Balefire Egg, Creo Nemorosus, Fast Acting Deadly Poison, Paliurus Venenifera, Permanent Enhancement Potion, Potion of Desired Metamorphosis, Sano Ex Medeor Curare 4 page
Usage: Worn
Level Requirement: Level 20
Rarity of Ingredients: High
Special Ingredients: Gemstone, Steady
School of Magic: Talisman
Water Purifier Talisman – Not as potent or even remotely as long lasting as a Unicorn-magic based water talisman, this talisman still allows for rapid purification of water, cleansing it of most taint and/or radiation. While like unicorn talismans it can remove all traces of radiation from the water it purifies, unlike unicorn magics, this talisman is capable of removing taint from water. It’s only about 50% effective at doing so (which halves the Taint content). Allows for purification of 50 gallons times the alchemist’s casting attribute before the talisman becomes ineffective.
The lifeblood of the desert and the clearer of the soul, the water cleaning talismans give life even to nag and foal.
Usage: Apply
Level Requirement: Level 22
Rarity of Ingredients: Medium
Special Ingredient: Gemstone
School of Magic: Talisman
Water Stride – The magic of this talisman allows its wearer to walk across most liquids without falling into them. It is only effective while the wearer is entirely above the surface of the liquid, and cannot be used by the wearer to pull them out of the water up onto its surface like a one-way platform. Otherwise, it gives them all of the traction they need to move as though it were normal solid ground. It should be noted that this talisman cannot suspend its wearer above the surface of sufficiently magical liquids, such as any magical vats of toxic waste, concentrated pools of radioactive sludge, or vats of rainbow-colored taint.
Striding across the water is a feat of magic most profound, and within a single drop is closely seen the answer there is found.
Usage: Worn
Level Requirement: Level 20
Rarity of Ingredients: Medium
Special Ingredients: Gemstone, Drop of Water
School of Magic: Talisman
Level 4 Recipes – Only the most powerful sorcerers here did tread, their spells lost to all but the stars and the dead. Should such powerful magics your shaman find, question only why one might leave such things behind. The powers here are unquestionably large, but be sure the mage, not the magic, is truly in charge.
Amulet of Amplification –Concentrates the magic within a gemstone and forces it outwards into the wearer. These amulets are commonly known as philosopher’s stones, and have a limited number of uses equal to three times the creating alchemist’s governing stat. In zebra, this focused magical energy manifests as the ability to channel the magic from ingredients into their final form in moments rather than the lengthy process usually involved in preparing such brews. In other words, each use of the stone allows an alchemical spell to be cast and used as though it were a ritual. Individual uses can also be expended to provide the magical energies normally provided by ingredients; the two methods of use in zebra magic cannot be used in conjunction with each other, as the magic becomes unstable.
In unicorns and alicorns, this amulet adds a 1d4 free layers of overglow to all spells (Roll before each casting, expends one charge per spell) until its usages are exhausted.
Magic, plain and simple, pure, amplified and seeping into every pore.
Usage: Worn
Level Requirement: Level 30
Rarity of Ingredients: Very High
Special Ingredient: Dragon ScaleorDragon’s Tooth, Gemstone
School of Magic: Alchemy, Talisman
Balefire Egg – Creates a single balefire egg, as per the explosive. While this recipe’s most modern versions do not actually require the use of a dragon’s egg, older versions of the recipe may require one as a special ingredient instead of a scale or tooth. Classical versions of the recipe used dragons’ eggs exclusively.
A dragon’s egg when cursed with death expels one last, most fatal breath.
Usage: (Throw)
Level Requirement: Level 30
Rarity of Ingredients: Very High
Special Ingredient: Dragon ScaleorDragon’s Tooth, Gemstone
School of Magic: Alchemy, Talisman
Channel Elements – Channels localized elemental fury to deal a devastating attack against a target area. The damage depends on the area in which it is cast. Deals between 1d10 and 10d20 depending on the harshness of the weather in the area. For example, Hoofington’s constant torrential rains might deal 5d10. The San Palomino Desert’s sandstorms and dry, stifling heat might deal as much as 8d12, and Stalliongrad’s horrific blizzards could be channeled to deal 10d20. Supernatural elemental effects, such as the Canterlot Cloud or the Everfree Forest’s uncontrollable weather cannot be channeled. Zebra mages with magic skill rank 100 can actually alter the weather using this recipe, to the point where the greatest among them can even call lightning from an otherwise clear sky.
Heed a shaman’s desperate cry, oh elements, and towards her enemies fly!
Usage: Cast
Level Requirement: Level 30
Rarity of Ingredients: Medium
Special Ingredients: No
School of Magic: Ritual
Create Water –Fills a small vessel (no larger than a gallon jug) with pure, drinkable water, seemingly from thin-air. The talismanic version will continuously fill the container into which the talisman is set.
Life giving water, brought forth from naught, this nourishing magic makes a pure and clean draught.
Usage: Cast, Wield
Level Requirement: Level 30
Rarity of Ingredients: Low
Special Ingredients: No (Gemstone, Water-tight Container for Talisman) (Water-tight Container)
School of Magic: Ritual, Talisman
Creo Nemorosus – Creates a veritable forest of 4-5’ tall spiny hedges from seeds in mere seconds (the forest springs up the action after it was planted)! Each seed will grow up to a 5’tall 7’ diameter, poisonous thorny thicket, capable of dealing up to 8d12 damage to the legs and torso of any who would dare brave it without first clearing it away. The poison excreted by the thicket acts as the “Deadly Poison” recipe.
The thicket of deadliest flowers spawns only the most beautiful roses, with which to decorate the corpses of the many it disposes.
Usage: Apply, Throw
Level Requirement: Level 26
Rarity of Ingredients: High
Special Ingredients: Seeds, Darkened Container
School of Magic: Alchemy
Fast Acting Deadly Poison – Imbiber is poisoned, and must make an endurance roll of MFD ¼ or will begin taking 2 wounds per round to the head and torso until they are either cured or become unconscious. If not treated within 30 minutes of their becoming unconscious (maimed in the head or torso), they will die.
Death in purest concentrate, don’t misapply or you’ll meet your fate.
Usage: Apply, Drink, Throw
Level Requirement: Level 26
Rarity of Ingredients: Medium
Special Ingredients: No
School of Magic: Alchemy
Forced Sympathy – Similar to Sympathy, but transfers up to the alchemist’s casting attribute in total number of wounds from you to a single target within five feet. The target must make an endurance roll of MFD ¼ to attempt to resist.
Learn the fate of many others who thought to wound me and my brothers. Experience first hoof the pain by which you thought my riches to gain.
Usage: Cast
Level Requirement: Level 30
Rarity of Ingredients: Very High
Special Ingredients: No
School of Magic: Ritual
Heavenly Movements – Your knowledge of the heavens allows you to brew a talisman that can tap into the powers of the stars themselves. This talisman grants the wearer a +3 bonus on all skill rolls and an extra luck card for that session if using the Live by Luck rules. Calling upon the stars for aid is a desperate measure that should only be taken by those who are legitimately in need; done otherwise it may have unforeseeable downsides...
The stars above move, and the earth below shifts; another hero through these wastelands drifts.
Usage: Worn
Level Requirement: Level 26
Rarity of Ingredients: Special
Special Ingredients: Gemstone, StarmetalorMoonstone
School of Magic: Ritual
Immunity Talisman – Grants the wearer immunity to any single specific kind of weapon effect, such as Poison, Fire, Electricity, Disintegration, etc. Immunity talismans cannot grant immunity to damage, necromantic magics, Rads, taint, enervation, EMP (bonus damage dealt versus robots and technology), or general environmental effects. If the effect isn’t listed here and is not a general environmental effect, have your GM make the call of whether or not a talisman can effectively prevent it. Critical successes made when creating the talisman result in talismans that protect against 1d4 different types of effects, excluding those which talismans cannot protect against.
Fear not when you fight alongside me, for granted are my friends my immunity.
Usage: Worn
Level Requirement: Level 26
Rarity of Ingredients: High
Special Ingredients: Gemstone
School of Magic: Talisman
Invisibility Talisman – Allows you to create a talisman that, if set in a sufficiently large piece of cloth, creates a cloak of invisibility. These talismans can also be set into devices, rendering the device invisible, or cybernetics, rendering the cyborg invisible. The spell’s effects mask scent, muffle sound, and render the wearer invisible to most creatures, granting a 2 MFD step stealth field and a +75 sneak bonus. While the wearer is actively sneaking it grants them the bonus, greatly aiding them in opposed rolls. While not actively sneaking, enemies take the stealth field as an MFD step penalty to PER rolls to notice them. Penalties to sneak for the invisible character translate directly into bonuses for those making PER rolls against a stealth field. This stealth field is only disrupted if the talisman is damaged or destroyed. It is otherwise a constant effect.
When implanted into a living creature directly, causes negative psychological effects similar to those experienced by repeated users of stealthbucks.
Characters and creatures under the effects of a magically-induced stealth field are not visible consistently on EFS; they show up as ‘ghosts’, which flicker in and out of view seemingly at random.
They cannot hit what they cannot see, so survival may need invisibility.
Usage: Worn
Level Requirement: Level 26
Rarity of Ingredients: High
Special Ingredients: Gemstone, Cloth
School of Magic: Talisman
Levitation Talisman –A more subtle flight effect than the one associated with the Bloodwing Talisman. This talisman allows the wearer to defy gravity in a method similar to telekinetic flight, giving them the Flight racial skill at rank 25 and allowing them to stop themselves from falling. The wearer is granted a fly speed equal to their ground movement speed, and do not need to roll flight to use the “hover” maneuver. Any effect that would hinder ground movement speed also hinders their flight speed. If the wearer is above their weight limit at any time, they are incapable of gaining altitude, and the talisman will slowly deposit them safely on the nearest surface at a rate of five feet per combat round, moved after their actions have been spent or held (horizontal and downward movement is not inhibited). This talisman will not become active unless worn by a living creature (it has to have a soul – Cyborgs are OK, Robots are not. GMs use discretion), making it not terribly useful for lifting large inanimate objects.
Flight without wings, and similar things, are seldom seen about - but when light bringers nearby come, they drive the darkness out.
Usage: Worn
Level Requirement: Level 26
Rarity of Ingredients: Very High
Special Ingredients: Gemstone, Feather
School of Magic: Talisman
Master of Fate –Not only do you control your own destiny, but you control the destiny of others as well. You may cast this spell once per day to force a roll to be rerolled until you achieve a result that you desire. IF playing with the Live by Luck rules, you cannot use this spell to alter any roll or change any action on which two or more luck cards has been spent.
With chaos you can reason and the Nightmare you may play, but against fate only masters ever influence her great sway.
Usage: Cast
Level Requirement: Level 30
Rarity of Ingredients: Very High
Special Ingredients: No
School of Magic: Ritual
Paliurus Venenifera – This defoliant is so powerful that only a few tablespoons spread sparingly over a field will render it totally barren for more than a year. It can only be created by zebra with a powerful hatred of plants. Even Killing Joke is no match for it, and any other type of plant creature (such as Floaters or Moss-Creatures) is killed instantly by it on contact.
A defoliant strong as death itself, forgot and lost for ages; so hateful was its recipe it killed its tree-print pages.
Usage: Apply, Throw
Level Requirement: Level 30
Rarity of Ingredients: Very High
Special Ingredients: No
School of Magic: Alchemy
Permanent Enhancement Potion – Grants the “Zebra Augmented” perk, if the character is not also a hadowfla. If the character is a Cyberpony or otherwise has cybernetic enhancement, this draught has no effect (though it may end up poisoning and potentially killing the Cyberpony who imbibes it).
Stronger than oneself become, but at what cost comes power? To live ten times as strong or long, but not live as yourself an hour.
Usage: Drink
Level Requirement: Level 26
Rarity of Ingredients: High
Special Ingredients: No
School of Magic: Alchemy
Pink Cloud – Creates a measure of condensed pink cloud in a sealed vessel; how much depends on the size of the vessel used. If vessel is broken or dispelled (because it can’t contain the cloud unless it’s magical), the cloud escapes. The talismanic equivalent creates a small tourmaline gem that exudes the pink cloud in small quantities until it fully saturates the volume in which it is placed (again, pink cloud cannot be contained by conventional means).
A gas of death, sulphrous and pink, that kills all it can touch. To say it could kill a city of gods is not boasting overmuch. And those it does not grace with death it punishes with life – a life bound to what you last had touched, cleaved flesh to cut with a knife.
Usage: (Throw)
Level Requirement: Level 28
Rarity of Ingredients: Very High
Special Ingredient: Tourmaline (Gemstone)
School of Magic: Ritual, Talisman
Potion of Desired Metamorphosis – Using Killing Joke as a primary ingredient, this extremely-volatile potion will permanently transform the imbiber physically in a way that they desire (not necessarily consciously). Usually used for relatively minor physical changes such as gender, but a powerful enough dose could conceivably alter the imbiber’s race or make even more exotic changes.
To force from deadly irony a positive ablution, and fix what long has been seen wrong, an alicorn solution.
Usage: Drink
Level Requirement: Level 30
Rarity of Ingredients: Very High
Special Ingredient: Killing Joke
School of Magic: Alchemy
Recuro Artis – Ancient zebra lore tells of a tribe that perfected a talisman capable of re-growing limbs, enabling their warriors to do battle until they were killed outright. During the war, the shamans of the most powerful tribes were able to create limited talismans capable of re-growing the legs of their wounded over the period of a few hours. These talismans hold as many charges as creator’s casting stat, and can regrow one whole limb (aside from the head or torso) for every charge they contain. When expended fully, they shatter.
To bring back from the brink of death, by fearful restoration, a talisman of warriors pride that fueled their striped nation.
Usage: Worn
Level Requirement: Level 30
Rarity of Ingredients: High
Special Ingredients: Gemstone, Wt. 2 or above.
School of Magic: Talisman
Sano Ex Medeor Curare – An incredibly powerful healing agent, this potion is capable of augmenting the body’s natural healing in such a way that it can literally push out bullets and remove bullet wounds without a trace of scarring. Drinking this potion removes all wounds from all locations. It may even be capable of curing cancer in high enough doses.
To fix the bad and bring the good, this brew sets its drinker to be as they should.
Usage: Drink
Level Requirement: Level 28
Rarity of Ingredients: Very High
Special Ingredients: No
School of Magic: Alchemy
Shadow Clone –Creates a duplicate of your character that lasts for 2d4 combat rounds or until it receives a crippling wound to any location.This duplicate is effectively your double; they possess shadow-borne copies of whatever weapons you possess, and use your skills for all rolls.Shadow copies of weapons, including natural ones, deal half as much damage as their normal counterparts (roll and divide by two), cannot score critical hits, and are destroyed (and poof into smoke) whenever they are dealt even a single wound (10 damage). Shadow clones are automagically destroyed if affected by any ongoing effects that deal damage, such as Fire or Electricity, when the damage is dealt. A caster can maintain a number of shadow clones equal to their casting attribute score at one time.Magical Savant mages can maintain twice that many.
A caster for whom the shadows are allies can never be truly caught by surprise.
Usage: Cast
Level Requirement: Level 28
Rarity of Ingredients: Very High
Special Ingredients: No
School of Magic: Ritual
Stargaze Talisman – Grants you the ability to paralyze an opponent or group of opponents with an unblinking stare. Target(s) must roll Willpower (INT or CHA, take the better of the two) MFD 1/10 to resist its effects. The stare must be maintained to maintain the paralyzing effect. Even blinking allows opponents to re-roll to resist. While using this stare, the talisman wielder cannot operate most tools or weapons or cast additional spells, at the GM’s discretion.
Hold all who rest within your gaze within your starry grasp, as though held tight within the coiled tendrils of an asp.
Usage: Worn
Level Requirement: Level 26
Rarity of Ingredients: High
Special Ingredient: Moonstone (Gemstone)
School of Magic: Talisman
Voidstone – This exceptionally rare form of zebra talisman can temporarily negate all magic within a 10-foot radius burst. They are capable of instantly shutting down even the most shielded of spell matrices, dropping shield-spells, and even temporarily incapacitating races with a high magical potential (such as Alicorns) for several hours. The trigger effect for a voidstone’s activation is its destruction. They are quite fragile, and will normally shatter when thrown, but can also be broken via other means for delayed and immediate-proximity effects.
Void calls and culls, and in breaking, takes all magic from this world worth taking.
Usage: Throw, Apply
Level Requirement: Level 30
Rarity of Ingredients: High
Special Ingredient: Onyx (Gemstone)
School of Magic: Talisman
Waking Nightmare – This is a dark and ancient magic that forces a character that interacts with the talisman (which can be embedded in anything from doors to floor panels) or is the target of the curse to experience their worst nightmare as though it were real for an indeterminately long period of time. It accesses the victim’s subconscious mind and sends them into an almost sleep-walk like state, wherein they suffer through all of their greatest fears until they are eventually driven completely insane. While suffering under the effects of this spell, characters spend both actions in each round acting out their fears while totally unaware of their actual physical surroundings. They must roll fear rolls MFD 1.5 every round, and react appropriately. Characters suffering under the effects of this spell do not recover magical strain, and cannot heal wounds via rest until the spell’s effects are dispelled, in addition to any penalties that may be imposed by the sleep deprivation that the spell necessarily entails. The spell’s effects are permanent until dispelled.
When the day’s all out and done, and you’re finally at rest, and the shadows start to lengthen round your form without behest, be afraid what lurks there darkly, as you slumber-not-asleep, for they’re stalking you so subtly, like a wolf may track a sheep. Even when you’re wide awake, and stand out in the sun, shadows creep within your mind; the nightmare’s just begun.