubling the length of time per dose and making it capable of taking out larger creatures. If reapplied while a character is resisting, any number of consecutive successes on their resistance rolls is reset to 0. Consecutive failures are not reset.

Be still my foe, and hush upon your lips, for you are forced as still as stone, from ear to hoofed tips.


Usage: Apply, Drink, Throw

Level Requirement: Level 24

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy

Superior Cure – Made from a combination of rare flowers and plants, this cure will neutralize any magical or non-magical poison. It will not, however, reverse a poison’s more permanent effects. Capable of removing a small amount of taint or up to 400 rads of radiation with a single dose.

At home the anti-poison too adapts and grows, as poisons continue to abroad, as many know.


Usage: Drink

Level Requirement: Level 18

Rarity of Ingredients: Very High

Special Ingredients: Rare Flowers

School of Magic: Alchemy


Sympathy – Restores a target within five feet of the caster to full health, but transfers all wounds, diseases, poisons and most magical afflictions they were suffering from to the caster. Does not transfer radiation or taint.

There is no better way to know your plight than to suffer it myself the following night.


Usage: Cast

Level Requirement: Level 18

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Ritual


Tactum Nibulus (Fetish) – Allows the drinker to interact with clouds as a pegasi or griffin could for the alchemist’s casting stat in hours, or to create a special magical fetish which allows interaction with the clouds in this fashion indefinitely.

To be supported by clouds as solid matter is the purpose of this frothy batter. A talisman of supporting lift, it allows the wearer atop clouds drift.


Usage: Drink, Worn

Level Requirement: Level 24

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredient: Feather

School of Magic: Alchemy, Talisman


Targeting Talisman – When worn, provides a 1 MFD step bonus to accuracy for all attacks. These talismans can also be integrated into projectiles or other weapons (a repair roll MFD ¾) to magically enhance accuracy. Integrating a talisman in this fashion grants a 1 MFD step bonus to targeting rolls made firing the projectile, or a 1 MFD step bonus if the weapon is reusable (such as melee weapons, guns, or swords). Unlike most talismanic effects, a targeting talisman’s effect will stack with other targeting talismans so long as the two artifacts are not attempting to correct the same thing. In other words, if a zebra is wearing a targeting talisman, and they’re about to fire a bullet that has a targeting talisman integrated, they receive a 2 MFD step bonus to accuracy. If their gun has ALSO been enchanted, they receive a total MFD step bonus of 3 (themselves, the gun, and the bullet).

Aim, set, launch, fire, these talismans are used when hits are most dire.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 888

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Balefire Egg, Creo Nemorosus, Fast Acting Deadly Poison, Paliurus Venenifera, Permanent Enhancement Potion, Potion of Desired Metamorphosis, Sano Ex Medeor Curare 2 page | Balefire Egg, Creo Nemorosus, Fast Acting Deadly Poison, Paliurus Venenifera, Permanent Enhancement Potion, Potion of Desired Metamorphosis, Sano Ex Medeor Curare 4 page
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