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Balefire Egg, Creo Nemorosus, Fast Acting Deadly Poison, Paliurus Venenifera, Permanent Enhancement Potion, Potion of Desired Metamorphosis, Sano Ex Medeor Curare 2 page


Usage: Apply, Throw

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Wakeful Watchful –This recipe is designed to keep a character awake and alert beyond their natural physical limit. It temporarily modifies the chemistry of the brain to allow it to function without sleep. Of course, it really only treats the symptoms of the need for sleep, allowing them to be totally ignored until the character affected by the recipe either passes out or dies. This recipe can keep a character awake beyond their normal physical limits for the caster’s magic-governing attribute in hours with a single dose. Talismans will keep a character awake indefinitely while worn. This does not mitigate sleep deprivation effects; it merely keeps a character awake.

Up and about, out and around, asleep their users ne’er are found.


Usage: Cast, Drink, Worn

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: Coffee or Coffee Beans, Gemstone (Talisman Only)

School of Magic: Alchemy, Ritual, Talisman

Yellow Eyes –A ritual generally taught to young students of the ritualism school as a method of non-violent self-defense. It focuses a great deal of the caster’s magic into their eyes, allowing them to stun others simply by staring at them. Victims of the yellow-eyed gaze must roll fear MFD ½ or be stunned for 1d6 combat rounds. Fear rolls only need to be made once per combat round; critically successful fear rolls become immune to this spell’s effects from that specific caster. This ritual also has a side benefit of allowing the caster to see clearly in the dark (as if it were daylight) while it is maintained. Maintaining this ritual during combat requires that at least one action per round be spent towards concentrating on the spell.

Eyes of yellow, shimmering gold let fiercest fear their viewers hold.


Usage: Cast

Level Requirement: Level 4

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredient: No

Schools of Magic: Ritual


Wolf’s Bane – A potent chemical mixed from aconite blossoms that wolves, canines and timberwolves all find repulsive. Such creatures must make an MFD ½ END roll to attack any character who has applied this compound to their belongings, otherwise they will miss as they are distracted by the repulsive effect. Many zebra that live in densely wooded forests use this compound to ward such beasts away from their homes. The compound smells vaguely like tomatoes, but is not edible.

A brew to ward off canine packs, to keep them from having zebra snacks.

Usage: Apply

Level Requirement: Level 6

Rarity of Ingredient: Medium

Special Ingredient: AconiteorTomato

School of Magic: Alchemy

Level 2 Recipes –More specialized recipes in this section lie, used by more talented zebra in days gone by. Their knowledge and skill saw them through; the wasteland sees that these recipes remain useful too.


Alter Fate –A special recipe for a ritual that alters the flow of fate. This ritual alters the outcome of a single die roll with every time it is cast, allowing the caster to revere the digits (the ones place becomes the tens place and vice versa; 100 becomes 001) on any die roll they choose that occurs in the next five minutes of in-game time.

If playing with the Live by Luck rules, this ritual allows the caster to move 1d4 luck cards from any character to any other character in their line of sight.

Fate casts a web quite far and wide, and altering its strings can save your hide.


Usage: Cast

Level Requirement: Level 12

Rarity of Ingredients: Very High

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Ritual

Battle Meditation – Changes the course of a battle by subtly influencing the subconscious minds of the participants. Provides a +5 bonus to all rolls of one side of a conflict; the caster need only be aware of the scope of the battle being fought. This effect stacks with that of Morale Meditation.

To change the mind is to change the heart; to win a war needs the innermost part.


Usage: Cast

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Ritual


Bone Strengthening Brew – Grants the “Bone Strengthening Brew” Perk, if the drinker does not already have the Adamantium Bone Lacing perk.

Bones of stronger than steel this brew gives, but no longer yourself you’ll continue to live…


Usage: Drink

Level Requirement: Level 14

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Breathe Smoke – Creates a magical filtration barrier that prevents large particulate contamination, but allows clean air through. Prevents smoke inhalation damage, and prevents negative effects from spells that create toxic or harmful inhalants (like those created by Choking Smoke). This talisman’s effects are incompatible with those of other talismans that alter the air around a character, like Breathe Water. Wearing multiple such talismans will prevent all of their effects from working.

A clear alternative to smoke inhaling, to stop your lungs from sputtering and failing.


Usage: Worn

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: Gemstone

School of Magic: Talisman


Breathe Water – Filters the air out of water and delivers it to the wearer of the talisman, allowing them to breathe comfortably underwater or in heavy rain or fog for an indeterminably long period of time. This talisman’s effects are incompatible with those of other talismans that alter the air around a character, like Breathe Smoke. Wearing multiple such talismans will prevent all of their effects from working.

Beneath the ocean’s hard to stay, but this lets you breathe there all day.


Usage: Worn

Level Requirement: Level 12

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: Gemstone

School of Magic: Talisman


Change Your Stripes – A ritual that changes the striped pattern of a target (or the coloration of a pony, the plumage colors of a griffin, etc.). It makes the target look like a different member of the same race by altering their hair, mane and tail color patterns. The patterns are usually randomly chosen by the ritual, but the alchemist can choose specific colorations from within the natural range of colors of the target’s race if they so desire. An INT check MFD ½ will allow another character recognize the character if they have met them before or have a picture to compare it against. The pattern change is semi-permanent; the original coloration can be restored by the spell being cast a second time on a changed character (it doesn’t need to be cast by the same caster). Otherwise, the coloration changes appear natural, even under close scrutiny. The Consecro de Proditore is thought to be a specialized and empowered version of this ritual, though the range on this one is limited to close proximity (15’).

If a zebra cannot change their stripes, then what use, ambition, guttersnipes?


Usage: Cast (takes 5 consecutive actions to cast in combat)

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Ritual

Choking Smoke – Creates a cloud of obscuring mist that lasts for 1d4 rounds (2d4 in enclosed spaces) and which causes fits of coughing if inhaled. Unprepared and unprotected enemies must make an intelligence check of MFD ½ or they will lose their next action to a fit of coughing and sputtering. Also reduces accuracy by 50, or only by 10 if a Pipbuck or other targeting spell is in use.

A cloud of confusing, irritating smoke. If you inhale it you’ll sputter and choke.


Usage: Throw

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Commune with Nature – Zebra shamans can use this spell to communicate with living creatures around them that they could not understand by normal means. Many believe this spell was used to gather information around pony settlements during the war. Requires that the caster get to know and care for the animals or plants they attempt to commune with over a span of 1d8 days.

To speak with creatures big and small this ritual mimics nature’s call.


Usage: Cast

Level Requirement: Level 12

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Ritual

Create Firebomb – Creates a single firebomb (as per the explosive).

A parcel of fire and brimstone sealed; when thrown becomes explosive destruction revealed.


Usage: -- (Throw)

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: 10 Flamer Fuel

Schools of Magic: Alchemy, Talisman


Cure Addiction– This recipe combines the magic of two different schools to do what each of the individual schools cannot on their own. Making use of alchemical magics to purify the body and ritual magics to help subtly alter the mind, this recipe allows a character to permanently break an addiction in ways that only prolonged therapy can achieve otherwise. The subject of the spell must want to break their addiction for the effects to truly take hold.

To break an addiction is a powerful act, a subject must the change or it will not enact.

Usage: Drink, Cast (both required for full effect)

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy, Ritual

Cure Poison – Violently flushes the body of toxins, purifying them. May cause vomiting, depending on the poison. More effective (and more pleasant) than Purge, in that it can flush out poisons that have already begun to be absorbed.

To cleanse and purify the entire form, this potion removes all toxins past norm.


Usage: Drink

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Cure Radiation – Removes 100 rads from the drinker. The drinker should be prepared to go to the bathroom; the rads have got to come out somehow.

Energies foul and necromantic leave the drinker healed and frantic.


Usage: Drink, Cast

Level Requirement: Level 12

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy, Ritual


Fast Acting Poison – Imbiber is poisoned and must make an endurance roll MFD ½ or will begin taking 4 wounds per round to the head or torso until they are cured or fall unconscious. This poison is not deadly; if it would maim its victim, it instead knocks them out.

Mild but piercing pain runs deep, that foes of the brewer far will keep.


Usage: Apply, Drink, Throw

Level Requirement: Level 8

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy

Fire Extinguisher –This is a powerful talisman that prevents a character from catching fire.It automagically extinguishes all fires that start up on a character’s body, rendering them totally immune to fire special weapons effects, and flamethrower and incinerator weapons. It functions ablatively; each talisman can only extinguish 3d4 fires on its wearer before its magic ceases to work (Each individual attack from a flamethrower or incinerator counts as one ‘fire,’ but exposure to constant flames – such as standing in the middle of a campfire or walking through a wall of fire – count only as a single fire per minutes spent walking through it unless exposure ends and begins again). Dead talismans can be restored with the restore talismans recipe or by recasting this recipe. The latter method requires new alchemical ingredients, but lets you re-use the gemstone.

This talisman works best when used alone, smothering fire as a magical stone.


Usage: Worn

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: Gemstone

School of Magic: Talisman

Graceful Fall –This is a special magically enchanted talisman was developed by zebra working at high altitudes and living on mountain sides, and is believed to have originated in design from an ancient (possibly mythical) zebra city that floated above the clouds. It is perhaps the oldest known recipe among talismaneigh traditions. When worn it prevents the wearer from taking fall damage of any sort. It slows them (and anything in direct physical contact with them – there is no known limit) down to a graceful falling speed of 5’ per round. When activated (by any fall greater than 20’), it glows blue and floats out in front of the wearer. The talismans require a drop of blood to be activated, linking that talisman permanently to a single bloodline; they will not activate while being worn by anyone not of the bloodline whose blood activated it.

Of graceful falls from places high to gently float down through the sky.

Usage: Worn

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredients: Gemstone

School of Magic: Talisman

Inextinguishable Flame –Creates a strange chemical compound that will burn for 4d6 hours in any conditions, including while in vacuum and while under water. The alchemical solution to the problems generally solved with a light talisman equivalent to the light talisman. The flame does not produce much in the way of heat, but it burns at least as brightly as a normal torch or light talisman.The flame compound can be placed on any sort of surface, such as the inside of a lantern or the exterior of a conventional torch, and will ignite as soon as it is applied.Not useful for lighting ponies on fire, as the fire created using this potion provides insufficient heat to burn most fabrics, let alone pony fur or flesh (though appearing to be lit on fire is pretty damn intimidating!)

A flame with that burns brightly even in the darkest night is a trustworthy companion and a most valuable light.

Usage: -- (Apply)

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: Wonderglue

School of Magic: Alchemy

Ingenero Vehemu – Potent growth compounds infused into these seedlings forced them to grow into tall (about 6’) spiked bushes about 6’ in diameter within about 18 seconds of being planted (3 combat rounds). Each round after the one in which they are exposed to soil or light (they require one of the two, but not necessarily both), they grow about 2’ in diameter and 2’ upwards from their initial location. At all stages of growth, they deal 5d12 of damage to the legs and any other exposed areas of anyone foolish enough to try and move through them (or anyone unlucky enough to get stuck in them while they’re growing). Those moving through the plants will become caught in the thick bramble and must make a STR or AGI roll MFD ¾ to break free, or they will become immobilized; even if they successfully break through, they still take damage from the spiked vines and branches. The thorns will damage most non-metallic armors. Each time the recipe is performed it creates 2d4 seeds, though seeds not immediately placed individually into sealed containers must be discarded, as they will begin to grow within 30 seconds of their magical alteration if exposed to either light or soil.

Spiked and thorned these plants arise, and strike at exposed knees and thighs.


Usage: Apply, Throw

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredients: Seeds, Darkened Container

School of Magic: Alchemy


Irradiate – Focuses magical energies into ionizing the air, raising the ambient radiation level by up to +5 rads/sec. This spell’s effects can be suspended as a potion (such potions are mildly radioactive).

Concentrate the ambient energies of life to cut at the living as an unseen knife.


Usage: Cast, Throw

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Ritual


Joke’s on You –This potion induces a previously observed effect of poison joke on the imbiber. If not previously affected by poison joke, the effect may be unpredictable.END MFD 1/10 to resist, if taken unwillingly. The effects of the potion are as permanent as those of normal poison joke, and can be removed in the same way. It is unknown what would occur if killing joke were to be substituted in for its pre-war equivalent (but it’s pretty easy to guess).

Do not yourself the last laugh assume if this potion you are to consume.

Usage: Drink, Throw

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: Poison Joke (or Killing Joke)

School of Magic: Alchemy

Lesser Fire Talisman – These small fire talismans are not as powerful as true fire talismans, containing only enough charge to ignite a single fire, but require far less ingredients. These types of talismans were frequently installed in survival kits or at the tips of incendiary bullets during the last war. They frequently took the place of strike-anywhere matches, or were used as ignition sources for small underwater flares. Most recipes produce 10 of these miraculous little talismans per use.

A glowing fire from a talisman’s spark, concentrates magic against the dark.


Usage: Apply (Integrate into a weapon or projectile)

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: Gemstoneor Crushed Gemstone Dust

School of Magic: Talisman


Locking Enchantment –A powerful ritual that prevents an item from being taken off after having been donned by anyone save a specific person or group of persons. Does not work on items being held – they must be worn or the ritual will have no effect. Lasts only as long as the wearer of the item is alive.

Usage: Cast (30 seconds)

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Ritual

Love Poison – Acts as a love potion, binding two drinkers of the same batch together. The poison becomes permanent 24 hours after consumption unless the two drinkers are kept separate and unable to see each other for an entire hour.

A terrible poison of unstoppable attraction, keep separate the lovers to forestall the reaction.


Usage: Drink

Level Requirement: Level 14

Rarity of Ingredients: Very High

Special Ingredients: Pinch of cloud, Pegasus Feather, Rainbow’s Glow

School of Magic: Alchemy


Magical Potency – Restores innate magical ability to a creature through restoring the vitality of their soul. Can be used to restore unicorn magic following a burnout, or if their horn was removed and has been regrown or otherwise restored. If used as a method of burnout recovery, the potion or spell requires 3d4 days for full effect. Can also be used to restore 2d4 magical strain to unicorns and half-breeds capable of casting unicorn spells, including zony shamans. Not to be used on characters with cybernetic enhancements – the magics conflict, and not in a positive way. There’s no telling what could happen, but it won’t be pleasant for the cyborg.

If flow of magic you wish to restore, this potent potion is your cure.


Usage: Drink, Cast

Level Requirement: Level 12

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredient: Bloatfly Wings

Schools of Magic: Alchemy, Ritual


Mint-Als –Brews together various potent herbs into a powerful mental stimulant with some rather potent negative side effects. This recipe creates one batch of 2d6 Mint-als, as the drug. It can be performed without the aid of zebra magic as well, but zebra magic simplifies the process greatly and allows you to substitute out what is otherwise the main ingredient without diminishing its effect. Experimentation with the Mint-als recipe may allow the creation of some of the more popular variants; for example, Party Time Mint-als can be created by adding Whiskey as a special ingredient.


Usage: Drink (Technically)

Level Requirement: Level 8

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No(Zebra Herbis Optional, but is required for those creating it without zebra alchemy)

School of Magic: Alchemy

Paralyzation Poison – Renders immobile any targets hit with this poison for 1d4 hours. Must make an endurance roll of MFD ¼ to resist its effects. In combat, characters may roll once per action versus the MFD to continue to resist this poison until they have passed or failed three consecutive times. Critical successes and failures count as two consecutive successes or failures respectively. If they can succeed three times in a row, the poison’s effects wear off the following round of combat. If they fail, then they remain paralyzed for the full 1d4 hours unless they receive external medical assistance. More doses can extend the length of the effects. This is one of the few zebra poisons stable enough to be applied to bullets without diminishing its effects; it can be applied to a full magazine of ammunition as a two action process, or a one action process if the character has the Rapid Reload perk.

A poison that stills the limbs and head, to leave your opponents seeming dead.


Usage: Apply, Drink, Throw

Level Requirement: Level 12

Rarity of Ingredients: Low

Special Ingredients: Manticore Poison Glands

School of Magic: Alchemy


Proximity Detection –Detects the presence of a living creature within a short range. The range is usually 5-10 feet (though it can extend to as far as fifty), though both this range and the minimum and maximum sizes of the creatures it can detect are variable, chosen by the talismaneigh creating it. Proximity detection talismans are excellent for use in the construction of landmines, door opening systems, and other proximity-driven automata. This recipe was a favorite of the Propoli tribe before the war.

A spotter whose view is never false to trip the trap that ends the dancer’s waltz.

Usage: Worn (Glows to detect proximity), Apply (Integrate into a device).

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: Gemstone

School of Magic: Talisman

Restore Attributes – Removes or otherwise temporarily suppresses attribute penalties caused by the effects of poisons, drug addictions, radiation poisoning, etc. for the alchemist’s casting attribute in hours. Does not remove the cause for the lowered attributes, only treating the symptoms, and the afflicted will likely still feel like shit.

If the source you cannot treat, removing the symptoms is just as sweet.


Usage: Drink, Cast

Level Requirement: Level 12

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

Schools of Magic: Alchemy, Ritual

Restore Health – Moderate – Restores 1+1d4 wounds per location. Roll once for each potion used.

A stronger brew of healing wrought must be drunk for all or for naught.


Usage: Drink

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Alchemy


Restore Zebra Talisman – Allows you to repair damaged talismans and fully restore their functionality. Works on talismans that have been physically damaged or magically drained, but are still intact. Can restore multiple talismans (up to 5 at a time) if they are all composed of low-rarity ingredients.

What once was magic, cycle and repair, restore the spark and keep it there.


Usage: Cast

Level Requirement: Level 12

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

Schools of Magic: Ritual, Talisman

Scale Skin –Causes the skin of the target to harden, temporarily increasing their DT by 5 in all hit locations.Potions and talismans carrying this effect were used during the war as an augmentation for front-line vanguard troops. Ritual and potion versions of this recipe last for 1d4 days, receding slowly at a rate of 1 DT per hour after their expiration. Talisman effects last as long as the talisman is worn, and recede at a rate of 1 DT per six seconds if the talisman is removed or destroyed.

A skin of scales and hardened flesh, to save you from an enemy’s thresh.

Usage: Drink, Cast, Worn

Level Requirement: Level 12

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: Dragon Scale, Gemstone

Schools of Magic: Alchemy, Ritual, Talisman

Scent Mask – When drunk (or cast on a target), masks the scent of the imbiber for the alchemist’s magic skill rank in minutes. The imbibed version tastes positively awful.

Guide is needed to hide your scents, but masking it masterfully stealth augments.


Usage: Drink, Cast

Level Requirement: Level 12

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

Schools of Magic: Alchemy, Ritual


Silence Talisman – Muffles the wearer’s sounds completely, making them imperceptible by audio-based perception checks.

In silence tread and lightly step, stealthy and heinous acts to prep.


Usage: Worn

Level Requirement: Level 10

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredients: Gemstone

School of Magic: Talisman

Spirit Purge –Excises and exorcises any unnatural influences on a target’s spirit. Counters the mental effects of taint (though not the physical ones), and removes the hold of domination or mental manipulation spells such as are practiced by unicorns of alicorns. Can also counter the effects of certain necromantic or black-book spells.

The spirit must be pure and true, for that this ritual must cleanse you.


Usage: Cast

Level Requirement: Level 12

Rarity of Ingredients: Medium

Special Ingredients: No

School of Magic: Ritual

State of Virtue –This ritual focuses on granting the caster and the target a ‘true’ viewing of the character’s virtue. IT cannot determine the specific virtue of the target character, but it helps reveal things about that character that are true, even if the character won’t admit them to themselves. The caster receives implicit knowledge about whether or not the target has found their virtue, as well as how well they live up to that virtue.

Gaze deep into your virtue to see what hope you hold for equinity. Clear away your muddled mind the virtue within yourself to find.


Usage: Cast

Level Requirement: Level 12

Rarity of Ingredients: High

Special Ingredients: Any Reflective Surface

School of Magic: Ritual

Sticky Hooves II – Allows characters standing in the target 10’x10’ area to walk on any surface – including the walls and ceiling – at half their normal movement speed for a brief span of time. Lasts for the alchemist’s casting stat in minutes.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 888

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Balefire Egg, Creo Nemorosus, Fast Acting Deadly Poison, Paliurus Venenifera, Permanent Enhancement Potion, Potion of Desired Metamorphosis, Sano Ex Medeor Curare 1 page | Balefire Egg, Creo Nemorosus, Fast Acting Deadly Poison, Paliurus Venenifera, Permanent Enhancement Potion, Potion of Desired Metamorphosis, Sano Ex Medeor Curare 3 page
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